Rachel Maddow on the Myth of Anti-incumbency fever

Every election year it's term limits and anti-incumbency. It just is never that simple.

That's because stupid Americans do the same damn thing every election. They go around wanting to vote out EVERYONE ELSES bum, then they run right down and vote for their own bum. It's proof positive that most Americans are fucking retarded.
Ahhh yes, the arrogant condescension of the CON$ervoFascist Elitist.
Every election year it's term limits and anti-incumbency. It just is never that simple.

That's because stupid Americans do the same damn thing every election. They go around wanting to vote out EVERYONE ELSES bum, then they run right down and vote for their own bum. It's proof positive that most Americans are fucking retarded.
Ahhh yes, the arrogant condescension of the CON$ervoFascist Elitist.

That's funny that you attempt to slam me for suggesting that the majority of Americans are stupid when I have clearly posted all over this board that stupidity exists on the left, the right, and the middle.

By the way for further consideration , the CON in my name stands for Constitution as I generally believe in following the constitution in all matters, but even at that I make certain exceptions. The CON is itself neither left nor right so I don't consider myself a member of either side, except to say that the left does generally favor a bigger government than I care for.

As for being smarter than you personally, well that goes with saying..............
Thanks for Proving my Point..

Maddow has people on who disagree with her all the time, so right there you're full of shit.

You DON'T know what you're talking about.

So does Beck? Your point?

I actually do.. Unlike you I don't watch shows like Maddow.. Full of Personal Opinion and nothing but Bullshit.. Oh wait, sounds like Beck.. Hmm.

You don't watch the show but you're talking about what is or isn't on it.

That by precise definition would confirm you don't know what you're talking about.
*cough* Arlen Specturd *cough*

Proof you didn't watch it. She acknowledged him and a couple of the others in the very very very very small minority of incumbents who were ousted.

You can go back to the couch now.

Of course I didn't watch it...

One doesn't have to watch Madcow to have an opinion about incumbents...

You can go back to sucking Barry's dick now...
I find it so amusing how people on the Left can't stop whining about Beck and Hannity on how Biased they are but the somehow think Maddow is fine to listen..

I find it quite Hypocritical..


I'll repeat this, Maddow is another Beck. Why? They have their own little show they talk about their own Personal Opinion and nobody hardly every comes on their show who doesn't agree with them..

But then again you won't realize that, because frankly people who listen to Maddow & Co. are as bad as those who continuously watch Beck & Co.

How often does she cry hysterically?
*cough* Arlen Specturd *cough*

Proof you didn't watch it. She acknowledged him and a couple of the others in the very very very very small minority of incumbents who were ousted.

You can go back to the couch now.

Of course I didn't watch it...

One doesn't have to watch Madcow to have an opinion about incumbents...

You can go back to sucking Barry's dick now...

Do you realize that nobody mentioned Barry in this thread...Anywhere...Until now?
I find it so amusing how people on the Left can't stop whining about Beck and Hannity on how Biased they are but the somehow think Maddow is fine to listen..

I find it quite Hypocritical..


I'll repeat this, Maddow is another Beck. Why? They have their own little show they talk about their own Personal Opinion and nobody hardly every comes on their show who doesn't agree with them..

But then again you won't realize that, because frankly people who listen to Maddow & Co. are as bad as those who continuously watch Beck & Co.
The difference is that Maddow presents facts to back her up. Beck and Hannity do not.

I guess this is supposed to mean something. Maddow's wrong all the time, and no, she doesn't always cop to it, either. She still spins things to make the Dems look good and the Republicans look bad...any facts she presents are cherry-picked to further along her opinion. Just like everybody else.
I find it so amusing how people on the Left can't stop whining about Beck and Hannity on how Biased they are but the somehow think Maddow is fine to listen..

I find it quite Hypocritical..


I'll repeat this, Maddow is another Beck. Why? They have their own little show they talk about their own Personal Opinion and nobody hardly every comes on their show who doesn't agree with them..

But then again you won't realize that, because frankly people who listen to Maddow & Co. are as bad as those who continuously watch Beck & Co.
The difference is that Maddow presents facts to back her up. Beck and Hannity do not.

WHAT? Are you high? Facts? A fact to Maddow is whatever she wants it to be. Come on.

That's crap. Anybody that watches her show can tell you that she backs up everything she says. I would bet you have never watched her show, seeing as how you are one of the most misinformed people on this site. You don't know your ass from a hole in the ground. So don't try to discuss that which you have no knowledge of.
Do we ever consider the obvious in why networks offer us certain information on candidates?

Sometime I think people get so "close" to their tv that they forget how the networks make money. Never forget that the reason they are on the air is to sell advertiaing.

Election cycles are huge revenue cash cows for networks..both television and radio.and we should not forget about print.

Close elections make for huge profits as the candidates slug it out with more and more expensive ad campaigns.

We may feel like the media is backing our guy..or the other guy but I think they probably manipulate the "news" to keep elections close and profitable.

My point is that it doesn't matter what Maddow says on any particular night for or against Obama ..Or who Beck rags on... The owners will say whatever they need to through the news spokes models to keep the controversies going .

Another thing...candidates won't quit a media outlet like a corp will. They HAVE to buy air time no matter what their competition says about them on the same network.

The owners probably love it when Maddow says something that pisses you off. That means somebody has to pay to contradict it. Who do you think they pay?
That's because stupid Americans do the same damn thing every election. They go around wanting to vote out EVERYONE ELSES bum, then they run right down and vote for their own bum. It's proof positive that most Americans are fucking retarded.
Ahhh yes, the arrogant condescension of the CON$ervoFascist Elitist.

That's funny that you attempt to slam me for suggesting that the majority of Americans are stupid when I have clearly posted all over this board that stupidity exists on the left, the right, and the middle.

By the way for further consideration , the CON in my name stands for Constitution as I generally believe in following the constitution in all matters, but even at that I make certain exceptions. The CON is itself neither left nor right so I don't consider myself a member of either side, except to say that the left does generally favor a bigger government than I care for.

As for being smarter than you personally, well that goes with saying..............
It seems like I struck a nerve. :rofl: You fool no one, the CON in your name stands for CON$ervoFascist.

You show the same hatred and contempt for Americans typical of CON$, and you hide behind the Constitution, which you don't believe in and actually hate and despise even more than the American people, again like a typical CON$ervative Elitist know-it-all who knows nothing.

Like a typical CON$ervoFascist, the Constitution means what YOU say it means and that settles it, after all, Elitists like you know more about the Constitution and are smarter than even the Supreme Court. :cuckoo:
why do the k00ks always reference this woman? Like she's some kind of prime time icon................

Ratings wise............nobody watches her show. She draws just under a million most nights which is basically no audience, and lets not forget that a huge majority of her audience is made up of committed far left k00ks who are sold hook, line and stinker on whatever she says...........
she mocks the AP, the NYT, reuters, the beltway media..

frankly, i don't know why the LMSM-conspiracy nutjobs don't love this segment.
I find it so amusing how people on the Left can't stop whining about Beck and Hannity on how Biased they are but the somehow think Maddow is fine to listen..

I find it quite Hypocritical..


I'll repeat this, Maddow is another Beck. Why? They have their own little show they talk about their own Personal Opinion and nobody hardly every comes on their show who doesn't agree with them..

But then again you won't realize that, because frankly people who listen to Maddow & Co. are as bad as those who continuously watch Beck & Co.
The difference is that Maddow presents facts to back her up. Beck and Hannity do not.

Thanks again for proving my point..

I'm starting to see some true colors around here..

Maddow has people on who disagree with her all the time, so right there you're full of shit.

You DON'T know what you're talking about.

So does Beck? Your point?

I actually do.. Unlike you I don't watch shows like Maddow.. Full of Personal Opinion and nothing but Bullshit.. Oh wait, sounds like Beck.. Hmm.

You don't watch the show but you're talking about what is or isn't on it.

That by precise definition would confirm you don't know what you're talking about.

I've watched the show a couple times before.. I know how it is, it's pretty much the same as Beck.. Heck, I even watched your little video, So yes I do know what I'm talking about.

Can you actually get it for once?
All the people saying Maddow is trustworthy...

I find it so amusing how people on the Left can't stop whining about Beck and Hannity on how Biased they are but the somehow think Maddow is fine to listen..

I find it quite Hypocritical..


I'll repeat this, Maddow is another Beck. Why? They have their own little show they talk about their own Personal Opinion and nobody hardly every comes on their show who doesn't agree with them..

But then again you won't realize that, because frankly people who listen to Maddow & Co. are as bad as those who continuously watch Beck & Co.

How often does she cry hysterically?

Ok, I give you that one..

That's a Classic. ;)
Ahhh yes, the arrogant condescension of the CON$ervoFascist Elitist.

That's funny that you attempt to slam me for suggesting that the majority of Americans are stupid when I have clearly posted all over this board that stupidity exists on the left, the right, and the middle.

By the way for further consideration , the CON in my name stands for Constitution as I generally believe in following the constitution in all matters, but even at that I make certain exceptions. The CON is itself neither left nor right so I don't consider myself a member of either side, except to say that the left does generally favor a bigger government than I care for.

As for being smarter than you personally, well that goes with saying..............
It seems like I struck a nerve. :rofl: You fool no one, the CON in your name stands for CON$ervoFascist.

You show the same hatred and contempt for Americans typical of CON$, and you hide behind the Constitution, which you don't believe in and actually hate and despise even more than the American people, again like a typical CON$ervative Elitist know-it-all who knows nothing.

Like a typical CON$ervoFascist, the Constitution means what YOU say it means and that settles it, after all, Elitists like you know more about the Constitution and are smarter than even the Supreme Court. :cuckoo:

I guess you told him!!! He's a friggin' idiot.

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