Question for believers in man made climate change

Please fill in the blanks:

If we do nothing about climate change, _____________ will happen.

The solution to prevent _______________ from happening is ________________.

Thank you.
If we do nothing about climate change, global climate change will happen.

The solution to prevent human disasters from happening is not fully understood but limiting CO2 emissions is an obvious start and further research may identify additional mechanisms.

You're welcome.

Hundreds of thousands of people in third world countries are dying per year due to smoke inhalation, because they don't have fossil fuels, the European banks refuse to lend them money to build power plants.

Germany electrical rates are two to three times higher then ours because they are trying to rely on green energy..

Why do you hate poor people?

These are all lies.

Germany's rates are just fine. And they can produce 100% of their power from renewables, they are now working on the pumped-storage.

Link propaganda tool..

Of course they are a 2 second google search will back up my FACTS

Why are you a denier fool?

German household power prices at record high -Verivox

Hundreds of thousands of people in third world countries are dying per year due to smoke inhalation, because they don't have fossil fuels, the European banks refuse to lend them money to build power plants.
I have nothing against either power plants or poor people but I do think we need to factor in the cost of climate change. If solar or nuclear combined with efficiency is the answer we all benefit in the long term.

That's what Trump is doing.

Why do you want to put the world in a depression with junk science...we just don't know how much man is contributing and how much is natural variation, we don't have enough real data..

The idea you call it junk science proves what a moron you are. You & Trump: dumber than shit.
We have the data., You are just too fucking stupid to understand it.

Here's a hint: when we talk increase & know where the increase originated, we know how much is man made.
Hundreds of thousands of people in third world countries are dying per year due to smoke inhalation, because they don't have fossil fuels, the European banks refuse to lend them money to build power plants.
I have nothing against either power plants or poor people but I do think we need to factor in the cost of climate change. If solar or nuclear combined with efficiency is the answer we all benefit in the long term.

That's what Trump is doing.

Why do you want to put the world in a depression with junk science...we just don't know how much man is contributing and how much is natural variation, we don't have enough real data..

The idea you call it junk science proves what a moron you are. You & Trump: dumber than shit.
We have the data., You are just too fucking stupid to understand it.

Here's a hint: when we talk increase & know where the increase originated, we know how much is man made.



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Please fill in the blanks:

If we do nothing about climate change, _____________ will happen.

The solution to prevent _______________ from happening is ________________.

Thank you.
If we do nothing about climate change, global climate change will happen.

The solution to prevent human disasters from happening is not fully understood but limiting CO2 emissions is an obvious start and further research may identify additional mechanisms.

You're welcome.

Hundreds of thousands of people in third world countries are dying per year due to smoke inhalation, because they don't have fossil fuels, the European banks refuse to lend them money to build power plants.

Germany electrical rates are two to three times higher then ours because they are trying to rely on green energy..

Why do you hate poor people?

These are all lies.

Germany's rates are just fine. And they can produce 100% of their power from renewables, they are now working on the pumped-storage.

Link propaganda tool..

Of course they are a 2 second google search will back up my FACTS

Why are you a denier fool?

German household power prices at record high -Verivox


Ugh, such ignorance on display.

The cheapest NEW POWER PLANT to build is Wind followed by Solar, per cost per watt. You can't just look at an entire national grid and its cost to the consumer and assume it has to do with the power plant portfolio alone.

Too bad all your sources come from "Reuters".

Again, paper-thin understanding. You're a damned sophomore.
You exhale and release CO2 fool and not all of it is coming from the northern hemisphere didn't you get the memo it's also coming from the southnern hemisphere...from deforestation.
My breathing is part of the Carbon Cycle, mining coal is an addition to it.

Even if we were completely innocent of adding CO2 to the atmosphere we will suffer the consequences just the same.

There are no consequences. Only in your imagination. The only thing more CO2 in the atmosphere will do is help plants to produce more oxygen and for crops to produce more.

Carbon has zero effect on the temperature of Earth. It's just a half baked theory based on bad data in computer models. It cannot even be tested.
Really? I this a faith-based or an evidence-based assertion?

Well, considering plants use the energy in sunlight to convert CO2 and water to sugar and oxygen, I'm guessing you can answer your own question.
Considering CO2 warms the planet, do you believe your own science?

Seriously, you may want to look it up before saying more stupid stuff.
You exhale and release CO2 fool and not all of it is coming from the northern hemisphere didn't you get the memo it's also coming from the southnern hemisphere...from deforestation.
My breathing is part of the Carbon Cycle, mining coal is an addition to it.

Even if we were completely innocent of adding CO2 to the atmosphere we will suffer the consequences just the same.

There are no consequences. Only in your imagination. The only thing more CO2 in the atmosphere will do is help plants to produce more oxygen and for crops to produce more.

Carbon has zero effect on the temperature of Earth. It's just a half baked theory based on bad data in computer models. It cannot even be tested.
Really? I this a faith-based or an evidence-based assertion?

Well, considering plants use the energy in sunlight to convert CO2 and water to sugar and oxygen, I'm guessing you can answer your own question.
Photosynthesis is part of the Carbon Cycle and won't add any additional CO2 to the atmosphere.

Hmmm, don't recall even suggesting plants added CO2 to the atmosphere.
We can limit the rise if we act as a planet like in the Paris Agreement.
So, if America pays for everything and starts fucking over Americans, making all of our lives much more expensive, and China and India do nothing, all will be fine?
Wow, there is not end top your ignorance.

All Paris Accord signers listed their own goals.

The industrialized developed nations donate money to help the developing nations get the greenest generation facilities.

I know you dumbasses will whine & cry but we should admit that we are where we are with carbon concentrations due to these developed industrialized nations spewing all kinds of shit without any regard. And it's stupid to work to reduce ours if some country in Africa builds really dirty coal plants. So it only makes sense to help them build the greenest plants available.

43 countries have pledged money for that fund. \ Not just he US as you lied about.

Obama had pledged 3 billion. A lot less than your hero's stupid wall & do a hell of a lot more people here in the US & around the globe.

But hey, that's your children & grandchildren's future & we know how much you hate them.

So now country's like Zimbabwe has satellites in space ?

They rely on IPCC , NOAA, NASA...for their information the 2nd and 3rd world country's signed it for money..

Ya know just like worm scientist say man made climate change is for real to get government funds ..

Is your goal to stop humans from polluting our air and water?

If yes, why isn't that enough? Why do you need an unproven link between pollution and climate in order to fight pollution?

If you were out there fighting pollution, 99% of humans would support your fight. But when you try to claim that pollution is changing the climate you lose 60% of the supporters.

Can someone explain?
Believers? You mean people who aren’t science deniers?

Firstly, climate denial is a serious issue only in the US, so when you say 60 percent of humans. You mean only Republicans,who aren't even 60 percent of the US.
Secondly. If I accept your premise, then I have to ask why would you reject clean air and water because you don't agree on climate change? Something that is being done by your party as we speak. Coal polutes the air it creates smog yet you accept Trump promoting it. Why if you are for clean air?

see, you still don't get it. I fully support and demand that we stop polluting air and water. You don't need to make climate claims in order to get the vast majority of humans to support those efforts.
You & your denier buddies claim CO2 is not a pollutant.

Why should we lie because your ilk is stupid?

Because we need CO2 to live..and you call us the stupid one?

You need water, let me dump you in the ocean with a cement block tied to your foot. You'll have lots of waster so you will live that much better.

That's your lame argument, once again just for you in the Jurassic period we had 5 times more CO2 in the atmosphere, what part of that don't you get?
Would you like to live then?
Gasping for Breath in the Jurassic Era

Dp asswipes don't get it that a rise of 3-4C could make our midwest unsuitable for growing the crops they do now.

You donlt get that the plants we depend on now, shut down at temps 95 & over.

How well did man survive in that Jurasic period?

Global Warming won't destroy the planet., Things that live here, maybe.
Please fill in the blanks:

If we do nothing about climate change, _____________ will happen.

The solution to prevent _______________ from happening is ________________.

Thank you.
If we do nothing about climate change, global climate change will happen.

The solution to prevent human disasters from happening is not fully understood but limiting CO2 emissions is an obvious start and further research may identify additional mechanisms.

You're welcome.

Hundreds of thousands of people in third world countries are dying per year due to smoke inhalation, because they don't have fossil fuels, the European banks refuse to lend them money to build power plants.

Germany electrical rates are two to three times higher then ours because they are trying to rely on green energy..

Why do you hate poor people?

These are all lies.

Germany's rates are just fine. And they can produce 100% of their power from renewables, they are now working on the pumped-storage.

Link propaganda tool..

Of course they are a 2 second google search will back up my FACTS

Why are you a denier fool?

German household power prices at record high -Verivox


Ugh, such ignorance on display.

The cheapest NEW POWER PLANT to build is Wind followed by Solar, per cost per watt. You can't just look at an entire national grid and its cost to the consumer and assume it has to do with the power plant portfolio alone.

Too bad all your sources come from "Reuters".

Again, paper-thin understanding. You're a damned sophomore.

They are subsidized ....the Left has a 40 year war on coal and we have a 400 year supply of it of course it will be cheaper if the government picks winners and losers..

Get your propaganda out of here Naomi klein want to be.

see, you still don't get it. I fully support and demand that we stop polluting air and water. You don't need to make climate claims in order to get the vast majority of humans to support those efforts.
You & your denier buddies claim CO2 is not a pollutant.

Why should we lie because your ilk is stupid?

Because we need CO2 to live..and you call us the stupid one?

You need water, let me dump you in the ocean with a cement block tied to your foot. You'll have lots of waster so you will live that much better.

That's your lame argument, once again just for you in the Jurassic period we had 5 times more CO2 in the atmosphere, what part of that don't you get?
Would you like to live then?
Gasping for Breath in the Jurassic Era

Dp asswipes don't get it that a rise of 3-4C could make our midwest unsuitable for growing the crops they do now.

You donlt get that the plants we depend on now, shut down at temps 95 & over.

How well did man survive in that Jurasic period?

Global Warming won't destroy the planet., Things that live here, maybe.

Lmfao talk about an ant science doufus man didn't come along utill 200,000 years ago..

You have been watching to much Flintstones 3rd grader...
Nuclear physics shows that temperarture of the sun hasn't changed much over the last one billion years.

My understanding is that the "solar cycle" theory comes from the FRAUD itself, a "skeptic argument" for morons, easy for the climate "scientists" to refute...

Global Warming gets so much money from the taxpayer, it funds false "skeptic" arguments so it can "discredit skeptics..."

We aren't discussing shor term fluctuations in the brightness of the sun - changes over a few hundred years. We're talking about how the sun has gradually grown brighter over billions of years. This has happened, but the concentration of CO2 was 2000 ppm only 150 million years ago, which is ony a few minutes in terms of the lifetime of the earth and sun.
We can limit the rise if we act as a planet like in the Paris Agreement.
So, if America pays for everything and starts fucking over Americans, making all of our lives much more expensive, and China and India do nothing, all will be fine?
Wow, there is not end top your ignorance.

All Paris Accord signers listed their own goals.

The industrialized developed nations donate money to help the developing nations get the greenest generation facilities.

I know you dumbasses will whine & cry but we should admit that we are where we are with carbon concentrations due to these developed industrialized nations spewing all kinds of shit without any regard. And it's stupid to work to reduce ours if some country in Africa builds really dirty coal plants. So it only makes sense to help them build the greenest plants available.

43 countries have pledged money for that fund. \ Not just he US as you lied about.

Obama had pledged 3 billion. A lot less than your hero's stupid wall & do a hell of a lot more people here in the US & around the globe.

But hey, that's your children & grandchildren's future & we know how much you hate them.

So now country's like Zimbabwe has satellites in space ?

They rely on IPCC , NOAA, NASA...for their information the 2nd and 3rd world country's signed it for money..

Ya know just like worm scientist say man made climate change is for real to get government funds ..

This idea that climate scientists are all lying to get government money is such as crock of shit because you are too God damn stupid to get the deniers are funded by the fossil fuel industry that is depending on ignorant fucks like you to profit to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars.
trumpettes are even dumber than Trump.
Nuclear physics shows that temperarture of the sun hasn't changed much over the last one billion years.

My understanding is that the "solar cycle" theory comes from the FRAUD itself, a "skeptic argument" for morons, easy for the climate "scientists" to refute...

Global Warming gets so much money from the taxpayer, it funds false "skeptic" arguments so it can "discredit skeptics..."

We aren't discussing shor term fluctuations in the brightness of the sun - changes over a few hundred years. We're talking about how the sun has gradually grown brighter over billions of years. This has happened, but the concentration of CO2 was 2000 ppm only 150 million years ago, which is ony a few minutes in terms of the lifetime of the earth and sun.
but...but....but/.. you just said it has always been the same? WTF buddy.
My breathing is part of the Carbon Cycle, mining coal is an addition to it.

Even if we were completely innocent of adding CO2 to the atmosphere we will suffer the consequences just the same.

There are no consequences. Only in your imagination. The only thing more CO2 in the atmosphere will do is help plants to produce more oxygen and for crops to produce more.

Carbon has zero effect on the temperature of Earth. It's just a half baked theory based on bad data in computer models. It cannot even be tested.
Really? I this a faith-based or an evidence-based assertion?

Well, considering plants use the energy in sunlight to convert CO2 and water to sugar and oxygen, I'm guessing you can answer your own question.
Photosynthesis is part of the Carbon Cycle and won't add any additional CO2 to the atmosphere.

Hmmm, don't recall even suggesting plants added CO2 to the atmosphere.
Then I misunderstood you, what was your point?
see, you still don't get it. I fully support and demand that we stop polluting air and water. You don't need to make climate claims in order to get the vast majority of humans to support those efforts.
You & your denier buddies claim CO2 is not a pollutant.

Why should we lie because your ilk is stupid?

Because we need CO2 to live..and you call us the stupid one?

You need water, let me dump you in the ocean with a cement block tied to your foot. You'll have lots of waster so you will live that much better.

That's your lame argument, once again just for you in the Jurassic period we had 5 times more CO2 in the atmosphere, what part of that don't you get?
Would you like to live then?
Gasping for Breath in the Jurassic Era

Dp asswipes don't get it that a rise of 3-4C could make our midwest unsuitable for growing the crops they do now.

You donlt get that the plants we depend on now, shut down at temps 95 & over.

How well did man survive in that Jurasic period?

Global Warming won't destroy the planet., Things that live here, maybe.

Btw more Bullshit computer models?

No real data?

From your link

Modern studies of global climate change on Earth usually rely on computer modeling techniques. However, studying the history of our planet through geology can provide information on actual occurrences of climate change in the past.

It happens every time. When confronted with the truth, the libs always disappear from the thread.
It happens every time. When confronted with the science, the right ignores the science and raises a straw man.

You're right, pollution is bad but it doesn't change the climate. You're also right that climate is ALWAYS changing. Where you're wrong is saying science blames pollution for global warming. It doesn't. What is says is that we are extracting carbon from where it is locked up in the ground, as coal and oil, and converting it to carbon dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas. What you should understand that it is irrelevant if GW is natural or man-made, the effects will be the same and they will be tragic for humanity.

You exhale and release CO2 fool and not all of it is coming from the northern hemisphere didn't you get the memo it's also coming from the southnern hemisphere...from deforestation.
My breathing is part of the Carbon Cycle, mining coal is an addition to it.

Even if we were completely innocent of adding CO2 to the atmosphere we will suffer the consequences just the same.

There are no consequences. Only in your imagination. The only thing more CO2 in the atmosphere will do is help plants to produce more oxygen and for crops to produce more fruits and vegetables.

Carbon has zero effect on the temperature of Earth. It's just a half baked theory based on bad data in computer models. It cannot even be tested.
Increased CO2 levels have helped to increase the production of food and prevent starvation. It has also caused deserts to recede and the grean areas of the world to expand.

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