Racism: The biggest fraud ever?

The KKK and other white supremacist groups have nothing in common with the black people who post on this message board.

We understand that you all don't like being contradicted or being told that the things you believe and accept as the gospel truth are wrong, such as the example you posted above about everyone KNOWING that blacks were allegedly inferior to whites. No one KNEW any such thing, this is what they were TOLD and this is what the LAW said and everyone knows that if it's a law it must be right, correct? <rolling eyes>

There is so much you all don't understand about black people in general and us specifically starting with the fact that we know much more about you all than you could ever begin to know about us. We have to, in order to navigate the world of the dominate race, it's crucial to our survival and well being.

So when you have a people who can only focus on the negatives of another group while seemingly being unable to find any in their own group, that is very telling. It says just like those people of the western world back in the 1860s when the state of Texas wrote that declaration, you've bought into the lie and you all are brainwashed you can't stop and look at what's actually in front of you.

In a racist country why wouldn't everything support the white supremacist beliefs that black people are inferior to white people? I'm talking about the laws, the court decisions, government policies, etc. There were signs out in the open designating segregated water fountains, whites only housing, jobs, restaurants, etc.

THIS is the United States of America, the real United States of America and yet we here in the U.S. have the nerve to talk about South Africa's apartheid when he had racial castes of our own.

That's some major hypocrisy.
You can't even read plain English. I said ALL MINORITIES, not blacks. And that was the universal belief at the time.
OMG. Look at how you’ve reacted to me for disagreeing with YOU! You’ve called me evil. A racist. So apparently white people are not supposed to disagree with black people, or point out where you are mistaken.
No Lisa I called you evil because racism is evil and knowing this you continue to make false statements about black people that have the potential to put all of us at even more risk. Anyone who does that does.

You deny the existence of racism in the United States in spite of all evidence to the contrary that is presented to show that it still exists in many forms, despite the laws that brought a legal end to it. Yet I bet if someone denied that there existed any residual effects from the Holocaust or any residual hatred of the Jewish people after they were targeted by the Nazi's they're be called an antisemite.

It always amazes me when someone Jewish, with their history of persecution, turns around and engages in the same kind of discrimination and hatred that they were subjected to.

Calling something one thing when it's actually something else is called pretexting. Pretexting has a legal definition and a common one. You all masquerading as concerned citizens or simply ensuring your own well being doesn't fool anyone. I have to deal with people that have real problems and the consult with them always begins with "what is your goal, what do you hope to accomplish"?

You all have no hopes for anything better and are not trying to accomplish a damn thing. You just want to be able to denigrate black people freely without anyone taking a swing back apparently because of the supposed anonymity of the internet.
No Lisa I called you evil because racism is evil and knowing this you continue to make false statements about black people that have the potential to put all of us at even more risk. Anyone who does that does.

You deny the existence of racism in the United States in spite of all evidence to the contrary that is presented to show that it still exists in many forms, despite the laws that brought a legal end to it. Yet I bet if someone denied that there existed any residual effects from the Holocaust or any residual hatred of the Jewish people after they were targeted by the Nazi's they're be called an antisemite.

It always amazes me when someone Jewish, with their history of persecution, turns around and engages in the same kind of discrimination and hatred that they were subjected to.

Calling something one thing when it's actually something else is called pretexting. Pretexting has a legal definition and a common one. You all masquerading as concerned citizens or simply ensuring your own well being doesn't fool anyone. I have to deal with people that have real problems and the consult with them always begins with "what is your goal, what do you hope to accomplish"?

You all have no hopes for anything better and are not trying to accomplish a damn thing. You just want to be able to denigrate black people freely without anyone taking a swing back apparently because of the supposed anonymity of the internet.
This is so full of lies and denigrating me that I’m not even going to respond.

And saying that poor blacks have it within themselves to get out of poverty by making the right choices is not denigrating them. My dad did it; they can do it.
The problem is that blacks today have suffered. You repeat some race bait crap that dead fat white boy belched on the radio for years. But you have been shown where blacks were cheated out of 16 trillion between 2000 and 2020 alone. So you're just repeating the same ignorant scrabble you do every day. Nobody is concerned about pushback, woman. If you think whites are mad about us asking for what we have been robbed of, multiply that anger by a centillion then understand that nobody black gives a fuck about your pushback. You have benefitted from the fact you are white with a vagina more than I have because of my skin color. So just shut your trap with the assumptions because you are a living example that validates our request for reparations.
Wtf have you been robbed of? What do I have that you don’t?
Wtf have you been robbed of? What do I have that you don’t?
The fact that he claims blacks are owed 16 trillion tells me what number he has in mind, divided by all blacks.

I too would like to know what he thinks blacks, alive today, have been robbed of. They’ve been given the opportunity to attend all sorts of prestigious academic programs, setting up for high lifetime earnings, that they would never have been given had they been white.
But white people aren't on here trying to blame black people for all their woes. They aren't trying to claim that white-on-white crime is the result of black racism against whites.
And you really think what you said here makes sense. Are you really this stupid, or are you pretending?
I hear that denial all the time. I worked in admissions and I know for a fact that standards are lowered for blacks by the leftists infiltrating the education system. Blacks are in schools they would never would have qualified for if they were white, while whites with substantially higher grades and scores are kicked to the curbs.

And you claim AA isn’t showing favoritism toward blacks? Just wait until the SCOTUS finally rules that race cannot be used for admissions, and the black activist groups will be rioting in the streets.
You don't know jack squat. I showed you Harvard where unqualified whites have been getting in for years. And as Everybody sane here has shown you, blacks are not the only ones getting AA. You got your job because of it. You are not black and white women have been the most favored.

I am not the one denying. You have produced no evidence. I have. You don't because you can't. And when you are white, shut your fucking mouth about riots. You guys have some real nerve after all the riots and terror your race has put on everybody else.
What an absurd claim. The GDP of the United States has averaged less than 16 trillion per year over that period. You're claiming that blacks today should be getting 12% of the GDP and that they have gotten nothing? They have the ability to earn as much of that GDP as any white person does. They have the ability to make that GDP grow as much as any white person. But to assume that they have a right to a portion of GDP simply by breathing air is just plain stupid.
I think Citigroup knows more about this than some idiot that posts stuff like this:

But white people aren't on here trying to blame black people for all their woes. They aren't trying to claim that white-on-white crime is the result of black racism against whites.
Learn to read. The study is from 2000-2020.
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The fact that he claims blacks are owed 16 trillion tells me what number he has in mind, divided by all blacks.

I too would like to know what he thinks blacks, alive today, have been robbed of. They’ve been given the opportunity to attend all sorts of prestigious academic programs, setting up for high lifetime earnings, that they would never have been given had they been white.
You keep saying that but why does this exist?

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

Notice the first sentence. It does not say this is caused by blacks bad choices. It says PUBLIC POLICY DECISIONS. You are an extremely dumb person Lisa and I seriously doubt that you have studied any of the public policies that have helped whites. Like many of those like you, you have meandered through life unconcerned with white racism because in your case, you were too busy inflicting it on blacks. Your racism comes so easily that you think you are speaking truth and logic even as you post virulent racism. The kind of racism you say no longer exists even as you are doing it.

I asked you to show proof. All you have done is repeat the same lie even after being shown again that white women have benefitted most from affirmative action. We are owed by this government. Your ass is not part of the government so your opinion and the opinion of the other losers who have not received what they think whiteness entitles them to so they blame blacks for their failures, are irrelevant.

Though there are those who still claim that it's not even possible for black people to be racist, I see the videos daily of elderly Asian men and women being attacked and sometimes killed by black strangers in NYC. Yes, racism exists.

There are also white racists who hate black people and white racists who hate Asian people. If anyone can show the videos of those random attacks, of white people tossing black or Asian people onto the tracks in the subway, I'd like to see them. Otherwise, let's quit talking about white supremacists as the biggest threat to our democracy and talk about where there is real violent racism.
You cannot show laws or policies made by blacks purposefully to exclude or impair whites from progressing. And since whites have been killing Asians for 150 years, you really need to stop lying to yourself. You don't see whites beating Asians because you only look for videos where blacks are beating people.

Asians documented these things and the documentation shows that 75 percent of the attackers were white. You see, the thing is that the media does not protect or hide black crime. But it does do so for whites.
Wrong. Native Americans aren't getting reparations; they're getting paid what was legally due them under the treaties signed by the US Government. Of course the liberal courts are often going overboard but that doesn't change that the rulings are based on treaties and, therefore, the obligation continues to each generation.
Those are reparations idiot.
The Statute of Limitations for civil cases in your home state run from 1 year to a very maximum of 5 years. The law is not on your side.

As terrible as it was, the people who held slaves were protected by the Constitution. The Government was protected by the Constitution. You cannot sue for damages for someone doing what was legal and constitutional.

What you totally ignore, in your lust for money that you disguise as a hatred for slavery, is that the Democrats are supporting slavery today. There are more slaves in the world today than at any time in its history; it's just gone underground. Those Democrats you keep bragging about voting for are among the chief causes, supporting the slave trade of children and women throughout the country as they flood over the southern border.

The law is on our side. I believe human rights violations don't have a statute of limitations and considering government at every level continue, then the crimes increase in count.

You really need to stop, because you don't know what you're talking about and that democrats are supporting slavery today and the number of slaves in the world today, don't have a damn thing to do with the 100 years of jim crow apartheid and continuing human rights violations against blacks in this country by the state. So stop posting that silly mumbo jumbo slavery white racists use as a strawman because theissue is not just slavery.
Lots of reasons that may or may not happen....first of all I have doubts that it is true and certainly no evidence it is.

Liberals always find it easy to claim racism.

If one has the inclination you can blame just about anything under the sun on racism.
What a crock of chit---------who puts race on their resume?
You guys really need to educate yourselves on these matters. You're just talking crap to be talking.
Is your Dad black Lisa?
No, he was a Jewish teen studying hard to win a free college education at the same time his entire European family, including four pre-teen cousins, were slaughtered by Hitler. Despite that, he applied himself and kept moving forward.

Stop making excuses for blacks still in poverty. The blacks TODAY have not suffered the same loss my father did, and more so his own mother who cried nights for months, and if he could do it, so can they.

And in fact, MOST black have. And for the 8th time, I ask: why have most blacks moved out of poverty? If racism is the reason a minority of blacks are in poverty, then they all would be. But most are not.

Again, stop making excuses for blacks and start acknowledging that they are responsible for their own choices in life. And stop screeching racist at anyone who thinks so.
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You don't know jack squat. I showed you Harvard where unqualified whites have been getting in for years. And as Everybody sane here has shown you, blacks are not the only ones getting AA. You got your job because of it. You are not black and white women have been the most favored.

I am not the one denying. You have produced no evidence. I have. You don't because you can't. And when you are white, shut your fucking mouth about riots. You guys have some real nerve after all the riots and terror your race has put on everybody else.
Once again you claim all women have their jobs because if AA
No, he was a Jewish teen studying hard to win a free college education at the same time his entire European family, including four pre-teen cousins, were slaughtered by Hitler. Despite that, he applied himself and kept moving forward.

Stop making excuses for blacks still in poverty. The blacks TODAY have not suffered the same loss my father did, and more so his own mother who cried nights for months, and if he could do it, so can they.

And in fact, MOST black have. And for the 8th time, I ask: why have most blacks moved out of poverty? If racism is the reason a minority of blacks are in poverty, then they all would be. But most are not.

Again, stop making excuses for blacks and start acknowledging that they are responsible for their own choices in life. And stop screeching racist at anyone who thinks so.
Your father was white. He never faced anything blacks faced. He benefitted from jim crows white preference. I find if ironic that the ONLY people herr claiming racism is some kind of hoax are the racists themselves. The only excuses being made are by you. We have shown you facts. Facts that are recognized by all races of people including whites. On whites at the bottom of the barrel of morality has your views and opinions. You are an evil woman. You are an old woman. Change before you die.

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