Question:Can Families Of Benghazi Sue Hillary For What She Did To Their Sons?

:iagree: Does anyone feel the same way? and has this ever been brought up in
cable news shows? If Hillary was responsible for the deaths of four
Americans overseas on her watch, then why hasn't she been taken to
court for her inactions?
Can you imagine if all four families could pull this off and each one takes
50 to 60 million from her? That would be just wonderful !!!! :rock:

The good news, she can still run for president from jail


from Leavenworth for treason?
I think Bush and Cheney should be in prison and the GOP disbanded for being an arm of al Qaeda, since they have done more damage to this country than al Qaeda and Isis combined.

Good news

even if she goes to Prison like socialist Eugene Debs
she can still run for President like he did


Yes, he was in jail for ten years on espionage and took his appeal to the SC

He also never got more than 6% of the vote.

She can try to run from jail, but it will cut a lot of support.

She is not speaking against the government, she miss handled and lied as the secretary of state, and if she did so as president it could be catastrophic
Can we sue Bush and the GOP for all the many tens of thousands of Americans maimed and dead in Iraq? And Benghazi wasn't even Hillary's fault. The SOS doesn't run security. But we do know the GOP cut it.

Republicans have sought to cut hundreds of millions of dollars slated for security at U.S. embassies and consulates since gaining control of the House in 2011.

GOP cuts to embassy security draw scrutiny, jabs from Democrats

How do asswipe Republicans have the nerve to point fingers after what they did to embassy security. They set Obama and Hillary up.

Wrong! Ever hear of the Diplomatic Security Service?

Oh, so the Republicans were responsible for cutting security in Libya when the State Department spent security funding for charging stations for electric cars they did not even own in Vienna?
75% of the all U.S. military deaths and about 90% of the injuries in Afghanistan have occurred under President Obama's watch.

Sad, if they happened under Bush, the left would only care about them
:iagree: Does anyone feel the same way? and has this ever been brought up in
cable news shows? If Hillary was responsible for the deaths of four
Americans overseas on her watch, then why hasn't she been taken to
court for her inactions?
Can you imagine if all four families could pull this off and each one takes
50 to 60 million from her? That would be just wonderful !!!! :rock:

Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz and the rest of that crew would then have to answer for slaughtering 3,000 people on 9/11.

But that is in a past conservatives want desperately to forget and pretend never happened so ... shhhhh.

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