Question For Normal People.Does Anyone Actually Believe There Was A Hillary Bounce?

The American blue collar worker did get left behind but it is terribly disingenuous for a republican to hijack this central liberal narrative after being anti-protectionism anti-labor for so long.
The American worker was betrayed by William Jefferson Clinton and all of the Neo-Dems that came to WashingtonDC in mid-1970's. Biden, Dodd, Kerry, and governors like Clinton sold out FDR wing of party for a free trade stance.
Yes, everyone had free trade fever in those days. Nafta Passed with nearly all republicans voting for and the democrats split so don't make it all about Clinton.

At the time it passed though there was supposed to be follow up deals to protect vulnerable industries that never materialized. It is part of the reason textiles disappeared from the South.
Well That would have also been the job of Bush and his super-majority who did noting except attack organized labor in all it's forms. Don't you remember having the free trade fever? Lord knows republicans had a united front on that until even they heard the giant sucking sound.

So tell me how this works, of the biggest exporters of American jobs overseas was the CEO of General Electric! So guess who Barack Obama made his "Jobs Czar"? Then you progressives call it a GOP problem? Really? I mean REALLY!!!
And you guys denied GE and companies like GE pay no taxes until Obama hired that guy. Then no more denial.
:2up: :banana: :stupid: And who is taking the polls that claim Hillary has a 7 point bounce? And how many were polled? 1000? 2000? 3000?, what about the other 297 Million People?
:smartass: No normal/intelligent fair minded American buys/falls for any of these polls. And why do the polls change every week? One week we have Trump ahead by 15 points, next week Hillary is ahead by 5,,then next week Trump is ahead by 10, then the following week its a tie.
Get the point? Maybe we should just ask our friends/neighbors instead? And why does Hillary need to campaign in Penn/Ohio? Didnt we all assume she has already won those states? :hellno:

LOL. All you need to do is look at the betting odds. Hillary is up 5 points this week to a 71% chance of winning and Trump is down 4.5 points to a 27% chance of winning (and falling fast).
So yeah, she got one helluva bump.
But no bump from Billy. That's for campaign girls.
What policy proposals is she going to "hammer"? The recycled Obama infrastructure stimulus? The Bernie Sander's give-a-ways that she was force to put into the platform to try and keep millions of his supporters from telling her to go screw herself? Clinton has no policies that will create jobs...but she'll cost them. That's what Trump is going to "hammer" her on!

The recycled Obama infrastructure stimulus?

yes that is one of them

the shovel ready jobs --LOL

but why does she need to do that

when as she and the leftards claim

the economy is really good


They can parade a couple hundred people across a stage gushing about how wonderful the economy is, Jon but that doesn't turn 1 1/2% growth into something that actually IS good! The American blue collar worker got left behind in this "recovery" and they're watching the DNC clown show with growing disgust. Hillary is bought and paid for by Wall Street fat cats. She isn't going to do diddly for American workers.
Let me remind you what you Republicans were telling the blue collar workers back in 2008 when bush was shipping 700,000 of their jobs overseas.

You told them they were overpaid. You told them they were lazy. You told them to go back to school or start their own company.

You had zero compassion 8 years ago for these uneducated workers. Now you are using them as a political football.


What a crock! Conservatives didn't tell American workers they were over paid...a global economy did. You liberals didn't even give those workers a fighting chance because you passed regulations that made the cost of doing business in America so prohibitively expensive that even people like Jeffrey Immeldt started shipping jobs to China! You're still doing it! Your party doesn't have a plan to create permanent jobs for blue collar Americans. You've recycled the same failed stimulus ideas that Nancy Pelosi promised would create hundreds of thousands of "shovel ready jobs"!
You mean infrastructure? Great idea. Our bridges and roads are falling apart.

Gw bush doubled the debt and spent nothing on infrastructure for 8 years
And Bill Clinton responded by sending 5.5 million jobs overseas. Only job he was interested in was a blow job.
:2up: :banana: :stupid: And who is taking the polls that claim Hillary has a 7 point bounce? And how many were polled? 1000? 2000? 3000?, what about the other 297 Million People?
:smartass: No normal/intelligent fair minded American buys/falls for any of these polls. And why do the polls change every week? One week we have Trump ahead by 15 points, next week Hillary is ahead by 5,,then next week Trump is ahead by 10, then the following week its a tie.
Get the point? Maybe we should just ask our friends/neighbors instead? And why does Hillary need to campaign in Penn/Ohio? Didnt we all assume she has already won those states? :hellno:

The other 297 million? We like to call THAT a general election.
The American blue collar worker did get left behind but it is terribly disingenuous for a republican to hijack this central liberal narrative after being anti-protectionism anti-labor for so long.
The American worker was betrayed by William Jefferson Clinton and all of the Neo-Dems that came to WashingtonDC in mid-1970's. Biden, Dodd, Kerry, and governors like Clinton sold out FDR wing of party for a free trade stance.
Yes, everyone had free trade fever in those days. Nafta Passed with nearly all republicans voting for and the democrats split so don't make it all about Clinton.

At the time it passed though there was supposed to be follow up deals to protect vulnerable industries that never materialized. It is part of the reason textiles disappeared from the South.
Well That would have also been the job of Bush and his super-majority who did noting except attack organized labor in all it's forms. Don't you remember having the free trade fever? Lord knows republicans had a united front on that until even they heard the giant sucking sound.

So tell me how this works, of the biggest exporters of American jobs overseas was the CEO of General Electric! So guess who Barack Obama made his "Jobs Czar"? Then you progressives call it a GOP problem? Really? I mean REALLY!!!
Oh yes, a good example is the Very pro-republican US chamber of commerce writing corporate law/regulation/tax bills that got passed almost verbatim and even holding seminars on how best to relocate to a country that allows corporate slavery. You think GE is not going to do what everyone else was doing in a mad dash to remain competitive? This is what you get when you insist on "business friendly" politicians, they are going to do what big business wants.
The American worker was betrayed by William Jefferson Clinton and all of the Neo-Dems that came to WashingtonDC in mid-1970's. Biden, Dodd, Kerry, and governors like Clinton sold out FDR wing of party for a free trade stance.
I notice you don't mention bush 1 who made NAFTA.

Free trade is or was inevitable. To suggest free trade was or is wrong is just playing politics. But every country protected their vital industries except one. The USA. Why? Because we have the biggest middle class. If you want to kill something go after the head
And renegotiated under Clinton, pushed by Clinton against wishes of Blue Dogs from textile states, and debated on national television by his VP. Fucking traitor signed it into law.
He put in protections for the environment and employees bush removed them.

Republicans are for no regulations free trade. Do I need to go back and prove you guys are the free traders?
He sold out after his "health care plan" defeat because his political hack advisors told him too support NAFTA (Dick Morris) and "reach across the aisle. In doing so he fucked over millions of Democrats that had voted that way for generations.
You don't have to remind me Clinton let us liberals down a few times in the 90s.

I didn't like it when he went along with Republicans but why would that make me want to vote Republican?

Do you realize I didn't like Clinton when he went along with republicans
I voted for third party candidates in last two POTUS races because of unfair trade. At least a Trump is on the right side of issue. I don't give a shit how abrasive his personality is...he is right on the number one most critical issue.
The recycled Obama infrastructure stimulus?

yes that is one of them

the shovel ready jobs --LOL

but why does she need to do that

when as she and the leftards claim

the economy is really good


They can parade a couple hundred people across a stage gushing about how wonderful the economy is, Jon but that doesn't turn 1 1/2% growth into something that actually IS good! The American blue collar worker got left behind in this "recovery" and they're watching the DNC clown show with growing disgust. Hillary is bought and paid for by Wall Street fat cats. She isn't going to do diddly for American workers.
Let me remind you what you Republicans were telling the blue collar workers back in 2008 when bush was shipping 700,000 of their jobs overseas.

You told them they were overpaid. You told them they were lazy. You told them to go back to school or start their own company.

You had zero compassion 8 years ago for these uneducated workers. Now you are using them as a political football.


What a crock! Conservatives didn't tell American workers they were over paid...a global economy did. You liberals didn't even give those workers a fighting chance because you passed regulations that made the cost of doing business in America so prohibitively expensive that even people like Jeffrey Immeldt started shipping jobs to China! You're still doing it! Your party doesn't have a plan to create permanent jobs for blue collar Americans. You've recycled the same failed stimulus ideas that Nancy Pelosi promised would create hundreds of thousands of "shovel ready jobs"!
You mean infrastructure? Great idea. Our bridges and roads are falling apart.

Gw bush doubled the debt and spent nothing on infrastructure for 8 years
And Bill Clinton responded by sending 5.5 million jobs overseas. Only job he was interested in was a blow job.
Don't you remember you liked Walmart buying Chinese shit because you said it was good for your pocketbook. You didn't want to pay $20 more for a fan microwave tv dvd or luggage
This is what it comes down to. The MSM failed to prevent The Donald from winning the primary. If the MSM fails to prevent The Donald from winning the presidency, they are in real trouble and their function as the propaganda arm of the democrats will be a mess like the democrat national carnival.
The American worker was betrayed by William Jefferson Clinton and all of the Neo-Dems that came to WashingtonDC in mid-1970's. Biden, Dodd, Kerry, and governors like Clinton sold out FDR wing of party for a free trade stance.
Yes, everyone had free trade fever in those days. Nafta Passed with nearly all republicans voting for and the democrats split so don't make it all about Clinton.

At the time it passed though there was supposed to be follow up deals to protect vulnerable industries that never materialized. It is part of the reason textiles disappeared from the South.
Well That would have also been the job of Bush and his super-majority who did noting except attack organized labor in all it's forms. Don't you remember having the free trade fever? Lord knows republicans had a united front on that until even they heard the giant sucking sound.

So tell me how this works, of the biggest exporters of American jobs overseas was the CEO of General Electric! So guess who Barack Obama made his "Jobs Czar"? Then you progressives call it a GOP problem? Really? I mean REALLY!!!
Oh yes, a good example is the Very pro-republican US chamber of commerce writing corporate law/regulation/tax bills that got passed almost verbatim and even holding seminars on how best to relocate to a country that allows corporate slavery. You think GE is not going to do what everyone else was doing in a mad dash to remain competitive? This is what you get when you insist on "business friendly" politicians, they are going to do what big business wants.
And Clinton support repeal of Glass-Stegal. You are a Democrat robot. Fuck the party. They fucked over me, you, and millions of others thinking we would be lemmings and vote for them every November. No sir. Fuck them.
I notice you don't mention bush 1 who made NAFTA.

Free trade is or was inevitable. To suggest free trade was or is wrong is just playing politics. But every country protected their vital industries except one. The USA. Why? Because we have the biggest middle class. If you want to kill something go after the head
And renegotiated under Clinton, pushed by Clinton against wishes of Blue Dogs from textile states, and debated on national television by his VP. Fucking traitor signed it into law.
He put in protections for the environment and employees bush removed them.

Republicans are for no regulations free trade. Do I need to go back and prove you guys are the free traders?
He sold out after his "health care plan" defeat because his political hack advisors told him too support NAFTA (Dick Morris) and "reach across the aisle. In doing so he fucked over millions of Democrats that had voted that way for generations.
You don't have to remind me Clinton let us liberals down a few times in the 90s.

I didn't like it when he went along with Republicans but why would that make me want to vote Republican?

Do you realize I didn't like Clinton when he went along with republicans
I voted for third party candidates in last two POTUS races because of unfair trade. At least a Trump is on the right side of issue. I don't give a shit how abrasive his personality is...he is right on the number one most critical issue.
And I thank him and Bernie for bringing it up. Now the Senate and house members running need to weigh in. Notice how quiet they are being? Please tell me what Republicans say to trump. The Democrats seem to agree with trump. Hillary will sign that bill
They can parade a couple hundred people across a stage gushing about how wonderful the economy is, Jon but that doesn't turn 1 1/2% growth into something that actually IS good! The American blue collar worker got left behind in this "recovery" and they're watching the DNC clown show with growing disgust. Hillary is bought and paid for by Wall Street fat cats. She isn't going to do diddly for American workers.
Let me remind you what you Republicans were telling the blue collar workers back in 2008 when bush was shipping 700,000 of their jobs overseas.

You told them they were overpaid. You told them they were lazy. You told them to go back to school or start their own company.

You had zero compassion 8 years ago for these uneducated workers. Now you are using them as a political football.


What a crock! Conservatives didn't tell American workers they were over paid...a global economy did. You liberals didn't even give those workers a fighting chance because you passed regulations that made the cost of doing business in America so prohibitively expensive that even people like Jeffrey Immeldt started shipping jobs to China! You're still doing it! Your party doesn't have a plan to create permanent jobs for blue collar Americans. You've recycled the same failed stimulus ideas that Nancy Pelosi promised would create hundreds of thousands of "shovel ready jobs"!
You mean infrastructure? Great idea. Our bridges and roads are falling apart.

Gw bush doubled the debt and spent nothing on infrastructure for 8 years
And Bill Clinton responded by sending 5.5 million jobs overseas. Only job he was interested in was a blow job.
Don't you remember you liked Walmart buying Chinese shit because you said it was good for your pocketbook. You didn't want to pay $20 more for a fan microwave tv dvd or luggage
I have boycotted Wal-Mart for 12 years now.
And renegotiated under Clinton, pushed by Clinton against wishes of Blue Dogs from textile states, and debated on national television by his VP. Fucking traitor signed it into law.
He put in protections for the environment and employees bush removed them.

Republicans are for no regulations free trade. Do I need to go back and prove you guys are the free traders?
He sold out after his "health care plan" defeat because his political hack advisors told him too support NAFTA (Dick Morris) and "reach across the aisle. In doing so he fucked over millions of Democrats that had voted that way for generations.
You don't have to remind me Clinton let us liberals down a few times in the 90s.

I didn't like it when he went along with Republicans but why would that make me want to vote Republican?

Do you realize I didn't like Clinton when he went along with republicans
I voted for third party candidates in last two POTUS races because of unfair trade. At least a Trump is on the right side of issue. I don't give a shit how abrasive his personality is...he is right on the number one most critical issue.
And I thank him and Bernie for bringing it up. Now the Senate and house members running need to weigh in. Notice how quiet they are being? Please tell me what Republicans say to trump. The Democrats seem to agree with trump. Hillary will sign that bill
Hillary is a lying sack of shit. She will never upset
Wall Street that gave millions to Clinton Foundation. Wake up you rube.
We've had almost eight years of tell me how much better off blue collar American workers are NOW!
Why didn't they go back to school or start their own business'?

That's the only advice you had for them 8 years ago when bush sent their jobs overseas.

Bush actually passed tax breaks for companies sending jobs overseas. I'm going to go dig up the facts.
The American blue collar worker did get left behind but it is terribly disingenuous for a republican to hijack this central liberal narrative after being anti-protectionism anti-labor for so long.
The American worker was betrayed by William Jefferson Clinton and all of the Neo-Dems that came to WashingtonDC in mid-1970's. Biden, Dodd, Kerry, and governors like Clinton sold out FDR wing of party for a free trade stance.
Yes, everyone had free trade fever in those days. Nafta Passed with nearly all republicans voting for and the democrats split so don't make it all about Clinton.

At the time it passed though there was supposed to be follow up deals to protect vulnerable industries that never materialized. It is part of the reason textiles disappeared from the South.
Well That would have also been the job of Bush and his super-majority who did noting except attack organized labor in all it's forms. Don't you remember having the free trade fever? Lord knows republicans had a united front on that until even they heard the giant sucking sound.

You make no sense. Bush was out of office when NAFTA was enacted and therefore he would have had no say in follow up agreements that never materialized.
I'm talking about GWB after 2000 when outsourcing became an almost fatal hemorrhage while personal debt went stratospheric. Bound to be some point where the economy blew up. You say Nafta was supposed to be fixed at some point? The period where it really started to hurt was not during Clinton, he had the dom-com boom to mask the negatives, Jobs went flat almost as soon as Bush took office and no one did a goddamned thing.

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