Queer Officially Running for President

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No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
What a bigoted POS you are.

Republicans support adulterers, child molesters, prostitute customers, business cheats, liars, bigots, white supremacists but draw the line at homosexuals.

I get it,. you fuckers are so moral & Christian.
Like gays child molesters are born that way. We must accept that orientation as normal. Only perverts want their perversion normalized. Business cheats, prostitutes, bigots etc, no one else demands that their practices be accepted, honored, taught in schools as honorable. No one would really step forward and say the because they are slum lords they should be allowed to adopt children.

The reprehensible behavior is coming from homosexuals. Mayor Buttplug is particularly loathesome. He's insinuating himself as The National pastor attacking Christians for disagreeing with him. Say, Pastor Buttplug, will you make the church of queer Jesus the National religion?

So, you think people who have consensual relationships with adults of the same sex are the same as adults who sexually abuse children.

My God Trump has really made you people this disgusting.

People choose to cheat people Who choose hire prostitutes. Who are bigots . Have to with one's lack of morals. You know like your orange buddy.

Homosexuals hurt no one. Their situation is not by choice. They do not deserve to be discriminated against.

You choose to be & support bigots. Perhaps if your school taught that people can have different sexual orientations, you would not be the asshole you are today.
He's a communist who hates America? Seriously? You have to stop listening to Fox and Friends and Alex Jones.

Gays cant exercise proper judgement to do what is right for the country? I guess Trump must be gay then.

Perhaps you should stop worshipping Buttplug and actually listen to the idiot. Passive aggressive with a radical leftist agenda. A know nothing who nobody could pick out of a lineup. His queerness isn't an issue? Then why did HE bring it front and center? Attacking Mike Pence for his religious beliefs shows HIS bias and that he is unfit for office. The only thing this goof is running on is that he's gay. By the way how would this goof govern when NO Middle Eastern Islam following leader would ever speak to him? Take your hetero haing Tump hating BS and shove it.
He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here

Sorry little whiner, tis goof is certainly not JFK. That is an absolute insult to JFK. Nobody made Buttplug put his gayness front and center. He did that all by himself. Having religious beliefs does not make Pence a bigot. Perhaps you and Buttplug better remember that there is religious freedom in this country. Forcing this crap on kids in the schools and trying to normalize degenerate mentally ill behavior. This guy has ZERO chance at even getting the nomination. Then he'll probably complain that it's homophobia that cost him, not his lack of qualifications.
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.
Homosexuals are notorious child rapists. That's why them adopting children should be outlawed. If he became President and he and his roto rooter husband decided to adopt a child in the White House, the 25th Amendment should be invoked. What a national disgrace this guy already is.

There is no correlation between homosexuality & pedophilia.

This is a strong corre;sation between Trump supporters & stupid, ignorant, uneducated people.
Perhaps you should stop worshipping Buttplug and actually listen to the idiot. Passive aggressive with a radical leftist agenda. A know nothing who nobody could pick out of a lineup. His queerness isn't an issue? Then why did HE bring it front and center? Attacking Mike Pence for his religious beliefs shows HIS bias and that he is unfit for office. The only thing this goof is running on is that he's gay. By the way how would this goof govern when NO Middle Eastern Islam following leader would ever speak to him? Take your hetero haing Tump hating BS and shove it.
He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here

Sorry little whiner, tis goof is certainly not JFK. That is an absolute insult to JFK. Nobody made Buttplug put his gayness front and center. He did that all by himself. Having religious beliefs does not make Pence a bigot. Perhaps you and Buttplug better remember that there is religious freedom in this country. Forcing this crap on kids in the schools and trying to normalize degenerate mentally ill behavior. This guy has ZERO chance at even getting the nomination. Then he'll probably complain that it's homophobia that cost him, not his lack of qualifications.
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.
Homosexuals are notorious child rapists. That's why them adopting children should be outlawed. If he became President and he and his roto rooter husband decided to adopt a child in the White House, the 25th Amendment should be invoked. What a national disgrace this guy already is.

There is no correlation between homosexuality & pedophilia.

This is a strong corre;sation between Trump supporters & stupid, ignorant, uneducated people.
* Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 percent to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children. A study in the Journal of Sex Research found that although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses

He attacked Pence for his bigotry. He came out as gay because if he didn't, he would have been excoriated when it came out as it surely would have. He made a statement of fact and is not running as a gay, he just happens to be gay. Do you remember the hysteria and paranoia when JFK rant. He was Catholic . He stated that he is not running as a catholic. He is running as a candidate for president who happens to be Catholic. Same here

Sorry little whiner, tis goof is certainly not JFK. That is an absolute insult to JFK. Nobody made Buttplug put his gayness front and center. He did that all by himself. Having religious beliefs does not make Pence a bigot. Perhaps you and Buttplug better remember that there is religious freedom in this country. Forcing this crap on kids in the schools and trying to normalize degenerate mentally ill behavior. This guy has ZERO chance at even getting the nomination. Then he'll probably complain that it's homophobia that cost him, not his lack of qualifications.
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.
Homosexuals are notorious child rapists. That's why them adopting children should be outlawed. If he became President and he and his roto rooter husband decided to adopt a child in the White House, the 25th Amendment should be invoked. What a national disgrace this guy already is.

There is no correlation between homosexuality & pedophilia.

This is a strong corre;sation between Trump supporters & stupid, ignorant, uneducated people.
* Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 percent to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children. A study in the Journal of Sex Research found that although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses


Most pedophiles have never really had an adult sexual relationship because they are attracted to children. So how do you know a pedophile is a homosexual?
Sorry little whiner, tis goof is certainly not JFK. That is an absolute insult to JFK. Nobody made Buttplug put his gayness front and center. He did that all by himself. Having religious beliefs does not make Pence a bigot. Perhaps you and Buttplug better remember that there is religious freedom in this country. Forcing this crap on kids in the schools and trying to normalize degenerate mentally ill behavior. This guy has ZERO chance at even getting the nomination. Then he'll probably complain that it's homophobia that cost him, not his lack of qualifications.
A gay man running for president is forcing WHAT on children? Is a straight person running for president forcing heterosexuality on children? The JFK analogy is valid. Not saying that he is JFK. but apparently you're not smart enough to get that. Religious freedom is about YOU being able to express your faith and practice it as you see fit. It is NOT about you telling others how to live or what they should be.
Homosexuals are notorious child rapists. That's why them adopting children should be outlawed. If he became President and he and his roto rooter husband decided to adopt a child in the White House, the 25th Amendment should be invoked. What a national disgrace this guy already is.

There is no correlation between homosexuality & pedophilia.

This is a strong corre;sation between Trump supporters & stupid, ignorant, uneducated people.
* Homosexuals are overrepresented in child sex offenses: Individuals from the 1 percent to 3 percent of the population that is sexually attracted to the same sex are committing up to one-third of the sex crimes against children. A study in the Journal of Sex Research found that although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses


Most pedophiles have never really had an adult sexual relationship because they are attracted to children. So how do you know a pedophile is a homosexual?
I do agree that pedophilia and homosexuality are DIFFERENT illnesses, but homosexuals (being male) have difficulty controlling their "urges." They believe they are ENTITLED to act on their urges without the normal restraint Christian culture has "imposed" on the rest of us. They often see children as prey.
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
Are people seriously stupid enough to make sexuality an issue going into 2020? You do realize that most people don't give a shit and many people will be offended by that sort of attack. Deal with the fucking issues. Trump is queer in his own special way.

I agree With this post sans the last sentence. No need for it and it is a lie.
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
What a bigoted POS you are.

Republicans support adulterers, child molesters, prostitute customers, business cheats, liars, bigots, white supremacists but draw the line at homosexuals.

I get it,. you fuckers are so moral & Christian.
Like gays child molesters are born that way. We must accept that orientation as normal. Only perverts want their perversion normalized. Business cheats, prostitutes, bigots etc, no one else demands that their practices be accepted, honored, taught in schools as honorable. No one would really step forward and say the because they are slum lords they should be allowed to adopt children.

The reprehensible behavior is coming from homosexuals. Mayor Buttplug is particularly loathesome. He's insinuating himself as The National pastor attacking Christians for disagreeing with him. Say, Pastor Buttplug, will you make the church of queer Jesus the National religion?

So, you think people who have consensual relationships with adults of the same sex are the same as adults who sexually abuse children.

My God Trump has really made you people this disgusting.

People choose to cheat people Who choose hire prostitutes. Who are bigots . Have to with one's lack of morals. You know like your orange buddy.

Homosexuals hurt no one. Their situation is not by choice. They do not deserve to be discriminated against.

You choose to be & support bigots. Perhaps if your school taught that people can have different sexual orientations, you would not be the asshole you are today.

Why is everything Trumps fault?
Being as how they call their very own victim group LGBQT, this should stand without our resident dims having a minor heart attack.

But since they ARE the Party of Perpetual Outrage, it will get reported 12,381 times.

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They fact that this completely unqualified individual would be considered for the nomination is a joke. He’s gay...that’s his big selling point. Was the South Bend dog catcher too busy to run? Democratic Party has become a joke.
Completely unqualified? What were your candidate's qualifications again?

Hating brown people doesn't count.
Successful businessman and capitalist tycoon.
Lol, no. Daddy little boy and litigious bully.

He failed to make money with a casino for goD's sake.

Yep! Neither did anyone else!
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics

Don't leave out Hillary! She's been a known predatory lesbian for decades.


Why should Bill have all the fun? And you wondered why they sleep in separate beds (if not separate rooms and floors).
No, it’s not Obama again. It’s the gay mayor of South Bend, Indiana. He must have celebrated his announcement by blowing his “husband.” Joe Biden doesn’t stand a chance in the 2020 fucked-up Democratic Party. No white heterosexual males need enter the race.
Pete Buttigieg officially announces presidential campaign - CNNPolitics
Are people seriously stupid enough to make sexuality an issue going into 2020?

Apparently the Democrats are. I didn't go looking to see what his sex orientation was, apparently he ANNOUNCED IT. Apparently the Democrats think that, after electing Obama based on his SKIN COLOR, running Hillary because she was A WOMAN, and now this guy because he's a buttplug, that sexuality is an electable quality!

Just as Obama made race and black interests a NATIONAL PRIORITY, just as Hillary would have made women's interests and issues a NATIONAL PRIORITY, we all know that if Buttplug gets in office, we'll have gays, queers and lesbians running up and down the streets in naked parades and bright colors, suddenly in charge of every damned thing!
It will be interesting to see how Buttiguieg is attacked by Bernie and Beto, specifically since Buttiguieg has taken the spotlight off Beto.

All that matters is that in the end, the Democratic Hopefuls will be a smoldering heap of broken bodies with one man left standing:


America First Patriot.

And damned proud of it.
What is his platform? Other than the fact that he's gay and he wants to be President what does he want to accomplish? He doesn't stand for anything.

On a side note this do you want this guy to have butt sex in the Oval Office?
Being as how they call their very own victim group LGBQT, this should stand without our resident dims having a minor heart attack.

But since they ARE the Party of Perpetual Outrage, it will get reported 12,381 times.

More or less
They fact that this completely unqualified individual would be considered for the nomination is a joke. He’s gay...that’s his big selling point. Was the South Bend dog catcher too busy to run? Democratic Party has become a joke.
Completely unqualified? What were your candidate's qualifications again?

Hating brown people doesn't count.
Successful businessman and capitalist tycoon.
Lol, no. Daddy little boy and litigious bully.

He failed to make money with a casino for goD's sake.

Yep! Neither did anyone else!
Your response makes no sense.

I suppose I should be used to that by now.
What is his platform? Other than the fact that he's gay and he wants to be President what does he want to accomplish? He doesn't stand for anything.

On a side note this do you want this guy to have butt sex in the Oval Office?
Evidently according to the OP just the idea of a penis in a butt is no reason to vote for him...
A very intelligent, very articulate, very thoughtful, very calm and very respectful man.

A delightful contrast, for as long as it lasts.
He puts another guy’s penis in his anus. That’s a disqualification factor for this voter. I don’t want this man in charge of our nuclear arsenal.

As opposed to an orange-face-painted guy who plants his little mushroom in a porn actress while his wife is nursing?

Or, say, an obese moron who poses for soft-porn pics with his own daughter?

Some value set you have there Binkles.
Soft porn pics with his doctor? Link?

"Doctor" my eye.
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