R.E.Lee Statue Vandalized by BLM/Antifa Communist

What an ignorant action. Do these folks not know that Lee supported emancipation? Do they not know that after the war, Lee pushed for integration and fair treatment of blacks? Have they never heard of the famous incident that occurred shortly after Lee surrendered when a black man went up to the communion table in church and everyone froze but then Lee walked up and joined the man and then the man was served communion?

I could see lefties wanting to tear down statues of Nathan Bedford Forrest, William Yancey, and Robert Barnwell Rhett, but it just shows their historical ignorance to target statues of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis, all of whom pushed for emancipation. Davis and his wife adopted a black child and raised him as one of their own. After initially opposing emancipation, in late 1864 Davis changed his mind and began to push for it. Jackson sent money back to his church for the black Sunday school. Lee publicly called for emancipation and for treating blacks with respect and kindness.
Which was/is safer for a young Black man? Jefferson Davis plantation 1858 or streets of Chicago 2018?
Time to bring your Confederate Statues out of your Southern Cities and rededicate them way-out in Southern White Suburbia.

Might as well, given that you, like Northerners, conceded your cities to the Barbarians a couple of generations ago.
A word of advice to the conservatives of this board: this is one of those hills that you want to avoid dying on.
A word of advice to the conservatives of this board: this is one of those hills that you want to avoid dying on.
We are winning the issue. Word of advice to campus professoriate and liberal media...people like the statues.
What an ignorant action. Do these folks not know that Lee supported emancipation? Do they not know that after the war, Lee pushed for integration and fair treatment of blacks? Have they never heard of the famous incident that occurred shortly after Lee surrendered when a black man went up to the communion table in church and everyone froze but then Lee walked up and joined the man and then the man was served communion?

None of which makes up for the fact he led Confederate Armies in an attempt to institutionalize slavery forever.

I could see lefties wanting to tear down statues of Nathan Bedford Forrest, William Yancey, and Robert Barnwell Rhett, but it just shows their historical ignorance to target statues of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis, all of whom pushed for emancipation. Davis and his wife adopted a black child and raised him as one of their own. After initially opposing emancipation, in late 1864 Davis changed his mind and began to push for it. Jackson sent money back to his church for the black Sunday school. Lee publicly called for emancipation and for treating blacks with respect and kindness.

Davis pushed for emancipation because he was losing and thought it was the only way to get French and British recognition and aid.

No, sorry, none of these guys deserve statues of fond remembrance.
What an ignorant action. Do these folks not know that Lee supported emancipation? Do they not know that after the war, Lee pushed for integration and fair treatment of blacks? Have they never heard of the famous incident that occurred shortly after Lee surrendered when a black man went up to the communion table in church and everyone froze but then Lee walked up and joined the man and then the man was served communion?

None of which makes up for the fact he led Confederate Armies in an attempt to institutionalize slavery forever.

I could see lefties wanting to tear down statues of Nathan Bedford Forrest, William Yancey, and Robert Barnwell Rhett, but it just shows their historical ignorance to target statues of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis, all of whom pushed for emancipation. Davis and his wife adopted a black child and raised him as one of their own. After initially opposing emancipation, in late 1864 Davis changed his mind and began to push for it. Jackson sent money back to his church for the black Sunday school. Lee publicly called for emancipation and for treating blacks with respect and kindness.

Davis pushed for emancipation because he was losing and thought it was the only way to get French and British recognition and aid.

No, sorry, none of these guys deserve statues of fond remembrance.
Robert E. Lee was a great American. Constitutional Convention did not resolve issue of states rights. That’s not Robert E.Lee’s fault. He stood for what he thought was right...his native Virginia. Federal government under Lincoln were low life scum for burying war dead in Lee’s front yard at Arlington so his wife could not sit on porch and watch sunsets in the evening. However it did become Arlington National Cemetery so in the end some good came out of Lincoln’s harassment of a a great man’s wife. Lee was twice the gentleman that piece of shit Lincoln was.
Which was/is safer for a young Black man? Jefferson Davis plantation 1858 or streets of Chicago 2018?

Statistically, Chicago.

On JD's plantation, you had a 100% chance of being abused or exploited.
Which was/is safer for a young Black man? Jefferson Davis plantation 1858 or streets of Chicago 2018?

Statistically, Chicago.

On JD's plantation, you had a 100% chance of being abused or exploited.
Democratic Party abuses and exploits Blacks now in 2018. Just look at Democratic machine in Chicago. Thanks for the validation.
Democratic Party abuses and exploits Blacks now in 2018. Just look at Democratic machine in Chicago. Thanks for the validation.

Obviously, you have no idea what the "Chicago Machine" was or that it really disappeared a long time ago.
Democratic Party abuses and exploits Blacks now in 2018. Just look at Democratic machine in Chicago. Thanks for the validation.

Obviously, you have no idea what the "Chicago Machine" was or that it really disappeared a long time ago.
No it did not. Read Boss by Mike Royko. Daley’s were the Mayor of Chicago and Obama’s Chief of staff up until just a few years ago. Nice attempt to deflect Democrats responsibility for shit worthless conditions of our nations cities.
No it did not. Read Boss by Mike Royko. Daley’s were the Mayor of Chicago and Obama’s Chief of staff up until just a few years ago. Nice attempt to deflect Democrats responsibility for shit worthless conditions of our nations cities.

Uh, guy, the Machine ended when the Shakman decree was passed, meaning that they could not hand out jobs and promotions to party loyalists... since then, the city has outsourced many of those jobs and the rest are unionized.

The fact you are going off 50 year old information says a lot.
" Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation to provide the kind of future we all want desperately for our children."

- Michelle Obama
" Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation to provide the kind of future we all want desperately for our children."

- Michelle Obama

And why is this bad?

Look, here's the thing, if they were making up shit like, "Robert E. Lee ate black babies for Breakfast with some mint julips on the veranda", then you might have a point here.

Pointing out that he led a treasonous army in a futile war to perpetuate slavery... um, yeah, that's actually what happened.

The problem isn't what history says, it's that a false narrative is already out there about the "Lost Cause" of the "War Between the States" so that Southern Whites could feel better about themselves.
Pointing out that he led a treasonous army in a futile war to perpetuate slavery... um, yeah, that's actually what happened.

He led the Army of Northern Virginia to support Virgina's secession and the formation of a new nation over a 10th Amendment argument.
" Barack knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation to provide the kind of future we all want desperately for our children."

- Michelle Obama

And why is this bad?

We don't change history for perceived future gains. History is if anything a reminder.
He led the Army of Northern Virginia to support Virgina's secession and the formation of a new nation over a 10th Amendment argument.

Horseshit. He was a slave owner who wanted to keep owning his slaves.

We don't change history for perceived future gains. History is if anything a reminder.

Quite right. So let's remind ourselves of the right thing.

Assholes who fought so a few rich people could keep owing other people do not deserve statues or streets named after them. Their names should be in a book of villainy where they belong.

The Germans got this right, which is why you don't see statues of Goebbels or streets named after Goering. today.

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