Question For MSNBC Viewers.


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
The more I watch MSNBC the more I disagree with their position since the takeover by neocon Comcast.

I was watching them trash and misrepresent Pal Krugman's position yesterday and line up mostly Republican deficit hawks or as I like to call them Guys who only care about spending when a Democrat is in office. But it really bumped me when Morning Joe said not one Democrat voted for Obama's budget and not one of the MSNBC Economic/Political panel corrected him.

So my question, does anyone else notice the change in MSNBC ?
MSNBC is good Gov't subsidized, G.E. controlled Network. Everything they say is true.

Mr. Maddow is particularly well informed host but a little effeminate you know?
MSNBC is good Gov't subsidized, G.E. controlled Network. Everything they say is true.

Mr. Maddow is particularly well informed host but a little effeminate you know?

And fox is aisles and Saudi owned. Imagine if msnbc was Saudi owned. We would NEVER hear the end of it.
(androgynous) Pat Maddow?

You have hannity..he was in construction or some.damn thing. We will rake maddow:

A graduate of Castro Valley High School [17] in Castro Valley, California, she attended Stanford University. While a freshman, she was outed by the college newspaper when an interview with her was published by the student newspaper before she could tell her parents. [18] Maddow earned a degree in public policy from Stanford in 1994. [19] At graduation she was awarded the John Gardner Fellowship. [20] She was also the recipient of a Rhodes Scholarship and began her postgraduate study in 1995 at Lincoln College, Oxford.

A doctor and a fucking Rhodes scholar. But hey....she lebeeen. Righty.
When Windy Mathews is regarded by management as the strongest leg of anything, whatever that "anything" is, is in trouble. The man is an embarrassment to public discourse. Al Sharpton has come a long ways since Tawana Brawley made a fool of him; now he needs no help at all. The others are past my bed time.

Joe Scarbrough has always given me the creeps. Joe probably did what some believed that Cali central valley rep did to an intern that turned up dead. In 1966 I thought penny loafers w/o socks was pretty cool. The last time I saw Scarbrough, maybe 2006 or 2007, he was sockless in penny loafers. He is the perfect nutball foil for the other righties that used to pass for lefties on Joe's shows.

The only thing that sickens me more than fake-liberal television is nutball radio. Yet when on the road my rental unit inevitably finds its way to Pigboy's Comedy Hour or Beckistan. I laugh like hell for half hour or so, then feel bad for people brutalized by public education to the extent they can't see through these two and change to opera or something to clean my brain.

If there is a single honest political show on anywhere, it hasn't come to my attention.
24 hour news networks rot the brain.

MSNBC isn't 24 hour news, it's 24/7 Obama White House propaganda and adoration, with prison and pedo-catching shows on the weekends.

They don't have a single hard news show. Not one second of news on MSNBC.
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The more I watch MSNBC the more I disagree with their position since the takeover by neocon Comcast.

I was watching them trash and misrepresent Pal Krugman's position yesterday and line up mostly Republican deficit hawks or as I like to call them Guys who only care about spending when a Democrat is in office. But it really bumped me when Morning Joe said not one Democrat voted for Obama's budget and not one of the MSNBC Economic/Political panel corrected him.

So my question, does anyone else notice the change in MSNBC ?
MSNBC's biggest problem is they kiss way too much Obama ass. Kind of like Fox did with Bush. And that's not what we want from the media. We need them to keep politicians feet to the fire and ask the tough questions. But that ain't gonna happen. The mainstream media has been co-opted by major corporations and reporters care more about their jobs than doing the right thing.
MSNBC is good Gov't subsidized, G.E. controlled Network. Everything they say is true.

Mr. Maddow is particularly well informed host but a little effeminate you know?

And fox is aisles and Saudi owned. Imagine if msnbc was Saudi owned. We would NEVER hear the end of it.

How is Fox Saudi owned when the man is a 7% shareholder I believe and Rupert Murdoch owns the other 93%? If your looking for a station now Arab owned that would Current TV soon to be Al-Jazeera America.
MSNBC is good Gov't subsidized, G.E. controlled Network. Everything they say is true.

Mr. Maddow is particularly well informed host but a little effeminate you know?

And fox is aisles and Saudi owned. Imagine if msnbc was Saudi owned. We would NEVER hear the end of it.
MSNBC Socialist, FoxNews Fascist.

Different Flavor of Total Government Control so it not matter who win.

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