Rabbi Mertzbach's Daughter: Allow Soldiers to Protect Themselves


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
The daughter of Rabbi Dan Mertzbach (Z"L), who was mistakenly shot to death by IDF soldiers 18 months ago, said on Thursday that the family expects that just as the IDF soldier who shot her father received backing from the army, so will soldiers who serve in Judea and Samaria be backed when fighting terrorism.


Speaking to Arutz Sheva, the daughter, Rina Ben Shabbat, said that the family was satisfied with the video released this week and which cleared her father of any wrongdoing while proving that the soldiers were negligent.

She said that the family accepts the fact that the soldier who shot her father was not dismissed, despite the fact that he clearly was not in danger as he had claimed. Now, she added, the family expects that soldiers stationed in Judea and Samaria be allowed to open fire when their lives are threatened by Arab terrorists.

'Allow Soldiers to Protect Themselves' - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


Brave lady, hopefully the policy will change:eusa_pray:
Amazing story, Lipush. I agree with Rabbi's daughter - that the soldiers should be allowed to open fire when they are under threat from Arabs. I would expect them to shoot to kill. My prayers go out to this family.
Amazing story, Lipush. I agree with Rabbi's daughter - that the soldiers should be allowed to open fire when they are under threat from Arabs. I would expect them to shoot to kill. My prayers go out to this family.

well, that certainly would further substantiate the claims that israel is, indeed, a de facto apartheid state now, wouldn't it.

settlement rabbi...reap and sow comes to mind.
Amazing story, Lipush. I agree with Rabbi's daughter - that the soldiers should be allowed to open fire when they are under threat from Arabs. I would expect them to shoot to kill. My prayers go out to this family.

well, that certainly would further substantiate the claims that israel is, indeed, a de facto apartheid state now, wouldn't it.

settlement rabbi...reap and sow comes to mind.

It comes to mind only when it's about violence against Jews.

how about the people of Gaza reaping what they sow? like when they shoot rockets and then get their asses on fire?

How do you like that idea, sealy?

As for the case, The Rabbi (May he rest in peace and his memory be a blessing to us all) didn't notice the checkpoint, and therefor didn't stop. The soldier saw a potential attack and opened fire. It was a sad accident, but nothing more, and therefore, the family didn't went seeking his blood or a punishment, because they knew the soldier didn't mean any harm.

That makes the family a very brave one.

God bless them.
Amazing story, Lipush. I agree with Rabbi's daughter - that the soldiers should be allowed to open fire when they are under threat from Arabs. I would expect them to shoot to kill. My prayers go out to this family.

well, that certainly would further substantiate the claims that israel is, indeed, a de facto apartheid state now, wouldn't it.

settlement rabbi...reap and sow comes to mind.

It comes to mind only when it's about violence against Jews.

how about the people of Gaza reaping what they sow? like when they shoot rockets and then get their asses on fire?

"How do you like that idea, sealy?

As for the case, The Rabbi (May he rest in peace and his memory be a blessing to us all) didn't notice the checkpoint, and therefor didn't stop. The soldier saw a potential attack and opened fire. It was a sad accident, but nothing more, and therefore, the family didn't went seeking his blood or a punishment, because they knew the soldier didn't mean any harm.

That makes the family a very brave one.

God bless them.

"discretion is the better part o valor"...

stupidity above and beyonf the call of promised lands, chosen people, and religious zionism is not bravery, it is merely stupidity.

his daughter said...“We call on the army to stand tall and formulate clear instructions so that soldiers are not afraid to protect themselves and the lives of Jews. Jewish blood will not be ignored!”

Mertzbach Family: Jewish Blood Won't be Ignored - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

the guy and his sorry ass family should not even have been there and should have just gone back to where they belong. stop stealing land and nations. stop commiting genocide.


"28. The Committee is concerned about the increase in racist violence and acts of vandalism on the part of Jewish settlers in the Occupied Palestinian Territory targeting non-Jews, including Muslims and Christians and their holy places, and about information according to which 90 per cent of Israeli police investigations into settler-related violence carried out between 2005 and 2010 were closed without prosecution. The Committee is particularly alarmed by reports of impunity of terrorist groups such as Price Tag, which reportedly enjoy political and legal support from certain sections of the Israeli political establishment. The Committee is also concerned about the impact of settler violence on the right of women and girls to access basic services such as the right to education (Articles 4 and 5 of the Convention).
Blessed be the memory of the great Rebb, and blessed be his family

Your hatred is to fall on deaf ears. I pity you

and i pity those who don't hate injustice and racial bigotry and condone war crimes and crimes against humanity. i pity those with the deaf ears who fail to hear a peoples cry for freedom and equality.
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Blessed be the memory of the great Rebb, and blessed be his family

Your hatred is to fall on deaf ears. I pity you

Reaping what one sows, as the Rabbi did with his life lived and death, has nothing to do with hate of posters here. He put himself and his family in a dangerous place, living on stolen land as an illegal settler. And there were consequences of that choice he made. I dont think God blesses land stealing illegal settlers. Jesus says the meek shall inherit the land.
Blessed be the memory of the great Rebb, and blessed be his family

Your hatred is to fall on deaf ears. I pity you

and i pity those who don't hate injustice and racial bigotry and condone war crimes and crimes against humanity. i pity those with the deaf ears who fail to hear a peoples cry for freedom and equality.
Seal these days wants to appear as a righteous fellow and not act as he did on other venues. I agree with your statement, Seal, since the Muslims are murdering innocent people all over the world and there are people who just close their eyes to it because they want to only concentrate on Israel/Palestine because the Jews are involved and they are not involved with all the killings we are aware of it other countries. These people count too.
Report Finds Pakistan Could Have Stopped Anti-Christian Violence But Didn?t « Persecution News
Amazing story, Lipush. I agree with Rabbi's daughter - that the soldiers should be allowed to open fire when they are under threat from Arabs. I would expect them to shoot to kill. My prayers go out to this family.

well, that certainly would further substantiate the claims that israel is, indeed, a de facto apartheid state now, wouldn't it.

settlement rabbi...reap and sow comes to mind.

I don't see any connection between allowing soldiers to defend themselves and the
PERCEIVED 'apartheid'.

Nor does the bit of demonization add anything to the discussion.
Blessed be the memory of the great Rebb, and blessed be his family

Your hatred is to fall on deaf ears. I pity you

and i pity those who don't hate injustice and racial bigotry and condone war crimes and crimes against humanity. i pity those with the deaf ears who fail to hear a peoples cry for freedom and equality.

Please stop lying, seal - there's no 'equality' in the Palestinian slogans, NONE. They do not talk about a Palestine AND an Israel, but about a 'Palestine' INSTEAD OF Israel.

There's no 'equality' in any ideology which persistently expresses itself in such terms.
Thread cleaned and reopened.

The Administration and the Moderation Team are serious in their efforts to have a civil discourse as it pertains to the OP and any further posts which violate Zone 2 rules will be viewed in a more serious manner where infractions will be administered on a case by case basis.
Blessed be the memory of the great Rebb, and blessed be his family

Your hatred is to fall on deaf ears. I pity you

and i pity those who don't hate injustice and racial bigotry and condone war crimes and crimes against humanity. i pity those with the deaf ears who fail to hear a peoples cry for freedom and equality.
Seal these days wants to appear as a righteous fellow and not act as he did on other venues. I agree with your statement, Seal, since the Muslims are murdering innocent people all over the world and there are people who just close their eyes to it because they want to only concentrate on Israel/Palestine because the Jews are involved and they are not involved with all the killings we are aware of it other countries. These people count too.
Report Finds Pakistan Could Have Stopped Anti-Christian Violence But Didn?t « Persecution News

do not mention other venues to me. i cannot talk about them. they had different rules.

please stay on topic. if i post on pakistan and respond to your link i will have my post removed as they have been in the past and rightfully so.

i thoroughly resent the accusation that my eyes are closed to other injustices.

stop harassing me. it is a two way street.

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