Question to conservative brothers and sisters-Is it OK to use foul language in political discussions?

Sure they did.
Poverty hits record low after largest decrease in over 50 years

Incomes grew across the distribution, and poverty plummeted as a result. The official poverty rate fell to an all-time record low of 10.5 percent in 2019. Over 4 million people were lifted out of poverty between 2018 and 2019 for a 1.3 percentage point decrease. This was the largest reduction in poverty in over 50 years.

Minority groups led the way in poverty alleviation. Compared to the overall poverty rate reduction of 1.3 percentage points, black poverty fell by 2.0 percentage points, Hispanic poverty fell by 1.8 percentage points, and Asian poverty fell by 2.8 percentage points (see Figure 2). The poverty rate fell to an all-time record low for every race and ethnic group in 2019. Notably, the black poverty rate fell below 20 percent for the first time in history.

Why do you hate it when millions of Americans are lifted out of poverty?
"Is it OK to use foul language in a political discussion?"
I'll steal a great line from Talleyrand here and say, "It's worse than a crime ... it's a blunder."

In a political discussion, you should have at least two aims:
(1) To learn what your opponent believes, and why. Know your enemy. And you want his best arguments. Especially since occasionally, he may be right. Foul language on your part inhibits this process.

(2) To refute your opponent's arguments, with better ones, so that

(a) You influence 'neutrals', and pull them towards your position, ... and foul language is not likely to impress them.

(b) You plant the 'gnawing worm of doubt' in your opponent's mind -- insulting them personally gets in the way of doing this.

(c) You reinforce the beliefs of people on your side, both by showing them that there are good arguments for your shared beliefs, held by people who are not-stupids, and by giving them these arguments to use themselves. Again, foul language, and indeed any language of the sort 'you are evil/stupid/etc' gets in the way of this.

I've seen many threads in political discussion forums where one side -- usually, I'm sorry to say, the Left -- makes a powerful argument, or at least one which on its face is powerful -- such as presenting a graph showing that 'Red' states have more violent crime than 'Blue' ones -- and which the people on the other side cannot immediately answer ... and this provokes from them just a flurry of insults. Nothing says "We lost the argument!" than a lot of nasty personal insults.

But let's not be too goody-goody here. The occasional foul word can be very powerful, if it's carefully chosen. These words exist in our language for a reason. For example, as a sudden shocking contrast, as in the following joke:
A young novitiate arrives at a to begin her training as a nun. After she has been in the convent just a few days, the local golf course offers free golfing lessons to all the nuns, and she signs up for them and goes with other nuns for her first lesson.

But in just a few hours, she returns to the convent in floods of tears, very upset. She is ushered in to see the Mother Superior, who sits her down and asks, "What is the matter, dear?"

"Oh, Mother, Mother", cries the young nun, "I blasphemed!!! I insulted the sacred ears of our Lord by taking His name in vain and saying terrible things!!!"

"Now, now, dear," the Mother Superior says soothingly. Our God is a loving God and a forgiving God. We all make mistakes. What was the occasion for your blasphemy?"

"Well," the young nun answers, "after our lesson, we all went out to the green to play a game. And my very first shot was almost perfect! It went at least half way to the first hole ... but then, as it hit the ground and rolled to a stop ... a squirrel ran out and grabbed the ball and begin to run off with it!!!"

"There, there, dear, " the Mother Superior replied, "why, anyone would have blasphemed at something like that... "

"No, no," cried the young nun. "I remained composed and said nothing ... but then ... as the squirrel was running away with the ball, an eagle dropped down out of the sky, and grabbed the squirrel in his claws, and begin to fly away with the squirrel and the ball!!"

"My goodness!" exclaimed the Mother Superior, "Why, anyone at that point would have blasphemed!!"

"No, no, Mother," sobbed the young nun ... "Even then, I did not utter words of blasphemy ... but .. as the eagle flew over the pond that is near the first hole, the squirrel dropped the ball, straight into the pond!"

"Extraordinary!" exclaimed the Mother Superior, "Satan at work! Well, I sure God will forgive your blasphemy at that point and..."

"No, no, no," interrupted the young nun. "Even then, I said nothing. And the ball fell straight down, and hit a turtle's hard shell, and bounced out of the pond, and .... it rolled to within a few feet of the first hole!"

"Stop!!!! Now I understand," said the Mother Superior, holding up her hand. "Now I know what happened... you need say no more ...and I am quite sure God will forgive your blasphemy ... I know exactly now what was the occasion of your blasphemy, something that would have tried the patience even of God Himself. You were provoked beyond human endurance, because ...
... You... Missed... The... Fucking... Putt!"
I think advocating genocide/infanticide qualifies as less moral compared to someone who does not advocate it

You would disagree, but that's just me.


It's not just you.
It's not just you.
I feel bad for Mac and people like him.

On the one hand, they want to condemn such evil behavior, but on the other hand, they need to achieve a higher Nazi rank to help pay the bills in the Inflationary Joe Biden era.

Decisions, decisions.................hard decisions........................
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I feel bad for Mac and people like him.

On the one hand, they want to condemn such evil behavior, but on the other hand, they need to achieve a higher Nazi rank to help pay the bills in the Inflationary Joe Biden era.

Decisions, decisions.................hard decisions........................

I feel nothing for bots like that.

-Is it OK to use foul language in political discussions?​

Chicken or Rooster I guess you are asking .

Surely depends on the gender of the speaker .

Definitely not , Cock , if you are addressing one of those LGBQT types , let alone a Lesbian .
I feel bad for Mac and people like him.

On the one hand, they want to condemn such evil behavior, but on the other hand, they need to achieve a higher Nazi rank to help pay the bills in the Inflationary Joe Biden era.

Decisions, decisions.................hard decisions........................
But they have families to feed

And if their empire is vanquished then you are faced with accountability for all the evil and lawless crap you pulled.

You don't want them to end up like Goebbels, having to kill your entire family once the Allies come rolling into town, do you?
Never mind the harsh language....IMHO congressional politics should be a contact sport to the death. I bet they would be polite and work better together. ;)

The gallery says:

Never mind the harsh language....IMHO congressional politics should be a contact sport to the death. I bet they would be polite and work better together. ;)

The gallery says:


Absolutely! I would love to see it mandatory that they are armed whenever in direct contact with one another. The shit would quiet down real fast.

Fuck yeah, it's OK to use foul language when discussing the foul, dirty and corrupt business of politics. Not for vulgarity's sake but for emphasis. Basically, I don't see anything below the bar that our government has established.
The entire existence of authoritarian nanny state bed wetters is vulgar. You can not discuss them or their politics without being vulgar.

A fuck-fuck here and a twat-fart there is just something to spice it up a bit.

In other words, you don't want to talk to democrats

Sounds good to me, and you will be a happier person for it.

But to vote for a party of infanticide and grooming children and robbing them financially for the future with their massive spending, you kind of are required to park you morality at the door.
Well brother that’s precisely why I don’t vote for pro abortion Democrats. Or pro abortion Republicans for that matter.

But I think you get what I’m saying here brother. It’s about negative energy and I just don’t wanna be associated with that. So if I read a poster who is using the F word almost every other word or who is using sexual derogatory language that creates a lot of negative energy and it’s also against Christianity. And it’s against the type of strong man image I wanna be associated with if you know what I’m saying.

So when I hear someone on the radio getting all riled up knowing that they’re probably making millions of dollars….. whether they’re on the left or the right this is something I don’t wanna be a part of.

But this is also a part of the conversation here did you notice how people who are pro abortion engage in conversation with people who are anti-abortion?. I believe the anti-abortion people are definitely more aggressive if you notice the anti-abortion protests and the decision to overturn roe versus wade they had these protesters destroying private property being very aggressive and violent if you will

That said there are people who are polite and who are pro abortion what they say is pro-choice. And there are some conservatives who can be too aggressive when they are talking with people who are pro abortion for example Alex Stein is one of them there was a video where he was trolling some pro abortion people…. And it did not look good for him. And I like stein other than when he goes a bit too far.
There are no more rules of decency in our ugly and tribal political climate. Tribe irrelevant.

Christians -- or at least those who claim to be Christian -- are no better or more moral.
Agreed that you can have atheists who are way better than some christians . But for me the issue is not whether someone’s Christian or not if they’re using rough language if they have T-shirts that say F Trump or F Hillary Clinton I don’t wanna be a part of this. It creates negative energy and I think it makes men weaker.
Well brother that’s precisely why I don’t vote for pro abortion Democrats. Or pro abortion Republicans for that matter.

But I think you get what I’m saying here brother. It’s about negative energy and I just don’t wanna be associated with that. So if I read a poster who is using the F word almost every other word or who is using sexual derogatory language that creates a lot of negative energy and it’s also against Christianity. And it’s against the type of strong man image I wanna be associated with if you know what I’m saying.

So when I hear someone on the radio getting all riled up knowing that they’re probably making millions of dollars….. whether they’re on the left or the right this is something I don’t wanna be a part of.

But this is also a part of the conversation here did you notice how people who are pro abortion engage in conversation with people who are anti-abortion?. I believe the anti-abortion people are definitely more aggressive if you notice the anti-abortion protests and the decision to overturn roe versus wade they had these protesters destroying private property being very aggressive and violent if you will

That said there are people who are polite and who are pro abortion what they say is pro-choice. And there are some conservatives who can be too aggressive when they are talking with people who are pro abortion for example Alex Stein is one of them there was a video where he was trolling some pro abortion people…. And it did not look good for him. And I like stein other than when he goes a bit too far.
The pro-abortion crowd is peaceful?


Why then did attacks on churches spike after the Dobbs Decision?

The Lefty loons are all a bunch of Brown shirts.
Agree 100% you can have atheists who are way better than some questions. But for me the issue is whether someone’s Christian or not if they’re using rough language if they have T-shirts that say F Trump or F Hillary Clinton I don’t wanna be a part of this. It creates negative energy and I think it makes men weaker.
What about "Let's go Brandon"?
The entire existence of authoritarian nanny state bed wetters is vulgar. You can not discuss them or their politics without being vulgar.

A fuck-fuck here and a twat-fart there is just something to spice it up a bit.

Well that is like saying the sky is blue

So yea.

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