Racism: The biggest fraud ever?

What do you call a person who believes black people are inferior to whites?

The whole state of Texas left the Union (among others) because they weren't being allowed to freely engage in their white supremacy beliefs and practices

Texas abandoned her separate national existence and consented to become one of the Confederated States to promote her welfare, insure domestic tranquility [sic] and secure more substantially the blessings of peace and liberty to her people. She was received into the confederacy with her own constitution, under the guarantee of the federal constitution and the compact of annexation, that she should enjoy these blessings.​
She was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time. [snipped]​
We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable."​
It's amazing how you twist history and truth. You completely ignored the portions of the document by pro-slavery people from Texas, commenting about an attempt to break away from the United States because the majority of the states were AGAINST slavery. The document you quoted was written in 1861, long after the founding of the United States and represents what some Texans at that time thought. It is not, in any way, shape, or form, evidence of the actual founding of this country.

You are completely ignoring the fact, also, that it was in Texas where slavery officially ended, the last state to do so, on June 19, 1865. While you probably spout the words Juneteenth over and over again every year, you completely ignore the real meaning of the date, meaning that even in Texas, slavery has been over for 157 years.

Yes, there were evil people in Texas in its early history. The United States, though, kicked their ass and a United States Army General, General Gordon Granger, ended slavery even in Texas, at the point of an American gun.
Black on black crime needs to be recognized as the main cause of black murders, and stop making a big lie about the white police. The BLM instigated billions of dollars of damage, dozens of murders, arson, assault, etc., through hundreds of cities for months on end, virtually ignoring where the real problem lies: the black underclass killing each other.
The black underclass killing each other at the behest of rich white Antifa kids and their white college professors and and their black political leaders.
The media constantly tries to cover up black violence and consistently seeks to portray blacks as innocent victims of evil white people whilst also attempting to promote the fallacious narrative that cops go out hunting blacks to shoot.
Though not wholly innocent, black people are the victims of evil white democrats.
Your father was white. He never faced anything blacks faced. He benefitted from jim crows white preference. I find if ironic that the ONLY people herr claiming racism is some kind of hoax are the racists themselves. The only excuses being made are by you. We have shown you facts. Facts that are recognized by all races of people including whites. On whites at the bottom of the barrel of morality has your views and opinions. You are an evil woman. You are an old woman. Change before you die.
She didnt make any excuses. She just told you about her father, who had it much worse than you did.
She didnt make any excuses. She just told you about her father, who had it much worse than you did.
IM2 is claiming that my father never faced what blacks TODAY have faced? My father had half his family murdered for being Jewish. And he didn’t gain by any ”Jim Crowe privilege,” either. As a Jew, he had plenty of doors slammed in his face.

I think the reason blacks like IM2 and Vine go on the attack when someone posts how impoverished people, in a minority group that was subjected to horrible persecution, can move from poverty to the middle class in a single generation is because it shows you can’t blame bigotry and racism for failure.
It's amazing how you twist history and truth. You completely ignored the portions of the document by pro-slavery people from Texas, commenting about an attempt to break away from the United States because the majority of the states were AGAINST slavery. The document you quoted was written in 1861, long after the founding of the United States and represents what some Texans at that time thought. It is not, in any way, shape, or form, evidence of the actual founding of this country.

You are completely ignoring the fact, also, that it was in Texas where slavery officially ended, the last state to do so, on June 19, 1865. While you probably spout the words Juneteenth over and over again every year, you completely ignore the real meaning of the date, meaning that even in Texas, slavery has been over for 157 years.

Yes, there were evil people in Texas in its early history. The United States, though, kicked their ass and a United States Army General, General Gordon Granger, ended slavery even in Texas, at the point of an American gun.
She has twisted nothing.
IM2 is claiming that my father never faced what blacks TODAY have faced? My father had half his family murdered for being Jewish. And he didn’t gain by any ”Jim Crowe privilege,” either. As a Jew, he had plenty of doors slammed in his face.

I think the reason blacks like IM2 and Vine go on the attack when someone posts how impoverished people, in a minority group that was subjected to horrible persecution, can move from poverty to the middle class in a single generation is because it shows you can’t blame bigotry and racism for failure.
He didn't. That's a fact. And no matter how much you whine or how many other racists cosign your garbage, that is a fact. The root cause of the problems blacks face today is white racism. Sane, educated and intelligent whites understand that. Black Jews face the same things as other black people. Your father was white. His whiteness allowed him to go where a black JEW could not.
It always amazes me when someone Jewish, with their history of persecution, turns around and engages in the same kind of discrimination and hatred that they were subjected to.

It always amazes me when someone Black, with their history of persecution, turns around and engages in the same kind of discrimination and hatred they were subjected to.

And, yes, you're right. Racism still exists in the United States. You're the poster child of 21st Century racism in America.
It always amazes me when someone Black, with their history of persecution, turns around and engages in the same kind of discrimination and hatred they were subjected to.

And, yes, you're right. Racism still exists in the United States. You're the poster child of 21st Century racism in America.
Thank you. And contrary to what the poster keeps saying, there is NOTHING racist about saying that blacks, like whites, can move out of poverty by making appropriate choices in life, including not having babies out of wedlock and completing school.
I think Citigroup knows more about this than some idiot that posts stuff like this:

Learn to read. The study is from 2000-2020.
What study? If you're going to claim it, link it. Though I don't care what CitiGroup says you're entitled to unless CitiGroup is planning on giving it to you. If they want to give you 16 trillion dollars, I say go for it. Get all you can.
You keep saying that but why does this exist?

“The U.S. racial wealth gap is substantial and is driven by public policy decisions. According to our analysis of the SIPP data, in 2011 the median white household had $111,146 in wealth holdings, compared to just $7,113 for the median Black household and $8,348 for the median Latino household. From the continuing impact of redlining on American homeownership to the retreat from desegregation in public education, public policy has shaped these disparities, leaving them impossible to overcome without racially-aware policy change.”

Notice the first sentence. It does not say this is caused by blacks bad choices. It says PUBLIC POLICY DECISIONS. You are an extremely dumb person Lisa and I seriously doubt that you have studied any of the public policies that have helped whites. Like many of those like you, you have meandered through life unconcerned with white racism because in your case, you were too busy inflicting it on blacks. Your racism comes so easily that you think you are speaking truth and logic even as you post virulent racism. The kind of racism you say no longer exists even as you are doing it.

I asked you to show proof. All you have done is repeat the same lie even after being shown again that white women have benefitted most from affirmative action. We are owed by this government. Your ass is not part of the government so your opinion and the opinion of the other losers who have not received what they think whiteness entitles them to so they blame blacks for their failures, are irrelevant.


Now we're getting somewhere. You admit that Johnson's PUBLIC POLICY DECISIONS have hurt black wealth. There's hope for you.
We are owed by this government.
Once again, you admit we're right. You admit that you're a slave to the Democrat plantation. You know all this is true though you vehemently deny it but posts like this one, where you slip up and state the truth, prove you know that it's government policies like education and welfare that are hurting black people. You know that many blacks are owned slaves today on the Democrat plantation.
You cannot show laws or policies made by blacks purposefully to exclude or impair whites from progressing. And since whites have been killing Asians for 150 years, you really need to stop lying to yourself. You don't see whites beating Asians because you only look for videos where blacks are beating people.

Asians documented these things and the documentation shows that 75 percent of the attackers were white. You see, the thing is that the media does not protect or hide black crime. But it does do so for whites.

Please show me where I ever said white people can't be racists. Of course there are white racists. Just like there are black racists. Only a racist would say there are white racists but no black racists.
Once again, you admit we're right. You admit that you're a slave to the Democrat plantation. You know all this is true though you vehemently deny it but posts like this one, where you slip up and state the truth, prove you know that it's government policies like education and welfare that are hurting black people. You know that many blacks are owned slaves today on the Democrat plantation.
Yup. That was LBJ’s intent with the Great Society. He said he’d have blacks (he used a different word) voting Democrat for 200 years.
Those are reparations idiot.
When I was poor, I had a large medical bill I couldn't pay and it went to collections. They took me to court and won. I had to pay the bill. Was that reparations? Of course not. Native Americans getting what was legally obligated to them by signed treaty is not reparations any more than your paycheck is reparations. Idiot.
The law is on our side. I believe human rights violations don't have a statute of limitations and considering government at every level continue, then the crimes increase in count.

You really need to stop, because you don't know what you're talking about and that democrats are supporting slavery today and the number of slaves in the world today, don't have a damn thing to do with the 100 years of jim crow apartheid and continuing human rights violations against blacks in this country by the state. So stop posting that silly mumbo jumbo slavery white racists use as a strawman because theissue is not just slavery.
The law is not on your side. Show where you were ever a slave. Were you denied housing because you are black? If you were, you should definitely sue the landlord. Otherwise, you're full of shit.

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