Queer Officially Running for President

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Mayor Pete Buttplug is going to make it all about the gay.

The more I hear him the more convinced I am that he is nothing but a weak chinned communist with anal leakage.

You aren't "convinced", you are fantasizing. There's a difference.
No difference. He is a weak chinned communist with anal leakage.

How closely have you examined his anus? was it just a visual inspection or did you also do a physical inspection?

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Anyone walking down the street and passes him can smell it. You can tell b5ecause everyone around him has that look.

It's very common among gay men.

Anal sex linked to increased risk of incontinence - Reuters

How is it you know what it smells like to the extent you can determine it from other smells?

Seems you have some up close exposure

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Quite a bit. I raised a baby out of dirty diapers. I know what it looks like when someone wants to say "that diaper needs changing." Mayor Buttplug's diaper needs changing every time he is on camera.
You aren't "convinced", you are fantasizing. There's a difference.
No difference. He is a weak chinned communist with anal leakage.

How closely have you examined his anus? was it just a visual inspection or did you also do a physical inspection?

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Anyone walking down the street and passes him can smell it. You can tell b5ecause everyone around him has that look.

It's very common among gay men.

Anal sex linked to increased risk of incontinence - Reuters

How is it you know what it smells like to the extent you can determine it from other smells?

Seems you have some up close exposure

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Quite a bit. I raised a baby out of dirty diapers. .

Is that the code words you use for it now days. The most ardent anti-gay people always turn out to be closeted gays

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"Buttigieg, like Barack Obama, attracts a certain type of upper income, highly educated white voter who considers himself totally independent, though he isn't, and wants to show support to virtue signal that the voter is superior to the hicks and rubes he sees around him." - Erick Erickson
This is how confused you are. Literally just a few posts ago you said "saved by grace and not works" and now you're saying "what you do for God" makes you a good and faithful servant.

I'm not sorry to say you never worked this out. Hide your talent and you perish; "saved by works" and that's bad too. And maybe you covered this whole conundrum up by working harder, harder harder.

Again I'm sorry for it

There is a difference between being saved and being a good and faithful servant.

You really have never read you bible, have you?

When I asked you about your Christianity you gave me a works resume. I'm on my third read through of the entire Bible, some parts I have read dozens of times, thanks.

You never asked about my Christianity, you just made assumptions about my view of evangelicals.

Then you made assumptions about my salvation.

Then you whined about me making assumptions about you.

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Sure I did. You are on this thread calling people vile names, one, sometimes for lambasting gays, sometimes simply for standing up for heterosexual marriage--which is really the only kind of marriage there is. Now, if you believe that there is such a thing as gay marriage, you better know I question your salvation. Do I think we should bully and abuse people who are gay or gay married? Nope. But do I think God approves of such things? Absolutely not. And if YOU think so, then yep, I'm not saying you don't "believe in Jesus". But I'm saying your Christianity is very, very far afield.

And if you grew up evangelical, you probably know I am right, deep down, to question such things.

Gay people are called some pretty vile things in this thread and you have no problem with that, more of that double standard.

We do not base our laws on what God approves, we are not a theocracy. As such when discussing the civil contract that is marriage, what God thinks is irrelevant. God does not approve of remarriage after divorce except for unfaithfulness and then only by the one that was cheated on. Should disallow such marriages in our country?

God does not approve of greed, should we outlaw such things in this country?

The thing you might have noticed about Jesus when you read your Bible, He is not big on forcing people to act a certain way, He is a big fan of free will. Yet His followers are not so much into that.

I support heterosexual marriage, been in one for 26 years. I also work with a lady that is married to another lady and yet never once felt my marriage is threatened. They are a loving happy couple who just want the same rights as the rest of us. Why would you deny them this?

Marriage to the government is just a civil contract, there is nothing religious about it. Which is the way it should be

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How do you know I have no problems with gay people being called names? And what the government did is actually REDEFINE marriage so that it could be between two men or two women. And you are okay with this.

That's a wrong road as a Christian. I suspect you know it, but the wide road is easier. It's sad, but it happens to a lot of people.
This is how confused you are. Literally just a few posts ago you said "saved by grace and not works" and now you're saying "what you do for God" makes you a good and faithful servant.

I'm not sorry to say you never worked this out. Hide your talent and you perish; "saved by works" and that's bad too. And maybe you covered this whole conundrum up by working harder, harder harder.

Again I'm sorry for it

There is a difference between being saved and being a good and faithful servant.

You really have never read you bible, have you?

When I asked you about your Christianity you gave me a works resume. I'm on my third read through of the entire Bible, some parts I have read dozens of times, thanks.

You never asked about my Christianity, you just made assumptions about my view of evangelicals.

Then you made assumptions about my salvation.

Then you whined about me making assumptions about you.

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Sure I did. You are on this thread calling people vile names, one, sometimes for lambasting gays, sometimes simply for standing up for heterosexual marriage--which is really the only kind of marriage there is. Now, if you believe that there is such a thing as gay marriage, you better know I question your salvation. Do I think we should bully and abuse people who are gay or gay married? Nope. But do I think God approves of such things? Absolutely not. And if YOU think so, then yep, I'm not saying you don't "believe in Jesus". But I'm saying your Christianity is very, very far afield.

And if you grew up evangelical, you probably know I am right, deep down, to question such things.

Yeah, and some people thought you couldn't be a good Christian if you let blacks marry whites. They were wrong too...

They were wrong, actually. And twisted the Bible entirely. There are many examples in the Bible of different races marrying. When the Bible says not to marry certain others, the Bible is talking about being pulled away from your FAITH.

Homosexuality however is a sin. No question about that.
Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."

Nope, the vast majority of Americans have no issue with gay people, only hate filled bigots like you.

You want a hate filled bigot, look in the mirror mister "anybody who disagrees with me is a Trump supporting racist, bigot, homophobe, etc.". You're a joke.

you get testy when you are called out on your hate. Good.

And you continue to show your stupidity day after day you leftist hack. Not approving of the gay lifestyle does NOT make somebody' a bigot. Got that moron?
Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."

Nope, the vast majority of Americans have no issue with gay people, only hate filled bigots like you.

You want a hate filled bigot, look in the mirror mister "anybody who disagrees with me is a Trump supporting racist, bigot, homophobe, etc.". You're a joke.

anybody that reads your posts can easily say that about you... including being a joke.

Seems more like you're describing yourself .
Sorry little whiner, tis goof is certainly not JFK. That is an absolute insult to JFK. Nobody made Buttplug put his gayness front and center. He did that all by himself. Having religious beliefs does not make Pence a bigot. Perhaps you and Buttplug better remember that there is religious freedom in this country. Forcing this crap on kids in the schools and trying to normalize degenerate mentally ill behavior. This guy has ZERO chance at even getting the nomination. Then he'll probably complain that it's homophobia that cost him, not his lack of qualifications.
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.

Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."
You seem to think that I'm funny with all of the little "Funnies" that you have bestowed upon me. What the FUCK is so funny? 99% ? Seriously, where are you getting that from. ? 99% of people are not concerned with "normal" and are too smart to even think in those terms. It's only you bigots and homophobes that need to play the "normal" card as a means of demeaning and marginalizing gay people, so that you can feel morally superior. Smart people think in terms of how people identify and are able to understand that sexuality and gender identity is just a small part of who the person is as a human being. Many children have friends and acquaintances who are LGBT and are fine with it, and do not feel as though anything is being forced on that . They are clearly more advanced than you. They understand that there is room for everyone at the table, that bestowing rights on others does not diminish their rights, and that LGBT people are actually human beings with much to contribute to society,
Fella, most people are trying to survive. Not everyone works in a privileged job. And that is the real privilege. A gay person can work in a good D.C. government job while a hetero with kids can work in a lesser paying office job. Equality is not a thin straight line. Different ways of living means different ways of potential advantages or disadvantages. A person committed to staying single and alone has a different way then a couple with kids.
A gay person can be fired from a federal job, or any job in most states simply for being gay. People work in various jobs at various levels but gay people are more vulnerable.Everyone is trying to, and deserves to survive.
What the fuck is so god damned funny boys??!!
Perhaps you should stop worshipping Buttplug and actually listen to the idiot. Passive aggressive with a radical leftist agenda. A know nothing who nobody could pick out of a lineup. His queerness isn't an issue? Then why did HE bring it front and center? Attacking Mike Pence for his religious beliefs shows HIS bias and that he is unfit for office. The only thing this goof is running on is that he's gay. By the way how would this goof govern when NO Middle Eastern Islam following leader would ever speak to him? Take your hetero haing Tump hating BS and shove it.
He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here

Sorry little whiner, tis goof is certainly not JFK. That is an absolute insult to JFK. Nobody made Buttplug put his gayness front and center. He did that all by himself. Having religious beliefs does not make Pence a bigot. Perhaps you and Buttplug better remember that there is religious freedom in this country. Forcing this crap on kids in the schools and trying to normalize degenerate mentally ill behavior. This guy has ZERO chance at even getting the nomination. Then he'll probably complain that it's homophobia that cost him, not his lack of qualifications.
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.

Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."
You seem to think that I'm funny with all of the little "Funnies" that you have bestowed upon me. What the FUCK is so funny? 99% ? Seriously, where are you getting that from. ? 99% of people are not concerned with "normal" and are too smart to even think in those terms. It's only you bigots and homophobes that need to play the "normal" card as a means of demeaning and marginalizing gay people, so that you can feel morally superior. Smart people think in terms of how people identify and are able to understand that sexuality and gender identity is just a small part of who the person is as a human being. Many children have friends and acquaintances who are LGBT and are fine with it, and do not feel as though anything is being forced on them . They are clearly more advanced than you. They understand that there is room for everyone at the table, that bestowing rights on others does not diminish their rights, and that LGBT people are actually human beings with much to contribute to society,

Holy meltdown Batman! See, since the gay population is approximately 0.3% that means hat 99.7% of people don't do that. Thus 99% of people are straight and normal. Going right to the bigot card Iike that moron Gator just shows you are incapable of any serious discussion. Sorry crybaby, accepting deviant mentally ill behavior does not make yo enlightened. See nobody would care about your perversions if you didn't force them on the public and demand to be seen as "normal". Not approving of that lifestyle does NOT make anybody a ingot. The bigots are you and your ilk refusing to allow people their personal religious beliefs without completely melting down.
He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here

Sorry little whiner, tis goof is certainly not JFK. That is an absolute insult to JFK. Nobody made Buttplug put his gayness front and center. He did that all by himself. Having religious beliefs does not make Pence a bigot. Perhaps you and Buttplug better remember that there is religious freedom in this country. Forcing this crap on kids in the schools and trying to normalize degenerate mentally ill behavior. This guy has ZERO chance at even getting the nomination. Then he'll probably complain that it's homophobia that cost him, not his lack of qualifications.
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.

Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."
You seem to think that I'm funny with all of the little "Funnies" that you have bestowed upon me. What the FUCK is so funny? 99% ? Seriously, where are you getting that from. ? 99% of people are not concerned with "normal" and are too smart to even think in those terms. It's only you bigots and homophobes that need to play the "normal" card as a means of demeaning and marginalizing gay people, so that you can feel morally superior. Smart people think in terms of how people identify and are able to understand that sexuality and gender identity is just a small part of who the person is as a human being. Many children have friends and acquaintances who are LGBT and are fine with it, and do not feel as though anything is being forced on them . They are clearly more advanced than you. They understand that there is room for everyone at the table, that bestowing rights on others does not diminish their rights, and that LGBT people are actually human beings with much to contribute to society,

Holy meltdown Batman! See, since the gay population is approximately 0.3% that means hat 99.7% of people don't do that. Thus 99% of people are straight and normal. Going right to the bigot card Iike that moron Gator just shows you are incapable of any serious discussion. Sorry crybaby, accepting deviant mentally ill behavior does not make yo enlightened. See nobody would care about your perversions if you didn't force them on the public and demand to be seen as "normal". Not approving of that lifestyle does NOT make anybody a ingot. The bigots are you and your ilk refusing to allow people their personal religious beliefs without completely melting down.
Don't flatter yourself by thinking that the likes of you can cause me to "melt down" I'm having fun with you. You're bigotry and stupidity is amazing and would be funny if it did not effect the lives of real human beings.

So what if the gay population is approximately 0.3% ? Because of that they don't count? At what percentage of any minority population do they become worthy of equal rights. ?

I'm incapable of serious discussion? You are incapable of serious thought or reason on the issue. All that you can do is to blather about mental illness and perversions, while most people have moved on and have grown to understand that LGBT people are part of the fabric of society, they bother no one except people like you who are obsessed with gay sex, and can't see that they are real people and far more that just someone who has sex in away that your ever so small mind disapproves of. You have no damned business pontification about what is normal. Stupidity and bigotry is not normal -except perhaps in your narrow bubble.

Then you moronically make an assumption about my sexuality. No , I will not confirm or deny anything about myself as that would just validate your bigotry. In other words it is none of your business and I could give a fuck less what you think that I am.

You also keep prattling on about how they are " forcing acceptance on society. Dude, society for the most part has accepted them and most people don't give a fuck that they have gay neighbors, coworkers, people who serve them in local stores or first responders that keep them safe. These gay people live their lives and blend into the community, and those who know that they are LGBT -for the most part-don't care. In the meanwhile, you and you ever shrinking moronic mindless minions are whipping yourselves into an hysterical apoplectic frenzy because you are terrified of the changing society and very likely of your own sexuality

I will actually agree with you on one point ." Not approving of that lifestyle does NOT make anybody a bigot." To take it a step further, no body actually give a shit what you accept or don't accept. Acceptance is what goes on between your own two ears, and no one even that they can change that. No, you become a bigot when you actively demean, marginalize, ridicule people for who and what they are. You become a bigot when you advocate for rights of people to be denied or taken away because that are people who you disapprove of despite the fact that they have no effect on your miserable life.

Lastly you stated that " you and your ilk refusing to allow people their personal religious beliefs" Dude, you have a warped understanding of religious freedom. No one is telling you that you are not free to believe, worship and live as you see fit. No one is telling you that you are not free to stand on a soap box in town square and sing the praises of the god that you worship and even to rail against the horrors and evil of homosexuality. But that is where your religious freedom ends. Religious freedom does not mean that you can wield your religion as a weapon to deny others their rights based on your beliefs .You cannot dictate to others how they should live based on your beliefs. In closing, I must say, you do not come across as much of an intellectual giant.
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There is a difference between being saved and being a good and faithful servant.

You really have never read you bible, have you?

When I asked you about your Christianity you gave me a works resume. I'm on my third read through of the entire Bible, some parts I have read dozens of times, thanks.

You never asked about my Christianity, you just made assumptions about my view of evangelicals.

Then you made assumptions about my salvation.

Then you whined about me making assumptions about you.

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Sure I did. You are on this thread calling people vile names, one, sometimes for lambasting gays, sometimes simply for standing up for heterosexual marriage--which is really the only kind of marriage there is. Now, if you believe that there is such a thing as gay marriage, you better know I question your salvation. Do I think we should bully and abuse people who are gay or gay married? Nope. But do I think God approves of such things? Absolutely not. And if YOU think so, then yep, I'm not saying you don't "believe in Jesus". But I'm saying your Christianity is very, very far afield.

And if you grew up evangelical, you probably know I am right, deep down, to question such things.

Yeah, and some people thought you couldn't be a good Christian if you let blacks marry whites. They were wrong too...

They were wrong, actually. And twisted the Bible entirely. There are many examples in the Bible of different races marrying. When the Bible says not to marry certain others, the Bible is talking about being pulled away from your FAITH.

Homosexuality however is a sin. No question about that.

Sorry, punkin’ but the racists have just as much faith in their bible verses as the homophobes do. Both are wrong.
No difference. He is a weak chinned communist with anal leakage.

How closely have you examined his anus? was it just a visual inspection or did you also do a physical inspection?

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Anyone walking down the street and passes him can smell it. You can tell b5ecause everyone around him has that look.

It's very common among gay men.

Anal sex linked to increased risk of incontinence - Reuters

How is it you know what it smells like to the extent you can determine it from other smells?

Seems you have some up close exposure

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Quite a bit. I raised a baby out of dirty diapers. .

Is that the code words you use for it now days. The most ardent anti-gay people always turn out to be closeted gays

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I have been known to have sex with men.
Confederate homosexual? Confederate Captain in the Athens of the South to make a Nashville Parthenon for Nashville's 100 years to imitate the Athens of the North Edinburgh Scotland's Parthenon memorial for their war against Napoleon and egalitarianism. Want to meet at the Parthenon?
How do you know I have no problems with gay people being called names?

you had no problem calling me out yet were silent with all the vile things said by others.

And what the government did is actually REDEFINE marriage so that it could be between two men or two women. And you are okay with this.

Yes, I am ok with it. There is no compelling reason for the government to deny the same benefits that a man a woman get to two men or two women. The government is secular and should not base its rules on the beliefs of any religion.

That's a wrong road as a Christian. I suspect you know it, but the wide road is easier. It's sad, but it happens to a lot of people.

It is not the wrong road for a Christian, as the role of the Christian is not to use the government to force their views on to unbelievers. There is no precedence for such an action by Jesus or His disciples.

You keep wanting to put me on the wide road, yet the road you travel with your church is far wider than the one I travel.
Poor little baby. Pence and 99% of America think gays are NOT normal. Forcing normalcy on children? Are you really this stupid? Yes you are, but you're too stupid to know it. Bigots are the LGBT freaks trying to force the other 99% of us to accept as normal deviant perverse behavior. Enjoy watching Buttplug get his ass handed to him. Wait, he might enjoy that..."

Nope, the vast majority of Americans have no issue with gay people, only hate filled bigots like you.

You want a hate filled bigot, look in the mirror mister "anybody who disagrees with me is a Trump supporting racist, bigot, homophobe, etc.". You're a joke.

you get testy when you are called out on your hate. Good.

And you continue to show your stupidity day after day you leftist hack. Not approving of the gay lifestyle does NOT make somebody' a bigot. Got that moron?

How closely have you examined his anus? was it just a visual inspection or did you also do a physical inspection?

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Anyone walking down the street and passes him can smell it. You can tell b5ecause everyone around him has that look.

It's very common among gay men.

Anal sex linked to increased risk of incontinence - Reuters

How is it you know what it smells like to the extent you can determine it from other smells?

Seems you have some up close exposure

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Quite a bit. I raised a baby out of dirty diapers. .

Is that the code words you use for it now days. The most ardent anti-gay people always turn out to be closeted gays

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I have been known to have sex with men.

too bad for them
Mayor Buttplug stepped outside the "I'm just like everyone else" bubble when he attacked Mike Pence as a Christian. When he made acceptance of his gaydom an issue. He isn't a candidate for president as much as using the position to preach to us from the church of queer Jesus.
Anyone walking down the street and passes him can smell it. You can tell b5ecause everyone around him has that look.

It's very common among gay men.

Anal sex linked to increased risk of incontinence - Reuters

How is it you know what it smells like to the extent you can determine it from other smells?

Seems you have some up close exposure

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Quite a bit. I raised a baby out of dirty diapers. .

Is that the code words you use for it now days. The most ardent anti-gay people always turn out to be closeted gays

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
I have been known to have sex with men.

too bad for them
The gay ones are especially disappointed that I turned out not to be a guy after all.
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