

Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Does the influx of Middle East refugees and illegals increase or decrease stability in our homeland?

Does the influx of Muslim refugees increase or decrease our involvement with the chaos endemic to their homelands?

Was it not our objective to reduce our profile in the Middle East?

Is it better to take their refugees or to eliminate what is causing them to be refugees?

Is all this not a consequence of the "strategic patience" policy?
I don't have the answers, those are tough questions. But I would like to ask one.

Why do the liberals make it our duty to take on these refugees?
I don't have the answers, those are tough questions. But I would like to ask one.

Why do the liberals make it our duty to take on these refugees?
Because they misjudge themselves to have all the answers...all the time.
I don't have the answers, those are tough questions. But I would like to ask one.

Why do the liberals make it our duty to take on these refugees?
Because they misjudge themselves to have all the answers...all the time.

I agree. They think being humane and merciful will win the day. Obviously they weren't watching what happened in Paris, France. A France that's been taking in Muslims for decades.

Guess the crystal ball they use has a few problems.
Basic principle refuted by the Left: American immigration policy is supposed to be for the benefit of AMERICANS, and not for the benefit of the people wanting to come here.

So obvious, it is overlooked.

OR are they willing to do anything to get more Government-teat-sucking immigrants, who will be voting Democrat for generations?

Seems clear to me what their motives are. Compassion? Hardly.
I don't have the answers, those are tough questions. But I would like to ask one.

Why do the liberals make it our duty to take on these refugees?
Because they misjudge themselves to have all the answers...all the time.

Since there are two answers they could be self righteous and choose not to bring them here. My question is, why is it of such importance to them to do it fast? There are many people in the world being persecuted by the left seems only to be worried about these folks, what's up with that?
Does the influx of Middle East refugees and illegals increase or decrease stability in our homeland?

Does the influx of Muslim refugees increase or decrease our involvement with the chaos endemic to their homelands?

Was it not our objective to reduce our profile in the Middle East?

Is it better to take their refugees or to eliminate what is causing them to be refugees?

Is all this not a consequence of the "strategic patience" policy?

No, it is all a consequence of allowing the UN to dictate to nations an international law / government system that will never benefit those it seeks to bankrupt and control (as in poverty/slavery). Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Simple solution. Cancel our membership with the UN and ask our allies to join us in walking away from UN. Return to our senses and tear up all agreements with the UN for Agenda 21, Global Warming Scheme, fighting their wars, backing IMF, World Bank, and take back control of our own borders, restore our sovereignty as a nation and drill our own oil in Alaska and the lower 48. We need to get out of the Middle East and have all of our own US military back on American soil where our own soldiers can protect our own citizens. Interpol / foreign troops / UN special forces / peacekeepers on American soil is a bad idea. Send them home. Take back the United States of America.
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"Interpol / foreign troops / UN special forces / peacekeepers on American soil isa bad idea. Send them home. Take back the United States of America."

.???? Not clear on that...
I thought at a minimum, G0000 would throw the AUMF into the search for answers. Or lone laffer would mumble something about racism .

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