Racial self-perceptions of whites compared to Asians


Aug 16, 2018
(So I am the only one that has posted about Asian race issues???) Honestly of all racial groups, I find these two contest the most, especially these days as Asians are starting to climb the ladder of success at a rapid rate. Whites for obvious reasons (colonialism, being the majority and dominant group in this country and others where they are not even the original inhabitants, the advancement of Europe, many well-known albeit disdained white supremist group, and other reasons). But whites and others. don't be completely fooled. I also see a lot of high regard for Asians because of their ancient culture and history and holding qualities such as respect, honor and loyalty highly and making it a point to practise it, and also their high-level of education and respective countries' climbing power. Many Asians also look down on foreign countries and are even xenophobic.Yet it seems so ironic because whites seem "better" because they don't think they are, a loved, well-regarded spiritual, humble attribute (yet again maybe the same could be said about Asians?)! So I find this is an interesting topic! Please no hate here but an honest, intellectually, culturally and historically(-backed) discussion. And again not asking who is better than everyone else of course but who has a tendency to think they are more (however inaccurate it may be), perhaps even were? Or does it depend on many things like where, at what point in history, even gender and age? About the same, or that's something we could never really know (though I did read that whites were least racist about what race their neighbor was (but maybe this is only relevant if racism was associated with thoughts of being better) etc?? Thank you!
If I'm following you, you are asking about whether different groups are more likely to view themselves as somehow superior to other groups?

I think it's probably better to think of this in terms of ethnicity or nationality rather than race, and then the answer is roughly: every ethnic group thinks their own culture is superior to other cultures :p There's a reason ethnocentrism is a really basic idea in anthropology. The most basic explanation for it is that enculturation processes work to make our ways of life seem natural and obvious to us, so of course we think those seemingly natural ways are superior to unfamiliar (and hence seemingly "unnatural") ones.

In the US this will be more apparent in terms of national pride (USA#1) than racial pride, just as is true for people from Asian countries, e.g. I think Chinese individuals are more likely to have a particularly positive view of Chinese culture than to have a more generic sort of "asian pride". Some people of European descent have morphed this into racial pride but it's more the exception than the rule at this point, at least in terms of explicitly held beliefs.
(So I am the only one that has posted about Asian race issues???) Honestly of all racial groups, I find these two contest the most, especially these days as Asians are starting to climb the ladder of success at a rapid rate. Whites for obvious reasons (colonialism, being the majority and dominant group in this country and others where they are not even the original inhabitants, the advancement of Europe, many well-known albeit disdained white supremist group, and other reasons). But whites and others. don't be completely fooled. I also see a lot of high regard for Asians because of their ancient culture and history and holding qualities such as respect, honor and loyalty highly and making it a point to practise it, and also their high-level of education and respective countries' climbing power. Many Asians also look down on foreign countries and are even xenophobic.Yet it seems so ironic because whites seem "better" because they don't think they are, a loved, well-regarded spiritual, humble attribute (yet again maybe the same could be said about Asians?)! So I find this is an interesting topic! Please no hate here but an honest, intellectually, culturally and historically(-backed) discussion. And again not asking who is better than everyone else of course but who has a tendency to think they are more (however inaccurate it may be), perhaps even were? Or does it depend on many things like where, at what point in history, even gender and age? About the same, or that's something we could never really know (though I did read that whites were least racist about what race their neighbor was (but maybe this is only relevant if racism was associated with thoughts of being better) etc?? Thank you!
Ok I don't like Germans, or the French. Not really wild about the Italians either. The Arabs are stupid. English are snotty and like welfare. The American Indians are stupid, except the Cherokee. I don't like people from Central China, Korea and blow up with no loss.
every ''race''/group thinks their ''race''/group is superior
the Japanese thought that during WW2
the Germans also
the whites
we do know Africa is a shithole- [ not hate, but fact ]

Brits place a Queen of Hawaii. Americans Knock it down. Japan defends Brits. America invades France. so on.
I once carried around my scabbard and sword for 4 hours and somebody thought I was an imperialist. Now Scarlett, I never one time!... You draw the sword, and you Throw away the scabbard!... Get it ?!.. not this time...
Obviously I hadn't heard of any Asian wars because I fill my head with mint julep, slave BBQs and transformational American politics, so does Obama Japan.
Black Americans 37 million people got more spending power than 51 million south Koreans, death grapple. Medieval Times death grapple.

Racial self-perceptions of whites compared to Asians... I don't know.
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if you are aloof and away then people want to make up segregation was about people not having any time for a race. Either way, there's no way for a White person to not be in some trouble, about meeting everyone on the common goal or being attacked about having time for their activities. I don't ask to be in Asian private get together. I'm brought in when that's useful. Absolute irrational dominant hysteria about proposed contributions I never could have manipulated, about shared efforts I could have only been explicitly enrolled, about my suitable presentable public decisions in every minute and reasonable and middle ground.
So Asians have uninterpretable self perceptions. The accumulated obligations solely of the means in which I earn my degree and listen to exactly what I'm told by those I'm owed in that degree, and anger about my perception of their perception of unequitable distribution by the end of that degree. Asians much prefer to attack the idea of inheritance wealth in the Midst of solving the problems of inheritance wealth however they prefer as a reasonable measure that people discuss openly.
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I don't like East Asians much, very cold & unfriendly people.

I don't like "MOST" Western Europeans much, either, very Liberal & historically violent.

I don't like "A few" Eastern Europeans much, either, like Russian Commies, Ukrainian bandits, Albanian thugs, and Lithuanian dopes.

Southern Europeans are alright, they might agree with me on a lot of social ideals, but a lot of Italians are too tempermental.

My favorite are obvious, Poles, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Belarussians, Latvians,Estonians, Croats, Serbs. etc etc.
(So I am the only one that has posted about Asian race issues???) Honestly of all racial groups, I find these two contest the most, especially these days as Asians are starting to climb the ladder of success at a rapid rate. Whites for obvious reasons (colonialism, being the majority and dominant group in this country and others where they are not even the original inhabitants, the advancement of Europe, many well-known albeit disdained white supremist group, and other reasons). But whites and others. don't be completely fooled. I also see a lot of high regard for Asians because of their ancient culture and history and holding qualities such as respect, honor and loyalty highly and making it a point to practise it, and also their high-level of education and respective countries' climbing power. Many Asians also look down on foreign countries and are even xenophobic.Yet it seems so ironic because whites seem "better" because they don't think they are, a loved, well-regarded spiritual, humble attribute (yet again maybe the same could be said about Asians?)! So I find this is an interesting topic! Please no hate here but an honest, intellectually, culturally and historically(-backed) discussion. And again not asking who is better than everyone else of course but who has a tendency to think they are more (however inaccurate it may be), perhaps even were? Or does it depend on many things like where, at what point in history, even gender and age? About the same, or that's something we could never really know (though I did read that whites were least racist about what race their neighbor was (but maybe this is only relevant if racism was associated with thoughts of being better) etc?? Thank you!
Ok I don't like Germans, or the French. Not really wild about the Italians either. The Arabs are stupid. English are snotty and like welfare. The American Indians are stupid, except the Cherokee. I don't like people from Central China, Korea and blow up with no loss.

A lot of Germans I've met have been nice, just they always seem to make for a terrible nation, be it Hitler, or Merkel.

French are very high strung, but have a better history than Germans.

English are kind of loud, and arrogant, if you ask me they behave kind of like the Negroids.

Italians are often very temperamental & often fist-fight too much.
If I'm following you, you are asking about whether different groups are more likely to view themselves as somehow superior to other groups?

I think it's probably better to think of this in terms of ethnicity or nationality rather than race, and then the answer is roughly: every ethnic group thinks their own culture is superior to other cultures :p There's a reason ethnocentrism is a really basic idea in anthropology. The most basic explanation for it is that enculturation processes work to make our ways of life seem natural and obvious to us, so of course we think those seemingly natural ways are superior to unfamiliar (and hence seemingly "unnatural") ones.

In the US this will be more apparent in terms of national pride (USA#1) than racial pride, just as is true for people from Asian countries, e.g. I think Chinese individuals are more likely to have a particularly positive view of Chinese culture than to have a more generic sort of "asian pride". Some people of European descent have morphed this into racial pride but it's more the exception than the rule at this point, at least in terms of explicitly held beliefs.

Indeed, and it goes far beyond just "China". In general "Pan Racial pride" generally only exists in America, and to a lesser extent Canada, and Australia, nations where a lot of people are "Mixed" and where racial groups live side by side.
I find I go straight from groups that Asians invite and host for others to work their own work, and help answers, they introduce their own personal problems to the professionals in attendance, they can shelf, bring up, or activate any Solutions in a homework setting that is totally orderly reported to multiple authorities at any time and in every minute, but they will instantly exist in a blame game mindset. I better get Credit when I solve student group and attendance difficulties by the university, too. That's admirable behavior. Straight from a wish to get a degree, find the closest tutor or group expressing admirable goals, if there happen to be personal non-credit earning objectives, solve those, get in trouble. I can't get in trouble about no Secrets at all, about student groups that had the best university professional attitudes possible. I wasn't even heading toward personal situations, it was a dedicated lie. I was more on track in universal goals to Continue to be facilitating leader's abilities going to college or departure. Asians are going to blame me , I was delegated to a less professional study group Benson's the name, I bet. They never gave a clue where I should be studying. I stand solely on the integrity of my Degree to make All and Any suggestions that were personal , everything else is irrational beyond belief. Here is my Bachelor's Degree by the power invested in this and the character of its effort, suitable unselfish project investments that they're in favor of. They dole out this support as a gesture to anyone at any time.
I haven't a Single suggestion of Moral and Social Relative positions about anybody , or anyone, in the College or races, any more than simply keeping up rank and file with the culture promoted by Asians doing business, on their topics of religion or countries , or racial attitudes or Mexicans . I didn't have anything more to do or suggest at anybody besides being rank and file and anything I had to live for was totally, outside, gone and unrelated. Everyone that regards me will regard all the efforts we ever did, and any suitable professional conclusions, but Asians walk around problems even if they don't exist, and Asians can't reach deal with women, worse they won't have deals without relationships, people say all those. There isn't any foremost person at all standing on my professional effort , the meaning of university, to be engaged with on business but I can't move as Asians find exact opposite things to do. There never could have been any confusion from a consumer's worldview about giving addresses and the agents to real estate that is within a call outside my control invested benefit in the market, making up junk that I will have upon delivery, any more topics or conversations about the delivery of house credentials. I once gave those Asians an envelope with two hundred dollars, which was impossible, theirh ands wouldn't move to receive two hundred dollars that I have to be arrested for trying to place in their general area, knock it off their own counter, so there's a criteria when we talk about what they do with solid, factual, house delivery. Asians have to allow some way to solve the problems they present to workers. They make up insults without proof and think I will even pay attention. Like they're UncleF($*#ers too said terrance and phillip, they are going to Prove any number of things that were dumb, and they never even gave me best effort choices, their insults are totally unrelated. So they did something wildly Crazy against a best effort , and I'm not directly trying to even be at a place, where I also don't want to argue about their wild rejections, that also isn't proof about anything wrong.
Somebody tell me what world they're living in, nobody has secret relationships here and 70% of Korean males get pre-marriage prostitutes, have fun with that somewhere else. No one even has a clue what they are talking about interracial secret sex even, they wouldn't even care, because they are so focused. Everybody in the entire United States has a Nuclear Family use of a house in a relegated exact same way which is a goal that Asians project. Asians look up to people who move their apartments, take two hundred dollars every single tutor session, and make pity red Cross relief about the apartments, and I got to play catch up with the new person that don't care at all about any organization. I report any organization progress to everybody. They're going to pretend I'll be shy about any organization I'm in anywhere and any results. I never was in any contact or organization, the Displayed Fierce Might of negative organization, to be a Mongolian shepherding me online.
I never wanted "Asian" put on anything, professor fantasies about me choosing anything in their University, they don't even have pool tables yet, come on, I didn't choose the Classes or meeting times or student-enthusiasts. How is it I am fully entrusted earning credit and enrolled with their Asian students from the first semester, somebody I happen to know likes Vietnam shooter games, I'm not responsible for distractions.
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Asians maybe smart, but many have Autistic like personalities.

Having worked with customers, Whites particularly Irish & Swedes were generous & friendly.

Asians the least friendly & generous.
I actually prefer Guatemalans & Mexicans in social settings over East Asians.

Contrary to a lot of bad reps given towards Central Americans by forum members

They are a lot more friendly & humorous than Asians.

Even if some are far more criminal.

Most here at least aren't that bad.

Just worse than most Whites.
Doesn't matter how many times you say it, they see justice as self-confessions by any means. People belittled me with insults, pinned my reputation on resolving issues other Asians don't ask me to resolve, commit illegal work maneuvers. That wasn't enough, they had to pin the Exact same stuff I completely shoved off to some personal account on some website no one frequents that I don't care about ever, that no one is tied to using, that I can't gain any from, besides to have exactly the confession he wants , which wont matter, a confession inside a cup isn't going to matter any from the truth in everybody's face already.
Professors looked into every Asian Woman I met in the last 3 years on campus. Maybe they're the Amy Bishop killers not me, definitely warrants equal investigation, don't you think? So who's to blame when I'm responsible for my English-to-Asian interpretations, and 4 people yell hellish adulterer, the one professor that's like, so I heard something from a woman with nothing but wordplay, and wordplay with Asians is just the definition of Due Process around here. They had me fetching their mailorder, or should I say she did because he's not affording it, the same time supposedly repetition e-mails did something? no, it wasn't, harassment wasn't getting a lot of e-mails. They had me calmly working the whole time in school And cooperating with Students like the university Recommends even, when there's emotional threats, no, I don't understand emotional threat criteria then. There's only one place to pressure people that don't want something, like crack cocaine or sex, and that's in struggling black neighborhoods with kids try to get by, google map it. As for purple purse ladies with traditional weddings failing college, educate the world on morality. Have you heard about Sa-I-Gu? Listen, the blacks alone vicious political action requires blood 10 to 1. Spending other men's money is magic by itself, I can DO it, he is powerless in our grasp as it leaks out of him, so , Asians.... So apparently men hold onto money sometimes, you guys heard of Billionaire Melinda Gates? Amazing job. Detroit isn't nice enough to Asian schoolchildren, no one's perfect Detroit. Detroit needs not get too lazy when and if there are shortcomings, swallow their pride. Asians are there for GM, Dodge, the culture... Asians from False Asia have a lot of racial prejudices, Asians from True Asia work for the good of the world, at the Forbidden City downtown. Forbidden City serves Coque D'asse , sausage and cheese crackers, between 1:00 pm and 1:01 pm on Neverdays. Now with Clean Emperor's Clothes, said the eunuch Emperor. False Asia believes in imperialist Russia , True Asia believes in imperialist Japan. Ideological warfare is ruining politics. Asians have to move in and out with other Emperorx make the War of the Three Kingdoms period.
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Asians lead the way in all Legalize it Campaigns, like George Takei, I'm Vaaary gaaay. Asians will try to legalize everything, being homosexual, with George Takei. They take personal image and respect seriously. However, marijuana, prostitution, abortion, they trust people, especially George Ta-Gaaay.
Serious thought. Asians work hard at education. I work at education hard. What does anybody get, a little paper certificate, right? That's obviously useful.
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(So I am the only one that has posted about Asian race issues???) Honestly of all racial groups, I find these two contest the most, especially these days as Asians are starting to climb the ladder of success at a rapid rate. Whites for obvious reasons (colonialism, being the majority and dominant group in this country and others where they are not even the original inhabitants, the advancement of Europe, many well-known albeit disdained white supremist group, and other reasons). But whites and others. don't be completely fooled. I also see a lot of high regard for Asians because of their ancient culture and history and holding qualities such as respect, honor and loyalty highly and making it a point to practise it, and also their high-level of education and respective countries' climbing power. Many Asians also look down on foreign countries and are even xenophobic.Yet it seems so ironic because whites seem "better" because they don't think they are, a loved, well-regarded spiritual, humble attribute (yet again maybe the same could be said about Asians?)! So I find this is an interesting topic! Please no hate here but an honest, intellectually, culturally and historically(-backed) discussion. And again not asking who is better than everyone else of course but who has a tendency to think they are more (however inaccurate it may be), perhaps even were? Or does it depend on many things like where, at what point in history, even gender and age? About the same, or that's something we could never really know (though I did read that whites were least racist about what race their neighbor was (but maybe this is only relevant if racism was associated with thoughts of being better) etc?? Thank you!
White people have crippling collective guilt, the other races don’t.
(So I am the only one that has posted about Asian race issues???) Honestly of all racial groups, I find these two contest the most, especially these days as Asians are starting to climb the ladder of success at a rapid rate. Whites for obvious reasons (colonialism, being the majority and dominant group in this country and others where they are not even the original inhabitants, the advancement of Europe, many well-known albeit disdained white supremist group, and other reasons). But whites and others. don't be completely fooled. I also see a lot of high regard for Asians because of their ancient culture and history and holding qualities such as respect, honor and loyalty highly and making it a point to practise it, and also their high-level of education and respective countries' climbing power. Many Asians also look down on foreign countries and are even xenophobic.Yet it seems so ironic because whites seem "better" because they don't think they are, a loved, well-regarded spiritual, humble attribute (yet again maybe the same could be said about Asians?)! So I find this is an interesting topic! Please no hate here but an honest, intellectually, culturally and historically(-backed) discussion. And again not asking who is better than everyone else of course but who has a tendency to think they are more (however inaccurate it may be), perhaps even were? Or does it depend on many things like where, at what point in history, even gender and age? About the same, or that's something we could never really know (though I did read that whites were least racist about what race their neighbor was (but maybe this is only relevant if racism was associated with thoughts of being better) etc?? Thank you!
White people have crippling collective guilt, the other races don’t.

Your point? Is "guilt" supposed to mean whites think they are better? In what way? Also, who are these peope whites supposedly feel "guilt" about? As a sociologist, I inquire about what it is like to be of other races, please share your experience:)
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I forgot to mention an important, major reason on the Asian side for feeling "better" (because as you would know from the original post, I listed as many reasons that I could think of for feeling "better" on both sides): Good ol' Genghis! lol

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