racism isn't needed it's an individual problem

Judicial review

Gold Member
Oct 18, 2014
I know black on black crime is way higher than white on black. Thats obvious.
Also more blacks are in poverty and don't take any responsibility for it. Just point fingers.

Guys none of this matters. None of it. Everybody in media is going about this the wrong way.

Look, you can work at mcdonalds at min wage and save 100 a month despite having apartment and kids to feed. There's other resources to fill the gap. 100 a month for 12 months is 1200 dollars plus a 500 to 1000 tax refund at years end. That's 2200 saved each year. Do that for 2-3 years that's 6600 saved. Blacks can use that money to escape from the ghetto and live 10-15 min from a nice suburban neighborhood and great schools for their kids and can go business to business saying that you will file papers or clean office or homes and make twice the min wage . While doing that you can educate yourself by going to community college for a degree to get a salaried job or make 30-40000 a year and these combined will break the minority divide, give you respect in the community real respect not ghetto respect, and give yourself self worth, AND your children will see you as a role model and follow your work ethic and get an edu cation and know the value of takING responsibility for your life and actions and quit blaming everybody, but themselves.

Also, don't blacks know they aren't the only munority? What about mexicans? Muslims, middle easterns, indians? Slavery was over 125 years ago. You have all the same rights and freedoms of everybody else. Start doing something with it and free the chains you put on yourselves.

Your not any special than any other minority or poor person. Quit acting like it.
I know black on black crime is way higher than white on black. Thats obvious.
Also more blacks are in poverty and don't take any responsibility for it. Just point fingers.

Guys none of this matters. None of it. Everybody in media is going about this the wrong way.

Look, you can work at mcdonalds at min wage and save 100 a month despite having apartment and kids to feed. There's other resources to fill the gap. 100 a month for 12 months is 1200 dollars plus a 500 to 1000 tax refund at years end. That's 2200 saved each year. Do that for 2-3 years that's 6600 saved. Blacks can use that money to escape from the ghetto and live 10-15 min from a nice suburban neighborhood and great schools for their kids and can go business to business saying that you will file papers or clean office or homes and make twice the min wage . While doing that you can educate yourself by going to community college for a degree to get a salaried job or make 30-40000 a year and these combined will break the minority divide, give you respect in the community real respect not ghetto respect, and give yourself self worth, AND your children will see you as a role model and follow your work ethic and get an edu cation and know the value of takING responsibility for your life and actions and quit blaming everybody, but themselves.

Also, don't blacks know they aren't the only munority? What about mexicans? Muslims, middle easterns, indians? Slavery was over 125 years ago. You have all the same rights and freedoms of everybody else. Start doing something with it and free the chains you put on yourselves.

Your not any special than any other minority or poor person. Quit acting like it.

You know, preaching the rewards of personal accountability just will not be tolerated around here. Not one inch. You must depend on the man to lay your path. Reminds me of Cuba

I know black on black crime is way higher than white on black. Thats obvious.
Also more blacks are in poverty and don't take any responsibility for it. Just point fingers.

Guys none of this matters. None of it. Everybody in media is going about this the wrong way.

Look, you can work at mcdonalds at min wage and save 100 a month despite having apartment and kids to feed. There's other resources to fill the gap. 100 a month for 12 months is 1200 dollars plus a 500 to 1000 tax refund at years end. That's 2200 saved each year. Do that for 2-3 years that's 6600 saved. Blacks can use that money to escape from the ghetto and live 10-15 min from a nice suburban neighborhood and great schools for their kids and can go business to business saying that you will file papers or clean office or homes and make twice the min wage . While doing that you can educate yourself by going to community college for a degree to get a salaried job or make 30-40000 a year and these combined will break the minority divide, give you respect in the community real respect not ghetto respect, and give yourself self worth, AND your children will see you as a role model and follow your work ethic and get an edu cation and know the value of takING responsibility for your life and actions and quit blaming everybody, but themselves.

Also, don't blacks know they aren't the only munority? What about mexicans? Muslims, middle easterns, indians? Slavery was over 125 years ago. You have all the same rights and freedoms of everybody else. Start doing something with it and free the chains you put on yourselves.

Your not any special than any other minority or poor person. Quit acting like it.

You know, preaching the rewards of personal accountability just will not be tolerated around here. Not one inch. You must depend on the man to lay your path. Reminds me of Cuba

Well good thing I have the backbone of Mount everest.
I know its better that you slimy KKK types be out in the open but frankly, I miss the good old days when you stayed under your rocks and hid under the family bed sheets.
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I know black on black crime is way higher than white on black. Thats obvious.
Also more blacks are in poverty and don't take any responsibility for it. Just point fingers.

Guys none of this matters. None of it. Everybody in media is going about this the wrong way.

Look, you can work at mcdonalds at min wage and save 100 a month despite having apartment and kids to feed. There's other resources to fill the gap. 100 a month for 12 months is 1200 dollars plus a 500 to 1000 tax refund at years end. That's 2200 saved each year. Do that for 2-3 years that's 6600 saved. Blacks can use that money to escape from the ghetto and live 10-15 min from a nice suburban neighborhood and great schools for their kids and can go business to business saying that you will file papers or clean office or homes and make twice the min wage . While doing that you can educate yourself by going to community college for a degree to get a salaried job or make 30-40000 a year and these combined will break the minority divide, give you respect in the community real respect not ghetto respect, and give yourself self worth, AND your children will see you as a role model and follow your work ethic and get an edu cation and know the value of takING responsibility for your life and actions and quit blaming everybody, but themselves.

Also, don't blacks know they aren't the only munority? What about mexicans? Muslims, middle easterns, indians? Slavery was over 125 years ago. You have all the same rights and freedoms of everybody else. Start doing something with it and free the chains you put on yourselves.

Your not any special than any other minority or poor person. Quit acting like it.
Get the fug outta here clown.

I know its better that you slimy KKK types be out in the open but frankly, I miss the good old days when you stayed under your rocks and hid under the family bed sheets.

Keep racism out of it. This is an individual problem. If you're pissed off go fuck a goat you moron. Ignore.
Bump for people that actually know what they are talking about. What's the matter no racism and so no posts? :>) Or you all know I'm right?

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