Question for those who want to ban 'assault weapons':

M14 Shooter

The Light of Truth
Sep 26, 2007
Bridge, USS Enterprise
Unsurprisingly, Harris wants to ban 'assault weapons' - just like Biden and Obama and Hillary and just about every other Democrat running for office.

There are something like 25,000,000 AR15s in private hands across the US, plus the millions of other guns they want to ban - it may very well be that 1 out of every 10 guns in the US is an 'assault weapon'.

Question to the supporters of such a ban:
What practical effect will your ban have, and what is your factual/rational basis for thinking so?
Unsurprisingly, Harris wants to ban 'assault weapons' - just like Biden and Obama and Hillary and just about every other Democrat running for office.

There are something like 25,000,000 AR15s in private hands across the US, plus the millions of other guns they want to ban - it may very well be that 1 out of every 10 guns in the US is an 'assault weapon'.

Question to the supporters of such a ban:
What practical effect will your ban have, and what is your factual/rational basis for thinking so?
hardly anyone owns an assault rifle. M16's cost thousands of dollars to own.
Assault rifles have to have full auto capabilities. Demorats just love talking points
AR'15's are a symbol not a rifle of the right to them. They wanna remove the symbol not the rifle. Especially black politicians see the AR as a symbol of white power.
Unsurprisingly, Harris wants to ban 'assault weapons' - just like Biden and Obama and Hillary and just about every other Democrat running for office.

There are something like 25,000,000 AR15s in private hands across the US, plus the millions of other guns they want to ban - it may very well be that 1 out of every 10 guns in the US is an 'assault weapon'.

Question to the supporters of such a ban:
What practical effect will your ban have, and what is your factual/rational basis for thinking so?
AR-15s are not assault weapons or weapons of war, and they only demonstrate the left's stupidity in establishing the perception that they are scary. There goto is always shotguns, which is a weapon of war.

It only demonstrates the left's ability to do their own research instead of having propaganda spoon fed to them.
Wait until they see what 338-378WBY does to a person.
i had a 6.5 284 that I had to neck. I mean it could shoot groups inside a dime at a hundred. But I had to put so much work into the cartridge it took all the fun out of shooting. So I sold the rifle and bought a Element Optics scope.
Brad stair did my trigger work, who hits targets at 2.8 miles
Assault rifles are the scapegoat. Based on irrational fear.

I could be far more deadly, against more people, with my scoped hunting rifle.

Just wait until the anti-gun weinies figure out that the hunters constitute the largest sniper corp ever.

That's because of better marksmanship, not a better gun ... the AR-15 has a flatter trajectory, so we can get better aim into a group, and semi-auto to keep pumping lead into the pack ... good for squirrels and jackrabbits all the way up to ... well ... humans ... just don't shoot a bear, that'll just piss them off and they'll kill and eat you ... your long iron would only give you time to run Back East ... but you're still brown bear food here in The West ...

We never used the varmint rifle we had ... too many people living within range ... and the shotguns were effective against the squirrels and crows we had ... so the semi-auto collected dust ... I'm sorry ... almond farmers need guns to protect their crops, and the AR-15 is the weapon of choice ... squirrels, crows, jackrabbits, city-slickers ... just not bears is all ...
Unsurprisingly, Harris wants to ban 'assault weapons' - just like Biden and Obama and Hillary and just about every other Democrat running for office.

There are something like 25,000,000 AR15s in private hands across the US, plus the millions of other guns they want to ban - it may very well be that 1 out of every 10 guns in the US is an 'assault weapon'.

Question to the supporters of such a ban:
What practical effect will your ban have, and what is your factual/rational basis for thinking so?
Talking point to get their cult angry and to the polls. Nothing more, nothing less.
The word assault is thrown around by people who are afraid of guns and have no idea how to handle them.
The heads of the party are using the word to create fear. The idea is if they can create enough fear they can ban the guns they label as “ assault”. Once these have been banned then they can begin working on banning others by labeling them some word that causes them to be scary.
It maybe slow going but the only thing that matters is the eventual ban on all guns.
hardly anyone owns an assault rifle. M16's cost thousands of dollars to own.
Assault rifles have to have full auto capabilities. Demorats just love talking points
AR'15's are a symbol not a rifle of the right to them. They wanna remove the symbol not the rifle. Especially black politicians see the AR as a symbol of white power.
All semantics. What weapon was not designed to assault? Auto? Any semi auto can be modified to shoot auto fairly easily. Bottom line, as has been the case forever, if a person is intent on doing great bodily harm, they will find a way -- even if it is a rented truck with some diesel and fertilizer.

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