Quick Qst. on the Illegal Immigration Issue

I sincerely do not have an answer to the question nor do I have a "hidden agenda" for asking it.....But I'm curious:

Amid all the barrage of rhetoric regarding the halting of illegal immigration from the Mexican border, why hasn't any of the conservative candidates linked the curbing of these immigrants with ALSO the possible curbing of the tons of drugs that come across the same border?

I have heard plenty about that. Talk of criminals coming across is one of the major concerns. The left doesn't talk about the drug cartels or other criminals who sneak in and they just pretend that the vast majority are looking for a better life.

The left also insinuates that it's racism behind the objection to illegal immigration. It's not. Securing the border would help stop the drug and human traffickers. Human trafficking has become a huge threat.

Asd far as the illegal aliens who come here to work and send the money home, just stopping their ability to take advantage of us would stop them. More attention should be focused on the actual border and the drug cartels who control parts of it. Disarming border guards and instructing them not to fire back if fired upon was a stupid move. It gave the criminals a green light. There have been numerous incidents where drug cartels or other dangerous people have started firing across the border knowing that the guards will run for cover. They continue firing until whoever or whatever is safety across. I cannot figure out why the Obama administration would disarm the guards instead of increasing security and making sure they have plenty of weapons. They always cite cost, as if supporting millions of illegals and dealing with drug dealers is cheap. We could do a lot better.

It's sad that pointing out the problem gets you labelled racist and the left prefers to pretend that there are no criminals to deal with.

Guess what, there are a LOT of criminals sneaking across the border and it's not racist to want to catch them and either put them in jail or kick them the hell out.
I have heard plenty about that. Talk of criminals coming across is one of the major concerns. The left doesn't talk about the drug cartels or other criminals who sneak in and they just pretend that the vast majority are looking for a better life.
only because the vast majority are
The left also insinuates that it's racism behind the objection to illegal immigration. It's not.
some of it is. ask odium ;)
Securing the border would help stop the drug and human traffickers. Human trafficking has become a huge threat.
human trafficking is awful, but i'm not sure i'd call it a 'threat' definitely something to be stopped though.
Asd far as the illegal aliens who come here to work and send the money home, just stopping their ability to take advantage of us would stop them.
please explain, what do you mean by 'take advantage?'
More attention should be focused on the actual border and the drug cartels who control parts of it.
what parts of the border do drug cartels 'control?' are you saying that they control the US side of the border?
Disarming border guards and instructing them not to fire back if fired upon was a stupid move. It gave the criminals a green light.
would have been, if it were true.
There have been numerous incidents where drug cartels or other dangerous people have started firing across the border knowing that the guards will run for cover. They continue firing until whoever or whatever is safety across. I cannot figure out why the Obama administration would disarm the guards instead of increasing security and making sure they have plenty of weapons. They always cite cost, as if supporting millions of illegals and dealing with drug dealers is cheap. We could do a lot better.
where are you getting this 'information?'
It's sad that pointing out the problem gets you labelled racist and the left prefers to pretend that there are no criminals to deal with.

Guess what, there are a LOT of criminals sneaking across the border and it's not racist to want to catch them and either put them in jail or kick them the hell out.
seems like you want to pretend it's only criminals...
Jake; How many are illegal?

Toddster: Every illegal student is illegal.

Jake:I don't doubt that. How many?
You will never be able to totally stop either but right now neither party seems willing to even try.
i don't disagree. republicans are too in bed with businesses that hire illegal immigrants and democrats are too concerned with the well being of the immigrant

still, i have news for you... illegal immigration isn't a real problem.
So you don't think that flooding the jobs market with low skilled people who will work for pennies on the dollar is not a problem?

You don't think that those same people utilizing public resources is also a problem?

I think that is a silly statement.
it's not a real problem. if there's 14 million illegal immigrants that's what, about 4% of the population?
how many of them are really a drain on society?
i guess i should have said it's not an important problem.

it's not a real problem. if there's 14 million illegal immigrants that's what, about 4% of the population?
how many of them are really a drain on society?

Every student that we, in Illinois, spend about $12,000 on each per year to educate.
most education is paid for with property taxes. do you somehow think that illegal immigrants avoid paying property taxes?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the illegals aren't paying $12,000 per year, for each kid, in property taxes.
i don't disagree. republicans are too in bed with businesses that hire illegal immigrants and democrats are too concerned with the well being of the immigrant

still, i have news for you... illegal immigration isn't a real problem.
So you don't think that flooding the jobs market with low skilled people who will work for pennies on the dollar is not a problem?

You don't think that those same people utilizing public resources is also a problem?

I think that is a silly statement.
it's not a real problem. if there's 14 million illegal immigrants that's what, about 4% of the population?
how many of them are really a drain on society?
i guess i should have said it's not an important problem.

it's not a real problem. if there's 14 million illegal immigrants that's what, about 4% of the population?
how many of them are really a drain on society?

Every student that we, in Illinois, spend about $12,000 on each per year to educate.
most education is paid for with property taxes. do you somehow think that illegal immigrants avoid paying property taxes?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the illegals aren't paying $12,000 per year, for each kid, in property taxes.
perhaps not. but then a lot of citizens aren't paying that in property taxes either. so what's the problem?
That figure seems about right, 55 to 60 thousand. With about 500 thousand illegals, that would make a little less than 4% of the population as undocumented illegals. What would the % of illegal school students be per capita?
If you secure the border that helps control both.
it does, but if there's enough money in crossing the border you won't really be able to secure it. someone will always have the motivation to build the better mouse.
cutting off the monetary motivation would curb illegal immigration faster than building a wall.
I disagree. However, why does that preclude our doing both?
If the money drug cartel motives are cut off, illegal immigration should be easy to handle.
So you don't think that flooding the jobs market with low skilled people who will work for pennies on the dollar is not a problem?

You don't think that those same people utilizing public resources is also a problem?

I think that is a silly statement.
it's not a real problem. if there's 14 million illegal immigrants that's what, about 4% of the population?
how many of them are really a drain on society?
i guess i should have said it's not an important problem.

it's not a real problem. if there's 14 million illegal immigrants that's what, about 4% of the population?
how many of them are really a drain on society?

Every student that we, in Illinois, spend about $12,000 on each per year to educate.
most education is paid for with property taxes. do you somehow think that illegal immigrants avoid paying property taxes?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the illegals aren't paying $12,000 per year, for each kid, in property taxes.
perhaps not. but then a lot of citizens aren't paying that in property taxes either. so what's the problem?

Well, if I had to choose between paying to educate citizens and paying to educate illegals, I'd choose citizens.
It's not like Illinois doesn't have a huge unfunded pension liability for government workers already, we also have to hire a bunch of extra ESL teachers to educate a bunch of illegals.
That figure seems about right, 55 to 60 thousand. With about 500 thousand illegals, that would make a little less than 4% of the population as undocumented illegals. What would the % of illegal school students be per capita?

That figure seems about right, 55 to 60 thousand.

The figure seems low. If we counted the kids of illegals who were born here, it'd be at least double that.
That figure seems about right, 55 to 60 thousand. With about 500 thousand illegals, that would make a little less than 4% of the population as undocumented illegals. What would the % of illegal school students be per capita?

That figure seems about right, 55 to 60 thousand.

The figure seems low. If we counted the kids of illegals who were born here, it'd be at least double that.
They are citizens, Todd, and they will always be citizens, so they are untouchable as far as funding education.
I sincerely do not have an answer to the question nor do I have a "hidden agenda" for asking it.....But I'm curious:

Amid all the barrage of rhetoric regarding the halting of illegal immigration from the Mexican border, why hasn't any of the conservative candidates linked the curbing of these immigrants with ALSO the possible curbing of the tons of drugs that come across the same border?
Because drugs aren't as scary as more 'brown people' coming to America, speaking Spanish, and 'changing' the country.

So why do you hate Mexicans then, Archie Bunker?
So why do you hate Mexicans then, Archie Bunker?

Right over Kaz's head......as usual.....Pity,

I see, so going to that the issue is skin color is it going over my head. What a bunch of race sluts you people are.

You ask what you say is a serious question, then you abet race whoring showing you're just a lair. Your questions are not genuine anything.

And you say my view is a "pity?" That I don't just see the issue is skin color? You're just a Democrat party bitch
I sincerely do not have an answer to the question nor do I have a "hidden agenda" for asking it.....But I'm curious:

Amid all the barrage of rhetoric regarding the halting of illegal immigration from the Mexican border, why hasn't any of the conservative candidates linked the curbing of these immigrants with ALSO the possible curbing of the tons of drugs that come across the same border?
Because drugs aren't as scary as more 'brown people' coming to America, speaking Spanish, and 'changing' the country.
can you explain that jones?....

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