Question for folks who live in Isrel.


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
So I'm watching this stuff on the news about the missiles coming out of Gaza. It didn't would like anyone was hurt and I hope that's still the case. My question is this, Isrel has proven time and again they can swat Hamas, or whoever is is responsible for launching these missiles into Isrel with ease. And it's been going on for years. So why hasn't Isrel just rolled the tanks into Gaza and wiped out the terrorists yet? They are more then capable. Is it political? Is there fear other countries will attack them ? Sorry to come off dumb about it. Just looking for a clue is all.
So I'm watching this stuff on the news about the missiles coming out of Gaza. It didn't would like anyone was hurt and I hope that's still the case. My question is this, Isrel has proven time and again they can swat Hamas, or whoever is is responsible for launching these missiles into Isrel with ease. And it's been going on for years. So why hasn't Isrel just rolled the tanks into Gaza and wiped out the terrorists yet? They are more then capable. Is it political? Is there fear other countries will attack them ? Sorry to come off dumb about it. Just looking for a clue is all.

The terrorists are not the fundamental problem. Wiping out the "terrorists" won't fix the fundamental problem.
Israel, like its big sister, the US, needs an enemy. In our case it's so the MIC will remain in charge and in Israels case it's so they can keep playing victim to win support of the US MIC contingent. They go hand in hand.
Israel, like its big sister, the US, needs an enemy. In our case it's so the MIC will remain in charge and in Israels case it's so they can keep playing victim to win support of the US MIC contingent. They go hand in hand.

Hm. That seems pretty dangerous.
So I'm watching this stuff on the news about the missiles coming out of Gaza.
The freedom fighters in Gaza don't have any missiles. All they have are rockets, which are fired in the hope that it will hit something besides an open field or a parking lot.

The Israeli's have missiles. Meaning they have a guidance system and are very accurate. ... :cool:
So I'm watching this stuff on the news about the missiles coming out of Gaza.
The freedom fighters in Gaza don't have any missiles. All they have are rockets, which are fired in the hope that it will hit something besides an open field or a parking lot.

The Israeli's have missiles. Meaning they have a guidance system and are very accurate. ... :cool:

As a goofy convert safely ensconced in the Great Satan, are you hoping for some islamo-street cred using the goofy “freedom fighter” label for Islamic terrorists?
Yep! It's a dilemma. Israel has the capability to annihilate the Palestinians but lack the desire as proven by giving into Palestinian demands like a Jew free Gaza only to be thanked with rocket missile bases in this land.

The Palestinians have the desire to annihilate Israel but lack the capability as proven by their assault with everything they do have.

Just how stupid are the Palestinians? Can they ever learn that if they attack &/or kill one or more Israelis, Israel will retaliate & every time the Palestinians death toll will far exceed that of Israelis. Should they not be the ones to initiate peace offerings???
This is a good summary of the strategies being played out by Israel, Hamas and PIJ (Iran).

Israel's maximum restraint

Every Hamas commander and Islamic Jihad commander knows they can be targets. But they also know generally how the response works. You fire rockets, your rocket teams will die. You fire rockets, your bases will be struck. But civilians will mostly go unharmed. This isn’t 2002; this isn’t 2009. Israel has achieved extraordinary precision in its use of judicious and proportionate responses.

But with proportionality the devil is in the details. A rocket strike for an airstrike? Not even. It’s more like several rocket launches for an airstrike. This is the “clean” war, the war in which the Iron Dome defensive system intercepts almost 90% of the projectiles that are calculated to hit civilian areas. There are few casualties. There are many near misses.

How many rockets is too many for Israel to accept? Two hundred in a day? Five hundred in two days? One thousand? The threshold has not been reached. In the past, there were up to 460 fired over several days.

Each rocket brings Israel closer to a choice and a calculated escalation. PIJ seems to calculate as well. No rockets over Tel Aviv or Jerusalem – yet.
So I'm watching this stuff on the news about the missiles coming out of Gaza. It didn't would like anyone was hurt and I hope that's still the case. My question is this, Isrel has proven time and again they can swat Hamas, or whoever is is responsible for launching these missiles into Isrel with ease. And it's been going on for years. So why hasn't Isrel just rolled the tanks into Gaza and wiped out the terrorists yet? They are more then capable. Is it political? Is there fear other countries will attack them ? Sorry to come off dumb about it. Just looking for a clue is all.
The fact is that 60% of the rockets fall in empty areas in Israel or land in Gaza and Israel intercepts 90% of those that would otherwise fall in populated areas, so there is no loss of life on the Israeli side, few injuries and very little property damage. There are neighborhoods in some US cities that are more dangerous than living near the Gaza border.

However it is very disturbing and potentially dangerous and Israel could recapture all of Gaza and kill or capture and imprison nearly all the terrorists in short order, but what then? Should Israel then withdraw and allow a new crop of terrorists to organize? Should Israel use thousands of IDF soldiers to police the Gaza, kicking in doors and breaking up meetings, etc. to prevent new groups of terrorists to organize - essentially setting up a police state in Gaza like the ones in Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iran - while suffering a steady stream of young Israeli soldiers coming home maimed or dead from guerilla attacks? At present, Israel has a lot of noise but few casualties, but destroying the terrorist infrastructure in Gaza would mean less noise but more casualties.
So I'm watching this stuff on the news about the missiles coming out of Gaza.
The freedom fighters in Gaza don't have any missiles. All they have are rockets, which are fired in the hope that it will hit something besides an open field or a parking lot.

The Israeli's have missiles. Meaning they have a guidance system and are very accurate. ... :cool:

“The freedom fighters in Gaza don't have any missiles.”

"All they () have are rockets, which are fired in the hope that it will hit something besides an open field or a parking lot.

"The Israeli's have missiles. Meaning they have a guidance system and are very accurate. ..."

….AND hamass, Islamic jihad & their other terrorist goombas are still roaming free in the gaza stick………..

So I'm watching this stuff on the news about the missiles coming out of Gaza. It didn't would like anyone was hurt and I hope that's still the case. My question is this, Isrel has proven time and again they can swat Hamas, or whoever is is responsible for launching these missiles into Isrel with ease. And it's been going on for years. So why hasn't Isrel just rolled the tanks into Gaza and wiped out the terrorists yet? They are more then capable. Is it political? Is there fear other countries will attack them ? Sorry to come off dumb about it. Just looking for a clue is all.

"My question is this, Isrel (Isrel, Isrel). . ."

"Hamas/Gaza" (abc....ahh, perfect)

"Just looking for a clue is all."


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