Queer Officially Running for President

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Two lesbians living together are not a family. They are sexual perverts playing let’s pretend
Two lesbians living together are not a family. They are sexual perverts playing let’s pretend

Two lesbians living together are not a family. They are sexual perverts playing let’s pretend
Definition of FAMILY

Definition of family
(Entry 1 of 2)

1a : the basic unit in society traditionally consisting of two parents rearing their children also : any of various social units differing from but regarded as equivalent to the traditional family a single-parent family
b : spouse and children want to spend more time with my family
2 : a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head : household
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

Hey, what political party do you belong to? Or how do you self identify politically?

I'm making a list of how the racist or homephobic dinosaurs identify themselves and what they support.
And I reiterate that I don't care what an uneducated bigot like you thinks of me. Again, SHOW any laws Trump has signed to deny your beloved gays their rights. THERE AREN'T ANY! You think people like me are bigots only because we happen to not accept the gay lifestyle. As far as children, no I don't agree with gays adopting children. MY view, which is one of your business. Does it hurt you that I don't believe like you do? Apparently so. And no it wasn't a chore to be normal. Until you stop attacking everybody in every thread that even mentions gays, you STFU. Debunking your BS is just too easy. Now of course you're going to vote for Butplug because he's gay. Don't lie.
Uneducated? You have no fucking idea and it is extremely stupid of you to make such assumptions about my education just as it is stupid to make assumptions about my sexuality. It all speaks volumes about just how smart you are not. And feel free to continue to moronically call me a bigot. Yes , it means a person who is intolerant of opposing points of view, so in that respect, I am a bigot.

Howerver, it is, in reality more complex than that, and complexity is something that you seem to have a problem with. All bigotry is not equal. I am intolerant of YOUR irrational and baseless intolerance and your advocating the denial of rights to a class of people just for who they are. . YOU are intolerant of me, and of LGBT people for no reason others than their existence assails your supposedly superior sensabilities, while in reality, LGBT people have done nothing to you and have no effect on your life by getting married, being free from discrimination and , yes , adopting children.

What exactly that I have said that you imagine that you have debunked? Never mind. An unfair question for someone who just spouts off without really knowing what they are saying. Your opposition to gays adopting is a clear indication of your irrational bigotry.

And there we have it. Nowhere have I ever said anything about intolerance of gays. YOU stupidly went right for the bigot, homophobe card with ZERO prodding. show where Trump or I have said to remove gay rights. You CAN'T. So take your uneducated, unknowing BS and shove it. My views do not make me a bigot. Idiots like you, who scream from the rooftops about us being bigots are the true bigots. Intolerance of an opposing viewpoint and the hell with what the people choose. How totalitarian of you. I think I'll go talk to my 7 year old. He has a better grasp on reality than you.
Oh Krist! Are you back again, squealing and lying ??!! I guess so. YOU admitted that you are in favor of denying gays the ability to adopt children. You are probobly against same sex marriage as well. Admit it! As for Trump, I previously provided several links showing his documented hostility to LGBT people. Are you too blind to see. The rest of your post is just more of the same delusional horseshit that I have all ready addressed. You have the fucking temerity to call me a totalitarian, but you are the one who wants to control other people lives for no legitimate reason and based solely on your beliefs and prejudices . I am intolerance of you intolerance which arbitrarily and capriciously seeks to marginalize others - and that is different than your random and unprovoked intolerance. Now please shut the fuck up.

Jesus Christ, quit lying you uneducated piece of horse excrement. Yes you are a totalitarian who wants to tell everybody else what to think. Your OPINION pieces from leftist hacks show NOTHING. Again, where are the laws Trump passed to take your rights away little boy? Having opposing views from you DOES NOT make me a bigot. Got that asshole? Also, if you're going to post, learn the English language moron. My 7 yea old apparently also has a better grasp of it tha you do. Now YOU STFU u to you learn to tolerate others views. See, idiot that you are, jumped on my case because I don't like Buttplug's policies. YOU are the illiterate one. YOU are the bigot. YOU are dismissed.
Holly shit! You're still here?!! Dude, I am seriously worried about your mental health!! You can't seem to process anything that I'm saying. You keep blathering about how I want to tell others how to think when I clearly addressed that. You keep blathering about how Trump has dome nothing to harm gays and LGBT people while I have provided extensive documentation to the contrary which you have ignored. And, you are still falling back on personal attacks on me with juvenile name calling while your rants are totally devoid of any substance., Is criticizing my spelling really the best that you can do? Shit, It appears to be. I am bored with you

Holy shit, you're still lying and showing your shutter stupidity. You're losing your shit as You always do when your shit gets debunked in every thread you invade and you're making assumptions about somebody else's mental health? you have provided ZERO documentation of any LAWS passed to deny gays rights, showing your illiteracy as well. Devoid of substance? Only to an uneducated BIGOTED REGRESSIVE PERVERT like you. Let's review. Me: I disagree with the gay lifestyle. You: BIGOT! HOMOPHOBE!
You preach "tolerance" while insulting and smearing anybody who disagrees with you. Making you a bigot, a hypocrite, and a general liar. By the way jackass, you started the name calling so STFU snowflake. Now your bigoted ignorant ass has been dismissed. Get lost loser.
Uneducated? You have no fucking idea and it is extremely stupid of you to make such assumptions about my education just as it is stupid to make assumptions about my sexuality. It all speaks volumes about just how smart you are not. And feel free to continue to moronically call me a bigot. Yes , it means a person who is intolerant of opposing points of view, so in that respect, I am a bigot.

Howerver, it is, in reality more complex than that, and complexity is something that you seem to have a problem with. All bigotry is not equal. I am intolerant of YOUR irrational and baseless intolerance and your advocating the denial of rights to a class of people just for who they are. . YOU are intolerant of me, and of LGBT people for no reason others than their existence assails your supposedly superior sensabilities, while in reality, LGBT people have done nothing to you and have no effect on your life by getting married, being free from discrimination and , yes , adopting children.

What exactly that I have said that you imagine that you have debunked? Never mind. An unfair question for someone who just spouts off without really knowing what they are saying. Your opposition to gays adopting is a clear indication of your irrational bigotry.

And there we have it. Nowhere have I ever said anything about intolerance of gays. YOU stupidly went right for the bigot, homophobe card with ZERO prodding. show where Trump or I have said to remove gay rights. You CAN'T. So take your uneducated, unknowing BS and shove it. My views do not make me a bigot. Idiots like you, who scream from the rooftops about us being bigots are the true bigots. Intolerance of an opposing viewpoint and the hell with what the people choose. How totalitarian of you. I think I'll go talk to my 7 year old. He has a better grasp on reality than you.
Oh Krist! Are you back again, squealing and lying ??!! I guess so. YOU admitted that you are in favor of denying gays the ability to adopt children. You are probobly against same sex marriage as well. Admit it! As for Trump, I previously provided several links showing his documented hostility to LGBT people. Are you too blind to see. The rest of your post is just more of the same delusional horseshit that I have all ready addressed. You have the fucking temerity to call me a totalitarian, but you are the one who wants to control other people lives for no legitimate reason and based solely on your beliefs and prejudices . I am intolerance of you intolerance which arbitrarily and capriciously seeks to marginalize others - and that is different than your random and unprovoked intolerance. Now please shut the fuck up.

Jesus Christ, quit lying you uneducated piece of horse excrement. Yes you are a totalitarian who wants to tell everybody else what to think. Your OPINION pieces from leftist hacks show NOTHING. Again, where are the laws Trump passed to take your rights away little boy? Having opposing views from you DOES NOT make me a bigot. Got that asshole? Also, if you're going to post, learn the English language moron. My 7 yea old apparently also has a better grasp of it tha you do. Now YOU STFU u to you learn to tolerate others views. See, idiot that you are, jumped on my case because I don't like Buttplug's policies. YOU are the illiterate one. YOU are the bigot. YOU are dismissed.
Holly shit! You're still here?!! Dude, I am seriously worried about your mental health!! You can't seem to process anything that I'm saying. You keep blathering about how I want to tell others how to think when I clearly addressed that. You keep blathering about how Trump has dome nothing to harm gays and LGBT people while I have provided extensive documentation to the contrary which you have ignored. And, you are still falling back on personal attacks on me with juvenile name calling while your rants are totally devoid of any substance., Is criticizing my spelling really the best that you can do? Shit, It appears to be. I am bored with you

Holy shit, you're still lying and showing your shutter stupidity. You're losing your shit as You always do when your shit gets debunked in every thread you invade and you're making assumptions about somebody else's mental health? you have provided ZERO documentation of any LAWS passed to deny gays rights, showing your illiteracy as well. Devoid of substance? Only to an uneducated BIGOTED REGRESSIVE PERVERT like you. Let's review. Me: I disagree with the gay lifestyle. You: BIGOT! HOMOPHOBE!
You preach "tolerance" while insulting and smearing anybody who disagrees with you. Making you a bigot, a hypocrite, and a general liar. By the way jackass, you started the name calling so STFU snowflake. Now your bigoted ignorant ass has been dismissed. Get lost loser.
You said that I was "dismissed" but here you are, back for more. Actually I'm glad. I was worried that something happened to you and I didn't want to be responsible. Believe me dude, I am not loosing my shit. It's Friday night, chillin out, planning a fun weekend. Got a little buzz on. Life is good What are you doing beside having apoplexy and deluding yourself into thinking that you're winning this thing? So what is it EXACTLY that I am lying about.? I asked you that before and got nothing back. All that you can do is to attack me and moronically call me a bigot while I have carefully articulated my position- and -instead of responding to the points that I have made- it seems that all you are doing is foaming at the mouth and hurling insults.You are truly pathetic. YOU are dismissed.
Uneducated? You have no fucking idea and it is extremely stupid of you to make such assumptions about my education just as it is stupid to make assumptions about my sexuality. It all speaks volumes about just how smart you are not. And feel free to continue to moronically call me a bigot. Yes , it means a person who is intolerant of opposing points of view, so in that respect, I am a bigot.

Howerver, it is, in reality more complex than that, and complexity is something that you seem to have a problem with. All bigotry is not equal. I am intolerant of YOUR irrational and baseless intolerance and your advocating the denial of rights to a class of people just for who they are. . YOU are intolerant of me, and of LGBT people for no reason others than their existence assails your supposedly superior sensabilities, while in reality, LGBT people have done nothing to you and have no effect on your life by getting married, being free from discrimination and , yes , adopting children.

What exactly that I have said that you imagine that you have debunked? Never mind. An unfair question for someone who just spouts off without really knowing what they are saying. Your opposition to gays adopting is a clear indication of your irrational bigotry.

And there we have it. Nowhere have I ever said anything about intolerance of gays. YOU stupidly went right for the bigot, homophobe card with ZERO prodding. show where Trump or I have said to remove gay rights. You CAN'T. So take your uneducated, unknowing BS and shove it. My views do not make me a bigot. Idiots like you, who scream from the rooftops about us being bigots are the true bigots. Intolerance of an opposing viewpoint and the hell with what the people choose. How totalitarian of you. I think I'll go talk to my 7 year old. He has a better grasp on reality than you.
Oh Krist! Are you back again, squealing and lying ??!! I guess so. YOU admitted that you are in favor of denying gays the ability to adopt children. You are probobly against same sex marriage as well. Admit it! As for Trump, I previously provided several links showing his documented hostility to LGBT people. Are you too blind to see. The rest of your post is just more of the same delusional horseshit that I have all ready addressed. You have the fucking temerity to call me a totalitarian, but you are the one who wants to control other people lives for no legitimate reason and based solely on your beliefs and prejudices . I am intolerance of you intolerance which arbitrarily and capriciously seeks to marginalize others - and that is different than your random and unprovoked intolerance. Now please shut the fuck up.

Jesus Christ, quit lying you uneducated piece of horse excrement. Yes you are a totalitarian who wants to tell everybody else what to think. Your OPINION pieces from leftist hacks show NOTHING. Again, where are the laws Trump passed to take your rights away little boy? Having opposing views from you DOES NOT make me a bigot. Got that asshole? Also, if you're going to post, learn the English language moron. My 7 yea old apparently also has a better grasp of it tha you do. Now YOU STFU u to you learn to tolerate others views. See, idiot that you are, jumped on my case because I don't like Buttplug's policies. YOU are the illiterate one. YOU are the bigot. YOU are dismissed.
Holly shit! You're still here?!! Dude, I am seriously worried about your mental health!! You can't seem to process anything that I'm saying. You keep blathering about how I want to tell others how to think when I clearly addressed that. You keep blathering about how Trump has dome nothing to harm gays and LGBT people while I have provided extensive documentation to the contrary which you have ignored. And, you are still falling back on personal attacks on me with juvenile name calling while your rants are totally devoid of any substance., Is criticizing my spelling really the best that you can do? Shit, It appears to be. I am bored with you

Holy shit, you're still lying and showing your shutter stupidity. You're losing your shit as You always do when your shit gets debunked in every thread you invade and you're making assumptions about somebody else's mental health? you have provided ZERO documentation of any LAWS passed to deny gays rights, showing your illiteracy as well. Devoid of substance? Only to an uneducated BIGOTED REGRESSIVE PERVERT like you. Let's review. Me: I disagree with the gay lifestyle. You: BIGOT! HOMOPHOBE!
You preach "tolerance" while insulting and smearing anybody who disagrees with you. Making you a bigot, a hypocrite, and a general liar. By the way jackass, you started the name calling so STFU snowflake. Now your bigoted ignorant ass has been dismissed. Get lost loser.
:abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg: My shutter stupidity. And you have the temerity to take every opportunity you get to criticize my spelling??
Let's review. Me: I disagree with the shutter stupidity. shutter stupidity. . You: BIGOT! HOMOPHOBE!
You preach "tolerance" while insulting and smearing anybody who disagrees with you.
Yes lets review. I made it clear that I am not calling you a bigot or anything else for disagreeing with me and the "gay lifestyle. I am calling you a bigot for advocating the denial of equality to gays. By your own admission, you said that gays should not adopt children but you have been unable to articulate a reason for that. The fact is that there is not reason. YOU are a bigot.
Let's review. Me: I disagree with the shutter stupidity. shutter stupidity. . You: BIGOT! HOMOPHOBE!
You preach "tolerance" while insulting and smearing anybody who disagrees with you.
Yes lets review. I made it clear that I am not calling you a bigot or anything else for disagreeing with me and the "gay lifestyle. I am calling you a bigot for advocating the denial of equality to gays. By your own admission, you said that gays should not adopt children but you have been unable to articulate a reason for that. The fact is that there is not reason. YOU are a bigot.

I need not justify my beliefs to you or anybody else. Nobody else has to justify their beliefs to anybody either. Such is lost on you.
Let's review. Me: I disagree with the shutter stupidity. shutter stupidity. . You: BIGOT! HOMOPHOBE!
You preach "tolerance" while insulting and smearing anybody who disagrees with you.
Yes lets review. I made it clear that I am not calling you a bigot or anything else for disagreeing with me and the "gay lifestyle. I am calling you a bigot for advocating the denial of equality to gays. By your own admission, you said that gays should not adopt children but you have been unable to articulate a reason for that. The fact is that there is not reason. YOU are a bigot.

I need not justify my beliefs to you or anybody else. Nobody else has to justify their beliefs to anybody either. Such is lost on you.
You're right! You need not justify your beliefs. You do , however, need to justify your behavior towards your fellow human beings. And your behavior, in the form of your advocating unequal treatment of gays ( adoption- and who knows what else since you are too much of a coward to say) is abysmal.
If this is what he did for South Bend, think of what Mayor "Pete" could do for the country??? "In 2015, Buttigieg’s South Bend actually topped Chicago’s 16.4 homicides per 100,000 people with a homicide rate of 16.79 per 100,000 people."
Juan Williams the fucking moron with an IQ of 80 has forgotten that BONOBO was against gays when he was first elected. When he needed the gay vote for his second term he of course changed his mind.
Notice how all alpha males are conservative? I mean just look at liberal men. Look at Beta O'Rourke or mayor Pete, or Cory Booker, or Adam Schiff. No wonder testosterone levels are down from past Generations
Let's review. Me: I disagree with the shutter stupidity. shutter stupidity. . You: BIGOT! HOMOPHOBE!
You preach "tolerance" while insulting and smearing anybody who disagrees with you.
Yes lets review. I made it clear that I am not calling you a bigot or anything else for disagreeing with me and the "gay lifestyle. I am calling you a bigot for advocating the denial of equality to gays. By your own admission, you said that gays should not adopt children but you have been unable to articulate a reason for that. The fact is that there is not reason. YOU are a bigot.

I need not justify my beliefs to you or anybody else. Nobody else has to justify their beliefs to anybody either. Such is lost on you.
You're right! You need not justify your beliefs. You do , however, need to justify your behavior towards your fellow human beings. And your behavior, in the form of your advocating unequal treatment of gays ( adoption- and who knows what else since you are too much of a coward to say) is abysmal.

Sigh, look you uneducated bigot, you have ZERO clue how I treat anybody. YOU would be the coward with no inclination to actually learn anything. All you can do is scream bigot at people who disagree with you (showing your cowardice). You don't like my behavior? In your words: F*** what you think.
Notice how all alpha males are conservative? I mean just look at liberal men. Look at Beta O'Rourke or mayor Pete, or Cory Booker, or Adam Schiff. No wonder testosterone levels are down from past Generations
The term 'alpha male' is an interesting one. It speaks of bullies and molesters and those who have to hide behind a tough guy facade.
Let's review. Me: I disagree with the shutter stupidity. shutter stupidity. . You: BIGOT! HOMOPHOBE!
You preach "tolerance" while insulting and smearing anybody who disagrees with you.
Yes lets review. I made it clear that I am not calling you a bigot or anything else for disagreeing with me and the "gay lifestyle. I am calling you a bigot for advocating the denial of equality to gays. By your own admission, you said that gays should not adopt children but you have been unable to articulate a reason for that. The fact is that there is not reason. YOU are a bigot.

I need not justify my beliefs to you or anybody else. Nobody else has to justify their beliefs to anybody either. Such is lost on you.
You're right! You need not justify your beliefs. You do , however, need to justify your behavior towards your fellow human beings. And your behavior, in the form of your advocating unequal treatment of gays ( adoption- and who knows what else since you are too much of a coward to say) is abysmal.

Sigh, look you uneducated bigot, you have ZERO clue how I treat anybody. YOU would be the coward with no inclination to actually learn anything. All you can do is scream bigot at people who disagree with you (showing your cowardice). You don't like my behavior? In your words: F*** what you think.
Oh Jeeeeeezus Fucking Christ! Are You back . I have no idea how you treat people? Bullshit! By your admission, you advocate denying the ability to adopt children to gay people. That damned sure constitutes treating people badly . Once again, I scream bigot -but for a far better reason than your disagreeing with me. I scream bigot for the very real negative impact that people like you have on the lives of others who have done nothing to you except assail your biased, moronic and backward sensibilities
Last edited:
Let's review. Me: I disagree with the shutter stupidity. shutter stupidity. . You: BIGOT! HOMOPHOBE!
You preach "tolerance" while insulting and smearing anybody who disagrees with you.
Yes lets review. I made it clear that I am not calling you a bigot or anything else for disagreeing with me and the "gay lifestyle. I am calling you a bigot for advocating the denial of equality to gays. By your own admission, you said that gays should not adopt children but you have been unable to articulate a reason for that. The fact is that there is not reason. YOU are a bigot.

I need not justify my beliefs to you or anybody else. Nobody else has to justify their beliefs to anybody either. Such is lost on you.
You're right! You need not justify your beliefs. You do , however, need to justify your behavior towards your fellow human beings. And your behavior, in the form of your advocating unequal treatment of gays ( adoption- and who knows what else since you are too much of a coward to say) is abysmal.

Sigh, look you uneducated bigot, you have ZERO clue how I treat anybody. YOU would be the coward with no inclination to actually learn anything. All you can do is scream bigot at people who disagree with you (showing your cowardice). You don't like my behavior? In your words: F*** what you think.
Oh Jeeeeeezus Fucking Christ! Are You back . I have no idea how you treat people? Bullshit! By your admission, you advocate denying the ability to adopt children to gay people. That damned sure constitutes treating people badly . Once again, I scream bigot -but for a far better reason than your disagreeing with me. I scream bigot for the very real negative impact that people like you have on the lives of others who have done nothing to you except assail your biased, moronic and backward sensibilities
But Gays aren't people. They're abominations that are offensive to the things of God
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