Rabbit Trails


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 15, 2009
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:
The economy is getting better.

So actually are the riots over stupid films or cartoons. When the Danish cartoons were released there was a lot more sustained violence and a lot more death.

Mitt has nothing to run on. He has no ideas that he's presented. He gives no details. He hides his taxes, talks down to people and at the same time paints himself brown to "fit in" with Latinos.

It has been a very amusing campaign.
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

Yes, just like your sigline says. Obama makes a big election about small things.

Obama has had many opportunities to unite us as Americans. He has chosen to divide us, with trivial and childish things. Talking down to us like I have never heard a President do before. He thinks American's are thoughtless sheep. I hope he is wrong
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

Ah the vetting of our guy is a waste of time, so lets focus on the other guy and his problems, YET complain we didnt vet him in 08.

Change your pants, i smell shit.
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

Yes, just like your sigline says. Obama makes a big election about small things.

Obama has had many opportunities to unite us as Americans. He has chosen to divide us, with trivial and childish things. Talking down to us like I have never heard a President do before. He thinks American's are thoughtless sheep. I hope he is wrong
Are you one of Mitt's 47% that consider yourself a victim? :lol:
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

Yes, just like your sigline says. Obama makes a big election about small things.

Obama has had many opportunities to unite us as Americans. He has chosen to divide us, with trivial and childish things. Talking down to us like I have never heard a President do before. He thinks American's are thoughtless sheep. I hope he is wrong

like? Examples?
The economy is getting better.

So actually are the riots over stupid films or cartoons. When the Danish cartoons were released there was a lot more sustained violence and a lot more death.

Mitt has nothing to run on. He has no ideas that he's presented. He gives no details. He hides his taxes, talks down to people and at the same time paints himself brown to "fit in" with Latinos.

It has been a very amusing campaign.

A lot of economist think your wrong regarding our economy, Ravi. They are saying that the last quarter and into next year are going to be hurting.

Don't kid yourself about the riots, the extreme faction of the Muslim faith started it on 9-11 and is behind this. It has nothing to do about a film that most of them never saw.

Mitt has been a proven job creator, I'm willing to give him a chance over a failed president IMO, that can't run on his record, so he has to create the rabbit trails. After four years, it's time to give someone else a chance.
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

Ah the vetting of our guy is a waste of time, so lets focus on the other guy and his problems, YET complain we didnt vet him in 08.

Change your pants, i smell shit.

Mitt has been out there long enough to get a feel for what he's about.
In '08 you guys elected a person who's resume was basically a community organizer and a congressman that voted "present", with some pretty shady people he called friends and pastor.
I don't think it's my pants that smells, I think you might want to go change your Depends, Plasma
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." Romney

That is not dividing?

The republicans want to get things done in regards to entitlement programs. Tell them to elect different congressmen and women.
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it -- that that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what. ... These are people who pay no income tax. ... [M]y job is not to worry about those people. I'll never convince them they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives." Romney

That is not dividing?

The republicans want to get things done in regards to entitlement programs. Tell them to elect different congressmen and women.

We have right now a president who will give those 47% a fish a day to eat. Romney is willing to teach those 47% how to fish, Luissa.
Which is better for America going forward?
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

Yes, just like your sigline says. Obama makes a big election about small things.

Obama has had many opportunities to unite us as Americans. He has chosen to divide us, with trivial and childish things. Talking down to us like I have never heard a President do before. He thinks American's are thoughtless sheep. I hope he is wrong

like? Examples?

You know...all that talk of "we". It's so divisive. So much more than dismissing 47% of the country as irresponsible.
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

If they could win talking about policy, they would. But they can't.
No, it's not alternate at all..it's happening right here right now.

Isn't it great..these are the *big issues* that these loons concern themselves with.
While they brush off American deaths as inconsequential.
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

If they could win talking about policy, they would. But they can't.
Talk about "tan lines" is considered "vetting"? In what alternate universe?

Well um.... he has to have the right tan. We dont want to offend norwegians or someone who cant tan or something stupid like that.
We need a President who will stop the spending. We give away trillions of dollars in foreign aid to people that hate us and want to kill us. While we short change every program in America and deny the American people the most basic rights. It'll get worse and not better if we keep allowing the politicians to throw our money down the toilet like they have been doing.

What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

Ah the vetting of our guy is a waste of time, so lets focus on the other guy and his problems, YET complain we didnt vet him in 08.

Change your pants, i smell shit.

Mitt has been out there long enough to get a feel for what he's about.
In '08 you guys elected a person who's resume was basically a community organizer and a congressman that voted "present", with some pretty shady people he called friends and pastor.
I don't think it's my pants that smells, I think you might want to go change your Depends, Plasma

Awe lame on you for just using my joke. Get your own shit dude.

See what i mean? you make my point for me. Thank you.
What's with all the "rabbit trails" the liberals have set up in this election cycle?
With Mitt's tan, Mitt's taxes, Mitt's wealth, ect......the middle east is rising up against America, debt is out of control as is the deficit, budgets are nothing more than something in the history books. Unemployment has been sustained at over 8% for the longest time since WWII. We are coming up to a huge tax increase at the first of the year because of a healthcare system that most don't seem to want. We have a president who seems to be hell bent on dividing America like I haven't seen in my lifetime. Never lived up to his uniter, not a divider rhetoric from 2008.
But, let's talk about the rabbit trails with the tax returns and tans, that's what is important to most Americans. :rolleyes:

If they could win talking about policy, they would. But they can't.

and yet Romrom won't talk about it either.
No, it's not alternate at all..it's happening right here right now.

Isn't it great..these are the *big issues* that these loons concern themselves with.
While they brush off American deaths as inconsequential.

If Bush was president, they would all be bat crazy over what's happening in the middle east.

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