Queer Officially Running for President

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How is it you know what it smells like to the extent you can determine it from other smells?

Seems you have some up close exposure

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Quite a bit. I raised a baby out of dirty diapers. .

Is that the code words you use for it now days. The most ardent anti-gay people always turn out to be closeted gays

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I have been known to have sex with men.

too bad for them
The gay ones are especially disappointed that I turned out not to be a guy after all.

are you often mistaken for a guy?
Quite a bit. I raised a baby out of dirty diapers. .

Is that the code words you use for it now days. The most ardent anti-gay people always turn out to be closeted gays

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I have been known to have sex with men.

too bad for them
The gay ones are especially disappointed that I turned out not to be a guy after all.

are you often mistaken for a guy?
On the internet, all the time.
Is that the code words you use for it now days. The most ardent anti-gay people always turn out to be closeted gays

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I have been known to have sex with men.

too bad for them
The gay ones are especially disappointed that I turned out not to be a guy after all.

are you often mistaken for a guy?
On the internet, all the time.

is that where you meet most of the people you have sex with?
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
Are people seriously stupid enough to make sexuality an issue going into 2020? You do realize that most people don't give a shit and many people will be offended by that sort of attack. Deal with the fucking issues. Trump is queer in his own special way.

So are you, but nobody minds.
I have been known to have sex with men.

too bad for them
The gay ones are especially disappointed that I turned out not to be a guy after all.

are you often mistaken for a guy?
On the internet, all the time.

is that where you meet most of the people you have sex with?
Oh my I don't like sex and haven't for years. I got bored with the whole notion. That has never stopped anyone, like yourself for instance, from fantasizing. Especially on the internet. Why? Do you get anything out of imagining the sex lives or strangers?
a/s/l? lgbqthhcsa? Libertarian? Ambivalent's Woodrow Wilson quote is probably about Himself. Woodrow Wilson ran on Big Government protecting the excesses of the Bosses. That's ridiculous.
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
Are people seriously stupid enough to make sexuality an issue going into 2020? You do realize that most people don't give a shit and many people will be offended by that sort of attack. Deal with the fucking issues. Trump is queer in his own special way.

So are you, but nobody minds.
Trying to out stupid the stupid are we?
too bad for them
The gay ones are especially disappointed that I turned out not to be a guy after all.

are you often mistaken for a guy?
On the internet, all the time.

is that where you meet most of the people you have sex with?
Oh my I don't like sex and haven't for years. I got bored with the whole notion. That has never stopped anyone, like yourself for instance, from fantasizing. Especially on the internet. Why? Do you get anything out of imagining the sex lives or strangers?
Don't like sex.? Now THAT is perverted and ABNORMAL
too bad for them
The gay ones are especially disappointed that I turned out not to be a guy after all.

are you often mistaken for a guy?
On the internet, all the time.

is that where you meet most of the people you have sex with?
Oh my I don't like sex and haven't for years. I got bored with the whole notion. That has never stopped anyone, like yourself for instance, from fantasizing. Especially on the internet. Why? Do you get anything out of imagining the sex lives or strangers?

You are the one that brought up your sex life, not me.

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There is a difference between being saved and being a good and faithful servant.

You really have never read you bible, have you?

When I asked you about your Christianity you gave me a works resume. I'm on my third read through of the entire Bible, some parts I have read dozens of times, thanks.

You never asked about my Christianity, you just made assumptions about my view of evangelicals.

Then you made assumptions about my salvation.

Then you whined about me making assumptions about you.

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Sure I did. You are on this thread calling people vile names, one, sometimes for lambasting gays, sometimes simply for standing up for heterosexual marriage--which is really the only kind of marriage there is. Now, if you believe that there is such a thing as gay marriage, you better know I question your salvation. Do I think we should bully and abuse people who are gay or gay married? Nope. But do I think God approves of such things? Absolutely not. And if YOU think so, then yep, I'm not saying you don't "believe in Jesus". But I'm saying your Christianity is very, very far afield.

And if you grew up evangelical, you probably know I am right, deep down, to question such things.

Gay people are called some pretty vile things in this thread and you have no problem with that, more of that double standard.

We do not base our laws on what God approves, we are not a theocracy. As such when discussing the civil contract that is marriage, what God thinks is irrelevant. God does not approve of remarriage after divorce except for unfaithfulness and then only by the one that was cheated on. Should disallow such marriages in our country?

God does not approve of greed, should we outlaw such things in this country?

The thing you might have noticed about Jesus when you read your Bible, He is not big on forcing people to act a certain way, He is a big fan of free will. Yet His followers are not so much into that.

I support heterosexual marriage, been in one for 26 years. I also work with a lady that is married to another lady and yet never once felt my marriage is threatened. They are a loving happy couple who just want the same rights as the rest of us. Why would you deny them this?

Marriage to the government is just a civil contract, there is nothing religious about it. Which is the way it should be

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How do you know I have no problems with gay people being called names? And what the government did is actually REDEFINE marriage so that it could be between two men or two women. And you are okay with this.

That's a wrong road as a Christian. I suspect you know it, but the wide road is easier. It's sad, but it happens to a lot of people.

the bottom line is it doesn't matter whether it bothers him, or you, or a cheating reality star who has been in 3 heterosexual marriages in a secular nation... which we live in. & that means your brand of christianity does not dictate or define 'marriage'. marriage has certain legal benefits, which you want to deny certain people from having because you think homo gays are icky.
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Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."

Nope, the vast majority of Americans have no issue with gay people, only hate filled bigots like you.

You want a hate filled bigot, look in the mirror mister "anybody who disagrees with me is a Trump supporting racist, bigot, homophobe, etc.". You're a joke.

anybody that reads your posts can easily say that about you... including being a joke.

Seems more like you're describing yourself .

ooooOOOOoooo SNAP! great comeback. :71:
A white male. educated practicing Christian American citizen, makes a choice to become a political person. and you vile talking un Christians abuse him for his sex life not his political views. there is no requirement to vote for or support him, what have you got against white Christian male? are you not the ones saying white Christian males are being picked on? just crazy talk. don't like him fine, no need to get in the gutter over not liking gays. I don't like vile talk, but find no need to swear at you when I disagree with your views.
A white male. educated practicing Christian American citizen, makes a choice to become a political person. and you vile talking un Christians abuse him for his sex life not his political views. there is no requirement to vote for or support him, what have you got against white Christian male? are you not the ones saying white Christian males are being picked on? just crazy talk. don't like him fine, no need to get in the gutter over not liking gays. I don't like vile talk, but find no need to swear at you when I disagree with your views.

I don't care about his sex life. I care about his preaching about his sex life. I particularly don't like his claim that "God made me this way". After all, that's exactly what Jeffrey Dahmer said. It's what all perverts say. It is exactly what all pedophiles say.

Aside from that, I despise to man's policies and would attack him with any weapon at hand including his perverted sexuality.
The gay ones are especially disappointed that I turned out not to be a guy after all.

are you often mistaken for a guy?
On the internet, all the time.

is that where you meet most of the people you have sex with?
Oh my I don't like sex and haven't for years. I got bored with the whole notion. That has never stopped anyone, like yourself for instance, from fantasizing. Especially on the internet. Why? Do you get anything out of imagining the sex lives or strangers?
Don't like sex.? Now THAT is perverted and ABNORMAL

It is an exercise of my freedom. And an exhilarating exercise it is! Saying NO. What a RUSH!
are you often mistaken for a guy?
On the internet, all the time.

is that where you meet most of the people you have sex with?
Oh my I don't like sex and haven't for years. I got bored with the whole notion. That has never stopped anyone, like yourself for instance, from fantasizing. Especially on the internet. Why? Do you get anything out of imagining the sex lives or strangers?
Don't like sex.? Now THAT is perverted and ABNORMAL

It is an exercise of my freedom. And an exhilarating exercise it is! Saying NO. What a RUSH!

Yup just like being gay and being out

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On the internet, all the time.

is that where you meet most of the people you have sex with?
Oh my I don't like sex and haven't for years. I got bored with the whole notion. That has never stopped anyone, like yourself for instance, from fantasizing. Especially on the internet. Why? Do you get anything out of imagining the sex lives or strangers?
Don't like sex.? Now THAT is perverted and ABNORMAL

It is an exercise of my freedom. And an exhilarating exercise it is! Saying NO. What a RUSH!

Yup just like being gay and being out

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Except that I don't preach and attack any one's Christianity. When I want a preacher from the Church of Queer Jesus I'll ask for one.
A white male. educated practicing Christian American citizen, makes a choice to become a political person. and you vile talking un Christians abuse him for his sex life not his political views. there is no requirement to vote for or support him, what have you got against white Christian male? are you not the ones saying white Christian males are being picked on? just crazy talk. don't like him fine, no need to get in the gutter over not liking gays. I don't like vile talk, but find no need to swear at you when I disagree with your views.

I don't care about his sex life. I care about his preaching about his sex life. I particularly don't like his claim that "God made me this way". After all, that's exactly what Jeffrey Dahmer said. It's what all perverts say. It is exactly what all pedophiles say.

Aside from that, I despise to man's policies and would attack him with any weapon at hand including his perverted sexuality.
Preaching ? Seriously ? When the fuck did he preach? Preaching involves trying to persuade others to your point of view. He never did that. he only offer a statement or two of fact as to who he is . And the height of stupidity is to compare him to Dahmer . He may hay used words similar to Dahmer but Dahmer killed and ate people . That is nothing less than a pathetic logical fallacy in the form of a false equivalency.
A white male. educated practicing Christian American citizen, makes a choice to become a political person. and you vile talking un Christians abuse him for his sex life not his political views. there is no requirement to vote for or support him, what have you got against white Christian male? are you not the ones saying white Christian males are being picked on? just crazy talk. don't like him fine, no need to get in the gutter over not liking gays. I don't like vile talk, but find no need to swear at you when I disagree with your views.

I don't care about his sex life. I care about his preaching about his sex life. I particularly don't like his claim that "God made me this way". After all, that's exactly what Jeffrey Dahmer said. It's what all perverts say. It is exactly what all pedophiles say.

Aside from that, I despise to man's policies and would attack him with any weapon at hand including his perverted sexuality.
Preaching ? Seriously ? When the fuck did he preach? Preaching involves trying to persuade others to your point of view. He never did that. he only offer a statement or two of fact as to who he is . And the height of stupidity is to compare him to Dahmer . He may hay used words similar to Dahmer but Dahmer killed and ate people . That is nothing less than a pathetic logical fallacy in the form of a false equivalency.

Since so many cannibals are also gay and claim to be born that way the comparison is fair.
Don't care who he has sex with. What I do care about is his lack of character, his insecurity, and the dishonest way he is trying to create a fight with the vice president where there is none
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