Question for Dems and RINO's blaming the Freedom Caucus for the Upcoming "Shut Down:"

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
There are less than fifty representatives in the House Freedom Caucus. How are those fifty able to hold up the other more than three hundred and fifty congressfolk from passing a CR, an Omnibus Spending Bill or even a budget?

Why don't the Speaker and the House Minority leader simply agree to a "clean" CR, and pass it on a bipartisan vote?

Please allow the Dems and RINO's to answer. I know the freedom lovers on this board know the answer. Letting the Dems and RINO's figure it out may help them learn.
There are less than fifty representatives in the House Freedom Caucus. How are those fifty able to hold up the other more than three hundred and fifty congressfolk from passing a CR, an Omnibus Spending Bill or even a budget?

Why don't the Speaker and the House Minority leader simply agree to a "clean" CR, and pass it on a bipartisan vote?

Please allow the Dems and RINO's to answer. I know the freedom lovers on this board know the answer. Letting the Dems and RINO's figure it out may help them learn.
Fuck American hating Congress. Fact is if the shutdown happens and they don't pay the military or the Customs and Border Patrol remember congress is still getting their checks but the worst part is congress will continue to pay the Ukrainian military, government employees and Ukrainian 1st responders plus others
There are less than fifty representatives in the House Freedom Caucus. How are those fifty able to hold up the other more than three hundred and fifty congressfolk from passing a CR, an Omnibus Spending Bill or even a budget?
Because they hold the speaker's tiny little balls in their hands.
It's funny how the same posters here are attacking Trump over his spending (The Banker for one) and out of the other side they demand Republicans spend more in this budget. 🤷‍♂️
You know they aren't attacking tRump for his spending, they are pointing out your hypocrisy.
There are less than fifty representatives in the House Freedom Caucus. How are those fifty able to hold up the other more than three hundred and fifty congressfolk from passing a CR, an Omnibus Spending Bill or even a budget?

Why don't the Speaker and the House Minority leader simply agree to a "clean" CR, and pass it on a bipartisan vote?

Please allow the Dems and RINO's to answer. I know the freedom lovers on this board know the answer. Letting the Dems and RINO's figure it out may help them learn.
Own it.
No we demand republicans pay for the shit they signed into law and not shut down the country over political games designed to sabotage the economy.

You're as phony as Monopoly money.

And as if Pelosi and Biden didn't spend massively from January 2019 through January 2023. FFS.
You're as phony as Monopoly money.

And as if Pelosi and Biden didn't spend massively from January 2019 through January 2023. FFS.
Bush started his presidency with a balanced budget.
he ended his presidency with Trillion dollar deficits, the economy in total ruin, 2 failed and mis-managed wars, and the balanced budget destroyed.

republicans own our debt. They caused it. They are the main reason we have this debt. Trump made it worse with all his massive big spending

NOW, all the jack ass republicans that caused all the debt, are playing games and not looking to fund the spending bills they passed.
... not looking to fund the spending bills they passed.


Demands to spend while criticizing spending. 🤣 FFS.

And refuses to deal with all of the Pelosi spending from both her terms as Speaker (Øbama's huge debt pile first time around and Biden's huge debt pile her second time around).

... Trump is correct that the debt has almost doubled in dollar terms since Obama's first inauguration. Using the gross debt figure Trump cites, debt grew from $10.6 trillion on Inauguration Day 2009 to $19.4 trillion as of July 21.​
Using the more economically meaningful figure of debt held by the public, which excludes money that the government owes to itself, debt more than doubled from $6.3 trillion to $14 trillion.

There are less than fifty representatives in the House Freedom Caucus. How are those fifty able to hold up the other more than three hundred and fifty congressfolk from passing a CR, an Omnibus Spending Bill or even a budget?

Why don't the Speaker and the House Minority leader simply agree to a "clean" CR, and pass it on a bipartisan vote?

Please allow the Dems and RINO's to answer. I know the freedom lovers on this board know the answer. Letting the Dems and RINO's figure it out may help them learn.
Simple. If the Speaker allows a clean House vote on the bill, he will be replaced.

The Freedom Caucus believes that the voters will not blame them or the GOP at election, yet it is the GOP that has the House majority.
There are less than fifty representatives in the House Freedom Caucus. How are those fifty able to hold up the other more than three hundred and fifty congressfolk from passing a CR, an Omnibus Spending Bill or even a budget?

Why don't the Speaker and the House Minority leader simply agree to a "clean" CR, and pass it on a bipartisan vote?

Please allow the Dems and RINO's to answer. I know the freedom lovers on this board know the answer. Letting the Dems and RINO's figure it out may help them learn.

There are 100 US Senators and one of them can hold up military promotions.

Both the House and Senate have stupid fucking rules that allow this to happen
There are 100 US Senators and one of them can hold up military promotions.

Both the House and Senate have stupid fucking rules that allow this to happen
Some of your fellow Dems tried at least. One came very close to getting it right.

Bringing up a Senate rule about military promotions is meaningless. There is no House rule allowing less than fifty to over-ride 350+ when it comes to spending bills.
Simple. If the Speaker allows a clean House vote on the bill, he will be replaced.
Surprisingly close. Well done!

He would not just be replaced as Speaker, which is what I think you mean. He would be replaced as a congressman, either by being primaried into oblivian or by having his voters stay home on election day.

In other words, Speaker McCarthy fears the reaction of the voters he represents. That is what is supposed to happen. He is their representative, get it?

The purpose of electing representatives is not so they can impress the New York Times by doing the bidding of the opposition party whose policies their voters find an anathema.

The Freedom Caucus believes that the voters will not blame them or the GOP at election, yet it is the GOP that has the House majority.
"Blame" them for what, exactly? Federal workers getting furloughed and having to stay home doing nothing? Most of them are staying home doing nothing most days anyway. Now they will do it five days a week instead of four.

The Freedom Caucus' voters will applaud them for "shutting down" the government. Even if they end up having to back down and sign a CR with no concessions, voters will know that they tried.

But of course they will get concessions. The borrow and spenders will have to give up something. CBS will do stories about downtrodden welfare rats having to make do with a crumb or two less, or pampered federal workers being bored all day at home. On the East and West Coast, tears will be shed for them. In middle America, people will roll their eyes and laugh.
The Freedom Caucus' voters will applaud them for "shutting down" the government. Even if they end up having to back down and sign a CR with no concessions, voters will know that they tried.

And this is the key. This is all about being able to tell you all they tried, and you being stupid enough to fall for it and vote them back into office.
And this is the key. This is all about being able to tell you all they tried, and you being stupid enough to fall for it and vote them back into office.
Yes, so they can keep trying.

Can you imagine what the budgets would look like if not for a few congressfolk willing to at least try to hold the line?
The Freedom Caucus

The Freedom Caucus' voters will applaud them for "shutting down" the government.

Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech or organization, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or insurrection against, established authority. Wikipedia

There are less than fifty representatives in the House Freedom Caucus. How are those fifty able to hold up the other more than three hundred and fifty congressfolk from passing a CR, an Omnibus Spending Bill or even a budget?

Why don't the Speaker and the House Minority leader simply agree to a "clean" CR, and pass it on a bipartisan vote?

Please allow the Dems and RINO's to answer. I know the freedom lovers on this board know the answer. Letting the Dems and RINO's figure it out may help them learn.

Just another example of the GOP's inability to govern and another reason to vote each and every one of them onto the unemployment rolls.

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