Question about Texas border and illegals


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
I have noticed a HUGe dec in brown invaders into TEXAS the last 2 months.
Is this due to TEXAS being Strong and enforcing their own border OR is this due to it being a naturally slow 2 months of it being the winter.

Will Texas be getting hordes in the SPRING flooding in or not.

Both San Diego and Tucson are being flooded with thousands per week or more.
Have you been at the Texas border counting migrants in your spare time again?
I suspect so but AZ and CA will be the new epicenter.

The country is LOST and there is no coming back.
What is most crazy is that every single Democratic either DOES NOT CARE about the invasion or simply blames the GOP for this.

Will be super fun watching every major US leftist city become a 4th World and seeing white leftist dying
A real nightmare what is happening ... thank you Barack Ovomit , Joe Biden and all their thugs


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