Quick question about CRT...

But isn't it funny, that part of the awful part of Democrat history isn't being taught in schools or mentioned anywhere in CRT teachings. You know, the history of the Democrat party being the party of racism, hatred and violence?
I thought you had a problem with teaching how black people were disadvantaged. The historic goals for each party was taught when I went to school. Do you think they are rewriting history to reverse that?
Now that we're going to mention "real history"...Things to include in CRT teachings:
1- Democrat leaders cajoling and then weeping for ex KKK leader Robert Byrd, the longest serving Democrat senator.







One of the problems is that there are six books on critical race theory and each one of them is different.

Some of the books try to see everything that's happened in America over the last 400 years in a racial light.

Other books are a lot milder. You'd probably find yourself agreeing with a lot of stuff in the milder books.

So, when you say, "critical race theory", the answer is "which critical race theory are you talking about?"
You forgot to post the titles of the six books.
I thought you had a problem with teaching how black people were disadvantaged. The historic goals for each party was taught when I went to school. Do you think they are rewriting history to reverse that?
Sssshhhh. Let's not talk about or include the Democrat racists in any of the "CRT" teachings. Ha ha. Take your phony baloney ideology and flush it down the toilet. Or wait about 8 months and watch America flush the Democrat party. It will be like July 4th all over again.
Senator Robert Byrd renounced his racist past in the 1950’s.

Have you?
Oh he did! Then we shouldn't mention the Democrat party's history of racism in CRT teachings for sure then. Let's not mention this anywhere in CRT teachings either, that an actual DEMOCRAT US president after serving as a senator for 47 years, said this about Black people in schools. I mean, do you want your kids to grow in a racial jungle? Let's ask the marxist founders of CRT...

How about your beloved Joe Biden being best friends with non other than ex KKK leader Robert Byrd? The longest serving Democrat senator. All the leaders of your party including Clinton and Obama wept for him at his funeral. Those damn Democrat racists, weeping for an ex Klan leader. Do the Leftist dirtbags teach that to the kids. No of course not.
Again, not a problem. I think Robert Byrd's story should be taught in every high school. Like the entire Democratic party, Robert Byrd had a shameful past. but, just like the rest of the party, Robert Byrd reversed his behavior and became a tireless warrior for civil rights. His work was so diligent till the NAACP recognized that even though nothing could justify his early shameful behavior, he nonetheless became a welcome and honored partner in their goals. Clinton and Obama did weep when Robert Byrd died, but it wasn't because of his early racist behavior. It was because of the honorable and unstopping efforts for equality. On his death, we both know the NAACP wouldn't have made such a warm statement of thanks and regret if he hadn't earned it. By all means, we can discuss Byrd.
Again, not a problem. I think Robert Byrd's story should be taught in every high school. Like the entire Democratic party, Robert Byrd had a shameful past. but, just like the rest of the party, Robert Byrd reversed his behavior and became a tireless warrior for civil rights. His work was so diligent till the NAACP recognized that even though nothing could justify his early shameful behavior, he nonetheless became a welcome and honored partner in their goals. Clinton and Obama did weep when Robert Byrd died, but it wasn't because of his early racist behavior. It was because of the honorable and unstopping efforts for equality. On his death, we both know the NAACP wouldn't have made such a warm statement of thanks and regret if he hadn't earned it. By all means, we can discuss Byrd.
Yawn...What you think doesn't matter dufus, the fact is Democrats are tearing down this country and it's founders, while they conveniently omit the racist history of the Democrat party.
Yawn...What you think doesn't matter dufus, the fact is Democrats are tearing down this country and it's founders, while they conveniently omit the racist history of the Democrat party.
You're just grabbing at straws now. Desperately hoping to present one of your silly conspiracy theories, but not be shown to be an idiot. I doubt you can do both at the same time.
Yawn...What you think doesn't matter dufus, the fact is Democrats are tearing down this country and it's founders, while they conveniently omit the racist history of the Democrat party.
Yep, Your brainwashing is still intact.
You're just grabbing at straws now. Desperately hoping to present one of your silly conspiracy theories, but not be shown to be an idiot. I doubt you can do both at the same time.
OK I get it now. Asking for the real history of the Democrat party to be taught in schools is a "conspiracy theory", but teaching our kids to hate our country and that our founders were nothing but racists, is fine with you guys. Another intellectually dishonest comment, from yet another shallow minded Leftist hack, but then again, can't say it's a surprise.
Yep, Your brainwashing is still intact.
Nope. Why don't you establish some credibility by first admitting that Leftists conveniently omit the racist history of the Democratic Party, well into the 20th century, and even including racist comments made by the current sitting president. It doesn't fit into their nice little bullshit narrative.
Joe Biden, the ultimate Democrat civil rights fighter, and defender and friend of of Blacks. <wink wink>. Ya think any chance CRT teachers would include this in the CRT curriculum?

(ps.....the underlining is by my avatar)

I haven't read any educational-level books defining this Critical Race Theory. Poster Otis informs there are at least 6.

So, poster Roudy, of those six which one do you think is the most offensive to your view of the world?
Which one do you think has merit and could prove to be a basis for further discussion?
And why do you think that?

In short, as you are presenting your avatar as knowledgeable and informed on Critical Race Theory it seems a safe presumption that you have responsibly studied it and its' associated texts, and the supporting literature.

So, of those 6 book poster Otis mentions which one would you recommend forum members read in order to be able to talk about CRT in the most informed manner?

An inquiry to both poster Phobe (above), and poster Daveman.

So if, as posted, this is a known fact: "People can actuallly go to a University and get a degree based on (CRT)"
Well, which university?
What is the degree offered?.. Bachelors? Masters? Doctorate?
How do you know?

And specifically to poster Daveman, you seemingly have knowledge that folks who allegedly have some level of degree in Critical Race Theory....that they then only have careers in retail fast food. Well, how do you know?
Can you offer the forum some facts or persuasive information that you have acquired....and now have the ability to share with us?

Critical Race Studies Concentration

California Lutheran University Critical Race Training​

UC Berkeley Critical Theory

The Center for Critical Race Studies in Education (CCRSE) at UCLA

And it looks like all you can do is teach it...assuming you can even get a job in it at all. In which case, retail and fast food are always hiring.
The way the new anti CRT laws are written, any classroom discussion requires an opposing viewpoint. That is blanket permission to minimize the horrible mistakes we have made as a country. Slaves were lucky to be captured and brought to the US to be sold. Emmet Till was kinda asking for what he got because he was guilty of abusing a white girl. The Tulsa massacre didn't happen. The civil war had nothing to do with slavery. All those things, and others can and will be taught under the blanket of "not portraying one race as oppressive to another".
college encourages lively exchange of idea.png
One of the problems is that there are six books on critical race theory and each one of them is different.

Some of the books try to see everything that's happened in America over the last 400 years in a racial light.

Other books are a lot milder. You'd probably find yourself agreeing with a lot of stuff in the milder books.

So, when you say, "critical race theory", the answer is "which critical race theory are you talking about?"
We all make excuses. Only you have legitimized yours. White Progs are not your friends the way they act. White Prog women are insufferable. They ph uk u over without getting ph uk ed. The ghettos will never improve anymore without a change in the feminist ways.
"White Prog women are insufferable. They ph uk u over without getting ph uk ed."
Ummmm, though I welcome thoughtful views by others, I would suggest that the sentiment above, expressed by poster 22lcidw, kinda sorta crystallizes the underlying grievance-zeitgeist of the Right.

Too many of them are incels, and that biological frustration manifests itself in noticeable ways. Or so it seems.

There are no CRT classes, but CRT concepts are included in all classes.
Its called "plausible deniability"

"Ok class what's 1+1 equal?.......that's right blacks are awesome and whites are racist. Now for extra credit, would any white kids like to kneel down and apologize to the black students?"
OK I get it now. Asking for the real history of the Democrat party to be taught in schools is a "conspiracy theory", but teaching our kids to hate our country and that our founders were nothing but racists, is fine with you guys. Another intellectually dishonest comment, from yet another shallow minded Leftist hack, but then again, can't say it's a surprise.
You seem really confused by the fact that I really don't care which party was responsible for misdeeds so long ago. The main thing that matters today is what the parties are doing now. I disavow racist behavior , no matter who did it, or when it was done. Yes, it's important to note the bad things that happened, but you oppose CRT.
If as Democrat professional deceptionists say, that Critical Race Theory "CRT" isn't even being taught in our schools, then why are they so up in arms about newly elected governor Youngkin's ban on indoctrinating little kids with the racist, anti American and divisive ideology being promoted by the Left?

It is one of the most famous lines by Shakespeare. The main idea of this phrase is deception and dishonesty, as the queen in the play swears never to marry again after her husband’s death, but she does the opposite.

To start with Republicans can't even tell us what CRT is. Younkin's order talks about divisive concepts. That is very vague and should be struck down because of that. CRT has been expanded to include anything that might make people uncomfortable. That could include softsoaping or ignoring slavery and segregation. That is a black mark on this country and should be taught even if it is uncomfortable for some people. Police shootings of blacks should alswo be explored.

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