Racial slurs thrown at Hershel Walker by democrats

You are -avoiding- the question
Why would a Democrat vote for a conservative Republican?
A conservative one? They wouldn't.

A lot of people who don't realize they are a Democrat might vote for a conservative Republican because

A. They don't know what that means? My neighbor doesn't know. I had to tell her if you want abortion to remain legal, vote Democratic.
B. The conservative Republican pretends to not be that conservative. Politicians lie right?
C. They've listened to lies from commercials saying their opponent is the devil?
D. Because they blame the Democrat for inflation
E. Because they could drink a beer with him.

And believe it or not.

F. A Zogby/Williams poll conducted in 2004 found that 57 percent of swing voters would rather have a drink with Bush than with his opponent in the 2004 United States presidential election, John Kerry.

Things were so good in the 90's, swing voters weren't worried about the economy. They figured how badly could George Bush fuck up this great economy. Then 9-11, 2 wars, one Great recession later....a black man was elected POTUS. No one, and I mean no one ever thought that was possible in America.

But that's how bad Bush sucked.

A lot of Republicans voted for Obama and Biden. Why would they do that? Don't avoid this question please.

Democrats throw racial slurs at Hershel Walker while the DNC media ignored it.

Is anyone surprised?

This is all a stunt. He's nothing but a house n-----," the protester, who identified himself as Maceo Fletcher, yelled at Walker following the press conference according to a photographer covering the event for Zuma Press who wished to remain anonymous.

Multiple Walker campaign staffers confronted Fletcher as he was speaking with reporters on camera following the incident, asking him to repeat the slur he called the candidate.

Fletcher ignored them, as did many media members speaking with Fletcher, including CNN and CBS. Neither outlet asked about the slur despite the multiple witnesses who said they heard Fletcher.
Dave Chappelle said it best about Hershel Walker. He is Observably Stupid.

We believe racists rich white Republicans put Hershel up as a way to mock black people. He is how they see black people.
Dave Chappelle said it best about Hershel Walker. He is Observably Stupid.

We believe racists rich white Republicans put Hershel up as a way to mock black people. He is how they see black people.
All Black folk who dare call themselves a Republican are called stupid or Uncle Toms.

It's common practice. Chapelle is also a democrat even though he is also appalled by their fascist woke behavior. He is still apart of their cult, however.

Meanwhile, you support Biden and Fetterman who collectively could not articulate one logical complete thought?
When are you going to give it back to the American Indian who the White man stole it from?
Elizabeth Warren wants to know when she can take everyone's property back.


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