Race aside, the only reason you kneel on a man's neck is if you're trying to kill him

Wrong. Wait until the autopsy and the drug tests. You sit on violent people until the paddy wagon shows up. If you want to kill them, you shoot them or beat on their heads.
Wrong. Wait until the autopsy and the drug tests. You sit on violent people until the paddy wagon shows up. If you want to kill them, you shoot them or beat on their heads.
You're changing what I said.

It's OK for a cop to sit on a suspect to subdue him.

This cop kneeled on the suspect's neck. That's a kill move. Cops aren't supposed to use lethal force unless absolutely necessary.
I think we can agree on that, at a minimum.
As a martial artist, one of the fastest ways I know to kill a person is to squeeze his neck with a pair of nunchuckus like a nut cracker.

As a cop, one of the surest ways of killing a man is to pin him down hand-cuffed face down with the weight of your body on his neck with the largest joint in your body, your knee cap.

You pin his face to the road,
any move he makes wrenches his neck worse,
you narrow his windpipe making it hard to get air,
you strain the spinal cord cutting off impulses to the body,
and you block bloodflow to the brain rendering him unconscious,
and if continued a few minutes more after becoming unresponsive, you DIE.
No! I really don't believe the cop was trying to kill the guy. That just doesn't make sense. I do think the cop wanted to be a bad-ass and impose his authority over Floyd.

I think we can agree on that, at a minimum.

Nobody should ever kneel on a mans neck unless their own life is in danger. It would have to be an extreme case of a dealing with a dangerous guy trying to get loose, it's simply too dangerous to mess with the solar plex, the eyes and especially the throat.
Wrong. Wait until the autopsy and the drug tests. You sit on violent people until the paddy wagon shows up. If you want to kill them, you shoot them or beat on their heads.
yeah. the autopsy might reveal COVID-19 as COD.
I don't need proof the cop was trying to kill the man, and neither will the jury.

All that is necessary is that the cop was reckless.
you have NO proof the cop was trying to kill him--that's insane
The only thing that's insane, and that's putting it mildly, is a grown man, putting his full weight on the neck of another man's body via his knees and NOT expecting him to die from it.
Does anyone think that these riots qualify as a sport? It seems Minnesota was in first place for a while . But there will be playoffs.

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