Questions For Evolutionists.

My improper punctuation is a choice ... I do know how and where to use a period to end a sentence ... but I choose not to ... however, I am using these quotes properly to indicate a word being used in a non-standard way ...
A Truly Educated Person Would Rather Be a "Grammar Nazi" Than Not See Grammar

His sentence should end with "daughter"?, not "daughter?" The question mark refers to the whole sentence, and not at all to the word inside the quotation marks. Such grammar is college-level ignorance, which is why that failed institution must be replaced with highly paid professional education.
What superior creatures existed when life first appeared on the scene? (Assuming that you embrace the theory of evolution).
GOTCHA! Denied

The ones that evolved, of course. So "survival of the fittest" is inaccurate; the fittest do more than merely survive, which is like barely getting a passing grade or being last in one's class but still graduating.

Social Darwinism is both illogical and a cancer destroying all civilizations.
No. I (like every educated, rational person) claim some hypotheses end up being such well supported theories, they are known to be true. Some "guesses" end up being correct.

"The earth revolves about the sun" is a hypothesis.
in other words you put your faith in the claim.
Can anyone make heads or tails of this gibberish?

And your assistant isn't here. If you have a point, state it all by yourself.
That's not the answer I was looking for. Please accept this parting gift: A $5 gift certificate to for your local bookstore.
A Truly Educated Person Would Rather Be a "Grammar Nazi" Than Not See Grammar

His sentence should end with "daughter"?, not "daughter?" The question mark refers to the whole sentence, and not at all to the word inside the quotation marks. Such grammar is college-level ignorance, which is why that failed institution must be replaced with highly paid professional education.

Nice catch ... only my own mother has ever nitpicked my Englishing that close ... as often as she could ... bless her heart ...

It's my spelting that broke that poor woman heart ... spelting and vocalabulating ...
Nice catch ... only my own mother has ever nitpicked my Englishing that close ... as often as she could ... bless her heart ...

It's my spelting that broke that poor woman heart ... spelting and vocalabulating ...

And your numberating.
Maybe you can clarify your gibberish. I don't think anyone else can.

Please do.

He might have looked up earthworm reproduction and seen how wrong he is ... the Bible is about human sexuality, and Lord knows we need guidance ... and you have to believe a woman can bear a child without having sex with a man ... good luck on that last one ...

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