Rachel Maddow, Jen Psaki and other MSNBC hosts use LED screen to make it look like they’re at RNC in Milwaukee

MSNBC lies as it lies.

Seems this mottle crew were too afraid to attend the convention. They really believe the garbage they spew nightly through the air waves. Then again corporate travel budgets are a little tight at NBC. That happens when your viewership drops below 100 and to be fair, this is truly the "fake news" we're talking about. Fake sets should not surprise us.
So what is the purpose of having the LED screen behind them, other than to project the false cheap fake image? What possible other benefit would there be in doing that?
All this shows is their ability to lie to their audience.
MSNBC is a network of liars...it was built on lies and in my opinion there should be laws that prohibit it from calling itself a "news" network when in fact it is simply a propaganda unit for the democratic party. Calling them "reporters" is exactly the same as calling a Goebbels speechs during 1939 to 45 "news reports".

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