Question:Can Families Of Benghazi Sue Hillary For What She Did To Their Sons?

its just really sad that either a president/member of the staff can get away with letting others die inexcusably and walk away scott free.
If a cop on the beat watches someone pull a gun and shoot someone right on the street and does nothing to prevent and nothing in response and then lies to coverup his inaction, he not only doesn't get promoted but more likely is, at the very least, suspended and demoted and is subject to criminal charges of malfeasance. Hillary and obama's involvement in the Benghazi fiasco is no different.
If a cop on the beat watches someone pull a gun and shoot someone right on the street and does nothing to prevent and nothing in response and then lies to coverup his inaction, he not only doesn't get promoted but more likely is, at the very least, suspended and demoted and is subject to criminal charges of malfeasance. Hillary and obama's involvement in the Benghazi fiasco is no different.
just like with eric hoodler,,,apparently he sees human beings as insects.
Can we sue Bush and the GOP for all the many tens of thousands of Americans maimed and dead in Iraq? And Benghazi wasn't even Hillary's fault. The SOS doesn't run security. But we do know the GOP cut it.

Republicans have sought to cut hundreds of millions of dollars slated for security at U.S. embassies and consulates since gaining control of the House in 2011.

GOP cuts to embassy security draw scrutiny, jabs from Democrats

How do asswipe Republicans have the nerve to point fingers after what they did to embassy security. They set Obama and Hillary up.
Why don't they sue terrorists for what they did to their sons?
If a cop on the beat watches someone pull a gun and shoot someone right on the street and does nothing to prevent and nothing in response and then lies to coverup his inaction, he not only doesn't get promoted but more likely is, at the very least, suspended and demoted and is subject to criminal charges of malfeasance. Hillary and obama's involvement in the Benghazi fiasco is no different.

can't use the description arab/north african or muslim or anything related

man, dark hair, jeans, black tee shirt with white writing, wearing a vest with pockets...............


No, just does not cut it as a valid description by police looking for a terrorist or potential suicide bomber
I don't think you can sue an individual in the government

Also, when these two MERCENARIES- oh, wait, CIA Contractors - signed their lucrative contracts to go to Libya, they probably signed waivers accepting that they might be killed by some of the people they were helping to torture.

So let me get this straight. The CIA runs a black site. Probably torturing people there, Allah knows what else, and when the local people riot against them, they whine about getting killed because Hillary didn't do... not sure what, exactly.
its just really sad that either a president/member of the staff can get away with letting others die inexcusably and walk away scott free.

I agree. 4500 Soldiers died needlessly in Iraq over weapons that didn't exist in a country that was not our enemy. That Bush and Cheney walked away from that Scott Free is truly inexcusable.

Oh. Wait. That's not what you were talking about?
:iagree: Does anyone feel the same way? and has this ever been brought up in
cable news shows? If Hillary was responsible for the deaths of four
Americans overseas on her watch, then why hasn't she been taken to
court for her inactions?
Can you imagine if all four families could pull this off and each one takes
50 to 60 million from her? That would be just wonderful !!!! :rock:

Can families in Michigan Sue governor Rick Snyder for giving them lead poisoning?
75% of the all U.S. military deaths and about 90% of the injuries in Afghanistan have occurred under President Obama's watch.

Sad, if they happened under Bush, the left would only care about them

75% of the all U.S. military deaths and about 90% of the injuries in Afghanistan have occurred under President Obama's watch.

Sad, if they happened under Bush, the left would only care about them

No one complained about them when they did happen under Bush's watch. Everyone agreed that the war in Afghanistan was necessary. The problem was Obama had to do the job in 2010 that Bush SHOULD have done in 2003, but he was too busy getting revenge on Saddam for making his pappy look silly.

Oh, yeah, and Obama killed Bin Laden. Let's not forget that.
poor soldiers, ,,,,like the women raped in Europe...
some times the left is willing to "sacrifice" and overlook people
for their political cause and idealistic dreams

Uh, guy, when you right wingers all form a volunteer legion to save the women of the Middle East, then I will take you seriously.

Instead you want to send working class kids off to save the Oil these women are standing on top of. Even though Oil is becoming largely valueless now because we have so damned much of it.
:iagree: Does anyone feel the same way? and has this ever been brought up in
cable news shows? If Hillary was responsible for the deaths of four
Americans overseas on her watch, then why hasn't she been taken to
court for her inactions?
Can you imagine if all four families could pull this off and each one takes
50 to 60 million from her? That would be just wonderful !!!! :rock:

:bang3: :hellno: :bang3:

What did she do?

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