Quinnipiac poll, Trump down 10 points ......51-41........in August 2016 to hilary clinton, Ask President Hilary how that turned out....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This poll from 2016 was on August 25th...not August 1st............hilary broke the 50% mark with likely voters at that poing....

We should all wonder how President Hilary feels about those past polls and how it turned out for her...

In the battle of the unloved presidential candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton tops the magical 50 percent mark among American likely voters, leading Republican Donald Trump 51 - 41 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.

When third party candidates are added to the mix, Clinton gets 45 percent with Trump at 38 percent, Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson at 10 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein at 4 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. This survey of likely voters can not be compared with results of earlier surveys of registered voters.

Women and non-white voters propel Clinton in the head-to-head matchup. Women back her 60 - 36 percent. Men back Trump 48 - 42 percent. White voters back Trump 52 - 41 percent. Non-white voters back Clinton 77 - 15 percent.

A total of 44 percent of American likely voters like Clinton "a lot" or "a little," while 47 percent dislike her "a little" or "a lot," and 8 percent hate her.

Nice OP.
"We should all wonder how President Hilary feels about those past polls and how it turned out for her..."
Really, no one gives two rats ass about that election anymore. It is over. Anybody that voted for HRC is on to greater and better things. Get with the program.
There was no TRUMPvirus in 2016 and we were not facing an economic collapse
This poll from 2016 was on August 25th...not August 1st............hilary broke the 50% mark with likely voters at that poing....

We should all wonder how President Hilary feels about those past polls and how it turned out for her...

In the battle of the unloved presidential candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton tops the magical 50 percent mark among American likely voters, leading Republican Donald Trump 51 - 41 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.

When third party candidates are added to the mix, Clinton gets 45 percent with Trump at 38 percent, Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson at 10 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein at 4 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. This survey of likely voters can not be compared with results of earlier surveys of registered voters.

Women and non-white voters propel Clinton in the head-to-head matchup. Women back her 60 - 36 percent. Men back Trump 48 - 42 percent. White voters back Trump 52 - 41 percent. Non-white voters back Clinton 77 - 15 percent.

A total of 44 percent of American likely voters like Clinton "a lot" or "a little," while 47 percent dislike her "a little" or "a lot," and 8 percent hate her.

Oh, I didn't know that Hillary was running again.
The current news cycle is eerily similar to the 2016 polls and predictions, except there was no one from Hillary's side saying that voting for her was comparable to eating a bowl of ____ back in 2016, it was all "she can't lose". Enjoy an encore from the 2016 MSM <<<<spin>>>> machine:
I saw this meme on a site frequented by those rioters protesters.

1-21commie meme.jpg

This poll from 2016 was on August 25th...not August 1st............hilary broke the 50% mark with likely voters at that poing....

We should all wonder how President Hilary feels about those past polls and how it turned out for her...

In the battle of the unloved presidential candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton tops the magical 50 percent mark among American likely voters, leading Republican Donald Trump 51 - 41 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.

When third party candidates are added to the mix, Clinton gets 45 percent with Trump at 38 percent, Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson at 10 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein at 4 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. This survey of likely voters can not be compared with results of earlier surveys of registered voters.

Women and non-white voters propel Clinton in the head-to-head matchup. Women back her 60 - 36 percent. Men back Trump 48 - 42 percent. White voters back Trump 52 - 41 percent. Non-white voters back Clinton 77 - 15 percent.

A total of 44 percent of American likely voters like Clinton "a lot" or "a little," while 47 percent dislike her "a little" or "a lot," and 8 percent hate her.

If you'd told me in 2016 that 2020 under a Trump Presidency would include nationwide suffering from economic collapse, race riots, mass death of innocent Americans, a total global travel ban against Americans, the emboldening of America's greatest enemies, Gestapo tactics used to kidnap dissenters, etc.; I would've told you that's what I already assumed would happen.
This poll from 2016 was on August 25th...not August 1st............hilary broke the 50% mark with likely voters at that poing....

We should all wonder how President Hilary feels about those past polls and how it turned out for her...

In the battle of the unloved presidential candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton tops the magical 50 percent mark among American likely voters, leading Republican Donald Trump 51 - 41 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.

When third party candidates are added to the mix, Clinton gets 45 percent with Trump at 38 percent, Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson at 10 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein at 4 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. This survey of likely voters can not be compared with results of earlier surveys of registered voters.

Women and non-white voters propel Clinton in the head-to-head matchup. Women back her 60 - 36 percent. Men back Trump 48 - 42 percent. White voters back Trump 52 - 41 percent. Non-white voters back Clinton 77 - 15 percent.

A total of 44 percent of American likely voters like Clinton "a lot" or "a little," while 47 percent dislike her "a little" or "a lot," and 8 percent hate her.

That poll was a outlier. The RCP average at this point in time had Clinton up my 3.9%. RCP has Biden up by 7.4%. Also at this time, both Clinton and Trump had high disapproval ratings. Clinton also struggled through the primaries w2hich is something that Biden did not do once the race reached South Carolina. Biden does not have high disapproval ratings. Also third party candidates were doing very well. There is no such dynamic this time around.

that poll doesnt matter anymore,,,,the word is out now that Trump is on the rise,,,even more intense than Bidens rise in his pants
There was no TRUMPvirus in 2016 and we were not facing an economic collapse

There is no Trumpvirus in 2020 and everytime we try to rebound you cocksuckers get in the way.

Tell Nancy Pelosi to suck on her impeachment pen and let the adults run the show.
The polls were mostly right in 2016. But this isn’t 2016. This is 2020. And we’ve all had more than enough time to see Trump for what he is. Surprise! Most people don’t like a divisive, spoiled rich kid who lies constantly, and stood by mocking science while 150,000 Americans died on his watch.
This poll from 2016 was on August 25th...not August 1st............hilary broke the 50% mark with likely voters at that poing....

We should all wonder how President Hilary feels about those past polls and how it turned out for her...

In the battle of the unloved presidential candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton tops the magical 50 percent mark among American likely voters, leading Republican Donald Trump 51 - 41 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.

When third party candidates are added to the mix, Clinton gets 45 percent with Trump at 38 percent, Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson at 10 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein at 4 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. This survey of likely voters can not be compared with results of earlier surveys of registered voters.

Women and non-white voters propel Clinton in the head-to-head matchup. Women back her 60 - 36 percent. Men back Trump 48 - 42 percent. White voters back Trump 52 - 41 percent. Non-white voters back Clinton 77 - 15 percent.

A total of 44 percent of American likely voters like Clinton "a lot" or "a little," while 47 percent dislike her "a little" or "a lot," and 8 percent hate her.

If you'd told me in 2016 that 2020 under a Trump Presidency would include nationwide suffering from economic collapse, race riots, mass death of innocent Americans, a total global travel ban against Americans, the emboldening of America's greatest enemies, Gestapo tactics used to kidnap dissenters, etc.; I would've told you that's what I already assumed would happen.
You are right on with that analysis ant my thoughts exactly.
This poll from 2016 was on August 25th...not August 1st............hilary broke the 50% mark with likely voters at that poing....

That was ONE poll.

What you need to look at was ALL the polls. RCP is actually doing that.

At this point in 2016, Hillary was up 4.4 points in the RCP average.
Biden is up 7.4 point in the RCP average.

The bigger problem Trump has is that he's running on.

155,000 dead from Covid
33% drop in GDP
30 MILLION unemployed
Riots in the streets for 65 days.

All of those dynamics are going to get worse by November, not better.
Nice OP.
"We should all wonder how President Hilary feels about those past polls and how it turned out for her..."
Really, no one gives two rats ass about that election anymore. It is over. Anybody that voted for HRC is on to greater and better things. Get with the program.
This poll from 2016 was on August 25th...not August 1st............hilary broke the 50% mark with likely voters at that poing....

We should all wonder how President Hilary feels about those past polls and how it turned out for her...

In the battle of the unloved presidential candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton tops the magical 50 percent mark among American likely voters, leading Republican Donald Trump 51 - 41 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.

When third party candidates are added to the mix, Clinton gets 45 percent with Trump at 38 percent, Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson at 10 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein at 4 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. This survey of likely voters can not be compared with results of earlier surveys of registered voters.

Women and non-white voters propel Clinton in the head-to-head matchup. Women back her 60 - 36 percent. Men back Trump 48 - 42 percent. White voters back Trump 52 - 41 percent. Non-white voters back Clinton 77 - 15 percent.

A total of 44 percent of American likely voters like Clinton "a lot" or "a little," while 47 percent dislike her "a little" or "a lot," and 8 percent hate her.

How'd that work out?


There was no TRUMPvirus in 2016 and we were not facing an economic collapse

There is no Trumpvirus in 2020 and everytime we try to rebound you cocksuckers get in the way.

Tell Nancy Pelosi to suck on her impeachment pen and let the adults run the show.

Republicans keep trying to sell 2020 as a reboot of 2016

2020 is nothing like 2016
2016 had a strong economy. 4.5 percent unemployment 2.8 percent GDP growth

2020 is more like 2008 only much worse.
2008 had 7.5% unemployment and Negative 8 GDP
2020 has 13% unemployment and NEGATIVE 33 percent GDP

In 2008, the voters turned against the party in power and elected Obama by a 2:1 margin.

Just so you know, the polls in 2008 predicted a big Obama win and they were right
This poll from 2016 was on August 25th...not August 1st............hilary broke the 50% mark with likely voters at that poing....

We should all wonder how President Hilary feels about those past polls and how it turned out for her...

In the battle of the unloved presidential candidates, Democrat Hillary Clinton tops the magical 50 percent mark among American likely voters, leading Republican Donald Trump 51 - 41 percent, according to a Quinnipiac University National poll released today.

When third party candidates are added to the mix, Clinton gets 45 percent with Trump at 38 percent, Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson at 10 percent and Green Party candidate Jill Stein at 4 percent, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds. This survey of likely voters can not be compared with results of earlier surveys of registered voters.

Women and non-white voters propel Clinton in the head-to-head matchup. Women back her 60 - 36 percent. Men back Trump 48 - 42 percent. White voters back Trump 52 - 41 percent. Non-white voters back Clinton 77 - 15 percent.

A total of 44 percent of American likely voters like Clinton "a lot" or "a little," while 47 percent dislike her "a little" or "a lot," and 8 percent hate her.

If you'd told me in 2016 that 2020 under a Trump Presidency would include nationwide suffering from economic collapse, race riots, mass death of innocent Americans, a total global travel ban against Americans, the emboldening of America's greatest enemies, Gestapo tactics used to kidnap dissenters, etc.; I would've told you that's what I already assumed would happen.
So the 2020 choice for president boils down to this:
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.
So the 2020 choice for president boils down to this:
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.

Meh, Police Reform is going to happen no matter who wins, because big corporations are demanding it.

It's also necessary.

I'm not sure why you want cops to keep shooting people. Even if you have no humanity towards the people being shot, it's damned expensive paying out all those damages that we the taxpayer end up paying.
So the 2020 choice for president boils down to this:
You can either vote with the police, or vote with the criminals.

Meh, Police Reform is going to happen no matter who wins, because big corporations are demanding it.

It's also necessary.

I'm not sure why you want cops to keep shooting people. Even if you have no humanity towards the people being shot, it's damned expensive paying out all those damages that we the taxpayer end up paying.
1. If the GOP wins the police reform will strengthen the police, if the dems win police reform will weaken the police
2. Big corporations have no say in police reform. Agree, some reform is necessary, like tracking bad cops via database, and more standardized training and certification.
3. When people shoot at cops, cops shoot back. Damages mean cops are not adequately trained and certified.
4. If you think cops are bad, look at cities where the cops are standing down. Its a war zone. Maybe we all need Glock car horns?


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