
Doing the right thing can be fun. About six months ago I had taken a friend that does not drive grocery shopping at the local Fred Meyer..a big department store with a great grocery dept. Well I was sitting on the bench just inside one of the entrances next to the jewelry dept and a young couple and their small child were standing outside the jewelry entrance and the young woman started screaming and jumping up and down and they all started frantically scrounging around the floor looking for something. One of the employees of FM was sitting next to me on the bench. People were coming in and going out and this couple was obviously looking for something. They were about 30 feet away from where I was sitting. I studied the carpet in front of me and a glint of sparkle caught my eye. It was about ten feet in front of me. So...I stood up and walked over to it and picked it up. It was a pretty big diamond..maybe a carat. By this time the woman AND the young man were crying AND the kid was crying.. I walked up to the woman and whispered in her ear..."is this the reason for your tears?" and I dropped the bauble in her shaking hand. You never saw three people have such a 180 degree turn of emotion. You'd have thought they just won the Lotto! I have to admit that it was fun to make their day. We all are selfish in one way or another.
They will if they have any integrity or honor.

Even if they did (and most don't); by the time they find the mistake you're LONG GONE. They're not searching you out to give you back the price of one bag of frozen peas. That's just not happening.

If they don't, isn't that the problem with this nation? People are dishonest and corrupt.

When Abraham Lincoln was a grocery clerk, someone was given the wrong change, and he walked several miles to the persons home to correct the mistake.

If we don't start being honest in our lives, then when does it start?
Doing the right thing can be fun. About six months ago I had taken a friend that does not drive grocery shopping at the local Fred Meyer..a big department store with a great grocery dept. Well I was sitting on the bench just inside one of the entrances next to the jewelry dept and a young couple and their small child were standing outside the jewelry entrance and the young woman started screaming and jumping up and down and they all started frantically scrounging around the floor looking for something. One of the employees of FM was sitting next to me on the bench. People were coming in and going out and this couple was obviously looking for something. They were about 30 feet away from where I was sitting. I studied the carpet in front of me and a glint of sparkle caught my eye. It was about ten feet in front of me. So...I stood up and walked over to it and picked it up. It was a pretty big diamond..maybe a carat. By this time the woman AND the young man were crying AND the kid was crying.. I walked up to the woman and whispered in her ear..."is this the reason for your tears?" and I dropped the bauble in her shaking hand. You never saw three people have such a 180 degree turn of emotion. You'd have thought they just won the Lotto! I have to admit that it was fun to make their day. We all are selfish in one way or another.

Doing good is a pleasure isn't it?
Doing the right thing can be fun. About six months ago I had taken a friend that does not drive grocery shopping at the local Fred Meyer..a big department store with a great grocery dept. Well I was sitting on the bench just inside one of the entrances next to the jewelry dept and a young couple and their small child were standing outside the jewelry entrance and the young woman started screaming and jumping up and down and they all started frantically scrounging around the floor looking for something. One of the employees of FM was sitting next to me on the bench. People were coming in and going out and this couple was obviously looking for something. They were about 30 feet away from where I was sitting. I studied the carpet in front of me and a glint of sparkle caught my eye. It was about ten feet in front of me. So...I stood up and walked over to it and picked it up. It was a pretty big diamond..maybe a carat. By this time the woman AND the young man were crying AND the kid was crying.. I walked up to the woman and whispered in her ear..."is this the reason for your tears?" and I dropped the bauble in her shaking hand. You never saw three people have such a 180 degree turn of emotion. You'd have thought they just won the Lotto! I have to admit that it was fun to make their day. We all are selfish in one way or another.

Doing good is a pleasure isn't it?

Ya it still feels good..especially when I go shopping at Freddy's...EXCEPT... the employee that was sitting next to me used to be a guy about three years ago and did a sex when he/she smiles at me I kinda wonder if it was in regards to finding the diamond...OR something ELSE!!! :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
If they don't, isn't that the problem with this nation? People are dishonest and corrupt.

When Abraham Lincoln was a grocery clerk, someone was given the wrong change, and he walked several miles to the persons home to correct the mistake.

If we don't start being honest in our lives, then when does it start?

That sort of thing works really well in small, rural communities where everyone knows everyone else and the like. These places do still exist (my mother grew up in one), but they are decidedly the exception rather than the norm these days.

Personally, I think the bigger problem is that way too many people are just oblivious. They have no idea what's going on around them. They don't check the change the clerk gives them at the check-out counter. They don't look to see if the work was actually done before paying a bill. They don't take appropriate responsibility for what is going on in the world around them. THAT's the bigger issue in my mind.
You buy two items at the store. When you reach your car, you realize that clerk only rang you up for one of the items. What do you do?

I go back and pay for it. Nothing is free, and when you lie, cheat, and steal, it eats away at your soul. I prefer to have my soul intact.;)
You buy two items at the store. When you reach your car, you realize that clerk only rang you up for one of the items. What do you do?

I go back and pay for it. Nothing is free, and when you lie, cheat, and steal, it eats away at your soul. I prefer to have my soul intact.;)

So I take it you don't intend to usurp Voldemort's former role as Lord of the Dark?
You buy two items at the store. When you reach your car, you realize that clerk only rang you up for one of the items. What do you do?

Depends on how much the item was. If it was just a couple of bucks, I'd just forget it. Anything above that, and some poor minimum wage cashier might get his/her salary docked, depending on how the store tracks such things.
You buy two items at the store. When you reach your car, you realize that clerk only rang you up for one of the items. What do you do?

Depends on how much the item was. If it was just a couple of bucks, I'd just forget it. Anything above that, and some poor minimum wage cashier might get his/her salary docked, depending on how the store tracks such things.

How is a store going to track something back to a cashier that obviously didn't get it's bar code read at the register? Are there any stores anymore that do not use scanning? If it didn't get rung up and it made it past the readers at the exit there is no possible way to track the loss short of a suspected shoplift and a bag search in the parking lot. If you ask me returning the item could have only one possible outcome. The employee will have a negative page in their file. All this weeping about the poor employee is stupid. If you REALLY want to do the employee a favor..get in your car and ..just consider that the best thing you can do is just accept this bit of fortune as the outcome with the least possible negative repercussions. You know that you are not a thief..stop acting like you are guilty of something and keep your head. Returning the item is more of an error that the clerk made.
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You buy two items at the store. When you reach your car, you realize that clerk only rang you up for one of the items. What do you do?

Depends on how much the item was. If it was just a couple of bucks, I'd just forget it. Anything above that, and some poor minimum wage cashier might get his/her salary docked, depending on how the store tracks such things.

How is a store going to track something back to a cashier that obviously didn't get it's bar code read at the register? Are there any stores anymore that do not use scanning? If it didn't get rung up and it made it past the readers at the exit there is no possible way to track the loss short of a suspected shoplift and a bag search in the parking lot. If you ask me returning the item could have only one possible outcome. The employee will have a negative page in their file. All this weeping about the poor employee is stupid. If you REALLY want to do the employee a favor..get in your car and ..just consider that the best thing you can do is just accept this bit of fortune as the outcome with the least possible negative repercussions. You know that you are not a thief..stop acting like you are guilty of something and keep your head. Returning the item is more of an error that the clerk made.

There is no need to point out that there was an error. The clerk doesn't need that. So the honest thing would be to just return the item to its display place in the store or, if you really want it, take it up to pay for it like it was your first trip to the counter. Problem solved. Conscience salved. Nobody has to get into trouble for anything.

Again I would hope I would do that. But if it is one of those big sales event where you stand in line for 30 minutes and I'm already in the car or on my way home? I still would like to think I would do that. But. . . . .if I'm honest. . . .I just hope I would. :)
LOL wow .
christians are funny , and you guys WOW , depends on how much it is ? theft is theft , ya the courts look at that way , felony or misdemeanor .

do you know grazing in a grocery store is also theft ?
if you take it out of the store with out paying for it and they didn't give it to you ? its theft .

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