Question for those who actually believe 'transgenderism' is a real thing?

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I don't disagree with that, but for most of them, I'm sure it's not really a "choice." It's not anything new. There have been homosexuals since ancient times. In fact, in the times of the Romans, there was a lot of perverted stuff going on!
Yep and it played a role in the fall of their empire!

Yes, the same with the fall of Ancient Greece....and Sodom and Gomorrah etc.

Let's leave the Bible talk out of it. :)
Sodom and Gomorrah actually happened. At least the raining down of fire and brimstone around that area of the middle east at that time. The Bible has verifiably true stories in it.

You are going off topic. :D Let's stick to reality, shall we?

Hey Chris, it's not off topic, it's correct.
Oh geez, now we have a bunch of "historians" on this thread.
Yep and it played a role in the fall of their empire!

Yes, the same with the fall of Ancient Greece....and Sodom and Gomorrah etc.

Let's leave the Bible talk out of it. :)
Sodom and Gomorrah actually happened. At least the raining down of fire and brimstone around that area of the middle east at that time. The Bible has verifiably true stories in it.

You are going off topic. :D Let's stick to reality, shall we?

Hey Chris, it's not off topic, it's correct.

It's off topic. Mr. Gestapo wants to talk about transsexuals.
Does a turtle choose to have two heads when born? Do conjoined twins choose to be connected at the head or waist or share internal organs? Or did God make a mistake? Neither.

I read somewhere that a vitamin very popular with women has a link to autism. What do we know about autism? Not a heck of a lot. What causes rheumatoid arthritis? MS? Heart failure in what appears to be a perfectly healthy body? Cancer? Downs Syndrome? What poisons have we all been taking for generations and never connected the dots because science just flat out doesn't KNOW. Some "cures" and "reasons" have been found, some haven't. This new "in thing" to THINK a male brain is stuck inside a female body or a female brain is stuck inside a male body is something going on IN THE BRAIN. Nobody CHOOSES to be so different that their lives are hell. And those "promoting" the a transgender lifestyle because they are transgender themselves are no different than pedophiles "promoting" that its ok to be a child lover. It all comes from THE BRAIN. And it is also called Misery Loves Company.

I am NOT a shrink, but someone suffering from something usually finds like company so they are not alone. Drunks go to bars to be with fellow drunks. Druggies hang out with other druggies so they can find acceptance with those who do the same. Lezbos seek out other women of like mind, Gays seek other gays, Transgenders find other transgenders....and in that mix of differing personalities, flaws, non flaws, intelligence, idiocy, racism, religions.....its all part of a bigger picture and nobody...and I mean nobody...knows the whys and wherefores. And probably never will.
Because the why's and where's are so diverse and vary between each individual regardless of what kind of behavior we are talking about.

I just think trying to say there is an evolutionary biological reason for homosexuality is completely without merit. There's no biological imperative for it, and people have tried to say there is...but what they winde up describing homosexuality a virus or disease, not a biological imperative with arguments such as "natural population control"... Biogical imperatives are about continuing to propogate your kind, not keep it to a specific number.
Oh geez, now we have a bunch of "historians" on this thread.
Yes, the same with the fall of Ancient Greece....and Sodom and Gomorrah etc.

Let's leave the Bible talk out of it. :)
Sodom and Gomorrah actually happened. At least the raining down of fire and brimstone around that area of the middle east at that time. The Bible has verifiably true stories in it.

You are going off topic. :D Let's stick to reality, shall we?

Hey Chris, it's not off topic, it's correct.

It's off topic. Mr. Gestapo wants to talk about transsexuals.
History is pertinent to the topic.
Oh geez, now we have a bunch of "historians" on this thread.
Yes, the same with the fall of Ancient Greece....and Sodom and Gomorrah etc.

Let's leave the Bible talk out of it. :)
Sodom and Gomorrah actually happened. At least the raining down of fire and brimstone around that area of the middle east at that time. The Bible has verifiably true stories in it.

You are going off topic. :D Let's stick to reality, shall we?

Hey Chris, it's not off topic, it's correct.

It's off topic. Mr. Gestapo wants to talk about transsexuals.

Yes but it's important to put today's situation into a wider historical context....because previous robust Civilisations have been where we are exactly today, and they all collapsed.

We must learn from our World History, both Modern History and Ancient History and anyone who refuses to learn from history is exceptionally foolish.
Oh geez, now we have a bunch of "historians" on this thread.
Let's leave the Bible talk out of it. :)
Sodom and Gomorrah actually happened. At least the raining down of fire and brimstone around that area of the middle east at that time. The Bible has verifiably true stories in it.

You are going off topic. :D Let's stick to reality, shall we?

Hey Chris, it's not off topic, it's correct.

It's off topic. Mr. Gestapo wants to talk about transsexuals.

Yes but it's important to put today's situation into a wider historical context....because previous robust Civilisations have been where we are exactly today, and they all collapsed.

We must learn from our World History, both Modern History and Ancient History and anyone who refuses to learn from history is exceptionally foolish.

But you are not a historian, and even real historians are not sure. Lol.
I just think trying to say there is an evolutionary biological reason for homosexuality is completely without merit.
Evolutionary? Who said that? We do not EVOLVE to become homosexual. If so, how would humankind be able to create new generations. And that is the whole point, isn't it? To pro create. Can't do that unless yer female. Oh. Wait. Next they will implant a uterus and let a transgender give birth. I hope God blasts the earth to smithereens before that ever happens.
Does a turtle choose to have two heads when born? Do conjoined twins choose to be connected at the head or waist or share internal organs? Or did God make a mistake? Neither.

I read somewhere that a vitamin very popular with women has a link to autism. What do we know about autism? Not a heck of a lot. What causes rheumatoid arthritis? MS? Heart failure in what appears to be a perfectly healthy body? Cancer? Downs Syndrome? What poisons have we all been taking for generations and never connected the dots because science just flat out doesn't KNOW. Some "cures" and "reasons" have been found, some haven't. This new "in thing" to THINK a male brain is stuck inside a female body or a female brain is stuck inside a male body is something going on IN THE BRAIN. Nobody CHOOSES to be so different that their lives are hell. And those "promoting" the a transgender lifestyle because they are transgender themselves are no different than pedophiles "promoting" that its ok to be a child lover. It all comes from THE BRAIN. And it is also called Misery Loves Company.

I am NOT a shrink, but someone suffering from something usually finds like company so they are not alone. Drunks go to bars to be with fellow drunks. Druggies hang out with other druggies so they can find acceptance with those who do the same. Lezbos seek out other women of like mind, Gays seek other gays, Transgenders find other transgenders....and in that mix of differing personalities, flaws, non flaws, intelligence, idiocy, racism, religions.....its all part of a bigger picture and nobody...and I mean nobody...knows the whys and wherefores. And probably never will.
Because the why's and where's are so diverse and vary between each individual regardless of what kind of behavior we are talking about.

I just think trying to say there is an evolutionary biological reason for homosexuality is completely without merit. There's no biological imperative for it, and people have tried to say there is...but what they winde up describing homosexuality a virus or disease, not a biological imperative with arguments such as "natural population control"... Biogical imperatives are about continuing to propogate your kind, not keep it to a specific number.

I don't disagree with that, but you said it was a choice.
Oh geez, now we have a bunch of "historians" on this thread.
Sodom and Gomorrah actually happened. At least the raining down of fire and brimstone around that area of the middle east at that time. The Bible has verifiably true stories in it.

You are going off topic. :D Let's stick to reality, shall we?

Hey Chris, it's not off topic, it's correct.

It's off topic. Mr. Gestapo wants to talk about transsexuals.

Yes but it's important to put today's situation into a wider historical context....because previous robust Civilisations have been where we are exactly today, and they all collapsed.

We must learn from our World History, both Modern History and Ancient History and anyone who refuses to learn from history is exceptionally foolish.

But you are not a historian, and even real historians are not sure. Lol.
And nobody here is a doctor or a shrink either, yet we are all discussing the same topic...without credentials. Just opinions. And in my opinion, history is a major factor in the subject.
ChrisLpost: 14310272 said:
No. And just because I didn't choose to be heterosexual does not automatically mean that someone else cannot choose to be homosexual.

Males and females are physiologically designed to compliment each other through evolution, through God, through nature...however you want to view it...fact is are sex drive is the product of biological imperatives. I simply follow what I was designed to do, find a woman and pass on my genes. Yes, yes, I am leaving out love and all of that...but that's because I am getting down to the evolutionary biological science of the matter.

There is no biological imperative reason for homosexuality to exist, therefore there is no reason why anyone should believe there is an evolutionary reason to be homosexual.
Human sexuality can be manipulated by environmental causes both for heterosexuals and homosexuals...none of us are immune to it. Human sexuality is some pretty complex shit....

I don't disagree with that, but for most of them, I'm sure it's not really a "choice." It's not anything new. There have been homosexuals since ancient times. In fact, in the times of the Romans, there was a lot of perverted stuff going on!
Yep and it played a role in the fall of their empire!

I don't thinkn that's why their empire fell. :D There were a lot of things going on.
I didn't say that's the only reason why, it was a contributing factor in it's downfall... Hedonism, sloth, bread and circuses.. All of it played a role.

How did it play a role?
A lot of lover's spats turned violent amongst the elite... You do know men get jealous over women sometimes right? Same applies to gays. But to be historically correct....they were all pretty much bisexual...the concept of being solely attracted to the same sex was foreign to them.

And I'm supposed to take YOUR word for this? Lol. I think it had more to do with the invading barbarians. Nobody is invincible.
No, take the word of people who studied it in depth.

Fall of Roman Empire caused by 'contagion of homosexuality'

Notice how his critics have no real arguments against his findings. They just call him a bigot and a homophobe and think they won the debate.

Reminds me of a lot of lefties on the board. Lol
Does a turtle choose to have two heads when born? Do conjoined twins choose to be connected at the head or waist or share internal organs? Or did God make a mistake? Neither.

I read somewhere that a vitamin very popular with women has a link to autism. What do we know about autism? Not a heck of a lot. What causes rheumatoid arthritis? MS? Heart failure in what appears to be a perfectly healthy body? Cancer? Downs Syndrome? What poisons have we all been taking for generations and never connected the dots because science just flat out doesn't KNOW. Some "cures" and "reasons" have been found, some haven't. This new "in thing" to THINK a male brain is stuck inside a female body or a female brain is stuck inside a male body is something going on IN THE BRAIN. Nobody CHOOSES to be so different that their lives are hell. And those "promoting" the a transgender lifestyle because they are transgender themselves are no different than pedophiles "promoting" that its ok to be a child lover. It all comes from THE BRAIN. And it is also called Misery Loves Company.

I am NOT a shrink, but someone suffering from something usually finds like company so they are not alone. Drunks go to bars to be with fellow drunks. Druggies hang out with other druggies so they can find acceptance with those who do the same. Lezbos seek out other women of like mind, Gays seek other gays, Transgenders find other transgenders....and in that mix of differing personalities, flaws, non flaws, intelligence, idiocy, racism, religions.....its all part of a bigger picture and nobody...and I mean nobody...knows the whys and wherefores. And probably never will.
Because the why's and where's are so diverse and vary between each individual regardless of what kind of behavior we are talking about.

I just think trying to say there is an evolutionary biological reason for homosexuality is completely without merit. There's no biological imperative for it, and people have tried to say there is...but what they winde up describing homosexuality a virus or disease, not a biological imperative with arguments such as "natural population control"... Biogical imperatives are about continuing to propogate your kind, not keep it to a specific number.

I don't disagree with that, but you said it was a choice.
Well all sexual activity involves the choice of whether you want to engage in it or not...but aside from that I actually made it clear that I do not believe it is a CONCIOUS choice...meaning it's not something you wake up one day and choose to partake in.
No. And just because I didn't choose to be heterosexual does not automatically mean that someone else cannot choose to be homosexual.

Males and females are physiologically designed to compliment each other through evolution, through God, through nature...however you want to view it...fact is are sex drive is the product of biological imperatives. I simply follow what I was designed to do, find a woman and pass on my genes. Yes, yes, I am leaving out love and all of that...but that's because I am getting down to the evolutionary biological science of the matter.

There is no biological imperative reason for homosexuality to exist, therefore there is no reason why anyone should believe there is an evolutionary reason to be homosexual.
Human sexuality can be manipulated by environmental causes both for heterosexuals and homosexuals...none of us are immune to it. Human sexuality is some pretty complex shit....

I don't disagree with that, but for most of them, I'm sure it's not really a "choice." It's not anything new. There have been homosexuals since ancient times. In fact, in the times of the Romans, there was a lot of perverted stuff going on!
Yep and it played a role in the fall of their empire!

Yes, the same with the fall of Ancient Greece....and Sodom and Gomorrah etc.

Let's leave the Bible talk out of it. :)
Sodom and Gomorrah actually happened. At least the raining down of fire and brimstone around that area of the middle east at that time. The Bible has verifiably true stories in it.

I saw an Interesting show about biblical mysteries with actual scientific data and research to theorize what may actually have caused the events

I believe they suggested there was evidence of a meteor shower that could have wiped out S and G.
No. And just because I didn't choose to be heterosexual does not automatically mean that someone else cannot choose to be homosexual.

Males and females are physiologically designed to compliment each other through evolution, through God, through nature...however you want to view it...fact is are sex drive is the product of biological imperatives. I simply follow what I was designed to do, find a woman and pass on my genes. Yes, yes, I am leaving out love and all of that...but that's because I am getting down to the evolutionary biological science of the matter.

There is no biological imperative reason for homosexuality to exist, therefore there is no reason why anyone should believe there is an evolutionary reason to be homosexual.
Human sexuality can be manipulated by environmental causes both for heterosexuals and homosexuals...none of us are immune to it. Human sexuality is some pretty complex shit....

I don't disagree with that, but for most of them, I'm sure it's not really a "choice." It's not anything new. There have been homosexuals since ancient times. In fact, in the times of the Romans, there was a lot of perverted stuff going on!
Yep and it played a role in the fall of their empire!

I don't thinkn that's why their empire fell. :D There were a lot of things going on.
I didn't say that's the only reason why, it was a contributing factor in it's downfall... Hedonism, sloth, bread and circuses.. All of it played a role.

How did it play a role?
A lot of lover's spats turned violent amongst the elite... You do know men get jealous over women sometimes right? Same applies to gays. But to be historically correct....they were all pretty much bisexual...the concept of being solely attracted to the same sex was foreign to them.

And I'm supposed to take YOUR word for this? Lol. I think it had more to do with the invading barbarians. Nobody is invincible.

If a Civilisation breaks down Chris, in the cases of the one's we've mentioned, because of legalised rampant degeneracy and Hedonism....then it's far easier for those Civilisations to be over run with an invading force.

Societal degeneracy and Hedonism lead ultimately to weakness and weakness leads ultimately, on that scale, to collapse.
I don't disagree with that, but for most of them, I'm sure it's not really a "choice." It's not anything new. There have been homosexuals since ancient times. In fact, in the times of the Romans, there was a lot of perverted stuff going on!
Yep and it played a role in the fall of their empire!

Yes, the same with the fall of Ancient Greece....and Sodom and Gomorrah etc.

Let's leave the Bible talk out of it. :)
Sodom and Gomorrah actually happened. At least the raining down of fire and brimstone around that area of the middle east at that time. The Bible has verifiably true stories in it.

I saw an Interesting show about biblical mysteries with actual scientific data and research to theorize what may actually have caused the events

I believe they suggested there was evidence of a meteor shower that could have wiped out S and G.

The long quest to find the biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah
Oh geez, now we have a bunch of "historians" on this thread.
Sodom and Gomorrah actually happened. At least the raining down of fire and brimstone around that area of the middle east at that time. The Bible has verifiably true stories in it.

You are going off topic. :D Let's stick to reality, shall we?

Hey Chris, it's not off topic, it's correct.

It's off topic. Mr. Gestapo wants to talk about transsexuals.

Yes but it's important to put today's situation into a wider historical context....because previous robust Civilisations have been where we are exactly today, and they all collapsed.

We must learn from our World History, both Modern History and Ancient History and anyone who refuses to learn from history is exceptionally foolish.

But you are not a historian, and even real historians are not sure. Lol.
Appeal to authority fallacy. You don't need to be a historian to know history. I am an autodidact and a learning addict, I've read over 3,000 books on various topics that interested me in my life. Its not hard to get a good grasp on history without being an eggheaded academic.
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Oh geez, now we have a bunch of "historians" on this thread.
You are going off topic. :D Let's stick to reality, shall we?

Hey Chris, it's not off topic, it's correct.

It's off topic. Mr. Gestapo wants to talk about transsexuals.

Yes but it's important to put today's situation into a wider historical context....because previous robust Civilisations have been where we are exactly today, and they all collapsed.

We must learn from our World History, both Modern History and Ancient History and anyone who refuses to learn from history is exceptionally foolish.

But you are not a historian, and even real historians are not sure. Lol.
And nobody here is a doctor or a shrink either, yet we are all discussing the same topic...without credentials. Just opinions. And in my opinion, history is a major factor in the subject.

But nobody really KNOWS why the Roman Empire fell. People can be familiar with psychiatric symptoms and psychiatric diseases.
ChrisLpost: 14310272 said:
I don't disagree with that, but for most of them, I'm sure it's not really a "choice." It's not anything new. There have been homosexuals since ancient times. In fact, in the times of the Romans, there was a lot of perverted stuff going on!
I don't thinkn that's why their empire fell. :D There were a lot of things going on.
I didn't say that's the only reason why, it was a contributing factor in it's downfall... Hedonism, sloth, bread and circuses.. All of it played a role.

How did it play a role?
A lot of lover's spats turned violent amongst the elite... You do know men get jealous over women sometimes right? Same applies to gays. But to be historically correct....they were all pretty much bisexual...the concept of being solely attracted to the same sex was foreign to them.

And I'm supposed to take YOUR word for this? Lol. I think it had more to do with the invading barbarians. Nobody is invincible.
No, take the word of people who studied it in depth.

Fall of Roman Empire caused by 'contagion of homosexuality'

Notice how his critics have no real arguments against his findings. They just call him a bigot and a homophobe and think they won the debate.

Reminds me of a lot of lefties on the board. Lol

Fall of the Roman Empire

To many historians the fall of the Roman Empire has always been viewed as the end of the ancient world and the onset of the Middle Ages, often improperly called the Dark Ages, despite Petrarch’s assertion. Since much of the west had already fallen by the middle of the fifth century, when a writer speaks of the fall of the empire, he or she generally refers to the fall of the city of Rome. Although historians generally agree on the year of the fall, 476 CE, they often disagree on its causes. English historian Edward Gibbon, who wrote in the late 18th century CE, points to the rise of Christianity and its effect on the Roman psyche while others believe the decline and fall was due, in part, to the influx of 'barbarians' from the north and west.

Whatever the cause, whether it was religion, external attack, or the internal decay of the city itself, the debate continues to the present day; however, one significant point must be established before a discussion of the roots of the fall can continue: the decline and fall was only in the west. The eastern half - that which would eventually be called the Byzantine Empire - would continue for several centuries, and, in many ways, it retained a unique Roman identity.
I don't disagree with that, but for most of them, I'm sure it's not really a "choice." It's not anything new. There have been homosexuals since ancient times. In fact, in the times of the Romans, there was a lot of perverted stuff going on!
I don't thinkn that's why their empire fell. :D There were a lot of things going on.
I didn't say that's the only reason why, it was a contributing factor in it's downfall... Hedonism, sloth, bread and circuses.. All of it played a role.

How did it play a role?
A lot of lover's spats turned violent amongst the elite... You do know men get jealous over women sometimes right? Same applies to gays. But to be historically correct....they were all pretty much bisexual...the concept of being solely attracted to the same sex was foreign to them.

And I'm supposed to take YOUR word for this? Lol. I think it had more to do with the invading barbarians. Nobody is invincible.

If a Civilisation breaks down Chris, in the cases of the one's we've mentioned, because of legalised rampant degeneracy and Hedonism....then it's far easier for those Civilisations to be over run with an invading force.

Societal degeneracy and Hedonism lead ultimately to weakness and weakness leads ultimately, on that scale, to collapse.

Some historians say it was "religion" which was one of the causes. :D
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