Racism: The biggest fraud ever?

OK, and antisemitism exists too - perhaps to an even greater degree. You don’t hear us wailing about unfair treatment. We focus on things like getting a good education, not having babies before marriage, getting good jobs, and making a success of our lives. And we are doing that WITHOUT the benefit of Affirmative Action that would give us favoritism over better-qualified candidates.

You have a big problem with the black underclass. The videos of blacks looting, smashing jewelry store counters, and walking out with TVs, hooping and hollering like it’s a block party, isn’t helping negative attitudes toward blacks. Neither are these random assaults against Orthodox Jews, Asians, and that poor woman on the subway.

You’d do your people better by concentrating on correcting that behavior with stiff jail time, and yet the left is going in the opposite direction - making shoplifting OK, reducing felonies to misdemeanors, reducing bond for violent behavior, everything to make it EASIER for blacks to commit crimes.

You really need to admit that the black subclass is not immune from criticism when they behave so abysmally.
The media constantly tries to cover up black violence and consistently seeks to portray blacks as innocent victims of evil white people whilst also attempting to promote the fallacious narrative that cops go out hunting blacks to shoot.
It is actually worse than that....almost all black violent crimes like rape and murdeer are committd by young black males who compose only approx. 2.5 percent of the total pop.

Aka...2.5% of the total pop. committs over half of all violent crimes in America.....those in power do not want to hear that and if they do....they ignore it.
Yes. And libs pretend not to understand statistics. For example, I was lost on a street in a bad section of town at 11 pm when a group of young black males (late teens, I’d say) started approaching, and I was VERY nervous, more so than if they had been white.

Why? Because statistically, black males are more likely to commit crimes than white males, so my odds of being victimized are greater. As it turned out, my fears WERE realized and they began an assault, but by grace of G-d, a rescue cut it off.
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a racist.

and to your stuff below, you’re back to history. We are talking about NOW. The fact that you all have to keep going back to historical racism shows how it doesn’t exist anymore, and hasn’t for generations, on a systemic level.
what do you think 'intended should EXIST in all future time' means?

So in your opinion, are you a racist Lisa? Because you certainly consider yourself superior to "poor black people" without recognizing that you were blessed with more and different options in life than they were and it's those options that allow upward mobility, including the fact that you're NOT black or of African descent. ,

Despite your inability to understand how the attitudes and actions of people don't change just because the laws do, you should be able to at least connect the dots. You seriously don't understand how a law that outlawed racial discrimination in our country, when those discriminatory laws were based on the beliefs outlined below and had existed for almost 200 years, didn't change the hearts and minds of white people who believed and were in agreement with what the state of Texas expressed below?

Be honest . . .
Black on black crime needs to be recognized as the main cause of black murders, and stop making a big lie about the white police. The BLM instigated billions of dollars of damage, dozens of murders, arson, assault, etc., through hundreds of cities for months on end, virtually ignoring where the real problem lies: the black underclass killing each other.
IF the real problem is the black underclass killing EACH OTHER how does that impact you?
Nothing racist about pointing out the bad behavior of the black subclass. Are we not allowed to criticize ANYTHING criminals do if they’re black?

You keep screaming racism and ignore the very behavior among the black subclass that is leading to negative attitudes. The fact is that 13% of the population is committing more than half the violent crime, and stating so is not racist.
Math isn't your strong suit is it? 13 percent is the percentage of black people in the U.S. All 13 percent (not even close) are not committing 50 percent of the crime in the U.S.
what do you think 'intended should EXIST in all future time' means?
That was from when it was written, long ago. It does not exist now.
So in your opinion, are you a racist Lisa? Because you certainly consider yourself superior to "poor black people" without recognizing that you were blessed with more and different options in life than they were and it's those options that allow upward mobility, including the fact that you're NOT black or of African descent. ,

Of course I’m not a racist. I specifically said that poor blacks and poor whites are poor for the same reasons, race irrelevant. A racist would apply two different standard…for example, blaming whites for being poor because of bad decisions, and explaining away why blacks are poor due to racism. THAT is what is racist.
Despite your inability to understand how the attitudes and actions of people don't change just because the laws do, you should be able to at least connect the dots. You seriously don't understand how a law that outlawed racial discrimination in our country, when those discriminatory laws were based on the beliefs outlined below and had existed for almost 200 years, didn't change the hearts and minds of white people who believed and were in agreement with what the state of Texas expressed below?

Those people from 200 years go don’t exist anymore.
IF the real problem is the black underclass killing EACH OTHER how does that impact you?
You diverted to white on white crime, so I diverted back to black on black crime. So I could ask you….why bring up white on white crime? How does that impact YOU?
Math isn't your strong suit is it? 13 percent is the percentage of black people in the U.S. All 13 percent (not even close) are not committing 50 percent of the crime in the U.S.
Math isn’t your strong suit. Blacks are 13% of the population and commit more than 50% of the violent crime. If you want to drill down, it’s mostly black males, so it’s 6.5% of the population responsible for most of the violent crime.
Every single person alive in the western world in 1860 absolutely KNEW that all minorities were inferior to whites. They were as sure of that as they were that the sky was blue and they breathed air. Even the most rabid abolitionist was absolutely sure that blacks were inferior to whites. Abolitionists just thought slavery was wrong and wanted it ended. Almost all people of all races now believe that the races are equal in intelligence and ability and both failures and extreme successes are the result of personal decisions and individual abilities.
Only idealogues on both extremes believe differently, you, Paul, Mariam and IM2 are on one end of that spectrum and the KKK and similar dying organizations are on the other. You all have more in common with each other than with mainstream American society.
The KKK and other white supremacist groups have nothing in common with the black people who post on this message board.

We understand that you all don't like being contradicted or being told that the things you believe and accept as the gospel truth are wrong, such as the example you posted above about everyone KNOWING that blacks were allegedly inferior to whites. No one KNEW any such thing, this is what they were TOLD and this is what the LAW said and everyone knows that if it's a law it must be right, correct? <rolling eyes>

There is so much you all don't understand about black people in general and us specifically starting with the fact that we know much more about you all than you could ever begin to know about us. We have to, in order to navigate the world of the dominate race, it's crucial to our survival and well being.

So when you have a people who can only focus on the negatives of another group while seemingly being unable to find any in their own group, that is very telling. It says just like those people of the western world back in the 1860s when the state of Texas wrote that declaration, you've bought into the lie and you all are brainwashed you can't stop and look at what's actually in front of you.

In a racist country why wouldn't everything support the white supremacist beliefs that black people are inferior to white people? I'm talking about the laws, the court decisions, government policies, etc. There were signs out in the open designating segregated water fountains, whites only housing, jobs, restaurants, etc.

THIS is the United States of America, the real United States of America and yet we here in the U.S. have the nerve to talk about South Africa's apartheid when he had racial castes of our own.

That's some major hypocrisy.
Racism and black supremacy still exist, and you are a perfect example of that. For what it's worth, in my opinion, black racism and black supremacy are a growing problem.
What do you mean 'still' exist? And this is a perfect example of what I was referring to earlier. Black people are not supposed to disagree with white people or point out when you are mistaken (can't use the word "wrong")
USMB "Black" posters are the biggest racists I've even run across

“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X
What do you mean 'still' exist? And this is a perfect example of what I was referring to earlier. Black people are not supposed to disagree with white people or point out when you are mistaken (can't use the word "wrong")
OMG. Look at how you’ve reacted to me for disagreeing with YOU! You’ve called me evil. A racist. So apparently white people are not supposed to disagree with black people, or point out where you are mistaken.
Math isn’t your strong suit. Blacks are 13% of the population and commit more than 50% of the violent crime. If you want to drill down, it’s mostly black males, so it’s 6.5% of the population responsible for most of the violent crime.
No my math is fine, you're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about.

And white males are the group most likely to commit domestic violence, you know kill their spouse or significant other, their kids and sometimes themselves.

Yet for some reason that's a separate group and is not considered a violent crime even though the word violence is right in the title - "domestic VIOLENCE abuse"

So what was your point?
No my math is fine, you're the one who doesn't know what you're talking about.

And white males are the group most likely to commit domestic violence, you know kill their spouse or significant other, their kids and sometimes themselves.

Yet for some reason that's a separate group and is not considered a violent crime even though the word violence is right in the title - "domestic VIOLENCE abuse"

So what was your point?
OK, so white males are more likely to commit domestic abuse. (I’ll take your word on that.) Black males are more likely to commit murder, rape, and assault and battery, and armed robbery. That means I have less to fear from a white man than a black man.
You diverted to white on white crime, so I diverted back to black on black crime. So I could ask you….why bring up white on white crime? How does that impact YOU?
No, that's not true. Ms Turquoise asked if Putin's attack on Ukraine was considered white on white crime. It was a rhetorical question meant to counter this endless trope of "black on black" crime as if that impacts any of you in any way other than as something you can use to try to blundeon black people with during your attempts to debate us.
USMB "Black" posters are the biggest racists I've even run across

“The worst enemy that the Negro have is this white man that runs around here drooling at the mouth professing to love Negros and calling himself a liberal, and it is following these white liberals that has perpetuated problems that Negros have. If the Negro wasn’t taken, tricked or deceived by the white liberal, then Negros would get together and solve our own problems. I only cite these things to show you that in America, the history of the white liberal has been nothing but a series of trickery designed to make Negros think that the white liberal was going to solve our problems. Our problems will never be solved by the white man.” -- Malcolm X
You don't know what you're talking about.
No, that's not true. Ms Turquoise asked if Putin's attack on Ukraine was considered white on white crime. It was a rhetorical question meant to counter this endless trope of "black on black" crime as if that impacts any of you in any way other than as something you can use to try to blundeon black people with during your attempts to debate us.
So Ms turquoise was trying to deflect to whites.

The point with the black in black crime is because the BLM racists tore the entire country down over a white cop killing a black man (who was an ex-con and being defiant, not that he deserved to die - but he sure wasn’t a saint). I was pointing out that Instead of vilifying whites s if we are the ones responsible for black homicides, they need to be honest and lay the blame where 97% of it occurs - black on black.

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