Race Baiting/Race Complaining threads


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2012
It continuously amazes me how many of the reputable racist members continue their contradictory mantra of "black victimhood/black racism" using the finite examples of a few news links and the popular crime statistics as a means to make blanketed statements. What is more amazing is the common critique upon African-Americans using the "race card" whenever a social conflict ensues, yet the very same people who complain about blacks using the "race card" are the same people that do it here.

Here is a funny dialogue

Person A: "All black people commit crime"

Person B: "How do you know, where is your proof?"

Person A: (Submits web link)

Person B: (Clicks on web link and brought to a site of a news article of two muggers)

Person A: "See I told you all blacks commit crime"

Person B: "All as in only two individuals?"

Person A: "This is an example of a trait of the black race"

Person B: "Meanwhile in Newtown Connecticut....."

Point is you can't complain about victimhood being used by others if you're doing it yourself. You also can't make threads about "Negroes" and question why people call you a racist.

What is ironic is many of the white supremists, know the word racist has a negative connotation so instead of admitting their hatred of ethnic cultures is racist, they defend it through deflection.

It never pays to be an uneducated goof ball and try to pass your idiotic ideology as some rational truth. Not knowing the difference between rational truth and double standards is why I question the level of intelligence they exhibit. Quite sad
This area is like a miniature Stormfront without the Antisemitism (a consolation, I guess). At this place doesn't mod all different views.

They also never offer real solutions to their black problem, neither does Stormfront.
This area is like a miniature Stormfront without the Antisemitism (a consolation, I guess). At this place doesn't mod all different views.

They also never offer real solutions to their black problem, neither does Stormfront.

Indeed....Funny, never heard of stormfront until I came here.
It continuously amazes me how many of the reputable racist members continue their contradictory mantra of "black victimhood/black racism" using the finite examples of a few news links and the popular crime statistics as a means to make blanketed statements. What is more amazing is the common critique upon African-Americans using the "race card" whenever a social conflict ensues, yet the very same people who complain about blacks using the "race card" are the same people that do it here.

Here is a funny dialogue

Person A: "All black people commit crime"

Person B: "How do you know, where is your proof?"

Person A: (Submits web link)

Person B: (Clicks on web link and brought to a site of a news article of two muggers)

Person A: "See I told you all blacks commit crime"

Person B: "All as in only two individuals?"

Person A: "This is an example of a trait of the black race"

Person B: "Meanwhile in Newtown Connecticut....."

Point is you can't complain about victimhood being used by others if you're doing it yourself. You also can't make threads about "Negroes" and question why people call you a racist.

What is ironic is many of the white supremists, know the word racist has a negative connotation so instead of admitting their hatred of ethnic cultures is racist, they defend it through deflection.

It never pays to be an uneducated goof ball and try to pass your idiotic ideology as some rational truth. Not knowing the difference between rational truth and double standards is why I question the level of intelligence they exhibit. Quite sad

For a person with your alleged high intelligence, you're not very bright.

How can you ignore the statistics from the many links to BJS (Bureau of Justice Statistics) that have been posted in this forum?
It continuously amazes me how many of the reputable racist members continue their contradictory mantra of "black victimhood/black racism" using the finite examples of a few news links and the popular crime statistics as a means to make blanketed statements. What is more amazing is the common critique upon African-Americans using the "race card" whenever a social conflict ensues, yet the very same people who complain about blacks using the "race card" are the same people that do it here.

Here is a funny dialogue

Person A: "All black people commit crime"

Person B: "How do you know, where is your proof?"

Person A: (Submits web link)

Person B: (Clicks on web link and brought to a site of a news article of two muggers)

Person A: "See I told you all blacks commit crime"

Person B: "All as in only two individuals?"

Person A: "This is an example of a trait of the black race"

Person B: "Meanwhile in Newtown Connecticut....."

Point is you can't complain about victimhood being used by others if you're doing it yourself. You also can't make threads about "Negroes" and question why people call you a racist.

What is ironic is many of the white supremists, know the word racist has a negative connotation so instead of admitting their hatred of ethnic cultures is racist, they defend it through deflection.

It never pays to be an uneducated goof ball and try to pass your idiotic ideology as some rational truth. Not knowing the difference between rational truth and double standards is why I question the level of intelligence they exhibit. Quite sad
blacks that use the race card in every disagreement are racist .
It continuously amazes me how many of the reputable racist members continue their contradictory mantra of "black victimhood/black racism" using the finite examples of a few news links and the popular crime statistics as a means to make blanketed statements. What is more amazing is the common critique upon African-Americans using the "race card" whenever a social conflict ensues, yet the very same people who complain about blacks using the "race card" are the same people that do it here.

Here is a funny dialogue

Person A: "All black people commit crime"

Person B: "How do you know, where is your proof?"

Person A: (Submits web link)

Person B: (Clicks on web link and brought to a site of a news article of two muggers)

Person A: "See I told you all blacks commit crime"

Person B: "All as in only two individuals?"

Person A: "This is an example of a trait of the black race"

Person B: "Meanwhile in Newtown Connecticut....."

Point is you can't complain about victimhood being used by others if you're doing it yourself. You also can't make threads about "Negroes" and question why people call you a racist.

What is ironic is many of the white supremists, know the word racist has a negative connotation so instead of admitting their hatred of ethnic cultures is racist, they defend it through deflection.

It never pays to be an uneducated goof ball and try to pass your idiotic ideology as some rational truth. Not knowing the difference between rational truth and double standards is why I question the level of intelligence they exhibit. Quite sad

For a person with your alleged high intelligence, you're not very bright.

How can you ignore the statistics from the many links to BJS (Bureau of Justice Statistics) that have been posted in this forum?

You are among the very idiots that inspired me to write this thread.

For one, my level of intelligence has nothing to do with my acceptance of statistics you present. The reason I dont accept your statistics is because you bozos arent really good researchers. For one, there are approximately 20 million plus African-Americans in the United States, and even if over 100k of them commit crime that is what 1% of that population? A whole 1% and you can demonize the entire group? Besides none of you who post stats take into account socioeconomic status, education level of the population, drug history of offenders etc....

All you do, is when you see big numbers per 500 people or so, you assume that its everyone. If you actually knew real statistics and upon you posting links perhaps you would be able to tell that the many blacks that commit crime and are in prison is a small percentage of the 20 million plus people that exist in the United States. So um, yeah, please come at me bro.....

It pays to have a college degree buddy.
It continuously amazes me how many of the reputable racist members continue their contradictory mantra of "black victimhood/black racism" using the finite examples of a few news links and the popular crime statistics as a means to make blanketed statements. What is more amazing is the common critique upon African-Americans using the "race card" whenever a social conflict ensues, yet the very same people who complain about blacks using the "race card" are the same people that do it here.

Here is a funny dialogue

Person A: "All black people commit crime"

Person B: "How do you know, where is your proof?"

Person A: (Submits web link)

Person B: (Clicks on web link and brought to a site of a news article of two muggers)

Person A: "See I told you all blacks commit crime"

Person B: "All as in only two individuals?"

Person A: "This is an example of a trait of the black race"

Person B: "Meanwhile in Newtown Connecticut....."

Point is you can't complain about victimhood being used by others if you're doing it yourself. You also can't make threads about "Negroes" and question why people call you a racist.

What is ironic is many of the white supremists, know the word racist has a negative connotation so instead of admitting their hatred of ethnic cultures is racist, they defend it through deflection.

It never pays to be an uneducated goof ball and try to pass your idiotic ideology as some rational truth. Not knowing the difference between rational truth and double standards is why I question the level of intelligence they exhibit. Quite sad
blacks that use the race card in every disagreement are racist .

Idiot number two....

Exhibit A: Here above we have a muppet for an avatar who complains about blacks using the race card yet he himself does the same thing.......
It continuously amazes me how many of the reputable racist members continue their contradictory mantra of "black victimhood/black racism" using the finite examples of a few news links and the popular crime statistics as a means to make blanketed statements. What is more amazing is the common critique upon African-Americans using the "race card" whenever a social conflict ensues, yet the very same people who complain about blacks using the "race card" are the same people that do it here.

Here is a funny dialogue

Person A: "All black people commit crime"

Person B: "How do you know, where is your proof?"

Person A: (Submits web link)

Person B: (Clicks on web link and brought to a site of a news article of two muggers)

Person A: "See I told you all blacks commit crime"

Person B: "All as in only two individuals?"

Person A: "This is an example of a trait of the black race"

Person B: "Meanwhile in Newtown Connecticut....."

Point is you can't complain about victimhood being used by others if you're doing it yourself. You also can't make threads about "Negroes" and question why people call you a racist.

What is ironic is many of the white supremists, know the word racist has a negative connotation so instead of admitting their hatred of ethnic cultures is racist, they defend it through deflection.

It never pays to be an uneducated goof ball and try to pass your idiotic ideology as some rational truth. Not knowing the difference between rational truth and double standards is why I question the level of intelligence they exhibit. Quite sad

For a person with your alleged high intelligence, you're not very bright.

How can you ignore the statistics from the many links to BJS (Bureau of Justice Statistics) that have been posted in this forum?

You are among the very idiots that inspired me to write this thread.

For one, my level of intelligence has nothing to do with my acceptance of statistics you present. The reason I dont accept your statistics is because you bozos arent really good researchers. For one, there are approximately 20 million plus African-Americans in the United States, and even if over 100k of them commit crime that is what 1% of that population? A whole 1% and you can demonize the entire group? Besides none of you who post stats take into account socioeconomic status, education level of the population, drug history of offenders etc....

All you do, is when you see big numbers per 500 people or so, you assume that its everyone. If you actually knew real statistics and upon you posting links perhaps you would be able to tell that the many blacks that commit crime and are in prison is a small percentage of the 20 million plus people that exist in the United States. So um, yeah, please come at me bro.....

It pays to have a college degree buddy.

You overlook the glaring evidence and I'm the idiot?

Yes your alleged intelligence has a lot to do with your actual ignorance.

As for the socioeconomic status, there are more white people in poverty than blacks.

Education? Who's fault is that? Not the white man's. They have the same access to public eduation as any white person so if they drop out, which they do, it's on them. The same goes for drugs. It's their own choices that makes them turn to crime and violence.

Stop blaming their bad choices on society. It's time you and them take responsibility and face the damn facts.

You've been shown stats from the justice department. If you have stats they contradict them, then post them.

I notice you posted ZERO links to support your numbers.
For a person with your alleged high intelligence, you're not very bright.

How can you ignore the statistics from the many links to BJS (Bureau of Justice Statistics) that have been posted in this forum?

You are among the very idiots that inspired me to write this thread.

For one, my level of intelligence has nothing to do with my acceptance of statistics you present. The reason I dont accept your statistics is because you bozos arent really good researchers. For one, there are approximately 20 million plus African-Americans in the United States, and even if over 100k of them commit crime that is what 1% of that population? A whole 1% and you can demonize the entire group? Besides none of you who post stats take into account socioeconomic status, education level of the population, drug history of offenders etc....

All you do, is when you see big numbers per 500 people or so, you assume that its everyone. If you actually knew real statistics and upon you posting links perhaps you would be able to tell that the many blacks that commit crime and are in prison is a small percentage of the 20 million plus people that exist in the United States. So um, yeah, please come at me bro.....

It pays to have a college degree buddy.

You overlook the glaring evidence and I'm the idiot?

Yes your alleged intelligence has a lot to do with your actual ignorance.

As for the socioeconomic status, there are more white people in poverty than blacks.

Education? Who's fault is that? Not the white man's. They have the same access to public eduation as any white person so if they drop out, which they do, it's on them. The same goes for drugs. It's their own choices that makes them turn to crime and violence.

Stop blaming their bad choices on society. It's time you and them take responsibility and face the damn facts.

You've been shown stats from the justice department. If you have stats they contradict them, then post them.

I notice you posted ZERO links to support your numbers.

Wait....Post links about what?

All I have is research links from peer reviewed studies. I dont post them because it'll be too hard for you to read so its a pointless endeavor.
Can an racist prove that half of the 20 million African Americans are criminals?

That is 10 million people......Thats a lot of people in prison or are criminals......Please show me because I doubt the department of Justice even have these figures. I challenge you to show a linl that states that half or even a quarter of the black population is in prison.
Does anyone see the irony in this thread? He titles it "race baiting/race complaining", then proceeds to do the very thing he's accusing others of doing. Perfect! A race baiter complaining about race baiting. Lol.
You are among the very idiots that inspired me to write this thread.

For one, my level of intelligence has nothing to do with my acceptance of statistics you present. The reason I dont accept your statistics is because you bozos arent really good researchers. For one, there are approximately 20 million plus African-Americans in the United States, and even if over 100k of them commit crime that is what 1% of that population? A whole 1% and you can demonize the entire group? Besides none of you who post stats take into account socioeconomic status, education level of the population, drug history of offenders etc....

All you do, is when you see big numbers per 500 people or so, you assume that its everyone. If you actually knew real statistics and upon you posting links perhaps you would be able to tell that the many blacks that commit crime and are in prison is a small percentage of the 20 million plus people that exist in the United States. So um, yeah, please come at me bro.....

It pays to have a college degree buddy.

You overlook the glaring evidence and I'm the idiot?

Yes your alleged intelligence has a lot to do with your actual ignorance.

As for the socioeconomic status, there are more white people in poverty than blacks.

Education? Who's fault is that? Not the white man's. They have the same access to public eduation as any white person so if they drop out, which they do, it's on them. The same goes for drugs. It's their own choices that makes them turn to crime and violence.

Stop blaming their bad choices on society. It's time you and them take responsibility and face the damn facts.

You've been shown stats from the justice department. If you have stats they contradict them, then post them.

I notice you posted ZERO links to support your numbers.

Wait....Post links about what?

All I have is research links from peer reviewed studies. I dont post them because it'll be too hard for you to read so its a pointless endeavor.

Now you're going to play dumb.

The links to the numbers you pulled out of your ass.

I bolded them for your simple mind.
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Can an racist prove that half of the 20 million African Americans are criminals?

That is 10 million people......Thats a lot of people in prison or are criminals......Please show me because I doubt the department of Justice even have these figures. I challenge you to show a linl that states that half or even a quarter of the black population is in prison.

Where do you get your information? Certainly not from the census.

There were 40 million black Americans on the eve of the 2010 Census.

No one has said that half of the black population is in prison. That's a strawman you created.

Fact is:

•African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population
•African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites
•Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population
•According to Unlocking America, if African American and Hispanics were incarcerated at the same rates of whites, today's prison and jail populations would decline by approximately 50%
•One in six black men had been incarcerated as of 2001. If current trends continue, one in three black males born today can expect to spend time in prison during his lifetime
•1 in 100 African American women are in prison
•Nationwide, African-Americans represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained, 46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice).
You overlook the glaring evidence and I'm the idiot?

Yes your alleged intelligence has a lot to do with your actual ignorance.

As for the socioeconomic status, there are more white people in poverty than blacks.

Education? Who's fault is that? Not the white man's. They have the same access to public eduation as any white person so if they drop out, which they do, it's on them. The same goes for drugs. It's their own choices that makes them turn to crime and violence.

Stop blaming their bad choices on society. It's time you and them take responsibility and face the damn facts.

You've been shown stats from the justice department. If you have stats they contradict them, then post them.

I notice you posted ZERO links to support your numbers.

Wait....Post links about what?

All I have is research links from peer reviewed studies. I dont post them because it'll be too hard for you to read so its a pointless endeavor.

Now you're going to play dumb.

The links to the numbers you pulled out of your ass.

I bolded them for your simple mind.

The burden of proof is on you to demonstrate your claim....You've been making the claim the burden of proof is on you..
Can an racist prove that half of the 20 million African Americans are criminals?

That is 10 million people......Thats a lot of people in prison or are criminals......Please show me because I doubt the department of Justice even have these figures. I challenge you to show a linl that states that half or even a quarter of the black population is in prison.

Where do you get your information? Certainly not from the census.

There were 40 million black Americans on the eve of the 2010 Census.

No one has said that half of the black population is in prison. That's a strawman you created.

Fact is:

•African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population
•African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites
•Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though African Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population
•According to Unlocking America, if African American and Hispanics were incarcerated at the same rates of whites, today's prison and jail populations would decline by approximately 50%
•One in six black men had been incarcerated as of 2001. If current trends continue, one in three black males born today can expect to spend time in prison during his lifetime
•1 in 100 African American women are in prison
•Nationwide, African-Americans represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained, 46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice).

Nice you quoted from the NAACP discussing "racial disparities" non-violent criminals being sent to prison etc....

When I get a break I'll dismantle this drivel
When I go fishing, I use bait to catch fish. What are people who use "race-bait" trying to catch? This fucking pond is well stocked.
It continuously amazes me how many of the reputable racist members continue their contradictory mantra of "black victimhood/black racism" using the finite examples of a few news links and the popular crime statistics as a means to make blanketed statements. What is more amazing is the common critique upon African-Americans using the "race card" whenever a social conflict ensues, yet the very same people who complain about blacks using the "race card" are the same people that do it here.

Here is a funny dialogue

Person A: "All black people commit crime"

Person B: "How do you know, where is your proof?"

Person A: (Submits web link)

Person B: (Clicks on web link and brought to a site of a news article of two muggers)

Person A: "See I told you all blacks commit crime"

Person B: "All as in only two individuals?"

Person A: "This is an example of a trait of the black race"

Person B: "Meanwhile in Newtown Connecticut....."

Point is you can't complain about victimhood being used by others if you're doing it yourself. You also can't make threads about "Negroes" and question why people call you a racist.

What is ironic is many of the white supremists, know the word racist has a negative connotation so instead of admitting their hatred of ethnic cultures is racist, they defend it through deflection.

It never pays to be an uneducated goof ball and try to pass your idiotic ideology as some rational truth. Not knowing the difference between rational truth and double standards is why I question the level of intelligence they exhibit. Quite sad

Oh Lord, now your'e going to unleash the nutcases.:eusa_pray::eusa_pray:

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