Racist California


Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2018
Over and over again on this board we see Californians and their lemmings tout their oh-so progressive policies and how they should be a model for every state.

Well here's a little known tidbit: The Great Seal of California - featured prominently on government buildings, in public spaces, and on official state documents - was designed by a "racist" Confederate General -- Robert S Garnett.

Great Seal of California - Wikipedia
Robert S. Garnett - Wikipedia

So, Calitards, how does it feel to know that all of your woke virtue signalling SJW bullshit is stamped with the seal of a racist traitor?

Kinda missed the mark on that one, dintcha? :113:
I love watching them Demtard Presidential candidates refuse to answer questions about California's housing and homeless crises. I wonder why...
My favorite threads are the ones where racists and other RW bigots pretend that they believe racism and bigotry to be negative things.
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I love watching them Demtard Presidential candidates refuse to answer questions about California's housing and homeless crises. I wonder why...

You made that up. None of them have refused to answer questions about that subject.
Over and over again on this board we see Californians and their lemmings tout their oh-so progressive policies and how they should be a model for every state.

Well here's a little known tidbit: The Great Seal of California - featured prominently on government buildings, in public spaces, and on official state documents - was designed by a "racist" Confederate General -- Robert S Garnett.

Great Seal of California - Wikipedia
Robert S. Garnett - Wikipedia

So, Calitards, how does it feel to know that all of your woke virtue signalling SJW bullshit is stamped with the seal of a racist traitor?

Kinda missed the mark on that one, dintcha? :113:

Since nobody has ever even heard of that Garnette guy, it's childish to think his racism has anything to do with the use of that symbol today. You might note that audio tape was invented by the Nazis. Does that mean that listening to music makes you a Nazi?
This could easily be in the running for Most Idiotic Thread of the Year...
I heard in California some racists are still putting their kids before say, random Mexican kids.

Unbelievable genetic racism, I thought it only existed in comics.
Over and over again on this board we see Californians and their lemmings tout their oh-so progressive policies and how they should be a model for every state.

Well here's a little known tidbit: The Great Seal of California - featured prominently on government buildings, in public spaces, and on official state documents - was designed by a "racist" Confederate General -- Robert S Garnett.

Great Seal of California - Wikipedia
Robert S. Garnett - Wikipedia

So, Calitards, how does it feel to know that all of your woke virtue signalling SJW bullshit is stamped with the seal of a racist traitor?

Kinda missed the mark on that one, dintcha? :113:

You just told the disgusting, fragile pieces of shits to get after it....By Monday we’ll see whack-jobs sporting green mohawks, nose piercings and neck tattoos on every step at every city building in Mexifornia.
Over and over again on this board we see Californians and their lemmings tout their oh-so progressive policies and how they should be a model for every state.

Well here's a little known tidbit: The Great Seal of California - featured prominently on government buildings, in public spaces, and on official state documents - was designed by a "racist" Confederate General -- Robert S Garnett.

Great Seal of California - Wikipedia
Robert S. Garnett - Wikipedia

So, Calitards, how does it feel to know that all of your woke virtue signalling SJW bullshit is stamped with the seal of a racist traitor?

Kinda missed the mark on that one, dintcha? :113:

You just told the disgusting, fragile pieces of shits to get after it....By Monday we’ll see whack-jobs sporting green mohawks, nose piercings and neck tattoos on every step at every city building in Mexifornia.

LOL, I can only hope so.
The Seal of California is not there to honor the guy that designed it. If it was, perhaps they would change it, but it's not. This demonstrates how goofy and uninformed right wingers are concerning why some monuments should be removed.
My favorite threads are the ones where racists and other RW bigots pretend that they believe racism and bigotry to be negative things.
My favorite threads are the ones where racists and other LW bigots pretend that they believe racism and bigotry to be positive things.
My favorite threads are the ones where racists and other RW bigots pretend that they believe racism and bigotry to be negative things.
My favorite threads are the ones where racists and other LW bigots pretend that they believe racism and bigotry to be positive things.

What's it like to be someone who can't think on his feet nor craft an honest response to an accurate charge?

Is it as sad and hopeless as I imagine it to be?
My favorite threads are the ones where racists and other RW bigots pretend that they believe racism and bigotry to be negative things.
My favorite threads are the ones where racists and other LW bigots pretend that they believe racism and bigotry to be positive things.

What's it like to be someone who can't think on his feet nor craft an honest response to an accurate charge?

Is it as sad and hopeless as I imagine it to be?
''accurate charge''----hahahahhahahahahhahahah
Over and over again on this board we see Californians and their lemmings tout their oh-so progressive policies and how they should be a model for every state.

Well here's a little known tidbit: The Great Seal of California - featured prominently on government buildings, in public spaces, and on official state documents - was designed by a "racist" Confederate General -- Robert S Garnett.

Great Seal of California - Wikipedia
Robert S. Garnett - Wikipedia

So, Calitards, how does it feel to know that all of your woke virtue signalling SJW bullshit is stamped with the seal of a racist traitor?

Kinda missed the mark on that one, dintcha? :113:

Your faux rage is noted

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