Quneitra Governorate clashes


Nov 14, 2012
The wikipedia article shows details about the happenings in the Quneitra Governorate, but it seems not to be complete. Here, a try to get a clear picture of what is really happening.


On 27 August, rebels took control of the Quneitra Crossing between Syria and the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. At least 20 soldiers and 14 rebels were killed during the battle. Fighting in the area continued in towns northeast of the crossing,[58] while the IDF shelled two Syrian army positions in retiliation of six mortar shells that fell in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights and the wounding of an Israeli officer. The Al-Nusra Front, Ahrar ash-Sham and other rebel groups (including moderate groups) participated in the fighting.[10] The next day, fighters from the Nusra front captured 44-45 U.N. peacekeepers and surrounded 75 others, resulting in a gun fight that lasted over 7 hours. A group of 35 U.N. soldiers were successfully escorted out of the UN encampment in Breiqa by their colleagues. Rebels tried to breach the Rwihana U.N. encampment, but the attack was repelled by the U.N. defenders with support from the Syrian Army. The remaining 40 peacekeepers were eventually evacuated during the night of 29 August, after a ceasefire was established.[8]

On 4 September, rebels announced the start of a new military operation in the Quneitra countryside,[59] while at the same time, IDF warplanes bombarded the headquarters of the Brigade 90 base, killing 3 soldiers.[14] Over a period of 2 days, rebels managed to capture Mashara town,[60] the Tell Mashara and the Khamiseyyi Detachment.[60] At least 21 rebels were killed since the start of the operation.[61] According to Charles Lister, the offensive is led by the FSA backed by the al-Nusra Front.[62] On 6 September, the Army launched a counter-attack to recapture Mashara town.[60]

On 7 September, rebels took over the town of Nabe' al Sakher after clashes that led to casualties on both sides [63]
Quneitra Governorate clashes 2012 present - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Reports Friday indicate that Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces have partially recaptured the Quneitra region just east of the Israeli-Syrian Golan Heights border, which rebel forces captured in intense fighting on Wednesday.
Report Assad Partially Recaptures Quneitra - Middle East - News - Arutz Sheva

It was not immediately clear on Monday whether forces loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had managed to retake control of the Quneitra crossing from the Nusra Front rebels.
Syrian army rebels fight on Golan where peacekeepers held Reuters
Caution: Article includes SOHR information that could be "adjusted", so I post this article under reserve only.

Syrian Islamist rebels have conquered more territory in the Quneitra area, moving their positions much closer to the border with Israel than ever before.
According to the latest reports by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, the NGO confirmed that the latest advances were made after a fierce battle Saturday between rebels and the Syrian army in which 26 troops and 17 rebels were killed.

“Rebels have since taken control of hills overlooking the border post, as well as several villages nearby, after battles that killed a large number of troops on both sides,” director Rami Abdul-Rahman said on Sunday.

On Saturday, “the regime tried to take back the village of Msahara, but failed.” Over the course of the day, rebels took control of a strategic swath of new hilltops.

Since the end of August, fighting has raged in the Quneitra province when rebels associated with al-Qaeda’s al-Nursa Front took control of the border post shared with Israel in the Golan Heights. The IDF estimates that al-Nursa fighters make up a third of the 2,000 rebels currently fighting in Quneitra.

During this time, fighting between the rebels and the army has spilled into Israel, with rocket, mortar and weapons fire landing in Israel. The IDF shut down the northern border and declared the area a closed military zone after several Israelis were injured and died as a result of stray weapons fire.

The Observatory estimates that some 70 Syrian loyalists and dozens of rebels have died in battle over Quneitra.

Elsewhere in Syria, army warplanes carried out airstrikes in areas under ISIS control in the eastern province of Deir Ezzor , the northern province of Raqa and rebel positions east of Damascus.

In central Damascus, several shells fired from nearby rebel positions landed in Abbasiyeen Square and other areas. The shelling comes three weeks into a major battle over in the eastern Damascus district of Jobar which currently lies in rebel control.

Since the start of the civil war in Syria in March 2011, more than 191,000 people have been killed.
Syrian Rebels Close in on Israel s Border - Israel News
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Yes, SOHR is an anti-government organization that argues in favor of the terrorists. Their reports should be taken with a pinch of salt. I think, they are even integrated and part of the fighting groups. That explains their mysterious presence wherever a skirmish takes place, no matter if FSA, Nusra, IF or ISIS is involved. That also makes them the only source in many cases and medias tend to adopt their reports without confirmation. In the case above, the article names the sources, so that´s halfway ok but there nevertheless should be a warning.
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Yes, SOHR is an anti-government organization that argues in favor of the terrorists. Their reports should be taken with a pinch of salt. I think, they are even integrated and part of the fighting groups. That explains their mysterious presence wherever a skirmish takes place, no matter if FSA, Nusra, IF or ISIS is involved.

oh-----they do not like your dearly beloved pig, Assad
oh-----they do not like your dearly beloved pig, Assad
Ignoring your abusive language I reply this way: They don´t like President Assad but they like their Islamists.

Pig assad is a BAATHIST-----a eurphemism for arabist/islamist/dog. They don't like pig assad's BRAND OF ISLAMICISM-----it is as no damned good as was Sadaam's, Even pig Nasser was a damned BAATHIST -----lots of the dogs and
pigs of mecca hated even him
oh-----they do not like your dearly beloved pig, Assad
Ignoring your abusive language I reply this way: They don´t like President Assad but they like their Islamists.

Pig assad is a BAATHIST-----a eurphemism for arabist/islamist/dog. They don't like pig assad's BRAND OF ISLAMICISM-----it is as no damned good as was Sadaam's, Even pig Nasser was a damned BAATHIST -----lots of the dogs and
pigs of mecca hated even him
Wow, what concentrated bullshit. Bullshit for 100 pages compressed into two sentences. Congrats!
Assad is not an Islamist or dog. He is far better than the politicians you worship.

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