Queer Officially Running for President

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You know most blacks do you?

They got a lesbian elected mayor in Chicago. They also, by a majority, support gay marriage. So, no, you don't know most blacks.

A majority of black people (52 percent), Hispanics (61 percent) and white people (63 percent) back same-sex marriage. The majority of people in all but six states support it. And even in those six states — Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia — only in Alabama are opponents an outright majority.

Do you even know how to read numbers? If 52% of blacks support it, that means 48% do not, which is more than enough to derail any [residential aspirations. That's a major dent in a usually solid voting block of about 95%!

Why do you think all of those wonderful black people in Chicago turned their back on Jussie Smollett? It wasn't because he was an actor! it is because he used his status as an "in your face" black homosexual trying to gain further attention to himself.

You are assuming they care so much about hating gays that it will change their votes...seems a stretch

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Chicago shows the exact opposite. Blacks voted overwhelmingly to support a lesbian for Mayor.

Those that can vote, probably chose to stay home as the only choice was to vote for the Democrat lesbian. Chicago is a perfect example of one-party rule. When was the last Republican mayor? Got any idea?
Still nothing to back up your assertions. Why am I not surprised. Show your work, teacher.

Show your ass! Wait... You have already done that!

So far his political stance isn't winning me over. I am more impressed that Sanders went on Fox than Pete going on Maddow and Maddow not really asking any real questions.
You know most blacks do you?

They got a lesbian elected mayor in Chicago. They also, by a majority, support gay marriage. So, no, you don't know most blacks.

A majority of black people (52 percent), Hispanics (61 percent) and white people (63 percent) back same-sex marriage. The majority of people in all but six states support it. And even in those six states — Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee and West Virginia — only in Alabama are opponents an outright majority.

Do you even know how to read numbers? If 52% of blacks support it, that means 48% do not, which is more than enough to derail any [residential aspirations. That's a major dent in a usually solid voting block of about 95%!

Why do you think all of those wonderful black people in Chicago turned their back on Jussie Smollett? It wasn't because he was an actor! it is because he used his status as an "in your face" black homosexual trying to gain further attention to himself.

No, that’s NOT what that means. 52% approval does not mean 48% disapprove. Not everything is, pardon the pun, black and white.

You made the incorrect (and stupid) claim that “most blacks won’t tolerate a gay person”. I proved you ridiculously wrong. Just own it.

Your poll is worthless, just like every other poll out there. It was made to say what the pollsters wanted it to say.

Let me ask you a few questions!

Are you black? Are members of your family black? Did you grow up around blacks? Are blacks members of your church?

If not, why would you trust a poll to tell you what you should already know is a lie?

You have nothing that supports your contention that the poll is not accurate. Every poll shows that gay marriage receives majority support nationwide and in MOST subcategories, Evangelicals being the outlier.

Look at that gradual rise...

% of U.S. adults who favor same-sex marriage, by race (2001-2017)

Year White, non-Hispanic Black, non-Hispanic
2001 34% 32%
2003 32% 28%
2004 31% 21%
2005 37% 27%
2006 35% 25%
2007 38% 26%
2008 41% 26%
2009 37% 29%
2010 44% 30%
2011 49% 36%
2012 49% 40%
2013 50% 38%
2014 53% 42%
2015 58% 39%
2016 57% 42%
2017 64% 51%
Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage

There you go with polls again! Didn't you learn after the past few elections that polls do not matter?

I can make a poll show that most people believe that you are a three-headed chicken!

Which polls were “useless”? The ones that accurately showed Hillary winning the popular vote? I have facts, you have nothing. Show your work!
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

You know how people get soooo exited over firsts, like first black man or first catholic President, etc.

I know, why not the first conservative?
Democratic presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg responded to a heckler shouting "Sodom and Gomorrah" at a rally in Des Moines, Iowa on Tuesday, by telling those in attendance, "the good news is, the condition of my soul is in the hands of God, but the Iowa caucus is up to you."
The condition of all their souls are in the hands of God. That's why they should not vote for the proudly sinful.
So far his political stance isn't winning me over. I am more impressed that Sanders went on Fox than Pete going on Maddow and Maddow not really asking any real questions.

What “real” questions do you want answered?

What is ideas on balancing the budget? How would he handle the asylum seekers? On healthcare, what are his ideas to bring costs under control? Is he planning on increasing the deficit? With all the division in our political system, what does he plan to do to try to unite and move forward? What do you believe that government should do to address Global Warming?

From my understanding he is want to do away with the Electoral College, which I believe is best and fairest way for choosing a President in a country as large and diverse as ours.

If the answers are always attacking the current administration and not on solutions, I would not vote for him anymore than I would vote for Trump.
Sorry little whiner, tis goof is certainly not JFK. That is an absolute insult to JFK. Nobody made Buttplug put his gayness front and center. He did that all by himself. Having religious beliefs does not make Pence a bigot. Perhaps you and Buttplug better remember that there is religious freedom in this country. Forcing this crap on kids in the schools and trying to normalize degenerate mentally ill behavior. This guy has ZERO chance at even getting the nomination. Then he'll probably complain that it's homophobia that cost him, not his lack of qualifications.
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.

Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."
You seem to think that I'm funny with all of the little "Funnies" that you have bestowed upon me. What the FUCK is so funny? 99% ? Seriously, where are you getting that from. ? 99% of people are not concerned with "normal" and are too smart to even think in those terms. It's only you bigots and homophobes that need to play the "normal" card as a means of demeaning and marginalizing gay people, so that you can feel morally superior. Smart people think in terms of how people identify and are able to understand that sexuality and gender identity is just a small part of who the person is as a human being. Many children have friends and acquaintances who are LGBT and are fine with it, and do not feel as though anything is being forced on them . They are clearly more advanced than you. They understand that there is room for everyone at the table, that bestowing rights on others does not diminish their rights, and that LGBT people are actually human beings with much to contribute to society,

Holy meltdown Batman! See, since the gay population is approximately 0.3% that means hat 99.7% of people don't do that. Thus 99% of people are straight and normal. Going right to the bigot card Iike that moron Gator just shows you are incapable of any serious discussion. Sorry crybaby, accepting deviant mentally ill behavior does not make yo enlightened. See nobody would care about your perversions if you didn't force them on the public and demand to be seen as "normal". Not approving of that lifestyle does NOT make anybody a ingot. The bigots are you and your ilk refusing to allow people their personal religious beliefs without completely melting down.
Don't flatter yourself by thinking that the likes of you can cause me to "melt down" I'm having fun with you. You're bigotry and stupidity is amazing and would be funny if it did not effect the lives of real human beings.

So what if the gay population is approximately 0.3% ? Because of that they don't count? At what percentage of any minority population do they become worthy of equal rights. ?

I'm incapable of serious discussion? You are incapable of serious thought or reason on the issue. All that you can do is to blather about mental illness and perversions, while most people have moved on and have grown to understand that LGBT people are part of the fabric of society, they bother no one except people like you who are obsessed with gay sex, and can't see that they are real people and far more that just someone who has sex in away that your ever so small mind disapproves of. You have no damned business pontification about what is normal. Stupidity and bigotry is not normal -except perhaps in your narrow bubble.

Then you moronically make an assumption about my sexuality. No , I will not confirm or deny anything about myself as that would just validate your bigotry. In other words it is none of your business and I could give a fuck less what you think that I am.

You also keep prattling on about how they are " forcing acceptance on society. Dude, society for the most part has accepted them and most people don't give a fuck that they have gay neighbors, coworkers, people who serve them in local stores or first responders that keep them safe. These gay people live their lives and blend into the community, and those who know that they are LGBT -for the most part-don't care. In the meanwhile, you and you ever shrinking moronic mindless minions are whipping yourselves into an hysterical apoplectic frenzy because you are terrified of the changing society and very likely of your own sexuality

I will actually agree with you on one point ." Not approving of that lifestyle does NOT make anybody a bigot." To take it a step further, no body actually give a shit what you accept or don't accept. Acceptance is what goes on between your own two ears, and no one even that they can change that. No, you become a bigot when you actively demean, marginalize, ridicule people for who and what they are. You become a bigot when you advocate for rights of people to be denied or taken away because that are people who you disapprove of despite the fact that they have no effect on your miserable life.

Lastly you stated that " you and your ilk refusing to allow people their personal religious beliefs" Dude, you have a warped understanding of religious freedom. No one is telling you that you are not free to believe, worship and live as you see fit. No one is telling you that you are not free to stand on a soap box in town square and sing the praises of the god that you worship and even to rail against the horrors and evil of homosexuality. But that is where your religious freedom ends. Religious freedom does not mean that you can wield your religion as a weapon to deny others their rights based on your beliefs .You cannot dictate to others how they should live based on your beliefs. In closing, I must say, you do not come across as much of an intellectual giant.

Sorry pervert, but YOU and your pals aren't ones melting down because (horror) people actually disagree with you. Guarantee my education FAR exceeds yours. By the way jackass, I'm straight and proud of it. Married with 3 kids who know what's normal and what isn't. But of course you and your fellow idiots just yell that if you oppose gay lifestyles, the you"re in the closet. A lazy argument if ever there was one. I'm not scared of you or anybody "tough" guy. I have a great life, unlike miserable people like you. Also please show us where Trump has taken away "rights of gay people". Oh, you can't. But by all means just keep throwing around terms like bigot and homophobe, when you have ZERO clue about anybody. Now continue melting down you mental midget. As far as Buttplug, his policies alone disqualify him, but all you see is someone disagreeing with a gay man and immediately scream.
Maybe someone needs to tell the Buttigieg chap that it's not Christians who throw homosexuals off the highest building in the city. I think he's confused
So far his political stance isn't winning me over. I am more impressed that Sanders went on Fox than Pete going on Maddow and Maddow not really asking any real questions.

What “real” questions do you want answered?

What is ideas on balancing the budget? How would he handle the asylum seekers? On healthcare, what are his ideas to bring costs under control? Is he planning on increasing the deficit? With all the division in our political system, what does he plan to do to try to unite and move forward? What do you believe that government should do to address Global Warming?

From my understanding he is want to do away with the Electoral College, which I believe is best and fairest way for choosing a President in a country as large and diverse as ours.

If the answers are always attacking the current administration and not on solutions, I would not vote for him anymore than I would vote for Trump.

Have you looked?
Buttigieg: 'Generational' Pain Awaits If Debt Is Ignored | RealClearPolitics

Pete Buttigieg Talks Healthcare to Voters in Fort Dodge

Pete Buttigieg suggests national service program

No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
Are people seriously stupid enough to make sexuality an issue going into 2020? You do realize that most people don't give a shit and many people will be offended by that sort of attack. Deal with the fucking issues. Trump is queer in his own special way.
True, Generally people don’t care anymore... Which is fine.

But that alone doesn’t qualify him… LOL
No one is saying that it does, so your point is.....well.....pointless
Political correctness insists that is the case...
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.

Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."
You seem to think that I'm funny with all of the little "Funnies" that you have bestowed upon me. What the FUCK is so funny? 99% ? Seriously, where are you getting that from. ? 99% of people are not concerned with "normal" and are too smart to even think in those terms. It's only you bigots and homophobes that need to play the "normal" card as a means of demeaning and marginalizing gay people, so that you can feel morally superior. Smart people think in terms of how people identify and are able to understand that sexuality and gender identity is just a small part of who the person is as a human being. Many children have friends and acquaintances who are LGBT and are fine with it, and do not feel as though anything is being forced on them . They are clearly more advanced than you. They understand that there is room for everyone at the table, that bestowing rights on others does not diminish their rights, and that LGBT people are actually human beings with much to contribute to society,

Holy meltdown Batman! See, since the gay population is approximately 0.3% that means hat 99.7% of people don't do that. Thus 99% of people are straight and normal. Going right to the bigot card Iike that moron Gator just shows you are incapable of any serious discussion. Sorry crybaby, accepting deviant mentally ill behavior does not make yo enlightened. See nobody would care about your perversions if you didn't force them on the public and demand to be seen as "normal". Not approving of that lifestyle does NOT make anybody a ingot. The bigots are you and your ilk refusing to allow people their personal religious beliefs without completely melting down.
Don't flatter yourself by thinking that the likes of you can cause me to "melt down" I'm having fun with you. You're bigotry and stupidity is amazing and would be funny if it did not effect the lives of real human beings.

So what if the gay population is approximately 0.3% ? Because of that they don't count? At what percentage of any minority population do they become worthy of equal rights. ?

I'm incapable of serious discussion? You are incapable of serious thought or reason on the issue. All that you can do is to blather about mental illness and perversions, while most people have moved on and have grown to understand that LGBT people are part of the fabric of society, they bother no one except people like you who are obsessed with gay sex, and can't see that they are real people and far more that just someone who has sex in away that your ever so small mind disapproves of. You have no damned business pontification about what is normal. Stupidity and bigotry is not normal -except perhaps in your narrow bubble.

Then you moronically make an assumption about my sexuality. No , I will not confirm or deny anything about myself as that would just validate your bigotry. In other words it is none of your business and I could give a fuck less what you think that I am.

You also keep prattling on about how they are " forcing acceptance on society. Dude, society for the most part has accepted them and most people don't give a fuck that they have gay neighbors, coworkers, people who serve them in local stores or first responders that keep them safe. These gay people live their lives and blend into the community, and those who know that they are LGBT -for the most part-don't care. In the meanwhile, you and you ever shrinking moronic mindless minions are whipping yourselves into an hysterical apoplectic frenzy because you are terrified of the changing society and very likely of your own sexuality

I will actually agree with you on one point ." Not approving of that lifestyle does NOT make anybody a bigot." To take it a step further, no body actually give a shit what you accept or don't accept. Acceptance is what goes on between your own two ears, and no one even that they can change that. No, you become a bigot when you actively demean, marginalize, ridicule people for who and what they are. You become a bigot when you advocate for rights of people to be denied or taken away because that are people who you disapprove of despite the fact that they have no effect on your miserable life.

Lastly you stated that " you and your ilk refusing to allow people their personal religious beliefs" Dude, you have a warped understanding of religious freedom. No one is telling you that you are not free to believe, worship and live as you see fit. No one is telling you that you are not free to stand on a soap box in town square and sing the praises of the god that you worship and even to rail against the horrors and evil of homosexuality. But that is where your religious freedom ends. Religious freedom does not mean that you can wield your religion as a weapon to deny others their rights based on your beliefs .You cannot dictate to others how they should live based on your beliefs. In closing, I must say, you do not come across as much of an intellectual giant.

Sorry pervert, but YOU and your pals aren't ones melting down because (horror) people actually disagree with you. Guarantee my education FAR exceeds yours. By the way jackass, I'm straight and proud of it. Married with 3 kids who know what's normal and what isn't. But of course you and your fellow idiots just yell that if you oppose gay lifestyles, the you"re in the closet. A lazy argument if ever there was one. I'm not scared of you or anybody "tough" guy. I have a great life, unlike miserable people like you. Also please show us where Trump has taken away "rights of gay people". Oh, you can't. But by all means just keep throwing around terms like bigot and homophobe, when you have ZERO clue about anybody. Now continue melting down you mental midget. As far as Buttplug, his policies alone disqualify him, but all you see is someone disagreeing with a gay man and immediately scream.
Holy shit!! You are seriously rattled, dude! Did your head just spin around and spew pea soup? You think that T -Rump is a friend of LGBT people? Do some reading if you know how

Donald Trump Is Proving How Mortally Dangerous He Is To LGBT Equality | HuffPost

Trump at anti-LGBT summit: 'The times are changing back again'

Trump promised to be LGBTQ-friendly. His first year in office proved it was a giant con.

Actually, it appears- from your hysterical ( and I don't mean funny) rant in response to my post- that your reading comprehension, as well as your level of emotional intelligence . You're proud of being straight? Really? It must have been a chore to get there because normally, people are proud of that which they have achieved or created.

I explained to you exactly why I consider you a bigot. It is not about disagreeing with or not accepting people who are different. It is about attacking then with hateful rhetoric and advocating policies that would make their life harder and diminish equality. Example, I'll bet that you have a problem with gays adopting children. Am I right? don't lie.

Lastly, I am far from miserable and in fact have a great life. Now take a chill pill and stfu
Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."
You seem to think that I'm funny with all of the little "Funnies" that you have bestowed upon me. What the FUCK is so funny? 99% ? Seriously, where are you getting that from. ? 99% of people are not concerned with "normal" and are too smart to even think in those terms. It's only you bigots and homophobes that need to play the "normal" card as a means of demeaning and marginalizing gay people, so that you can feel morally superior. Smart people think in terms of how people identify and are able to understand that sexuality and gender identity is just a small part of who the person is as a human being. Many children have friends and acquaintances who are LGBT and are fine with it, and do not feel as though anything is being forced on them . They are clearly more advanced than you. They understand that there is room for everyone at the table, that bestowing rights on others does not diminish their rights, and that LGBT people are actually human beings with much to contribute to society,

Holy meltdown Batman! See, since the gay population is approximately 0.3% that means hat 99.7% of people don't do that. Thus 99% of people are straight and normal. Going right to the bigot card Iike that moron Gator just shows you are incapable of any serious discussion. Sorry crybaby, accepting deviant mentally ill behavior does not make yo enlightened. See nobody would care about your perversions if you didn't force them on the public and demand to be seen as "normal". Not approving of that lifestyle does NOT make anybody a ingot. The bigots are you and your ilk refusing to allow people their personal religious beliefs without completely melting down.
Don't flatter yourself by thinking that the likes of you can cause me to "melt down" I'm having fun with you. You're bigotry and stupidity is amazing and would be funny if it did not effect the lives of real human beings.

So what if the gay population is approximately 0.3% ? Because of that they don't count? At what percentage of any minority population do they become worthy of equal rights. ?

I'm incapable of serious discussion? You are incapable of serious thought or reason on the issue. All that you can do is to blather about mental illness and perversions, while most people have moved on and have grown to understand that LGBT people are part of the fabric of society, they bother no one except people like you who are obsessed with gay sex, and can't see that they are real people and far more that just someone who has sex in away that your ever so small mind disapproves of. You have no damned business pontification about what is normal. Stupidity and bigotry is not normal -except perhaps in your narrow bubble.

Then you moronically make an assumption about my sexuality. No , I will not confirm or deny anything about myself as that would just validate your bigotry. In other words it is none of your business and I could give a fuck less what you think that I am.

You also keep prattling on about how they are " forcing acceptance on society. Dude, society for the most part has accepted them and most people don't give a fuck that they have gay neighbors, coworkers, people who serve them in local stores or first responders that keep them safe. These gay people live their lives and blend into the community, and those who know that they are LGBT -for the most part-don't care. In the meanwhile, you and you ever shrinking moronic mindless minions are whipping yourselves into an hysterical apoplectic frenzy because you are terrified of the changing society and very likely of your own sexuality

I will actually agree with you on one point ." Not approving of that lifestyle does NOT make anybody a bigot." To take it a step further, no body actually give a shit what you accept or don't accept. Acceptance is what goes on between your own two ears, and no one even that they can change that. No, you become a bigot when you actively demean, marginalize, ridicule people for who and what they are. You become a bigot when you advocate for rights of people to be denied or taken away because that are people who you disapprove of despite the fact that they have no effect on your miserable life.

Lastly you stated that " you and your ilk refusing to allow people their personal religious beliefs" Dude, you have a warped understanding of religious freedom. No one is telling you that you are not free to believe, worship and live as you see fit. No one is telling you that you are not free to stand on a soap box in town square and sing the praises of the god that you worship and even to rail against the horrors and evil of homosexuality. But that is where your religious freedom ends. Religious freedom does not mean that you can wield your religion as a weapon to deny others their rights based on your beliefs .You cannot dictate to others how they should live based on your beliefs. In closing, I must say, you do not come across as much of an intellectual giant.

Sorry pervert, but YOU and your pals aren't ones melting down because (horror) people actually disagree with you. Guarantee my education FAR exceeds yours. By the way jackass, I'm straight and proud of it. Married with 3 kids who know what's normal and what isn't. But of course you and your fellow idiots just yell that if you oppose gay lifestyles, the you"re in the closet. A lazy argument if ever there was one. I'm not scared of you or anybody "tough" guy. I have a great life, unlike miserable people like you. Also please show us where Trump has taken away "rights of gay people". Oh, you can't. But by all means just keep throwing around terms like bigot and homophobe, when you have ZERO clue about anybody. Now continue melting down you mental midget. As far as Buttplug, his policies alone disqualify him, but all you see is someone disagreeing with a gay man and immediately scream.
Holy shit!! You are seriously rattled, dude! Did your head just spin around and spew pea soup? You think that T -Rump is a friend of LGBT people? Do some reading if you know how

Donald Trump Is Proving How Mortally Dangerous He Is To LGBT Equality | HuffPost

Trump at anti-LGBT summit: 'The times are changing back again'

Trump promised to be LGBTQ-friendly. His first year in office proved it was a giant con.

Actually, it appears- from your hysterical ( and I don't mean funny) rant in response to my post- that your reading comprehension, as well as your level of emotional intelligence . You're proud of being straight? Really? It must have been a chore to get there because normally, people are proud of that which they have achieved or created.

I explained to you exactly why I consider you a bigot. It is not about disagreeing with or not accepting people who are different. It is about attacking then with hateful rhetoric and advocating policies that would make their life harder and diminish equality. Example, I'll bet that you have a problem with gays adopting children. Am I right? don't lie.

Lastly, I am far from miserable and in fact have a great life. Now take a chill pill and stfu

And I reiterate that I don't care what an uneducated bigot like you thinks of me. Again, SHOW any laws Trump has signed to deny your beloved gays their rights. THERE AREN'T ANY! You think people like me are bigots only because we happen to not accept the gay lifestyle. As far as children, no I don't agree with gays adopting children. MY view, which is one of your business. Does it hurt you that I don't believe like you do? Apparently so. And no it wasn't a chore to be normal. Until you stop attacking everybody in every thread that even mentions gays, you STFU. Debunking your BS is just too easy. Now of course you're going to vote for Butplug because he's gay. Don't lie.
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
Are people seriously stupid enough to make sexuality an issue going into 2020? You do realize that most people don't give a shit and many people will be offended by that sort of attack. Deal with the fucking issues. Trump is queer in his own special way.
True, Generally people don’t care anymore... Which is fine.

But that alone doesn’t qualify him… LOL
No one is saying that it does, so your point is.....well.....pointless
Democrats best candidate is “Creepy Sleepy Joe.” Polls say 60% of Democrats “consider themselves liberals.” These people are far left and because of their being out of touch with reality they believe it. In reality they are far, far, left and out of mainstream. An Ocasio, Warren, O’Rourke, or Harris supporter would see themselves as “moderate” when they are nothing more than European socialist. So Biden will not get the not nomination of a party that left millions of voters behind and they voted Trump.
Democratic presidential candidate Mayor Pete Buttigieg responded to a heckler shouting "Sodom and Gomorrah" at a rally in Des Moines, Iowa on Tuesday, by telling those in attendance, "the good news is, the condition of my soul is in the hands of God, but the Iowa caucus is up to you."
His soul is fucked.
Do you even know how to read numbers? If 52% of blacks support it, that means 48% do not, which is more than enough to derail any [residential aspirations. That's a major dent in a usually solid voting block of about 95%!

Why do you think all of those wonderful black people in Chicago turned their back on Jussie Smollett? It wasn't because he was an actor! it is because he used his status as an "in your face" black homosexual trying to gain further attention to himself.

No, that’s NOT what that means. 52% approval does not mean 48% disapprove. Not everything is, pardon the pun, black and white.

You made the incorrect (and stupid) claim that “most blacks won’t tolerate a gay person”. I proved you ridiculously wrong. Just own it.

Your poll is worthless, just like every other poll out there. It was made to say what the pollsters wanted it to say.

Let me ask you a few questions!

Are you black? Are members of your family black? Did you grow up around blacks? Are blacks members of your church?

If not, why would you trust a poll to tell you what you should already know is a lie?

You have nothing that supports your contention that the poll is not accurate. Every poll shows that gay marriage receives majority support nationwide and in MOST subcategories, Evangelicals being the outlier.

Look at that gradual rise...

% of U.S. adults who favor same-sex marriage, by race (2001-2017)

Year White, non-Hispanic Black, non-Hispanic
2001 34% 32%
2003 32% 28%
2004 31% 21%
2005 37% 27%
2006 35% 25%
2007 38% 26%
2008 41% 26%
2009 37% 29%
2010 44% 30%
2011 49% 36%
2012 49% 40%
2013 50% 38%
2014 53% 42%
2015 58% 39%
2016 57% 42%
2017 64% 51%
Changing Attitudes on Gay Marriage

There you go with polls again! Didn't you learn after the past few elections that polls do not matter?

I can make a poll show that most people believe that you are a three-headed chicken!

Which polls were “useless”? The ones that accurately showed Hillary winning the popular vote? I have facts, you have nothing. Show your work!
The ones that showed Hillary winning Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan , Iowa, and Wisconsin.
Mayor Pete reminds us that, in our democracy—even while greed and corruption slow our progress—true power still rests with the people.
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