Racism no longer exists


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
That's what happens when everything and all things are declared racist, of which the foundation was built on Obama's watch. What makes it worse is the left projects racism while crying it. White this white that, men are toxic, yadda yadda. Hate your country as well, and fuck the Jews too.

Crying wolf understates what the left has accomplished. Like everything else they touch these days, the term was devalued and destroyed.
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The left has always been racist. They are the first ones to notice race. They are the first ones to point it out. Then to try and cover it up they cry racist over everything in the hopes no one will notice.
Institutional Racism against Blacks has been replaced with institutional favoritism for Blacks.

Perhaps by some level, but IMO the left's methods harm black people, a lot. Primarily because they entertain low expectations and tag them with a victim role. That and of course blacks aren't the only "victims" of color. By some level they've taken a backseat to brown, and/or they've been clumped together. Hard to tell when their definition of things is free-flowing.
Institutional Racism against Blacks has been replaced with institutional favoritism for Blacks.

Perhaps by some level, but IMO the left's methods harm black people, a lot. Primarily because they entertain low expectations and tag them with a victim role. That and of course blacks aren't the only "victims" of color. By some level they've taken a backseat to brown, and/or they've been clumped together. Hard to tell when their definition of things is free-flowing.
Oh I agree that Democrats need to keep Black people angry which is why they stoke the flames of Racism. If they lose their 90% advantage with the Black vote, they know they are in trouble. I mean favoritism for college entrance and job applications.

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