Racism alive and well. Black-Woman-Poses-As-White-Woman-Suddenly-Job-Offers-Come-Tumbling-In

Most black women don't get along with others, that's why people don't want to hire them
She just proved the point that White people are smarter, work harder and generate a better bottom line.

What's the mystery?

No, she did not prove that.

She proved that by checking a box differently in the race column, employers are more willing to hire her.
If blacks were known to be good employees they would be hired more
Indeed, racism remains.

Sadly, as bad as it is, it's being exacerbated by those who claim to "care".
We've got far more important things to worry about than pissant crap like this.
I was just about to say, you know what this thread is missing? A good old fashioned Kenyan reference to put the lame ass stamp of approval on it.
Maybe it's not racism but the appearance that blacks are 'too fragile' and 'offend too easily', which bosses would rather avoid?! :p
Most likely the name itself was as far as the resume got. I wouldn't hire somebody named Yolanda or Shaneney either because of the attitude it implies and the trouble most employers seek to avoid.

You see, back when blacks were God fearing folk, they took on normal American names. They worked hard and respected their employer. This was back before multiculturalism began to teach blacks to be less American and more "ethnic" so as to utilize historical wrongs as a means to power. So black culture began with parents giving their kids ebonic sounding names and has fully balkanized blacks into an angry advocacy group.

These employment offers probably have everything to do with her name change, not the box she checked. She's too racist to understand that her mother (because we know dad is out of the picture) did her a real disservice by branding her as a ghetto monkey for life when she named her.

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