Zone1 Rabbi Chaim Goldman


Gold Member
if i upload a picture of me could you change it in that way that i wear a jewish kippa
Yes, I can help with that. Please go ahead and upload the picture you'd like me to modify. I'll add a kippa to your image based on your instructions.

Can you also make me appear as if im in a synagogue in the background and wear a jewish kippa thank you

Here is the modified image with a more photorealistic representation that matches your original appearance. Let me know if there are any further adjustments you need!


Mortimer is Jewish​

Joke Im not Jewish, but nearly every commercial DNA Company gives me above 1% (like 2-3%) jewish, i guess above 1% could be "real" and not only noise anymore?

On Ancestry i get from the AI under my ancestry trivia questions about jews and israel, that Ancestry AI makes you understand and relate to your whole ancestry suppossedly, i do get questions about romani gypsies and balkans too, because i score that too but ALSO about Israel and Jews so i can rightfully consider that part of my ancestry?


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