R.E.Lee Statue Vandalized by BLM/Antifa Communist

BLM/Antifa both took Russian cash to spread racial division and violence. They continue to do so.

'nuff said.
Of course it was about slavery......on 10th Amendment grounds

Yeah, because Cleetus and Billy Bob, he done had him a thorough understanding of that tenth amendment..

Those stupid redneck fuckers couldn't count to ten... but they understood that ending slavery meant the n-words would have the same rights they had.

Tear the fucking statues down. Every last one of them.
It must be damned difficult for the idiot trump’s Nazis to decide which flag to wrap themselves in from one day to the next. There is the Russian flag, which has become a recent favorite among them, since the idiot trump was convinced by Putin (wink, wink) that Russian hackers did NOT interfere with the 2016 election:View attachment 209131

Then there is their traditionally oldest pride and joy, the Confederate flag:
View attachment 209132

But best of all they like the Swastika from Nazi Germany, which the idiot trump has freed them to display proudly:
View attachment 209133

However, through all of this, the idiot trump’s Nazis’ convoluted logic still permits them to believe they are U.S, patriots, who are angered when the U.S, flag is disrespected.

Now, the idiot trump’s Nazis are complaining a memorial to the losing general of the War Between the States has been vandalized. After all none of the idiot trump’s Nazis would ever dream of damaging a memorial to anyone’s memory. (yeah, right.)

Everyone knows the blatant racism of his mindless minions the idiot trump released upon the nation. So their whining about the vandalizing of any memorial to past traitors to the U.S., once again proves their abject stupidity. Not to mention the Nazis’ ever-present hypocrisy.

In this thread, like most others, the idiot trump’s Nazis are boasting of their great knowledge of history, which is natural, since they believe they are experts in all subjects. (See: The Dunning-Kruger Effect [or Why Stupid People Think They Are Smart] The Dunning-Kruger Effect Shows Why Some People Think They're Great Even When Their Work Is Terrible )

But, does the idiot trump’s Nazis’ “vast" knowledge contain the history of Emmett Till? Not likely.

So, to add to the Nazis’ self-proclaimed knowledge of everything, Emmett Till was an African-American teen from Chicago, who in 1955, was visiting family in Money, Mississippi, just a month after his fourteenth birthday.

On August 24, while at Bryant's Grocery & Meat Market in Money, he was accused by Carolyn Bryant, of whistling at her and making verbal and physical advances. Bryant was white.

Four days later, Emmett was murdered by the white woman’s husband Roy Bryant and his half-brother J.W. Milam. After the men beat him to death, they wound barbed wire around his neck using it to tie a 75-pound cotton-gin fan to his body, they then rolled his body into the Tallahatchie River.

Within a day after Till's disappearance, both Bryant and Milam had been arrested for his abduction. Both men admitted to taking Till from Wright's home, but insisted that they let him go in Money. Despite much evidence and of their guilt provided by the prosecution during their trial, the all-white jury found them “not guilty” after an hour of deliberation.

On August 28, 1955 Emmett Till was kidnapped and murdered by Bryant and Milam. They were arrested the next day, and by September 23, less than a month after the murder, Bryant and Milam were acquitted. It was gratifying moment for white supremacists.

However, knowing they were safe due to double jeopardy, Bryant and Milam eagerly accepted $3,500 from Look magazine for their story in early 1956, where, they admitted their guilt and described their crime.

Till's shocking murder became national and then international news after his mother insisted on an open-casket funeral so the world could see what happened to her son. Photographs of Till's battered face ran in the black press, and tens of thousands of Chicago mourners filed past his coffin over a five-day period. This inspired Rosa Parks’ December 1, 1955 refusal to give up her seat to a white man on a bus in Montgomery, Alabama.

So that gratifying moment for white supremacists, that was short lived when the world learned of Bryant’s and Milam’s boast. Coupled with their Look article, the open casket funeral of Emmett Till, and Rosa Parks’ actions in Alabama, the Civil Rights movement in the United States was jump-started.

In the book written by Timothy Tyson, The Blood of Emmett Till, published in January 2017, the author reports that during interviews, Carolyn Bryant recanted her testimony, admitting that Till had never touched, threatened or harassed her. “Nothing that boy did could ever justify what happened to him,” she said.

Last month another of several monuments to Emmett Till was vandalized. It is the third to be erected in the location where his body was found. Weeks earlier, the monument to Till at the former location of the Bryant’s Grocery Store in Money, Mississippi was vandalized. Other locations in a total of eight monuments and memorials to Emmett Till include the Sumner Court House where the trial of his murderers was held, and is now Emmett Till Interpretive Center, the Emmett Till Historic Intrepid Center in Glendora, and there is a smartphone app that will lead to fifty-one other sites of interest concerning Till’s death.

The idiot trump’s cowardly Nazis are doing their racist best to wreck the monuments, but rational people across the nation and around the world will continue to repair them. Where as, the vandals who damage or destroy monuments to traitors to the United States, they are doing this country and its people a favor, despite the whining by the idiot trump’s Nazi supporters.

Just 35 days after being replaced, Emmett Till sign hit with bullets

View attachment 209134


Of course it was about slavery......on 10th Amendment grounds

Yeah, because Cleetus and Billy Bob, he done had him a thorough understanding of that tenth amendment..

Those stupid redneck fuckers couldn't count to ten... but they understood that ending slavery meant the n-words would have the same rights they had.

Tear the fucking statues down. Every last one of them.

State governing bodies did. Slavery was the states purview. Read the articles of secession from each state.
remove your history and replace it with our made up history-----------------------the Taliban, Mao, Hitler, Antifa, BLM, and liberalism in general.
State governing bodies did. Slavery was the states purview. Read the articles of secession from each state.

Again, you are trying to use a legal argument to justify an abhorrent act.

This was a fight about slavery, not states rights.
Of course it was about slavery......on 10th Amendment grounds

Yeah, because Cleetus and Billy Bob, he done had him a thorough understanding of that tenth amendment..

Those stupid redneck fuckers couldn't count to ten... but they understood that ending slavery meant the n-words would have the same rights they had.

Tear the fucking statues down. Every last one of them.

Since your such a man of principle and all...I’d guess you’ve advocated for the tear down of Spanish Missions and statutes symbolizing Spanish Conquistadors? They were some raping, murderous bastards...no?
What an ignorant action. Do these folks not know that Lee supported emancipation? Do they not know that after the war, Lee pushed for integration and fair treatment of blacks? Have they never heard of the famous incident that occurred shortly after Lee surrendered when a black man went up to the communion table in church and everyone froze but then Lee walked up and joined the man and then the man was served communion?

I could see lefties wanting to tear down statues of Nathan Bedford Forrest, William Yancey, and Robert Barnwell Rhett, but it just shows their historical ignorance to target statues of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and Jefferson Davis, all of whom pushed for emancipation. Davis and his wife adopted a black child and raised him as one of their own. After initially opposing emancipation, in late 1864 Davis changed his mind and began to push for it. Jackson sent money back to his church for the black Sunday school. Lee publicly called for emancipation and for treating blacks with respect and kindness.
If left up to Robert E Lee, there wouldn't be a confederate statue in the first place....funny how you never hear revisionist racists mention this quote:

"As regards the erection of such a monument as is contemplated, my conviction is, that, however grateful it would be to the feelings of the South, the attempt, in the present condition of the country, would have the effect of retarding instead of accelerating its accomplishment, and of continuing if not adding to the difficulties under which the Southern people labor."

You would think they would know "their history" more so than some leftist antifa punks ...#sad
Again, you are trying to use a legal argument to justify an abhorrent act.

This was a fight about slavery, not states rights.

Abhorrent is irrelevant.

That was the argument. Who was slavery delegated to. It was the States per the 10th AMND.

The Federal government had no authority over slavery and lacked the votes to amend the Constitution.
The Left, in it’s infinite Big Brother Orwellian way, is still wanting to destroy history, not learn from it. Left wants to tear down confederate statues. Hmmm. As I recall the Taliban in Afghanistan blew up Buddhist statutes. As I recall from Orwell’s 1984 Big Brother controlled history. As I recall in the former Soviet Union the government and Communist Party controlled history. People who want to change history are a threat to our society.
Robert E. Lee statue vandalized on Richmond’s Monument Ave. (Photos) | WTOP

The right destroyed the whole of Iraq, and you're complaining about a fucking statue?
The BLM are descendants from savage law breakers. .

BLM still are savage law breakers
The right says that about every minority.
Look in the mirror to see the real savage.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Savage is destroying property that does not belong to you.
I can honestly say I have never done that. can you say the same thing?

Like Invading a country, king it's inhabitants, and ruining it's environment?
No, I've never done that.
I respect the Earth.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
The BLM are descendants from savage law breakers. .

BLM still are savage law breakers
The right says that about every minority.
Look in the mirror to see the real savage.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Savage is destroying property that does not belong to you.
I can honestly say I have never done that. can you say the same thing?

Like Invading a country, king it's inhabitants, and ruining it's environment?
No, I've never done that.
I respect the Earth.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Me either
Since your such a man of principle and all...I’d guess you’ve advocated for the tear down of Spanish Missions and statutes symbolizing Spanish Conquistadors? They were some raping, murderous bastards...no?

Not sure how these missions "symbolized" the conquistadors, much less celebrated them. They weren't put up to remind the darkies of their place, like the statues of Confederate Traitors and Racists.

But nice attempt to turn this to your hatred of your Mexican Neighbors, bud.

Abhorrent is irrelevant.

That was the argument. Who was slavery delegated to. It was the States per the 10th AMND.

The Federal government had no authority over slavery and lacked the votes to amend the Constitution.

Except we slaughtered the fucking rednecks and amended the constitution.

The only thing they did wrong was not have a Nuremburg Trial for Lee, Davis, Forrest and all the other traitors and hang them like the dogs they were.
it e
The only thing they did wrong was not have a Nuremburg Trial for Lee, Davis, Forrest and all the other traitors and hang them like the dogs they were.

Secession was not traitorous

It was about how you make things illegal when you don't have votes to change the law or Constitution.
Secession was not traitorous

It was about how you make things illegal when you don't have votes to change the law or Constitution.

Guy, there's moral and legal.

Slavery was "legal".
The Holocaust was "Legal"
The oppression of the Gulags was "legal".

the thing was, the South seceded because an abolitionist won the presidency. They seceded over a truly immoral thing.
Since your such a man of principle and all...I’d guess you’ve advocated for the tear down of Spanish Missions and statutes symbolizing Spanish Conquistadors? They were some raping, murderous bastards...no?

Not sure how these missions "symbolized" the conquistadors, much less celebrated them. They weren't put up to remind the darkies of their place, like the statues of Confederate Traitors and Racists.

But nice attempt to turn this to your hatred of your Mexican Neighbors, bud.

Abhorrent is irrelevant.

That was the argument. Who was slavery delegated to. It was the States per the 10th AMND.

The Federal government had no authority over slavery and lacked the votes to amend the Constitution.

Except we slaughtered the fucking rednecks and amended the constitution.

The only thing they did wrong was not have a Nuremburg Trial for Lee, Davis, Forrest and all the other traitors and hang them like the dogs they were.
could you throw stonewall jackson into that hanging of traitors

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