Question for Men: Feminine Women

It's funny really. You start threads like this and most often all the married men are responding, but the single ones are all hiding somewhere. :D

probably out looking for "real" relationships!!!

Perhaps, but you would think these kinds of threads would be more attractive to men who are not already with their life partners?

yes. but nothing in life makes much sense.
I don't think "good men" are found on a message board....(sorry guys...)

I agree. These types of sites tend to attract the most extreme and craziest people. Lol. Think about it, no one will listen to some of these people in real life, so they come here to rant their extremist views. Kind of like the guy holding a sign on the corner that the world is going to end, you know? :lol:
It's funny really. You start threads like this and most often all the married men are responding, but the single ones are all hiding somewhere. :D

probably out looking for "real" relationships!!!

Perhaps, but you would think these kinds of threads would be more attractive to men who are not already with their life partners?

yes. but nothing in life makes much sense.
I don't think "good men" are found on a message board....(sorry guys...)

Hey- you are allowed to be wrong here.
I think it would be impressive for a woman to carry on an intelligent conversation about sport. No?

I wouldn't be impressed. Let me clarify- I have nothing against a woman who is into sports, who likes to talk about sports- but it is a subject that doesn't particularly interest me- and not what I look for in a woman- if I want someone to talk about sports to me- I could hang out with guys.

do you like sports? men say it's not important, but, if you are are sitting around the house watching sports, most men want someone that will understand....

unless you have a lot of friends....

again, I ask what DO you want in a woman?

I think he's married, so he's already found what he wanted. :D I don't know why so many married men respond to these types of threads. It gives one the impression that they are single and looking.

most people are not entirely satisfied with their "situation" - so, this is an outlet.
also, this is not really a "dating site" so, they can get their fill of political talk and also do a little flirting on the side... I totally understand what you are saying, though....

I have no intention of meeting up with people IRL, but, it's fun to come here and talk be both serious or silly, do whatever you feel like doing... everyone's "agenda" is different I guess.....

If I was married and I found out my husband was flirting with strange women on the internet, I might not be too pleased about that, to be completely up front and honest. :D Like, I would try to put myself in that situation and probably be more restrained with my flirting. My ex was quite "jealous" person, and I know he would not have appreciated if I was online flirting with strange men.

It's not a good situation and is a "red flag" either about the relationship or the person....
I wish I knew the ultimate "answer" but, it varies. Could be bad communication, maturity, but, ultimately, it comes down to how much do you want what you have? What are you willing to sacrifice?
It's funny really. You start threads like this and most often all the married men are responding, but the single ones are all hiding somewhere. :D

probably out looking for "real" relationships!!!

Perhaps, but you would think these kinds of threads would be more attractive to men who are not already with their life partners?

yes. but nothing in life makes much sense.
I don't think "good men" are found on a message board....(sorry guys...)

Hey- you are allowed to be wrong here.

Nope, you are not. Women are here. :D
It's funny really. You start threads like this and most often all the married men are responding, but the single ones are all hiding somewhere. :D

probably out looking for "real" relationships!!!

Perhaps, but you would think these kinds of threads would be more attractive to men who are not already with their life partners?

yes. but nothing in life makes much sense.
I don't think "good men" are found on a message board....(sorry guys...)

I agree. These types of sites tend to attract the most extreme and craziest people. Lol. Think about it, no one will listen to some of these people in real life, so they come here to rant their extremist views. Kind of like the guy holding a sign on the corner that the world is going to end, you know? :lol:

This is for cowards, and I will put myself in the category too.
People too afraid to go out and live... act..... to basically live out their "real selves" vicariously on a keyboard..
I wouldn't be impressed. Let me clarify- I have nothing against a woman who is into sports, who likes to talk about sports- but it is a subject that doesn't particularly interest me- and not what I look for in a woman- if I want someone to talk about sports to me- I could hang out with guys.

do you like sports? men say it's not important, but, if you are are sitting around the house watching sports, most men want someone that will understand....

unless you have a lot of friends....

again, I ask what DO you want in a woman?

I think he's married, so he's already found what he wanted. :D I don't know why so many married men respond to these types of threads. It gives one the impression that they are single and looking.

most people are not entirely satisfied with their "situation" - so, this is an outlet.
also, this is not really a "dating site" so, they can get their fill of political talk and also do a little flirting on the side... I totally understand what you are saying, though....

I have no intention of meeting up with people IRL, but, it's fun to come here and talk be both serious or silly, do whatever you feel like doing... everyone's "agenda" is different I guess.....

If I was married and I found out my husband was flirting with strange women on the internet, I might not be too pleased about that, to be completely up front and honest. :D Like, I would try to put myself in that situation and probably be more restrained with my flirting. My ex was quite "jealous" person, and I know he would not have appreciated if I was online flirting with strange men.

It's not a good situation and is a "red flag" either about the relationship or the person....
I wish I knew the ultimate "answer" but, it varies. Could be bad communication, maturity, but, ultimately, it comes down to how much do you want what you have? What are you willing to sacrifice?

Well, this is just one reason why I enjoy my single life for now. I am not obligated to explain myself to anyone, and I kind of like that. Of course, I do want a more long-term someday but not until I meet the right person. For now, it's all about flirting and fun! :D
It's funny really. You start threads like this and most often all the married men are responding, but the single ones are all hiding somewhere. :D

probably out looking for "real" relationships!!!

Perhaps, but you would think these kinds of threads would be more attractive to men who are not already with their life partners?

yes. but nothing in life makes much sense.
I don't think "good men" are found on a message board....(sorry guys...)

I agree. These types of sites tend to attract the most extreme and craziest people. Lol. Think about it, no one will listen to some of these people in real life, so they come here to rant their extremist views. Kind of like the guy holding a sign on the corner that the world is going to end, you know? :lol:

This is for cowards, and I will put myself in the category too.
People too afraid to go out and live... act..... to basically live out their "real selves" vicariously on a keyboard..

Well, I started posting on message boards shortly after 9/11 because it so affected me, and I wanted to learn everything I could about our politics and policies and I also wanted to vent about things that were bothering me regarding our political system, so I joined a message board. I was pissed.

Yes, the flirting and socialization can also be fun and entertaining and is mostly harmless. If I was married, however, I probably wouldn't be a member on this or any other discussion boards, or my participation would definitely not be what it is now. Honestly, I participate here so much because I'm not rich and I can't afford to go out all the time, I work full time and so does my current boyfriend, my son is grown and hardly ever here, I work at home too, so I have a lot of free time to be here for now.
probably out looking for "real" relationships!!!

Perhaps, but you would think these kinds of threads would be more attractive to men who are not already with their life partners?

yes. but nothing in life makes much sense.
I don't think "good men" are found on a message board....(sorry guys...)

I agree. These types of sites tend to attract the most extreme and craziest people. Lol. Think about it, no one will listen to some of these people in real life, so they come here to rant their extremist views. Kind of like the guy holding a sign on the corner that the world is going to end, you know? :lol:

This is for cowards, and I will put myself in the category too.
People too afraid to go out and live... act..... to basically live out their "real selves" vicariously on a keyboard..

Well, I started posting on message boards shortly after 9/11 because it so affected me, and I wanted to learn everything I could about our politics and policies and I also wanted to vent about things that were bothering me regarding our political system, so I joined a message board. I was pissed.

Yes, the flirting and socialization can also be fun and entertaining and is mostly harmless. If I was married, however, I probably wouldn't be a member on this or any other discussion boards, or my participation would definitely not be what it is now. Honestly, I participate here so much because I'm not rich and I can't afford to go out all the time, I work full time and so does my current boyfriend, my son is grown and hardly ever here, I work at home too, so I have a lot of free time to be here for now.

that's how I started out "on line". I was a single mom and, before the internet was really known, talked on message boards on Prodigy (like AOL in it's old form....) It was a poor persons social outlet. My hubby is pretty jealous and I have a bit of crazy streak, so, without getting in 'real' trouble, this strikes a happy medium.
Perhaps, but you would think these kinds of threads would be more attractive to men who are not already with their life partners?

yes. but nothing in life makes much sense.
I don't think "good men" are found on a message board....(sorry guys...)

I agree. These types of sites tend to attract the most extreme and craziest people. Lol. Think about it, no one will listen to some of these people in real life, so they come here to rant their extremist views. Kind of like the guy holding a sign on the corner that the world is going to end, you know? :lol:

This is for cowards, and I will put myself in the category too.
People too afraid to go out and live... act..... to basically live out their "real selves" vicariously on a keyboard..

Well, I started posting on message boards shortly after 9/11 because it so affected me, and I wanted to learn everything I could about our politics and policies and I also wanted to vent about things that were bothering me regarding our political system, so I joined a message board. I was pissed.

Yes, the flirting and socialization can also be fun and entertaining and is mostly harmless. If I was married, however, I probably wouldn't be a member on this or any other discussion boards, or my participation would definitely not be what it is now. Honestly, I participate here so much because I'm not rich and I can't afford to go out all the time, I work full time and so does my current boyfriend, my son is grown and hardly ever here, I work at home too, so I have a lot of free time to be here for now.

that's how I started out "on line". I was a single mom and, before the internet was really known, talked on message boards on Prodigy (like AOL in it's old form....) It was a poor persons social outlet. My hubby is pretty jealous and I have a bit of crazy streak, so, without getting in 'real' trouble, this strikes a happy medium.

Well, why would you worry about getting into trouble?

This is a personal question, so feel free not to answer . . . Do you not love and respect your husband? If so, wouldn't just the thought of hurting him like that make you feel sick?
yes. but nothing in life makes much sense.
I don't think "good men" are found on a message board....(sorry guys...)

I agree. These types of sites tend to attract the most extreme and craziest people. Lol. Think about it, no one will listen to some of these people in real life, so they come here to rant their extremist views. Kind of like the guy holding a sign on the corner that the world is going to end, you know? :lol:

This is for cowards, and I will put myself in the category too.
People too afraid to go out and live... act..... to basically live out their "real selves" vicariously on a keyboard..

Well, I started posting on message boards shortly after 9/11 because it so affected me, and I wanted to learn everything I could about our politics and policies and I also wanted to vent about things that were bothering me regarding our political system, so I joined a message board. I was pissed.

Yes, the flirting and socialization can also be fun and entertaining and is mostly harmless. If I was married, however, I probably wouldn't be a member on this or any other discussion boards, or my participation would definitely not be what it is now. Honestly, I participate here so much because I'm not rich and I can't afford to go out all the time, I work full time and so does my current boyfriend, my son is grown and hardly ever here, I work at home too, so I have a lot of free time to be here for now.

that's how I started out "on line". I was a single mom and, before the internet was really known, talked on message boards on Prodigy (like AOL in it's old form....) It was a poor persons social outlet. My hubby is pretty jealous and I have a bit of crazy streak, so, without getting in 'real' trouble, this strikes a happy medium.

Well, why would you worry about getting into trouble?

This is a personal question, so feel free not to answer . . . Do you not love and respect your husband? If so, wouldn't just the thought of hurting him like that make you feel sick?

This is going to sound generic, but, I think we all have different ways of expressing love.
I am the one person in my husband's life that is there beside him no matter what.
He is vey controlling and demanding, and, this is my one selfish indulgence, and, I don't feel that I am doing anything wrong, other than, being given a venue where I feel I can be myself for a few hours of the day.

So no I don't feel guilty or sick.
I agree. These types of sites tend to attract the most extreme and craziest people. Lol. Think about it, no one will listen to some of these people in real life, so they come here to rant their extremist views. Kind of like the guy holding a sign on the corner that the world is going to end, you know? :lol:

This is for cowards, and I will put myself in the category too.
People too afraid to go out and live... act..... to basically live out their "real selves" vicariously on a keyboard..

Well, I started posting on message boards shortly after 9/11 because it so affected me, and I wanted to learn everything I could about our politics and policies and I also wanted to vent about things that were bothering me regarding our political system, so I joined a message board. I was pissed.

Yes, the flirting and socialization can also be fun and entertaining and is mostly harmless. If I was married, however, I probably wouldn't be a member on this or any other discussion boards, or my participation would definitely not be what it is now. Honestly, I participate here so much because I'm not rich and I can't afford to go out all the time, I work full time and so does my current boyfriend, my son is grown and hardly ever here, I work at home too, so I have a lot of free time to be here for now.

that's how I started out "on line". I was a single mom and, before the internet was really known, talked on message boards on Prodigy (like AOL in it's old form....) It was a poor persons social outlet. My hubby is pretty jealous and I have a bit of crazy streak, so, without getting in 'real' trouble, this strikes a happy medium.

Well, why would you worry about getting into trouble?

This is a personal question, so feel free not to answer . . . Do you not love and respect your husband? If so, wouldn't just the thought of hurting him like that make you feel sick?

This is going to sound generic, but, I think we all have different ways of expressing love.
I am the one person in my husband's life that is there beside him no matter what.
He is vey controlling and demanding, and, this is my one selfish indulgence, and, I don't feel that I am doing anything wrong, other than, being given a venue where I feel I can be myself for a few hours of the day.

So no I don't feel guilty or sick.

No, I mean about what you said about getting into "real" trouble. Not about what you do on here.
This is for cowards, and I will put myself in the category too.
People too afraid to go out and live... act..... to basically live out their "real selves" vicariously on a keyboard..

Well, I started posting on message boards shortly after 9/11 because it so affected me, and I wanted to learn everything I could about our politics and policies and I also wanted to vent about things that were bothering me regarding our political system, so I joined a message board. I was pissed.

Yes, the flirting and socialization can also be fun and entertaining and is mostly harmless. If I was married, however, I probably wouldn't be a member on this or any other discussion boards, or my participation would definitely not be what it is now. Honestly, I participate here so much because I'm not rich and I can't afford to go out all the time, I work full time and so does my current boyfriend, my son is grown and hardly ever here, I work at home too, so I have a lot of free time to be here for now.

that's how I started out "on line". I was a single mom and, before the internet was really known, talked on message boards on Prodigy (like AOL in it's old form....) It was a poor persons social outlet. My hubby is pretty jealous and I have a bit of crazy streak, so, without getting in 'real' trouble, this strikes a happy medium.

Well, why would you worry about getting into trouble?

This is a personal question, so feel free not to answer . . . Do you not love and respect your husband? If so, wouldn't just the thought of hurting him like that make you feel sick?

This is going to sound generic, but, I think we all have different ways of expressing love.
I am the one person in my husband's life that is there beside him no matter what.
He is vey controlling and demanding, and, this is my one selfish indulgence, and, I don't feel that I am doing anything wrong, other than, being given a venue where I feel I can be myself for a few hours of the day.

So no I don't feel guilty or sick.

No, I mean about what you said about getting into "real" trouble. Not about what you do on here.

I don't worry about getting into "real trouble" because I am not tempted. I am not looking for anything other than message board conversation. Is that what you were asking?
Well, I started posting on message boards shortly after 9/11 because it so affected me, and I wanted to learn everything I could about our politics and policies and I also wanted to vent about things that were bothering me regarding our political system, so I joined a message board. I was pissed.

Yes, the flirting and socialization can also be fun and entertaining and is mostly harmless. If I was married, however, I probably wouldn't be a member on this or any other discussion boards, or my participation would definitely not be what it is now. Honestly, I participate here so much because I'm not rich and I can't afford to go out all the time, I work full time and so does my current boyfriend, my son is grown and hardly ever here, I work at home too, so I have a lot of free time to be here for now.

that's how I started out "on line". I was a single mom and, before the internet was really known, talked on message boards on Prodigy (like AOL in it's old form....) It was a poor persons social outlet. My hubby is pretty jealous and I have a bit of crazy streak, so, without getting in 'real' trouble, this strikes a happy medium.

Well, why would you worry about getting into trouble?

This is a personal question, so feel free not to answer . . . Do you not love and respect your husband? If so, wouldn't just the thought of hurting him like that make you feel sick?

This is going to sound generic, but, I think we all have different ways of expressing love.
I am the one person in my husband's life that is there beside him no matter what.
He is vey controlling and demanding, and, this is my one selfish indulgence, and, I don't feel that I am doing anything wrong, other than, being given a venue where I feel I can be myself for a few hours of the day.

So no I don't feel guilty or sick.

No, I mean about what you said about getting into "real" trouble. Not about what you do on here.

I don't worry about getting into "real trouble" because I am not tempted. I am not looking for anything other than message board conversation. Is that what you were asking?

Well, those were your words. You said "without getting in 'real' trouble, this strikes a happy medium." I was just wondering what you meant by that.

There are also other people's feelings to consider too. I met a guy who I didn't realize was married at first, and he really kind of grew on me. When I found out he was married, it was a little bit of an "ouchie." Of course, it wasn't any kind of serious relationship or anything, just some talking, but still . . .
The ultra fem mode that some women believe is a man's ultimate desire, imo, is way off. That ultra fem game is merely part of the women's world, imo, of competition that we men rarely get to see. The observant man finds that world a turn off.

I am not ultra fem (I like to look good, be neat, stay slim etc.) but I don't live at the hairdresser or nail salon.
I never thought men liked that anyway.....
I think you need to be attractive, but, attitude I think is key in keeping a man....

A sense of humor beats eye shadow and polished nails hands down.

Being well groomed does say something about your personality though. We have those who don't care about their appearance and those who do. :D

Well groomed and never leaving the house without looking like a runway model are two different things. My sister-in-law plans her outings based on which days she is going to do her makeup. No make up, no leaving the house. In fact, she won't answer the door without makeup. She's always well groomed, just not made up and therefore to her, not presentable. I like for women to look like women, but I don't want them to look or act like they should be behind class.
The ultra fem mode that some women believe is a man's ultimate desire, imo, is way off. That ultra fem game is merely part of the women's world, imo, of competition that we men rarely get to see. The observant man finds that world a turn off.

I am not ultra fem (I like to look good, be neat, stay slim etc.) but I don't live at the hairdresser or nail salon.
I never thought men liked that anyway.....
I think you need to be attractive, but, attitude I think is key in keeping a man....

A sense of humor beats eye shadow and polished nails hands down.

Being well groomed does say something about your personality though. We have those who don't care about their appearance and those who do. :D

Well groomed and never leaving the house without looking like a runway model are two different things. My sister-in-law plans her outings based on which days she is going to do her makeup. No make up, no leaving the house. In fact, she won't answer the door without makeup. She's always well groomed, just not made up and therefore to her, not presentable. I like for women to look like women, but I don't want them to look or act like they should be behind class.

I probably wouldn't go out without my makeup on either. Like I said earlier, most of us have been wearing it for so long, it is just routine now and you literally feel "naked" when you leave the house without any makeup on at all. Besides most women wear at least some makeup every day. The woman who wears NO makeup at all and has no beauty routine is quite rare. Usually those who men would refer to as "disgusting."

Just being honest. :D
Well, I started posting on message boards shortly after 9/11 because it so affected me, and I wanted to learn everything I could about our politics and policies and I also wanted to vent about things that were bothering me regarding our political system, so I joined a message board. I was pissed.

Yes, the flirting and socialization can also be fun and entertaining and is mostly harmless. If I was married, however, I probably wouldn't be a member on this or any other discussion boards, or my participation would definitely not be what it is now. Honestly, I participate here so much because I'm not rich and I can't afford to go out all the time, I work full time and so does my current boyfriend, my son is grown and hardly ever here, I work at home too, so I have a lot of free time to be here for now.

that's how I started out "on line". I was a single mom and, before the internet was really known, talked on message boards on Prodigy (like AOL in it's old form....) It was a poor persons social outlet. My hubby is pretty jealous and I have a bit of crazy streak, so, without getting in 'real' trouble, this strikes a happy medium.

Well, why would you worry about getting into trouble?

This is a personal question, so feel free not to answer . . . Do you not love and respect your husband? If so, wouldn't just the thought of hurting him like that make you feel sick?

This is going to sound generic, but, I think we all have different ways of expressing love.
I am the one person in my husband's life that is there beside him no matter what.
He is vey controlling and demanding, and, this is my one selfish indulgence, and, I don't feel that I am doing anything wrong, other than, being given a venue where I feel I can be myself for a few hours of the day.

So no I don't feel guilty or sick.

No, I mean about what you said about getting into "real" trouble. Not about what you do on here.

I don't worry about getting into "real trouble" because I am not tempted. I am not looking for anything other than message board conversation. Is that what you were asking?

So, how would you feel if the shoe was on the other foot and it was your husband online flirting with all the young pretty women? :D Would you feel jealous? Anger? Would you be cool with that?
The ultra fem mode that some women believe is a man's ultimate desire, imo, is way off. That ultra fem game is merely part of the women's world, imo, of competition that we men rarely get to see. The observant man finds that world a turn off.

I am not ultra fem (I like to look good, be neat, stay slim etc.) but I don't live at the hairdresser or nail salon.
I never thought men liked that anyway.....
I think you need to be attractive, but, attitude I think is key in keeping a man....

A sense of humor beats eye shadow and polished nails hands down.

Being well groomed does say something about your personality though. We have those who don't care about their appearance and those who do. :D

Well groomed and never leaving the house without looking like a runway model are two different things. My sister-in-law plans her outings based on which days she is going to do her makeup. No make up, no leaving the house. In fact, she won't answer the door without makeup. She's always well groomed, just not made up and therefore to her, not presentable. I like for women to look like women, but I don't want them to look or act like they should be behind class.

I think that's really the thing about makeup. It can be actually kind of an addiction. You get so used to seeing yourself with makeup on, that when you aren't wearing any, you feel ugly and gross even if you don't look ugly and gross. You know what I'm saying?
And one more thing about makeup. You guys are such liars. You say you prefer women without makeup and maybe some of you actually do, but most of you do not, and that is proven by the most downloaded women. These are the most makeup laden, plastic surgery laden women, and you guys are downloading them and looking at them and lusting over them. :D True story.
men say it's not important, but, if you are are sitting around the house watching sports, most men want someone that will understand....

No, most men want someone who will watch the game instead of chit-chat.

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