Racism: The biggest fraud ever?

1. I think racism still exists, not as bad as it once was but is still a problem.

2. I think racism is not limited to one particular race, anytime an individual is discriminated against because of the color of his skin, that is racism. Doesn't matter what the color of the skin is for the perpetrator or the victim. Interesting thought: can a person be a racist against his/her own race? Kinda weird by possible IMHO.

3. There are people who use racism as a scam to acquire wealth, again IMHO. Al Sharpton, or the BLM founders for example. It's one thing to raise money to fight racism, but it's another to keep most of the revenue for yourself.

4. Does that constitute fraud? Maybe it's a case by case thing, when I see BLM receiving money hand over fist and doing nothing about black on black crime and murder in places like Chicago, what am I to think? Those people make a big deal out of a black person getting killed by the cops sometimes wrongfully and sometimes not, and get plenty of air time on TV, which leads to more supporting donations, right? But where's the protest over little kids getting shot everyday in our biggest cities?
You should have stopped after number 1. And number 1 was only half right. It's funny how whites who have posted chapters of racist screeds are here telling themselves that racism is a hoax
The demcrats and their indoctrination centers (public schools) convinced him of that and they were aided by hollywood and the MSM.
Right wing whites are the ones who walk around believing they are entitled.
No one is entitled to anything. Where did you ever get the idea anyone is entitled to money?
According to laws, we are entitled to sue for damages caused by the government. Whites have been given a lot and blacks put money in the pot.
According to laws, we are entitled to sue for damages caused by the government. Whites have been given a lot and blacks put money in the pot.
First you have to prove standing, then you have to prove damages to you personally. It will never happen. No law firm would take either a direct or class-action case. The odds of payout are so near zero that they cant be calculated.
First you have to prove standing, then you have to prove damages to you personally. It will never happen. No law firm would take either a direct or class-action case. The odds of payout are so near zero that they cant be calculated.
The standing is proven and so are the damages. There are already legal minds that have long studied this. So as long as you ignorantly keep trying to limit the matter to slavery, your analysis will be misinformed.

“Racial inequality in the United States today may, ultimately, be based on slavery, but it is also based on the failure of the country to take effective steps since slavery to undermine the structural racial inequality that slavery put in place. From the latter part of the nineteenth century through the first half of the twentieth century, the Jim Crow system continued to keep Blacks “in their place,” and even during and after the civil rights era no policies were adopted to dismantle the racial hierarchy that already existed.” -Jonathan Kaplan and Andrew Valls
The same laws everybody else used to get reparations.
Descendants don’t get reparations. Sorry. Your people will just have to take advantage of the favoritism shown them for decades, go to a prestigious college they wouldn’t otherwise qualify for if white, get hired for jobs for which a white was better qualified for, and earn their money.

The advantages being given to blacks is massive. If I were black, I would have been accepted to Harvard Law School.
The standing is proven and so are the damages. There are already legal minds that have long studied this. So as long as you ignorantly keep trying to limit the matter to slavery, your analysis will be misinformed.

“Racial inequality in the United States today may, ultimately, be based on slavery, but it is also based on the failure of the country to take effective steps since slavery to undermine the structural racial inequality that slavery put in place. From the latter part of the nineteenth century through the first half of the twentieth century, the Jim Crow system continued to keep Blacks “in their place,” and even during and after the civil rights era no policies were adopted to dismantle the racial hierarchy that already existed.” -Jonathan Kaplan and Andrew Valls
That’s not proof. That’s a couple of liberals‘ opinions.

The more you cry for payouts for damage you personally didn’t suffer, and the more racism and hostility you spew against today’s whites, the more pushback you’re going to get.

Unless you are over 70 and brought up in a Jim Crow state, you personally have suffered no damage deserving of reparations. If you are a college graduate, you are likely to have already benefitted from your skin color.
Descendants don’t get reparations. Sorry. Your people will just have to take advantage of the favoritism shown them for decades, go to a prestigious college they wouldn’t otherwise qualify for if white, get hired for jobs for which a white was better qualified for, and earn their money.

The advantages being given to blacks is massive. If I were black, I would have been accepted to Harvard Law School.
Descendants of Native Americans get reparations. But we aren't talking about descendants. And there has been no favoritism shown except to whites. There are no black advantages. You are a white female, the number 1 affirmative action recipient, so if you didn't get into Harvard, you either didn't apply or were not qualified.
That’s not proof. That’s a couple of liberals‘ opinions.

The more you cry for payouts for damage you personally didn’t suffer, and the more racism and hostility you spew against today’s whites, the more pushback you’re going to get.

Unless you are over 70 and brought up in a Jim Crow state, you personally have suffered no damage deserving of reparations. If you are a college graduate, you are likely to have already benefitted from your skin color.
The problem is that blacks today have suffered. You repeat some race bait crap that dead fat white boy belched on the radio for years. But you have been shown where blacks were cheated out of 16 trillion between 2000 and 2020 alone. So you're just repeating the same ignorant scrabble you do every day. Nobody is concerned about pushback, woman. If you think whites are mad about us asking for what we have been robbed of, multiply that anger by a centillion then understand that nobody black gives a fuck about your pushback. You have benefitted from the fact you are white with a vagina more than I have because of my skin color. So just shut your trap with the assumptions because you are a living example that validates our request for reparations.
1. I think racism still exists, not as bad as it once was but is still a problem.

2. I think racism is not limited to one particular race, anytime an individual is discriminated against because of the color of his skin, that is racism. Doesn't matter what the color of the skin is for the perpetrator or the victim. Interesting thought: can a person be a racist against his/her own race? Kinda weird by possible IMHO.

3. There are people who use racism as a scam to acquire wealth, again IMHO. Al Sharpton, or the BLM founders for example. It's one thing to raise money to fight racism, but it's another to keep most of the revenue for yourself.

4. Does that constitute fraud? Maybe it's a case by case thing, when I see BLM receiving money hand over fist and doing nothing about black on black crime and murder in places like Chicago, what am I to think? Those people make a big deal out of a black person getting killed by the cops sometimes wrongfully and sometimes not, and get plenty of air time on TV, which leads to more supporting donations, right? But where's the protest over little kids getting shot everyday in our biggest cities?
Though there are those who still claim that it's not even possible for black people to be racist, I see the videos daily of elderly Asian men and women being attacked and sometimes killed by black strangers in NYC. Yes, racism exists.

There are also white racists who hate black people and white racists who hate Asian people. If anyone can show the videos of those random attacks, of white people tossing black or Asian people onto the tracks in the subway, I'd like to see them. Otherwise, let's quit talking about white supremacists as the biggest threat to our democracy and talk about where there is real violent racism.
Have you ever taken the time to consider that white on white crime is higher?
But white people aren't on here trying to blame black people for all their woes. They aren't trying to claim that white-on-white crime is the result of black racism against whites.
According to laws, we are entitled to sue for damages caused by the government. Whites have been given a lot and blacks put money in the pot.
The Statute of Limitations for civil cases in your home state run from 1 year to a very maximum of 5 years. The law is not on your side.

As terrible as it was, the people who held slaves were protected by the Constitution. The Government was protected by the Constitution. You cannot sue for damages for someone doing what was legal and constitutional.

What you totally ignore, in your lust for money that you disguise as a hatred for slavery, is that the Democrats are supporting slavery today. There are more slaves in the world today than at any time in its history; it's just gone underground. Those Democrats you keep bragging about voting for are among the chief causes, supporting the slave trade of children and women throughout the country as they flood over the southern border.

Descendants of Native Americans get reparations. But we aren't talking about descendants. And there has been no favoritism shown except to whites. There are no black advantages. You are a white female, the number 1 affirmative action recipient, so if you didn't get into Harvard, you either didn't apply or were not qualified.
Wrong. Native Americans aren't getting reparations; they're getting paid what was legally due them under the treaties signed by the US Government. Of course the liberal courts are often going overboard but that doesn't change that the rulings are based on treaties and, therefore, the obligation continues to each generation.
The problem is that blacks today have suffered. You repeat some race bait crap that dead fat white boy belched on the radio for years. But you have been shown where blacks were cheated out of 16 trillion between 2000 and 2020 alone. So you're just repeating the same ignorant scrabble you do every day. Nobody is concerned about pushback, woman. If you think whites are mad about us asking for what we have been robbed of, multiply that anger by a centillion then understand that nobody black gives a fuck about your pushback. You have benefitted from the fact you are white with a vagina more than I have because of my skin color. So just shut your trap with the assumptions because you are a living example that validates our request for reparations.

What an absurd claim. The GDP of the United States has averaged less than 16 trillion per year over that period. You're claiming that blacks today should be getting 12% of the GDP and that they have gotten nothing? They have the ability to earn as much of that GDP as any white person does. They have the ability to make that GDP grow as much as any white person. But to assume that they have a right to a portion of GDP simply by breathing air is just plain stupid.
Descendants of Native Americans get reparations. But we aren't talking about descendants. And there has been no favoritism shown except to whites. There are no black advantages. You are a white female, the number 1 affirmative action recipient, so if you didn't get into Harvard, you either didn't apply or were not qualified.
I hear that denial all the time. I worked in admissions and I know for a fact that standards are lowered for blacks by the leftists infiltrating the education system. Blacks are in schools they would never would have qualified for if they were white, while whites with substantially higher grades and scores are kicked to the curbs.

And you claim AA isn’t showing favoritism toward blacks? Just wait until the SCOTUS finally rules that race cannot be used for admissions, and the black activist groups will be rioting in the streets.

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