Question.. How Would You Feel If A Catholic "BISHOP" was running for POTUS?

I don't know what bishops do in other religions. But Bishops in the Mormon church are more like Pastors of evangelical Christians. One differences is a Mormon Bishop is over a geographical area and if that is the area you live in that's where you're supposed to go. Bishops are married and preside over a congregation of -3-4- hundred. They are unpaid. I've never seen or heard politics from the pulpit of a Mormon mtg and I'm 62

So that French Chateau Mittens did his missionary position in ..he had to pay for himself? many wine drinkin frogs did he turn into tea totalin Mormans?

Tithing from the church helps pay for Missionary work. The Missionaries have very little and live on a strict budget. There bikes and if they are lucky a car are provided by the local or international group housing them as is their housing. They have little to no money and are on a strict regimen while on a Mission.

By the way? All young adults in the church are encouraged to go on missions. It is expected you will do so. Not all missionaries go over seas, every Stake in the States has Missionaries.

I've seen em. They can be quite annoying and persistant. I had a friend they glommed onto a couple of years ago. It was a pretty weird scene.
Sorry to hear about the "accident" that left you in a coma thruout 2008. :lol:

I got so sick of listening to the recordings of that stupid Rev Wright that year that I damned near pulled my hair out...cept I can't go there seein as how I have such a great head of it..

Because the looping of the Shitty Reverend's moronic rants is the same thing as vetting candidate Obama.



Of course.

You make a compelling point, Smugz.

Well counselor..this thread IS about religious vetting ...if that is even allowed anymore. I am not sure WHAT the deal was with Wright...but they sure made a big deal about it. How that nonsense from the good reverend applied to Barry I'm not exactly sure. But after THAT fiasco calling Obama a muslim is beyond laughable.

No no you minor league failure of a felony offender wannabe.

It is NOT at all a thread about religious vetting.

It is a moronic effort to suggest that "bishop" means the same thing in Catholicism as it does in the religion we call the Mormons.

Your ignorance is astounding.

The lack of VETTING concerning President (then candidate) Obama has nothing at all to do with religious vetting. The Shitty Reverend Wright SAID lots of rancid stupid imbecilic and hateful crap that was tied to candidate Obama -- all unrelated to religion.

Your ignorance is unrelenting.
Because the looping of the Shitty Reverend's moronic rants is the same thing as vetting candidate Obama.



Of course.

You make a compelling point, Smugz.

Well counselor..this thread IS about religious vetting ...if that is even allowed anymore. I am not sure WHAT the deal was with Wright...but they sure made a big deal about it. How that nonsense from the good reverend applied to Barry I'm not exactly sure. But after THAT fiasco calling Obama a muslim is beyond laughable.

No no you minor league failure of a felony offender wannabe.

It is NOT at all a thread about religious vetting.

It is a moronic effort to suggest that "bishop" means the same thing in Catholicism as it does in the religion we call the Mormons.

Your ignorance is astounding.

The lack of VETTING concerning President (then candidate) Obama has nothing at all to do with religious vetting. The Shitty Reverend Wright SAID lots of rancid stupid imbecilic and hateful crap that was tied to candidate Obama -- all unrelated to religion.

Your ignorance is unrelenting.

Maybe I would make a good Morman after all!
Would his religion be an issue?

Of course it would.

So why is BISHOP Romney's religion off limits?

If the Catholic Bishop supported living within our means and following the Constitution, I feel great about voting for him.
Well counselor..this thread IS about religious vetting ...if that is even allowed anymore. I am not sure WHAT the deal was with Wright...but they sure made a big deal about it. How that nonsense from the good reverend applied to Barry I'm not exactly sure. But after THAT fiasco calling Obama a muslim is beyond laughable.

No no you minor league failure of a felony offender wannabe.

It is NOT at all a thread about religious vetting.

It is a moronic effort to suggest that "bishop" means the same thing in Catholicism as it does in the religion we call the Mormons.

Your ignorance is astounding.

The lack of VETTING concerning President (then candidate) Obama has nothing at all to do with religious vetting. The Shitty Reverend Wright SAID lots of rancid stupid imbecilic and hateful crap that was tied to candidate Obama -- all unrelated to religion.

Your ignorance is unrelenting.

Maybe I would make a good Morman after all!

Illiterate. But humorous.
No no you minor league failure of a felony offender wannabe.

It is NOT at all a thread about religious vetting.

It is a moronic effort to suggest that "bishop" means the same thing in Catholicism as it does in the religion we call the Mormons.

Your ignorance is astounding.

The lack of VETTING concerning President (then candidate) Obama has nothing at all to do with religious vetting. The Shitty Reverend Wright SAID lots of rancid stupid imbecilic and hateful crap that was tied to candidate Obama -- all unrelated to religion.

Your ignorance is unrelenting.

Maybe I would make a good Morman after all!

Illiterate. But humorous.

I'd only do it if there was an opening in Peru. I'd like to go all "missionary" position down there where the "snow" is pure and driven.
Sorry to hear about the "accident" that left you in a coma thruout 2008. :lol:

I got so sick of listening to the recordings of that stupid Rev Wright that year that I damned near pulled my hair out...cept I can't go there seein as how I have such a great head of it..

Because the looping of the Shitty Reverend's moronic rants is the same thing as vetting candidate Obama.



Of course.

You make a compelling point, Smugz.

Well counselor..this thread IS about religious vetting ...if that is even allowed anymore. I am not sure WHAT the deal was with Wright...but they sure made a big deal about it. How that nonsense from the good reverend applied to Barry I'm not exactly sure. But after THAT fiasco calling Obama a muslim is beyond laughable.

Obama spent 20 YEARS in the front Pew of Wrights Church. He referenced him in 2 different books. he called him a close personal friend, a Father Figure. He dedicated one of his books to him. Ya Wright had no influence over Obama. And you are worried about Romney?
Last edited:
We have answered your question I notice you keep skipping over that though, why is that?

I won't deny that some of the posts have been revealing about Mormans and catholics for that matter.

Thanks for that.
Well counselor..this thread IS about religious vetting ...if that is even allowed anymore. I am not sure WHAT the deal was with Wright...but they sure made a big deal about it. How that nonsense from the good reverend applied to Barry I'm not exactly sure. But after THAT fiasco calling Obama a muslim is beyond laughable.

No no you minor league failure of a felony offender wannabe.

It is NOT at all a thread about religious vetting.

It is a moronic effort to suggest that "bishop" means the same thing in Catholicism as it does in the religion we call the Mormons.

Your ignorance is astounding.

The lack of VETTING concerning President (then candidate) Obama has nothing at all to do with religious vetting. The Shitty Reverend Wright SAID lots of rancid stupid imbecilic and hateful crap that was tied to candidate Obama -- all unrelated to religion.

Your ignorance is unrelenting.

Maybe I would make a good Morman after all!

Im sure you would make a great Mormon. You'd just have to repent of your sins like anyone else. Since the Glory of God is intelligence, and we are commanded to learn wisdom and knowledge from the best books, you'd have to do that as well.
No no you minor league failure of a felony offender wannabe.

It is NOT at all a thread about religious vetting.

It is a moronic effort to suggest that "bishop" means the same thing in Catholicism as it does in the religion we call the Mormons.

Your ignorance is astounding.

The lack of VETTING concerning President (then candidate) Obama has nothing at all to do with religious vetting. The Shitty Reverend Wright SAID lots of rancid stupid imbecilic and hateful crap that was tied to candidate Obama -- all unrelated to religion.

Your ignorance is unrelenting.

Maybe I would make a good Morman after all!

Im sure you would make a great Mormon. You'd just have to repent of your sins like anyone else. Since the Glory of God is intelligence, and we are commanded to learn wisdom and knowledge from the best books, you'd have to do that as well. we have THAT much time.. :lol:
Would his religion be an issue?

Of course it would.

So why is BISHOP Romney's religion off limits?

Is Romney a subject of an equivalent 'Holy See' for Mormons?

I would not vote a Catholic Bishop for President because I question his ability to remain loyal to the United States when he's pledged what he believes himself to be a higher loyalty to the Bishop of Rome and the Holy See.

do you know how stupid this sounds? First off, no Catholic Bishop will run for office because they already have a job. They aren't part time Bishops, that's kind of their role in life. Secondly, this anti-Catholic bullshit is just that. I have news for you, we're everywhere. We're your neighbors, we serve in the military, we cut your hair, bag your groceries, & even do your taxes for you. I have yet to meet one Catholic out there who has ever confused their religion with their nationality. We are Americans first & foremost who happen to be Catholic. We don't pledge a loyalty oath to Rome once we are confirmed....sometimes I just can't stand blatant stupidity when I see it....
I can't imagine a Catholic bishop taking the oath of office, vowing to defend the Constitution of the United States,

given that the right to an abortion is constitutional law.

Is reverend Wright runing for POTUS? If he was do you think his statements in the confines of his church should be off limits?

double standard

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