Race is one more difference amongst many


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Race is basically another difference between people. It's not the only one, but it's a major one.

We also differ in class, ability, background, language, religion, physicality, intelligence (name whatever characteristic you want).

For you people who don't want to discuss, or want to eliminate race, you are trying to abolish a human difference that arises over time through geographic separation and differential mating.

You are trying to make everyone the same. You are uncomfortable with difference. That's the chief charactistic of the so called multiracial, "tolerant" people. Human difference drives you insane, you want everyone to be the same.

So you are, in fact, just like the racists you despise. You claim the racists want to kill off another race, another branch of humanity. But in fact, you are the ones who want to kill off the concept of race itself, by merging everyone together. Which itself is a form of genocide, if you think about it.

If the races no longer exist, that's racial extinction. You are trying to eliminate a group of people. Shame on you for your genocidal beliefs. The different races have a right to existence.
Its as I've always said... Those who so passionately praise the wonders of diversity; are the ones most repulsed by it; and have made it their life's mission to utterly destroy it.
On the other hand... The seperatists, and so called "racists" are the only ones who truly recognize, respect, and seek to preserve it.

Yet another shining example of the left preaching one thing; while striving for the exact opposite...
Race is basically another difference between people. It's not the only one, but it's a major one.

We also differ in class, ability, background, language, religion, physicality, intelligence (name whatever characteristic you want).

For you people who don't want to discuss, or want to eliminate race, you are trying to abolish a human difference that arises over time through geographic separation and differential mating.

You are trying to make everyone the same. You are uncomfortable with difference. That's the chief charactistic of the so called multiracial, "tolerant" people. Human difference drives you insane, you want everyone to be the same.

So you are, in fact, just like the racists you despise. You claim the racists want to kill off another race, another branch of humanity. But in fact, you are the ones who want to kill off the concept of race itself, by merging everyone together. Which itself is a form of genocide, if you think about it.

If the races no longer exist, that's racial extinction. You are trying to eliminate a group of people. Shame on you for your genocidal beliefs. The different races have a right to existence.

Have you noticed the sudden huge increase in interracial couples in TV commercials?
What are the advertisers trying to tell the consumers?
Race is basically another difference between people. It's not the only one, but it's a major one.

We also differ in class, ability, background, language, religion, physicality, intelligence (name whatever characteristic you want).

For you people who don't want to discuss, or want to eliminate race, you are trying to abolish a human difference that arises over time through geographic separation and differential mating.

You are trying to make everyone the same. You are uncomfortable with difference. That's the chief charactistic of the so called multiracial, "tolerant" people. Human difference drives you insane, you want everyone to be the same.

So you are, in fact, just like the racists you despise. You claim the racists want to kill off another race, another branch of humanity. But in fact, you are the ones who want to kill off the concept of race itself, by merging everyone together. Which itself is a form of genocide, if you think about it.

If the races no longer exist, that's racial extinction. You are trying to eliminate a group of people. Shame on you for your genocidal beliefs. The different races have a right to existence.

Have you noticed the sudden huge increase in interracial couples in TV commercials?
What are the advertisers trying to tell the consumers?
That their product is cool, hip, as befitting the Mtv generation.
Its as I've always said... Those who so passionately praise the wonders of diversity; are the ones most repulsed by it; and have made it their life's mission to utterly destroy it.
On the other hand... The seperatists, and so called "racists" are the only ones who truly recognize, respect, and seek to preserve it.

Yet another shining example of the left preaching one thing; while striving for the exact opposite...

This disingenuous bullshit has become a favorite transparent talking point of racist idiots trying to justify segregation.

If we didn't differ in class, ability, background, language, religion, gender, physicality, intelligence and race, what would we argue about?
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Race is basically another difference between people. It's not the only one, but it's a major one.

We also differ in class, ability, background, language, religion, physicality, intelligence (name whatever characteristic you want).

For you people who don't want to discuss, or want to eliminate race, you are trying to abolish a human difference that arises over time through geographic separation and differential mating.

You are trying to make everyone the same. You are uncomfortable with difference. That's the chief charactistic of the so called multiracial, "tolerant" people. Human difference drives you insane, you want everyone to be the same.

So you are, in fact, just like the racists you despise. You claim the racists want to kill off another race, another branch of humanity. But in fact, you are the ones who want to kill off the concept of race itself, by merging everyone together. Which itself is a form of genocide, if you think about it.

If the races no longer exist, that's racial extinction. You are trying to eliminate a group of people. Shame on you for your genocidal beliefs. The different races have a right to existence.
DNA studies do not indicate that separate classifiable subspecies (races) exist within modern humans. While different genes for physical traits such as skin and hair colour can be identified between individuals, no consistent patterns of genes across the human genome exist to distinguish one race from another.

It has never been a case of there not being differences between the way human beings look. The trouble is in the imprecise taxonomy. How do you define a “race” and might there not be other equally valid ways of dividing humans into taxonomical groupings ?

And - NO - It's not because we are all the same.

There are persistent and real genetic differences that cluster within so-called racial groups, and more so than many have heretofore believed.

Yet these differences still fall far short of indicating sub-speciation, which is the normal standard used by biologists to indicate different “races” or breeds of a larger species.

Many scientists worked hard (REAL HARD) on finding working definition of race as a biological fact. They all failed. They all failed not because genetic differences can’t be observed between various humans (after all, if there weren’t mDNA differences, we wouldn’t know much about human maternal ancestry).

They all failed because genetic differences do not support social races, races that divide people into (pardon my words) “black”, “white”, “yellow” and “red”.

The only living subspecies of the species Homo sapiens is Homo sapiens sapiens. That is current scientific knowledge. And it is very likely to remain the only one, unless Sasquatch or the Yeti decide to walk into a science lab for a DNA test one day.

There is a reason why blood transfusions and bone marrow transplants work. This is why a “black ” persons blood can save an white Irishman’s life with a transfusion and vice versa.
Genetics can decisively show that some humans have a portion of their genetics contributed by Neanderthals; a now extinct species/class. That makes tjes people a unique hybrid. Genetics can also clearly show one group that has none, and never did. Case closed...
Genetics can decisively show that some humans have a portion of their genetics contributed by Neanderthals; a now extinct species/class. That makes tjes people a unique hybrid. Genetics can also clearly show one group that has none, and never did. Case closed...


Have you noticed the sudden huge increase in interracial couples in TV commercials?
What are the advertisers trying to tell the consumers?

And that makes you uncomfortable?
Yea, there is a distortion in the advertising because interracial couples are about 2% of the population and there is nothing wrong with that, but they are about 25% in TV advertising. So why do they want to bend reality like that? What is the goal?

Have you noticed the sudden huge increase in interracial couples in TV commercials?
What are the advertisers trying to tell the consumers?

And that makes you uncomfortable?
Yea, there is a distortion in the advertising because interracial couples are about 2% of the population and there is nothing wrong with that, but they are about 25% in TV advertising. So why do they want to bend reality like that? What is the goal?

Do you calculate other demographic information from TV commercials?

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