Question for Muslims

we have to give the Iraqi government some money and make sure it goes to rebuilding homes, businesses and their lives.

What Iraqi government? We can't run away now. We must stay until the war is won in Iraq and Afghanistan. Then, the War on Terror goes on...
(Damn, Al Franken better not bounce that NEXT check, because I am getting a little tired of this garbage. Oh, wait! I actually enjoy playing with Dean Blog refugees.)

So, President Bush is a "dictator?"

Why? Because he, once being sworn in, didn't order an investigation into the fact that Gore[The Gore gang tried to get a court-ordered recount of ONLY three heavily Democratic precincts] & the LMM[The three majors called the state, Florida, INCORRECTLY for Gore, even though there was an hour left to vote] for election rigging & voter fraud, both desperate attempts to STEAL Florida from BUSH?

Why? Because he has refused to veto a single spending bill, unfortunately?

Because he allowed Teddy "The Killer" Kennedy to author & have full control of the education bill?

Because he had to use a Clinton- literally- tactic, recess appointment, to get a judge appointed, thus bypassing scumbags & craven, politically-motivated obstructionists?

Because he has bent over backwards for the 9/11 Commission of Comedy?

Because he allowed himself, without retort, to be savaged for months & months & months by all of the Democratic candidates running for their party's nomination?

Because he didn't imprison or execute them or anyone disagreeing with his policies, a common practice in your beloved hellholes like Cuba, China, Saddam's Iraq, Iran, half the world, and the old Soviet Union?[The Evil Empire, ya know, the brutal & barbaric hellhole which Reagan destroyed?]

Because his Attorney General, the honorable John Ashcroft, employs aggressive tactics, the same used for decades against major drug smugglers & the mafia, to arrest terrorists?

Because, despite better judgment, he went to the UN, got 99.9%virtual approval for military action ["Serious consequences"] against Iraq[Resolution 1441], went to Congress and had THEM LEGALLY approve military action, and formed a broad coalition to MULTI-LATERALLY depose Saddam & liberate Iraq?

Because he has freed over 50 million people from tyranny & oppression?

Yeah! Hitler, Stalin, Franco, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, Arafat, Kim Jong Il, Saddam Hussein, & Mussolini pale in comparison. LMFAO

I swear, if you pinko commie lib rat bastards didn't have pathetic talking points & lies like "illegitimate president, illegal war, tax breaks for the rich, Republican attack machine, vast right-wing conspiracy," and "dictator," you guys would be all out of debating methods.

In fact, you liberals are a lot like Bea Arthur: Dried up, old, tired, past your prime, outdated, withering away, & not worth a good fu*K!

Have a nice November 2nd suicidefest, Maude!
you dont understand. Bush is a dicator cause he is republican. Nuff said.
Originally posted by Avatar4321

you dont understand. Bush is a dicator cause he is republican. Nuff said.

So Republicans are dictators and Democrats are dictators? If it had been up to a President Al Gore following 9/11 we would now be morning milliond of New Yorkers, Californians, Floridians and many other predominately democrat states supporting him.

Al Gore and John Kerry both know how to obfuscate, flip-flop, murder innocent Vietnamese but not how to prosecute those who attack this country.

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