Question Number 3 in MA


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Basically should Trans people be allowed to use bathrooms/locker rooms with the gender they identify with vs. biological gender. I am voting "NO" but it will likely pass in my Leftists state. What is sad is that even if you are a convicted sex offender you will be allowed to use the bathroom and or locker room you identify with. WTF?!?!?

This is pure craziness to me from the Leftists. Disney movies are offensive to a 5-year old girl but seeing a biological male in the bathrooms and or locker room is not?

Am I going crazy here?

Actually what it does is allow anyone in any bathroom. Do you want young girls to face some hairy man in a dress or a hairy man without a dress in the ladies room? It would become a haven for pedophiles. Only a crazy angry liberal who wants to destroy the fabric of society would come up with this insanity.
Guys in dresses will pee all over the toilet seats, ladies. You better wake up.
Basically should Trans people be allowed to use bathrooms/locker rooms with the gender they identify with vs. biological gender. I am voting "NO" but it will likely pass in my Leftists state. What is sad is that even if you are a convicted sex offender you will be allowed to use the bathroom and or locker room you identify with. WTF?!?!?

This is pure craziness to me from the Leftists. Disney movies are offensive to a 5-year old girl but seeing a biological male in the bathrooms and or locker room is not?

Am I going crazy here?

What ignorant, bigoted, authoritarian rightists fail to understand is that transgender Americans are entitled to equal protection of the law – that no citizen can be disadvantaged through force of law solely because of who he is, such as being transgender.

Because most conservatives are frightened by change, diversity, and dissent, they incorrectly perceive diversity and expressions of individual liberty as a ‘threat,’ and seek to disadvantage those whom they perceive as a ‘threat’ through force of law to compel conformity: if transgender Americans are not allowed to use a restroom consistent with their identified gender, then they’ll stop being transgender – so goes conservative illogic.

The Constitution recognizes the right to self-determination, the right to individual liberty, and the right to make decisions concerning the conduct of one’s life absent unwarranted government interference – the proposed measure is perfectly appropriate and comports with those Constitutional principles.

This measure is indeed necessary and proper given the ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right, and conservatives’ desire to disadvantage transgender Americans, or anyone else who dares to express himself as an individual.
I will be voting NO on question 3 (Yes on 1 & No on 2). Transgender is a mental health issue. That is where it should be dealt with, not in the courts or legislature.
Basically should Trans people be allowed to use bathrooms/locker rooms with the gender they identify with vs. biological gender. I am voting "NO" but it will likely pass in my Leftists state. What is sad is that even if you are a convicted sex offender you will be allowed to use the bathroom and or locker room you identify with. WTF?!?!?

This is pure craziness to me from the Leftists. Disney movies are offensive to a 5-year old girl but seeing a biological male in the bathrooms and or locker room is not?

Am I going crazy here?


All bathrooms need to be made private.

No stalls, just walls.

End of story.
Basically should Trans people be allowed to use bathrooms/locker rooms with the gender they identify with vs. biological gender. I am voting "NO" but it will likely pass in my Leftists state. What is sad is that even if you are a convicted sex offender you will be allowed to use the bathroom and or locker room you identify with. WTF?!?!?

This is pure craziness to me from the Leftists. Disney movies are offensive to a 5-year old girl but seeing a biological male in the bathrooms and or locker room is not?

Am I going crazy here?

What ignorant, bigoted, authoritarian rightists fail to understand is that transgender Americans are entitled to equal protection of the law – that no citizen can be disadvantaged through force of law solely because of who he is, such as being transgender.

Because most conservatives are frightened by change, diversity, and dissent, they incorrectly perceive diversity and expressions of individual liberty as a ‘threat,’ and seek to disadvantage those whom they perceive as a ‘threat’ through force of law to compel conformity: if transgender Americans are not allowed to use a restroom consistent with their identified gender, then they’ll stop being transgender – so goes conservative illogic.

The Constitution recognizes the right to self-determination, the right to individual liberty, and the right to make decisions concerning the conduct of one’s life absent unwarranted government interference

Indeed, but it does not force acceptance of madness and delusion on those who refuse to play the game.
Basically should Trans people be allowed to use bathrooms/locker rooms with the gender they identify with vs. biological gender. I am voting "NO" but it will likely pass in my Leftists state. What is sad is that even if you are a convicted sex offender you will be allowed to use the bathroom and or locker room you identify with. WTF?!?!?

This is pure craziness to me from the Leftists. Disney movies are offensive to a 5-year old girl but seeing a biological male in the bathrooms and or locker room is not?

Am I going crazy here?

What ignorant, bigoted, authoritarian rightists fail to understand is that transgender Americans are entitled to equal protection of the law – that no citizen can be disadvantaged through force of law solely because of who he is, such as being transgender.

Because most conservatives are frightened by change, diversity, and dissent, they incorrectly perceive diversity and expressions of individual liberty as a ‘threat,’ and seek to disadvantage those whom they perceive as a ‘threat’ through force of law to compel conformity: if transgender Americans are not allowed to use a restroom consistent with their identified gender, then they’ll stop being transgender – so goes conservative illogic.

The Constitution recognizes the right to self-determination, the right to individual liberty, and the right to make decisions concerning the conduct of one’s life absent unwarranted government interference – the proposed measure is perfectly appropriate and comports with those Constitutional principles.

This measure is indeed necessary and proper given the ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right, and conservatives’ desire to disadvantage transgender Americans, or anyone else who dares to express himself as an individual.

Why do trans rights trump the rights of my young daughters?
Basically should Trans people be allowed to use bathrooms/locker rooms with the gender they identify with vs. biological gender. I am voting "NO" but it will likely pass in my Leftists state. What is sad is that even if you are a convicted sex offender you will be allowed to use the bathroom and or locker room you identify with. WTF?!?!?

This is pure craziness to me from the Leftists. Disney movies are offensive to a 5-year old girl but seeing a biological male in the bathrooms and or locker room is not?

Am I going crazy here?


Is there anything against the law for them to go in there now??
Basically should Trans people be allowed to use bathrooms/locker rooms with the gender they identify with vs. biological gender. I am voting "NO" but it will likely pass in my Leftists state. What is sad is that even if you are a convicted sex offender you will be allowed to use the bathroom and or locker room you identify with. WTF?!?!?

This is pure craziness to me from the Leftists. Disney movies are offensive to a 5-year old girl but seeing a biological male in the bathrooms and or locker room is not?

Am I going crazy here?


Is there anything against the law for them to go in there now??

No. Q3 would override the current law that allows it.
Guys in dresses will pee all over the toilet seats, ladies. You better wake up.
As a man, nothing is more disgusting than a convenience store mens room.
I would rather use the clean women's room if we are calling free for all.

Ladies can have at the famous piss trough also.
Provides great splash back.
Basically should Trans people be allowed to use bathrooms/locker rooms with the gender they identify with vs. biological gender. I am voting "NO" but it will likely pass in my Leftists state. What is sad is that even if you are a convicted sex offender you will be allowed to use the bathroom and or locker room you identify with. WTF?!?!?

This is pure craziness to me from the Leftists. Disney movies are offensive to a 5-year old girl but seeing a biological male in the bathrooms and or locker room is not?

Am I going crazy here?

What ignorant, bigoted, authoritarian rightists fail to understand is that transgender Americans are entitled to equal protection of the law – that no citizen can be disadvantaged through force of law solely because of who he is, such as being transgender.

Because most conservatives are frightened by change, diversity, and dissent, they incorrectly perceive diversity and expressions of individual liberty as a ‘threat,’ and seek to disadvantage those whom they perceive as a ‘threat’ through force of law to compel conformity: if transgender Americans are not allowed to use a restroom consistent with their identified gender, then they’ll stop being transgender – so goes conservative illogic.

The Constitution recognizes the right to self-determination, the right to individual liberty, and the right to make decisions concerning the conduct of one’s life absent unwarranted government interference – the proposed measure is perfectly appropriate and comports with those Constitutional principles.

This measure is indeed necessary and proper given the ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right, and conservatives’ desire to disadvantage transgender Americans, or anyone else who dares to express himself as an individual.

Bigotry? What?
If you have a dick then you belong in the mens room no matter who or what you identify with that day.

If you don't have a dick you belong in the ladies room
If you have a dick then you belong in the mens room no matter who or what you identify with that day.

If you don't have a dick you belong in the ladies room


^^Has no dick^^

See how stupid it is to try force compliance?
Trans people are afflicted with a debilitating mental illness and rather than help them cure this horrific disease the left are encouraging it.

Yeah? So tell us, doctor, what is the recommended treatment for this "mental illness"?
If you have a dick then you belong in the mens room no matter who or what you identify with that day.

If you don't have a dick you belong in the ladies room


^^Has no dick^^

See how stupid it is to try force compliance?

Drop the jeans dumbass. His dick will be in full view.

Hope you can get a good look.
Buck Angel has a vagina. There is no dick. See how stupid anti trans laws are?
Basically should Trans people be allowed to use bathrooms/locker rooms with the gender they identify with vs. biological gender. I am voting "NO" but it will likely pass in my Leftists state. What is sad is that even if you are a convicted sex offender you will be allowed to use the bathroom and or locker room you identify with. WTF?!?!?

This is pure craziness to me from the Leftists. Disney movies are offensive to a 5-year old girl but seeing a biological male in the bathrooms and or locker room is not?

Am I going crazy here?

What ignorant, bigoted, authoritarian rightists fail to understand is that transgender Americans are entitled to equal protection of the law – that no citizen can be disadvantaged through force of law solely because of who he is, such as being transgender.

Because most conservatives are frightened by change, diversity, and dissent, they incorrectly perceive diversity and expressions of individual liberty as a ‘threat,’ and seek to disadvantage those whom they perceive as a ‘threat’ through force of law to compel conformity: if transgender Americans are not allowed to use a restroom consistent with their identified gender, then they’ll stop being transgender – so goes conservative illogic.

The Constitution recognizes the right to self-determination, the right to individual liberty, and the right to make decisions concerning the conduct of one’s life absent unwarranted government interference – the proposed measure is perfectly appropriate and comports with those Constitutional principles.

This measure is indeed necessary and proper given the ignorance, fear, bigotry, and hate common to most on the right, and conservatives’ desire to disadvantage transgender Americans, or anyone else who dares to express himself as an individual.

Why do trans rights trump the rights of my young daughters?

Libs stall when it comes to that argument.

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