Racism: The biggest fraud ever?

I see there’s a desperate attempt to deny that that the high out of wedlock birthrate among blacks is a key reason why they have twice as high a poverty rate, and that’s because people like IM2 and Vine REFUSE to hold black people responsible in any way for their outcomes. It’s always got to be whites’ fault.

Coming up with examples of a black woman who had children out of wedlock and was still successful, or one who had children within marriage by failed due to encounters by some individual racists, doesn’t negate the fact: out-of-wedlock births are STRONGLY correlated with poverty.

In this study, it shows that the majority of children born outside marriage are in poverty, while a minority of children whose parents are married are (and regardless of race).

1962 Lisa, these events happened during my lifetime, don't like it too bad.

What happened to your dad happened even further back.
You’re ignoring that my father recovered from it in a SINGLE generation. From poverty to the middle class in a decade. So did just about everyone I knew - growing up, my parents friends were all children of impoverished immigrants, still facing antisemitism, and they all managed to move to the middle class. Of course, none of them had a baby out of wedlock and none had dropped out of school. ALL within a single generation.

You’re still going back two generations, at least, to blame whites.
Could one of the black racists on this forum, screaming obscenities at whites who think blacks are capable of moving from poverty via their own choices, explain:

If racism is why some blacks are still in poverty, why are MOST blacks not in poverty?

Facts about Slavery They Don’t Want You To Know

Not all blacks were slaves in America ....there were many free blacks.

– The first legal slave owner in American history was a black tobacco farmer named Anthony Johnson.

– North Carolina’s largest slave holder in 1860 was a black plantation owner named William Ellison.

– American Indians owned thousands of black slaves.

– In 1830 there were 3,775 free black people who owned 12,740 black slaves.

– Many black slaves were allowed to hold jobs, own businesses, and own real estate.

– Brutal black-on-black slavery was common in Africa for thousands of years.

– Most slaves brought to America from Africa were purchased from black slave owners.

– Slavery was common for thousands of years.

– White people ended legal chattel slavery.

Unfortunately many blacks have been indoctrinated into believing they have suffered more than any other race.....well they can hardly be blamed as the public schools teach this nonsense.

The forgotten story of the thousands of white Britons who lived and died in bondage in Britain’s American colonies

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, more than 300,000 white people were shipped to America as slaves. Urchins were swept up from London’s streets to labor in the tobacco fields, where life expectancy was no more than two years. Brothels were raided to provide “breeders” for Virginia. Hopeful migrants were duped into signing as indentured servants, unaware they would become personal property who could be bought, sold, and even gambled away. Transported convicts were paraded for sale like livestock.

Drawing on letters crying for help, diaries, and court and government archives, Don Jordan and Michael Walsh demonstrate that the brutalities usually associated with black slavery alone were perpetrated on whites throughout British rule. The trade ended with American independence, but the British still tried to sell convicts in their former colonies, which prompted one of the most audacious plots in Anglo-American history.

This is a saga of exploration and cruelty spanning 170 years that has been submerged under the overwhelming memory of black slavery. White Cargo brings the brutal, uncomfortable story to the surface.

Read more

Also the ancestors of most whites in America today came over by a method known as indentured servitude.

A polite name for slavery......indentured servitude was a very harsh system.....whilst the indentured servants supposedly had rights.....in reality they were at the mercy of their Master.

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?​

ByLori Garrett-Hatfield

Nearly as quickly as there were people brought to the Colonies to settle the land, there were extra people needed to work the land. Indentured servants, people who agreed to a term of service in exchange for passage to the New World, were brought over from England to provide this labor. While some indentured servants were treated kindly, others reported harsh treatment -- which included physical abuse.

A Desperate Choice​

Many indentured servants chose to come to the Colonies from England because they were destitute. Workers who could not find work in England signed on with a company for passage to the Colonies overseas in exchange for a time of service. Terms of servitude varied by age of the indentured servant, but most terms of service lasted four to six years. While the promise of land and freedom allowed companies to fill ships with indentured servants, only 40 percent of those brought over lived to fulfill their contracts. In addition, women who became pregnant during their term of service often had years added to the end of their contracts.

Treated as Chattel​

Indentured servants were no better than property. An indentured servant's contract could be bought or sold like currency -- which meant that masters could buy or sell servants as punishment or retribution. While the servant was under contract, they were forbidden to marry or conceive. Masters could also forbid the servant from travel, keeping any personal money or working for someone else to earn extra money. The living conditions for indentured servants were less than ideal. Many indentured servants did not live long enough to serve out their term, having died from what was called the "summer seasoning" -- illnesses that were not found in Europe that killed many new arrivals to the Colonies. Some indentured servants found themselves on small farms with decent living conditions. Servants whose masters needed specialized workers also were treated well. The worst living conditions were found on the Southern plantations.

Harsh Environment​

Indentured servants were frequently overworked, especially on the Southern plantations during planting and harvesting season. Corporal punishment of indentured servants was expected for rule infractions but some servants were beaten so severely they later died. Many servants were disfigured or disabled. Masters were rarely punished for killing or severely injuring their servants. Other indentured servants did not get enough to eat, subsisting on bread and water, which contributed to their overall poor health. If indentured servants ran away to escape their horrible conditions, they could be punished with additional time added on to their contracts. When indentured servants finished their contracts, many were promised land. However, only one in 10 servants actually received the land they were promised. Some servants sold their land for cash, some opted for a business arrangement in lieu of land and others were "unaccounted for." When they did receive land, some servants found that the land they received was barren and uninhabitable.

Anyone who has read much history knows that all people have suffered greatly....no one race can legitimately claim to be the only one that has suffered or that they have suffered more than anyone else....only God knows who has suffered the most.

Yet today we see one race doing exactly that and they are supported in these claims of victimhood by the government, public schools, the media and the entertainment history.

The demand for reparations is growing and the democratic party is responsible for a lot of it.

The democratic party and the media work together to divide this nation --which is having disastrous results for our Nation as a whole.

Amazon product ASIN 0814742963
More bullshit.

Anyone who reads history knows we are talking about America and not some country during the Pleistocene Epoch. Indentured servants were not slaves. Indentured servants agreed to labor in exchange for passage. So drop the disingenuous argument son. It's got more holes in it than a golf course.
Could one of the black racists on this forum, screaming obscenities at whites who think blacks are capable of moving from poverty via their own choices, explain:

If racism is why some blacks are still in poverty, why are MOST blacks not in poverty?
You have been shown the problem. There are no black racists in here. You need to do something about your cognitive dissonance.

Blacks are 13 percent of the population but have 2.7 percent of the wealth. Explain that and don't try telling people it's because of unwed births. Blacks have historically had double the unemployment of whites regardless of the unemployment rate, it ain't about lack of education and damn sure not because of unwed births. We blacks know what the problem is. We've known it for at least 245 years.

You’re ignoring that my father recovered from it in a SINGLE generation. From poverty to the middle class in a decade. So did just about everyone I knew - growing up, my parents friends were all children of impoverished immigrants, still facing antisemitism, and they all managed to move to the middle class. Of course, none of them had a baby out of wedlock and none had dropped out of school. ALL within a single generation.

You’re still going back two generations, at least, to blame whites.
He did it because of government programs blacks were excluded from.
Why is it that you and all white women earned what you have, allegedly SOLELY by merit, but black people are all suspected of being affirmative action recipients which translates into (in your minds) no merit being involved at all and nothing earned?

Let's see how the statement you made elsewhere would read if we were talking about black people.

Your original statement (Affirmative Action-for whites)
According to you, white women can't get ahead by merit and hard work. Just because a woman goes to college to better herself and gets a better job, you really think it is AA? It is more likely because she damn well earned it.​

Yet it seems that when it comes to black people you don't apply the same standard
According to you, white women black people can't get ahead by merit and hard work. Just because a woman black person goes to college to better herself themself and gets a better job, you really think it is AA? It is more likely because she they damn well earned it.​
Then you said this about black people at the link below
A double standard
Wrong again. If you are unemployed it is usually because you are not qualified, not presenting yourself appropriately (dressing or speaking professionally), or you have a shitty attitude or resume.​
And you also said this (when no one did what you claimed while there is plenty of evidence of AA helping white women get into managerial positions particularly)
More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege
There is no evidence of white women being hired because if AA. What you are saying is that white women aren’t hired for their skills,which is ridiculous.
Where have I ever said that black people get ahead thru AA? I didn’t apply the same standard because I commented about white women, since I am a white woman, I have insight into that discussion. I never mentioned only black people not being qualified for jobs. ANYONE who does not present themselves appropriately for a job may be denied. What that comment was in reference to is that not all denials are due to race.
Why is it that you and all white women earned what you have, allegedly SOLELY by merit, but black people are all suspected of being affirmative action recipients which translates into (in your minds) no merit being involved at all and nothing earned?

Let's see how the statement you made elsewhere would read if we were talking about black people.

Your original statement (Affirmative Action-for whites)
According to you, white women can't get ahead by merit and hard work. Just because a woman goes to college to better herself and gets a better job, you really think it is AA? It is more likely because she damn well earned it.​

Yet it seems that when it comes to black people you don't apply the same standard
According to you, white women black people can't get ahead by merit and hard work. Just because a woman black person goes to college to better herself themself and gets a better job, you really think it is AA? It is more likely because she they damn well earned it.​
Then you said this about black people at the link below
A double standard
Wrong again. If you are unemployed it is usually because you are not qualified, not presenting yourself appropriately (dressing or speaking professionally), or you have a shitty attitude or resume.​
And you also said this (when no one did what you claimed while there is plenty of evidence of AA helping white women get into managerial positions particularly)
More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege
There is no evidence of white women being hired because if AA. What you are saying is that white women aren’t hired for their skills,which is ridiculous.
Stop ASSuming shit that I never said nor implied.
And Molly does the same thing.
What affirmative action affords people is equal "opportunity". What one does with that opportunity is up to each individual. Opportunity is all many needed, they already possessed the required experience, skills, and knowledge but were not allowed the opportunity to compete, nor succeed or fail on their own merits.
By definition, affirmative action is NOT equal opportunity. Equal opportunity would be a law, and enforcement of that law, that forbids hiring, home sales or rentals, credit, decisions based on race. The laws need not even mention individual races or any race or even use the race more than one time.
Lol! A racist trying to tell me something. The U.S. government has a habit of killing or imprisoning people who go that far to question the system. I know that you wouldn't understand that because in Pleasantville the law, the courts and the system operates as the constitution dictates.

The UN peacekeepers have that ability. If the situation is deemed as such, that can happen here. We joined the UN, in fact America is a founding member, so we are not above the rules. You need to understand that America is not above international law. You need to stop watching those Clint Eastwood movies junior.

Families of people killed by police went before the UN in 2020 to get a commission but due to pressure from the trump government, the investigation did not happen as requested. The case is set, the UN Human Rights Council says we are owed reparations. So what is going to happen is that blacks will eventually get reparations. And there is nothing you are going to be able to do about it.
What a sad day for our country that would be. It would result in the deaths of thousands and thousands of blacks at the hands of other blacks and at the hands of the Democrats and their drug pushing cartel buddies south of the border. Some families will do well and make great in their family's futures. But the biggest reason to NOT give reparations is that it won't change a thing. On the day after 45 million black Americans, including the ones who leave the paradise of Haiti the day before to come to the awful racist nation of the United States, all get their 800,000 dollars, it will still be unsafe for a white person to walk down the street in a black community.

You, for example, being addicted to the Internet, will do all of your shopping to blow a big chunk of your windfall from online sellers. The point of recognizing that is that many black Americans will be out paying that day for what they got for free at the point of a gun or baseball bat the day before but you'll still be online. And since you'll still be online, you'll still be here, spewing your hatred for the white race.

Reparations won't do a thing to improve race relations in the United States. People like you will still be racists. And a lot more white Americans will be more angry about black privilege in America. The inflation reparations would trigger would greatly reduce the value immediately but there would be some short term benefit for some - mostly for those who would be experts in ripping off newly wealthy people regardless of color. But, in a generation or two, it will be right back to where we are today as long as black people continue to vote for Democrat racists.
He thought he made sense, but what he posted shows him to be an idiot.
I did, and do, make sense. The only reason black on black crime is discussed here is that people like you continue to blame the condition in inner cities on white people. Of course if you blamed the correct white supremacists, the Democrat Party and the Antifa rioters who burned so many black businesses, killed so many black people, over the past few years, we'd agree with you.

Most white people, in particular white conservatives, want to help keep all people from crime. Any focus on black crime would only come from compassion and the proven case that the crime density is higher in black communities so working where the crime clusters are could have the most significant impact in the shortest time. We care about black on black crime because black people are people, too. Black children are people, too. Black babies are people, too. Unfortunately, it is you who seem to think differently.
He did it because of government programs blacks were excluded from.
Nope, he didn’t. He earned his free college, with his smarts, discipline, motivation, and ability. The same opportunity was available to blacks, and in the 1940s when my dad when to college, blacks were there as well, with the same opportunity. IOW, some blacks did the same thing my dad did to earn a free college education!

You just can’t give a white man any credit for doing right , just as you can’t blame any black man for doing wrong.
What a sad day for our country that would be. It would result in the deaths of thousands and thousands of blacks at the hands of other blacks and at the hands of the Democrats and their drug pushing cartel buddies south of the border. Some families will do well and make great in their family's futures. But the biggest reason to NOT give reparations is that it won't change a thing. On the day after 45 million black Americans, including the ones who leave the paradise of Haiti the day before to come to the awful racist nation of the United States, all get their 800,000 dollars, it will still be unsafe for a white person to walk down the street in a black community.

You, for example, being addicted to the Internet, will do all of your shopping to blow a big chunk of your windfall from online sellers. The point of recognizing that is that many black Americans will be out paying that day for what they got for free at the point of a gun or baseball bat the day before but you'll still be online. And since you'll still be online, you'll still be here, spewing your hatred for the white race.

Reparations won't do a thing to improve race relations in the United States. People like you will still be racists. And a lot more white Americans will be more angry about black privilege in America. The inflation reparations would trigger would greatly reduce the value immediately but there would be some short term benefit for some - mostly for those who would be experts in ripping off newly wealthy people regardless of color. But, in a generation or two, it will be right back to where we are today as long as black people continue to vote for Democrat racists.
Lol. This is hilarious. A white racist trying to tell me what I would do if I got reparation money. Son, I once had a life/annuities/health and a serrie7. I know what to do with money. Now go run along and study how long you have already been paying reparations.
Nope, he didn’t. He earned his free college, with his smarts, discipline, motivation, and ability. The same opportunity was available to blacks, and in the 1940s when my dad when to college, blacks were there as well, with the same opportunity. IOW, some blacks did the same thing my dad did to earn a free college education!

You just can’t give a white man any credit for doing right , just as you can’t blame any black man for doing wrong.
Yes he did. Blacks did not have the same opportunities. My father didn't get them and he took a sniper bullet in France fighting to save your dad. So just stop trying to tell me things because I know exactly what happened.
I did, and do, make sense. The only reason black on black crime is discussed here is that people like you continue to blame the condition in inner cities on white people. Of course if you blamed the correct white supremacists, the Democrat Party and the Antifa rioters who burned so many black businesses, killed so many black people, over the past few years, we'd agree with you.

Most white people, in particular white conservatives, want to help keep all people from crime. Any focus on black crime would only come from compassion and the proven case that the crime density is higher in black communities so working where the crime clusters are could have the most significant impact in the shortest time. We care about black on black crime because black people are people, too. Black children are people, too. Black babies are people, too. Unfortunately, it is you who seem to think differently.

This is not 1860. Today's republican party is the racist party. White racism is a crime. It is a crime that kills over 200,000 blacks annually because of hypertension caused by the stress of living with racism. That is white on black crime and it is done in much higher numbers than black on black crime. You're part of that crime as are Lisa and many others here.

Get rid of your racism.
You have been shown the problem. There are no black racists in here. You need to do something about your cognitive dissonance.

Blacks are 13 percent of the population but have 2.7 percent of the wealth. Explain that and don't try telling people it's because of unwed births. Blacks have historically had double the unemployment of whites regardless of the unemployment rate, it ain't about lack of education and damn sure not because of unwed births. We blacks know what the problem is. We've known it for at least 245 years.


Of course there are black racists here. You keep saying you're not one but your words prove without doubt that you are.

And black poverty is easily explained: Democrats. Democrats and black leaders and black people like you who keep telling black people they're not capable of accomplishing anything on their own and that they are totally dependent on their white, Democrat, masters for their survival and you teach them that any white person who tells black children that they can make it on their own, be all they want to be, must be a racist.

Facts about Slavery They Don’t Want You To Know

Not all blacks were slaves in America ....there were many free blacks.

– The first legal slave owner in American history was a black tobacco farmer named Anthony Johnson.

– North Carolina’s largest slave holder in 1860 was a black plantation owner named William Ellison.

– American Indians owned thousands of black slaves.

– In 1830 there were 3,775 free black people who owned 12,740 black slaves.

– Many black slaves were allowed to hold jobs, own businesses, and own real estate.

– Brutal black-on-black slavery was common in Africa for thousands of years.

– Most slaves brought to America from Africa were purchased from black slave owners.

– Slavery was common for thousands of years.

– White people ended legal chattel slavery.

Unfortunately many blacks have been indoctrinated into believing they have suffered more than any other race.....well they can hardly be blamed as the public schools teach this nonsense.

The forgotten story of the thousands of white Britons who lived and died in bondage in Britain’s American colonies

In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, more than 300,000 white people were shipped to America as slaves. Urchins were swept up from London’s streets to labor in the tobacco fields, where life expectancy was no more than two years. Brothels were raided to provide “breeders” for Virginia. Hopeful migrants were duped into signing as indentured servants, unaware they would become personal property who could be bought, sold, and even gambled away. Transported convicts were paraded for sale like livestock.

Drawing on letters crying for help, diaries, and court and government archives, Don Jordan and Michael Walsh demonstrate that the brutalities usually associated with black slavery alone were perpetrated on whites throughout British rule. The trade ended with American independence, but the British still tried to sell convicts in their former colonies, which prompted one of the most audacious plots in Anglo-American history.

This is a saga of exploration and cruelty spanning 170 years that has been submerged under the overwhelming memory of black slavery. White Cargo brings the brutal, uncomfortable story to the surface.

Read more

Also the ancestors of most whites in America today came over by a method known as indentured servitude.

A polite name for slavery......indentured servitude was a very harsh system.....whilst the indentured servants supposedly had rights.....in reality they were at the mercy of their Master.

How Were Indentured Servants Treated by the English?​

ByLori Garrett-Hatfield

Nearly as quickly as there were people brought to the Colonies to settle the land, there were extra people needed to work the land. Indentured servants, people who agreed to a term of service in exchange for passage to the New World, were brought over from England to provide this labor. While some indentured servants were treated kindly, others reported harsh treatment -- which included physical abuse.

A Desperate Choice​

Many indentured servants chose to come to the Colonies from England because they were destitute. Workers who could not find work in England signed on with a company for passage to the Colonies overseas in exchange for a time of service. Terms of servitude varied by age of the indentured servant, but most terms of service lasted four to six years. While the promise of land and freedom allowed companies to fill ships with indentured servants, only 40 percent of those brought over lived to fulfill their contracts. In addition, women who became pregnant during their term of service often had years added to the end of their contracts.

Treated as Chattel​

Indentured servants were no better than property. An indentured servant's contract could be bought or sold like currency -- which meant that masters could buy or sell servants as punishment or retribution. While the servant was under contract, they were forbidden to marry or conceive. Masters could also forbid the servant from travel, keeping any personal money or working for someone else to earn extra money. The living conditions for indentured servants were less than ideal. Many indentured servants did not live long enough to serve out their term, having died from what was called the "summer seasoning" -- illnesses that were not found in Europe that killed many new arrivals to the Colonies. Some indentured servants found themselves on small farms with decent living conditions. Servants whose masters needed specialized workers also were treated well. The worst living conditions were found on the Southern plantations.

Harsh Environment​

Indentured servants were frequently overworked, especially on the Southern plantations during planting and harvesting season. Corporal punishment of indentured servants was expected for rule infractions but some servants were beaten so severely they later died. Many servants were disfigured or disabled. Masters were rarely punished for killing or severely injuring their servants. Other indentured servants did not get enough to eat, subsisting on bread and water, which contributed to their overall poor health. If indentured servants ran away to escape their horrible conditions, they could be punished with additional time added on to their contracts. When indentured servants finished their contracts, many were promised land. However, only one in 10 servants actually received the land they were promised. Some servants sold their land for cash, some opted for a business arrangement in lieu of land and others were "unaccounted for." When they did receive land, some servants found that the land they received was barren and uninhabitable.

Anyone who has read much history knows that all people have suffered greatly....no one race can legitimately claim to be the only one that has suffered or that they have suffered more than anyone else....only God knows who has suffered the most.

Yet today we see one race doing exactly that and they are supported in these claims of victimhood by the government, public schools, the media and the entertainment history.

The demand for reparations is growing and the democratic party is responsible for a lot of it.

The democratic party and the media work together to divide this nation --which is having disastrous results for our Nation as a whole.

Amazon product ASIN 0814742963
And your post highlights the thing that the world is pretending to forget but they know to be true: American slavery was the product of Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Africa, Holland, and other nations who migrated to the Americas. The United States didn't start slavery in America, the United States ended slavery in America.

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