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Racist and Apartheid State.

Seal, many people are concerned about your problem. Do you or do you not need more disposable diapers sent to you?

i don't need any. thanks anyway.

you may want to contact the VA and donate them to your local vet hospital. i visit troopies there, not as much as i used to because i am getting a little cripped up myself, old wound and all. a lot of them have siffered wounds that have left them incontinent or with urinary or intestinal problems. getting gut shot will do that to you sometimes.

anyway, maybe hoss can help you with that. my only suggestion is that you leave the little jokes out. i know you think people with bladder and intestinal problems are funny, but these men are vets and that probably doesn't mean a lot to you, being jewish and all, but they have served our country.

LOLOL...i sure coulda used those diapers some 40+ years ago when i was layin' on the ground with this mangled up thing that resembled my leg and with red smoke and then purple smoke swirlin' all around me. someone couldn't make up their mind. hell, i coulda used three of them, one to shite in, one to cry in, and one to bite on. where were you then...at spring training? LOL.

Too bad the Racist Bigoted Pro- Palestinian Hypocrite doesn't feel the same about Saudi Arabia where one can get the DEATH PENALTY for practicing another religion, or those who are enslaved by MUSLIMS . Consider the source :cuckoo: :clap2: :cuckoo:
But what about your problem of pissing your pants & running & hiding when you get into a confrontation with a man willing to take you on for your slanderous, smart ass accusations against others & especially against women?

Seal, many people are concerned about your problem. Do you or do you not need more disposable diapers sent to you?

i don't need any. thanks anyway.

you may want to contact the VA and donate them to your local vet hospital. i visit troopies there, not as much as i used to because i am getting a little cripped up myself, old wound and all. a lot of them have siffered wounds that have left them incontinent or with urinary or intestinal problems. getting gut shot will do that to you sometimes.

anyway, maybe hoss can help you with that. my only suggestion is that you leave the little jokes out. i know you think people with bladder and intestinal problems are funny, but these men are vets and that probably doesn't mean a lot to you, being jewish and all, but they have served our country.

LOLOL...i sure coulda used those diapers some 40+ years ago when i was layin' on the ground with this mangled up thing that resembled my leg and with red smoke and then purple smoke swirlin' all around me. someone couldn't make up their mind. hell, i coulda used three of them, one to shite in, one to cry in, and one to bite on. where were you then...at spring training? LOL.
reabhloideach, et al,


For communication to take place, a message must be transmitted by a communicator and correctly received by a listener. If the message is not understood, there is no communication. There is only noise. Between the transmission and reception of a message, much can go wrong. Communication, by definition, involves at least two individuals, the sender and the receiver. There are certain filters or barriers which determine whether or not the message is actually transmitted or received.​

Andrew E. Schwartz
CEO of A.E. Schwartz & Associates

Relative to any two-message concept, in its most basic definition, you already know there is a sender and a receiver (some times called a decoder). The sender encodes a message, deciding what content and relationship to establish and impart. The receiver (the decoder) takes the message and, in the decoding process, attempts to understand its content and relationship meaning. After decoding, the receiver then may respond, via a communication channel, to the sender with a new message based on the receiver's perception of what the message imparted in terms of information and the relationship with the sender.

i do not suggest your intent. please do not suggest mine. if you want to know my intention for a post, just ask. i have never had a problem with being direct.

I responded based on the intent you transmitted, and did it sterilely and in a way that could not be presumed to be ad hominem in its form.

You opened with "apartheid" relative to Israeli actions in Palestine, and I responded with a line of thought from the foremost legal authority on this exact subject that differs from yours. For that, I apologize. It is what it is.

you, and others, perhaps should try to read with some kind of comprehension. were the israeli defense forces and security forces to open fire on palestinian demonstrators with automatic weapons and artillery fire and whatever, i would certainly have problems with the brutal nature of that, but i would not comment on the apartheid aspects of that enforcement provided that similar enforcement methods were used on jewish protesters involved in similar actions. this is not the case. jewish demonstrators are treated with kid gloves and the army frequently resorts to retreat when encountering stone throwing israeli jews.

I am quite sure that Jewish Protestors are treated differently from that of Palestinian Protesters, just as I am sure that the nature of the risk between the two confrontations is much different. I also suspect that that the territorial police of the Palestinian Authority have little doubt that a Jewish Protest is less of a threat than a Palestinian Protest. And I gave an example to that effect.

when one group of people is treated differently than another group of people based upon their ethnicity or religion by authorities and forces of the government, that is a sign of an apartheid state.

But they were not treated differently "based upon their ethnicity or religion." They were treated differently based on the tempo of the confrontation, the potential for escalation, the environment, and the risk of deadly force being used by the confrontationist engaged in hostile, violent and unlawful behaviors.

the only positive aspect of your post is that you do refer to the palestinians as an occupied people, which has the attendant implication that the land they inhabit is an occupied territory and the israeli government and her policing bodies are occupying forces.

Yes, I addressed it as "Occupied Territory" with the IDF as the "Occupation Force" and the Israeli Government as the "Occupation Power." But that is fact, not a positive statement. In fact, if the Palestinians actually ended their hostile activities a year ago, there would be a very strong case for the end to occupation. But the Palestinians haven't yet ended hostilities.

perhaps it would be wise to supplement your understanding of "law and order" with the concept of "equal protectin". it is a concept that is strived for and held in high regard by real democracies, but not by those peoples whomerely give lip service to democracy.

Equal Protection Of The Law definition

While I agree with Judge Richard Goldstone that there is a case to be made along those lines; which he has documented quite well; I also agree that:

Richard J. Goldstone said:
In Israel, there is no apartheid. Nothing there comes close to the definition of apartheid under the 1998 Rome Statute: “Inhumane acts ... committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” Israeli Arabs — 20 percent of Israel’s population — vote, have political parties and representatives in the Knesset and occupy positions of acclaim, including on its Supreme Court. Arab patients lie alongside Jewish patients in Israeli hospitals, receiving identical treatment.
SOURCE: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/11/01/opinion/israel-and-the-apartheid-slander.html?_r=0

Most Respectfully,
Let's not forget Hamas' motto, destroying the "Zionist entity" to be replaced by an "Islamic Khalifate of Palestine" of which will be ruled by strict Shariah law. In other words, state sanctioned persecution and oppression of non Muslims and women, and other assorted barbaric laws for savages that lived in the 7th century. How's that for "apartheid"? Ha ha ha.

Some Tidbits of Hamas Constitution, these are the animals that Israel is expected to negotiate and make peace with:
Hamas Covenant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Article 2 of Hamas' Charter defines Hamas as a "universal movement" and "one of the branches of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine"
Article 6 Hamas is uniquely Palestinian,[20] and "strives to raise the banner of Allah over every inch of Palestine"[12][17]
Article 13 There is no negotiated settlement possible. Jihad is the only answer.[17]
“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it”
"This is the law governing the land of Palestine in the Islamic Sharia (law) and the same goes for any land the Moslems have conquered by force."
"Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement. "

"Secularism completely contradicts religious ideology. Attitudes, conduct and decisions stem from ideologies.we are unable to exchange the present or future Islamic Palestine with the secular idea. The Islamic nature of Palestine is part of our religion and whoever takes his religion lightly is a loser."

"Peace and quiet would not be possible except under the wing of Islam. Past and present history are the best witness to that. It is the duty of the followers of other religions to stop
disputing the sovereignty of Islam in this region, because the day these followers should take over there will be nothing but carnage, displacement and terror."
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"The report accuses the IDF of "using deadly force to disperse unarmed Palestinian protesters" in the West Bank, saying that "Israeli forces have killed 56 people since 2005 in clashes with rock-throwing Palestinians."

B'Tselem: IDF using deadly force on protesters - Israel News, Ynetnews

how many times do we read about rock throwing jews and nothing being done...

a sign of an apartheid state is when one racial group being treated far more severly than another racial group by enforcement authorities.
Maybe the rock throwing Jew has a Glock 17 in his pocket. Be Prepared.
But what about your problem of pissing your pants & running & hiding when you get into a confrontation with a man willing to take you on for your slanderous, smart ass accusations against others & especially against women?

i really think you should go back to reading don quixote. this is a message board and despite your rather exalted opinion of me, i am not a giant.

i have no idea what "slanderous, smart ass accusations" to which you are referring but they are obviously more provocative and measurably less tedious than your persistent and perverted reference to soiled diapers. furthermore, i treat women with the same amount o respect as i do men. i generally treat people courteously as long as they treat me that way.

exactly how would you desire to take me on?
Oh Seal, I am so glad you are finally communicating with me so I can help you cure your problem & get you out of diapers.

But what about your problem of pissing your pants & running & hiding when you get into a confrontation with a man willing to take you on for your slanderous, smart ass accusations against others & especially against women?

i really think you should go back to reading don quixote. this is a message board and despite your rather exalted opinion of me, i am not a giant.

i have no idea what "slanderous, smart ass accusations" to which you are referring but they are obviously more provocative and measurably less tedious than your persistent and perverted reference to soiled diapers. furthermore, i treat women with the same amount o respect as i do men. i generally treat people courteously as long as they treat me that way.

exactly how would you desire to take me on?
Oh Seal, I am so glad you are finally communicating with me so I can help you cure your problem & get you out of diapers.

But what about your problem of pissing your pants & running & hiding when you get into a confrontation with a man willing to take you on for your slanderous, smart ass accusations against others & especially against women?

i really think you should go back to reading don quixote. this is a message board and despite your rather exalted opinion of me, i am not a giant.

i have no idea what "slanderous, smart ass accusations" to which you are referring but they are obviously more provocative and measurably less tedious than your persistent and perverted reference to soiled diapers. furthermore, i treat women with the same amount o respect as i do men. i generally treat people courteously as long as they treat me that way.

exactly how would you desire to take me on?
Seal has a very small environmental footprint, he recycles his diapers...by eating them.
People should try to understand the embarrassment Seal has to deal with. A grown man who pisses his pants when others take issue with his views. Is it any wonder why he goes on the attack of others?

Oh Seal, I am so glad you are finally communicating with me so I can help you cure your problem & get you out of diapers.

i really think you should go back to reading don quixote. this is a message board and despite your rather exalted opinion of me, i am not a giant.

i have no idea what "slanderous, smart ass accusations" to which you are referring but they are obviously more provocative and measurably less tedious than your persistent and perverted reference to soiled diapers. furthermore, i treat women with the same amount o respect as i do men. i generally treat people courteously as long as they treat me that way.

exactly how would you desire to take me on?
Seal has a very small environmental footprint, he recycles his diapers...by eating them.
What utter horseshit... Israel is probably the only state in the middle East that allows people of all religions to freely practice their faith.

Trust me... in a Palestine, there will be no Jews or Christians openly practicing their faiths.
"The report accuses the IDF of "using deadly force to disperse unarmed Palestinian protesters" in the West Bank, saying that "Israeli forces have killed 56 people since 2005 in clashes with rock-throwing Palestinians."

B'Tselem: IDF using deadly force on protesters - Israel News, Ynetnews

how many times do we read about rock throwing jews and nothing being done...

a sign of an apartheid state is when one racial group being treated far more severly than another racial group by enforcement authorities.

For you seal. See if you can take a hint:cool:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jao078t1OUA]An apology to danish pro-palestinian activist Andreas Ias - YouTube[/ame]

if you are hinting that you are willing to try to divert from the issue at hand, which is that jewish demonstrators are treated differently (gently and with kid gloves) than palestinian demonstrators (who are shot at with live rounds) by posting a video by a sarcastic, jewish, arrogant ass trying to justify the beating of a pro-palestinian demonstrator from denmark, a video in which this arrogant israeli jew throws america, canada, australia, and many european countries under the bus by showing out of context police actions in those countries, then yes, i get your hint.

now, perhaps you will take the time to read my links. you have missed the point entirely.

Jews are treated with kid gloves when protesting?


Don't tell me you never heard of the AMONA POGROM?

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Lipush be careful with those pictures.
The nazi war criminals who fled to arab countries,
used pictures from concentration camps and simply
recaptioned them ---and fixed them up to present
jews as mass murderers------just imagine what
sherri could do with YOUR pictures
"just a quick couple."

"i've read about jewish rock throwers and no enforcement plenty of times."

Spoken like a typical Nazi (that you are

. . .”stop acting like it doesn't happen regularly.”

sealadramatics….trying to make Israel look like
”the bad guy”


shut up with this (already)

“stop acting stupid


SHERRIMULEetc: "Look at Middle East Occupations, and please observe how they all end! They never end well for the Occupiers and Afghanistan is a perfect illustration of that. THAT ALMOST SAW THE DOWNFALL of one nation already! Does the US desire the same consequences for her associations with Occupations?"

as if “these places” (like afghnstn, as you mentioned) weren’t already WHAT THEY ARE…..lawless, Islamic, 3rd world crapholes.

afghnstn was/is/and always will be a 3rd-world, backward, hell-hole. it was like that way before
“the Occupiers” got there.

You like that using that term, don’t you ? the “the Occupiers.” I noticed you capitalized the “O” in “Occupier” right in the middle of your sentence -- as if the word “Occupier” is a Proper Noun.

I just don’t understand people like you

As long as we’re together, once in a while, a song sticks in your head...it's stuck. [crank it up] ! (P.S. "sherri" - music, to "them" in aghanstn...IS FROWNED UPON............

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aENX1Sf3fgQ]The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - YouTube[/ame]
SHERRIMULEetc: "Look at Middle East Occupations, and please observe how they all end! They never end well for the Occupiers and Afghanistan is a perfect illustration of that. THAT ALMOST SAW THE DOWNFALL of one nation already! Does the US desire the same consequences for her associations with Occupations?"

as if “these places” (like afghnstn, as you mentioned) weren’t already WHAT THEY ARE…..lawless, Islamic, 3rd world crapholes.

afghnstn was/is/and always will be a 3rd-world, backward, hell-hole. it was like that way before
“the Occupiers” got there.

You like that using that term, don’t you ? the “the Occupiers.” I noticed you capitalized the “O” in “Occupier” right in the middle of your sentence -- as if the word “Occupier” is a Proper Noun.

I just don’t understand people like you

As long as we’re together, once in a while, a song sticks in your head...it's stuck. [crank it up] ! (P.S. "sherri" - music, to "them" in aghanstn...IS FROWNED UPON............

The Police - Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic - YouTube
You should stick around and watch this cuckoo bird in action. I'm sure the asylum she escaped from will capture her soon.
"just a quick couple."

"i've read about jewish rock throwers and no enforcement plenty of times."

Spoken like a typical Nazi (that you are

. . .”stop acting like it doesn't happen regularly.”

sealadramatics….trying to make Israel look like
”the bad guy”


shut up with this (already)

“stop acting stupid



I dunno where you just came from

But I like you already
"just a quick couple."

"i've read about jewish rock throwers and no enforcement plenty of times."

Spoken like a typical Nazi (that you are

. . .”stop acting like it doesn't happen regularly.”

sealadramatics….trying to make Israel look like
”the bad guy”


shut up with this (already)

“stop acting stupid



I dunno where you just came from

But I like you already
Member has been around and is well hated by the pro-terrorist ilk for quite a while.
Missed that poster probably.

And well, many here are hated by the pro-terrorists here. but taking to mind they're themselves haters, there's nothing to worry 'bout.

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