Hillary says that Trump is a danger

Hillary says people who spread dangerous “misinformation” should be imprisoned, and then she lies and says Trump is a danger - thus setting up another loon to try to kill him.

I assume she is being measured for her orange jumpsuit? (Hint: make it extra wide around the hips and butt.)
The only danger Trump represents, is taking down people like herself. It's about time to expose the corruption in our government.
This is the real reason they are desperate to stop Trump and calling for his “elimination” or to have him “take a bullet.” If he gets in, the entire swamp of Deep State traitors will be exposed.
Hillary says people who spread dangerous “misinformation” should be imprisoned, and then she lies and says Trump is a danger - thus setting up another loon to try to kill him.

I assume she is being measured for her orange jumpsuit? (Hint: make it extra wide around the hips and butt.)
Yeah. Except she didn’t say that
Yeah. Except she didn’t say that
She DID SAY THAT. I see you are defaulting to the libs’ line of defense when what they advocate for is so reprehensible it can’t be defended: deny, deny, deny, deny!
She DID SAY THAT. I see you are defaulting to the libs’ line of defense when what they advocate for is so reprehensible it can’t be defended: deny, deny, deny, deny!

Lush is one of those pieces of shit that will argue that -

Facing criminal charges doesn't mean advocating for the consequences of the charges, because she didn't say those exact words.
She DID SAY THAT. I see you are defaulting to the libs’ line of defense when what they advocate for is so reprehensible it can’t be defended: deny, deny, deny, deny!
The claim was that she LITERALLY said that people should be imprisoned.

That is a lie
Lush is one of those pieces of shit that will argue that -

Facing criminal charges doesn't mean advocating for the consequences of the charges, because she didn't say those exact words.
Exactly. That’s another way the Dems defend the impossible: latch onto words.

The Hildabeast said ordinary Americans should face criminal charges if they speak up with information that would make the Dems look bad, which the Dems will label “misinformation.” If you face criminal charges, you face being sent to prison.

This is their next step in silencing Americans whose votes they want to suppress. If they object to another fraudulent election, be warned: they will be accused of “misinformation” and threatened with criminal charges.

I would say that Dems have become evil, evil people - but I don’t want to go to jail so I will keep quiet.
Lush is one of those pieces of shit that will argue that -

Facing criminal charges doesn't mean advocating for the consequences of the charges, because she didn't say those exact words.
P.S. if there were no risk of being sent to prison for crimes, where’s the deterrent?

In fact, in the message where Hildabeast advocated to charge ordinary Americans with a crime if they say something that deviates from the Leftist Narrative….oops, I mean “misinformation”….it would be a DETERRENT to them speaking up.

North Korea, move over.
She DID SAY THAT. I see you are defaulting to the libs’ line of defense when what they advocate for is so reprehensible it can’t be defended: deny, deny, deny, deny!
We already prosecute people promoting foreign propaganda.

And we prosecute people who use misinformation to deceive people and prevent them from exercising their constitutional rights.

Clinton’s statement is consistent with current constitutional law.

You, on the other hand, call for imprisoning people who say things about Trump you don’t like, which is FAR from constitutional.

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